[Pkg-isocodes-devel] Interesting discussion in GNOME's Bugzilla

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Thu Oct 4 05:55:55 UTC 2007

Quoting Abel Cheung (abelcheung at gmail.com):
> On 10/4/07, Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian.org> wrote:
> > Maybe also activate the bug report facility on Alioth?
> Definitely agreed (raising my feet). I, as one among the
> (probably) many, has given up reporting problem because
> I really don't want to waste time to figure out how to use
> reportbug (not to mention the MTA in my machine doesn't
> work). And it's really impossible to tell users of RPM based
> distro to install reportbug.

reportbug is not mandatory to report a bug in Debian.

Sending a mail to "submit at bugs.debian.org" with:

Package: iso-codes

As first line in the mail body

...will do the same.

http://bugs.debian.org gives very useful clues to the various methods
to report bugs in Debian.

I admit that having a web interface would help (though I personnally
hate the web-based systems such as Bugzilla which can *only* be
manipulated online...and therefore make any offline work on bugs

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