[Pkg-isocodes-devel] Re: Iso-codes ISO-3166 translations: urgent (small) update needed for Debian Installer

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Tue Oct 17 05:40:49 UTC 2006

Quoting Erdal Ronahi (erdal.ronahi at gmail.com):
> Well, we have found no commonly accepted word for "commonwealth" and
> no translation for Jersey. So we left it untranslated and did not
> think that will cause major harm. If you insist on %100, we can have
> another look and agree on some translation.

Something I forgot in my earlier mail:

Why insist on 100%? Because this is indeed the only way to mark that
someone went over ALL the strings and foudn a "translation" for
them...even if that translation is a copy of English. In other words,
this will avoid further call for updates for these strings...:)

I really recommend to act this way for all translations you and your
team will finally decide to leave untouched.

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