[Pkg-isocodes-devel] Delaying the next release

Tobias Quathamer toddy at debian.org
Wed Aug 27 08:16:37 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 27 August 2008 07:52:26 Christian Perrier wrote:
> Quoting Tobias Quathamer (toddy at debian.org):
> > Hi,
> >
> > normally, iso-codes is released once a month, so the next release would
> > be due in a few days. However, I think that I'll delay the next release
> > of iso-codes for the following reasons:
> >
> > 1. Debian is currently frozen, so the distribution will not benefit from
> > a new package.
> iso-codes is a very good candidate for a freeze exception.

I thought that the changes would be too intrusive, given that the package does 
no longer build the udeb. Even if it's no longer needed, I'm not sure whether 
the RM will allow such changes in. An option would be of course to re-add the 
udeb, to only keep changes to XML and translation updates. Do you think we 
should do that and request another freeze exception?

> Indeed, if we had enough resources, I think we could even argue for
> iso-codes to be part of volatile, just as tzdata is, for instance.

Hm, as I understand it, volatile has quite strict rules for inclusion of new 
packages. I'm not sure if iso-codes would qualify. I already thought about 
adding iso-codes to backports.org (which is not quite so strict as volatile, 
I think), but on their homepage[1] it reads "Reconsider if the package can be 
installed directly from testing without any recompilation and handled via 
pinning". I guess that is the case for iso-codes, isn't it?

Apart from that, it seems to me that handling different branches of packaging 
(e.g. oldstable, stable, unstable) is a pain within subversion. If we start 
to support a backport branch, I would like to move the Debian packaging to 
e.g. git.


[1] <http://www.backports.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=contribute>

Tobias Quathamer | AMAZING BUT TRUE ...
Hamburg, Germany |   If you took all the veins from your body and laid
                 |   them together end to end, you'd die.
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