[Pkg-isocodes-devel] Delaying the next release

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Wed Aug 27 18:13:29 UTC 2008

Quoting Tobias Quathamer (toddy at debian.org):

> > iso-codes is a very good candidate for a freeze exception.
> I thought that the changes would be too intrusive, given that the package does 
> no longer build the udeb. Even if it's no longer needed, I'm not sure whether 
> the RM will allow such changes in. An option would be of course to re-add the 
> udeb, to only keep changes to XML and translation updates. Do you think we 
> should do that and request another freeze exception?

Hmmm, the udeb removal is not that invasive and it only affects D-I
(and I can certify it does not harm it at all now) so I think we could
easily convince the release managers.

> > Indeed, if we had enough resources, I think we could even argue for
> > iso-codes to be part of volatile, just as tzdata is, for instance.
> Hm, as I understand it, volatile has quite strict rules for inclusion of new 
> packages. I'm not sure if iso-codes would qualify. I already thought about 

I haven't read those rules. I just guess that, being by definition a
package with only data and data that become obsolete over time,
iso-codes fairly well qualifies for volatile. But that's just wild guessing.

> Apart from that, it seems to me that handling different branches of packaging 
> (e.g. oldstable, stable, unstable) is a pain within subversion. If we start 
> to support a backport branch, I would like to move the Debian packaging to 
> e.g. git.

I'm not a great specialist of git but I now can manage working with it
for basic stuff, so I would agree with such move, as long as you take
care of the dirty work of converting the repository..:-)

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