[Pkg-ime-devel] Fwd: new sunpinyin packages,

kefu chai tchaikov at gmail.com
Thu Aug 26 14:51:41 UTC 2010

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 12:40 AM, Liang Guo <bluestonechina at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, Thomas,
>> 4/ Still in your debian/copyright, I can see:
>> Files: *
>> Copyright: 2007, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
>> This is wrong because you should write:
>> Copyright: (c) 2007, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> I've added (c) to  debian/copyright in three packages, but I think it is not
> forcible, please see http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/
>> to make it legal. Also, I really think that 2007 isn't the only date, as
>> Kov Chai has been working on it in this year of 2010, and he isn't even
>> listed there. Writing "Upstream author" is very different from
>> "Copyright". Here, is Sun Microsystems the copyright holder of the work
>> of Kov Chai? Is Kov Chai working for or having a contract with them?
>> This doesn't seem right to me... Also, apart from the license files,
>> there's only the "wrapper" folder that contains only the work from Kov
>> Chai. Are you sure that your debian/copyright is correct?
> Hi, Kov,  would you like to explain this and double check the copyright
> information in these package ?

- you may want to have a different authors list. coz i and leo are the
only developers of this wrapper
- please do not archive the tarball with 'wrapper' directory. instead,
use it as the root dir.
- as i have signed a contract with Sun. Sun and I co-own the copyright
of ibus-sunpinyin.
 the copytright of sunpinyin-logo.png belongs to chumsdock <vorbei at gmail.com>
- i strongly suggest you read debian/copyright in the git repo for the
detailed info of ownership of copyrights of sunpinyin source files.
Kov Chai

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