[Pkg-isocodes-devel] Interesting discussion in GNOME's Bugzilla

Tobias Toedter t.toedter at gmx.net
Thu Oct 4 15:45:04 UTC 2007

On Thu, 4 Oct 2007 07:55:55 +0200
Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian.org> wrote:

> Quoting Abel Cheung (abelcheung at gmail.com):
> > On 10/4/07, Christian Perrier <bubulle at debian.org> wrote:
> > > Maybe also activate the bug report facility on Alioth?
> > 
> > Definitely agreed (raising my feet).
> I admit that having a web interface would help

Hi all,

some time ago, we decided to deactivate the trackers on Alioth, because
we discovered that there were some bugs reported without anyone of us
noticing this.

However, I can see that not everyone is familiar with the Debian BTS,
so I've created a web-based bug tracker on Alioth and (hopefully)
enabled mail forwarding to this mailing list. So if we get a bug report
on Alioth, we should be notified by mail now.

Moreover, I've updated our README to reflect the current ways of
reaching us.

Concerning the predictable release schedule of iso-codes, we could
maybe switch to time-based releases (e.g. once a month, even for minor
changes). Opinions?

Apart from that, I agree that the next release is due. I'll prepare
iso-codes 1.5.


Tobias Toedter   | In theory there is no difference between theory and
Hamburg, Germany | practice. In practice there is.
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