[Pkg-isocodes-devel] Wrong msgid and strange commit for Norwegian Bokmaal

Hans F. Nordhaug Hans.F.Nordhaug at hiMolde.no
Mon Apr 13 13:54:48 UTC 2009


First of all: In iso_3166 3.8 shouldn't
    msgid "Moldova, republic of"
    msgid "Moldova, Republic of"
Secondly, the POT file at the Translation Project (TP),
still claims to be version 3.7 ... 

Thirdly, I have a hard time understanding what happened to the
Norwegian Bokmaal translation for 3.8. (iso_3166 is assigned to me.)

Sunday 5th of April I got a message from the TP robot 
with a new po file (iso_3166-3.8.nb.po) that had two new fuzzy
strings. Then suddenly, I got a message saying the the file was 
again 100% translated. I checked the GIT repository and found:
An updated commited by Li Daobing claiming to come from TP, but I
haven't sent TP anything. In addition the updated of the fuzzy
translation for
    msgid "Venezuela, Bolivarian republic of"
contains no more than three errors. 

I'll send you a correct translation when you have checked if 
my fist msgid bug is indeed a bug.

Thx for reading.


PS! I'm not on the list so please CC me.

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