[Pkg-isocodes-devel] "Tanzania"

Christian PERRIER bubulle at debian.org
Wed Dec 10 06:23:35 UTC 2014

Quoting Jack Bates (47z8f3 at nottheoilrig.com):
> On 09/12/14 11:40 AM, Tobias Quathamer wrote:
> >Am 09.12.2014 um 17:52 schrieb Jack Bates:
> >>What do you think about adding
> >>a common_name="Tanzania" attribute to iso_3166.xml?
> >
> >Sounds good, thanks for the suggestion. Added.
> Thanks!
> Also, what do you think about
> common_name="North Korea" and common_name="South Korea"?
> I think these names are extremely common:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korea
> Like Tanzania, I've made exceptions for them
> in code that otherwise relies on iso_3166.xml

I'm not so sure that there should be a movement towards a general use
of common names when no sensitive context is claiming for them.

Indeed, in the case of Koreas, I suspect that the use of unofficial
"North Korea" and "South Korea" could be controversial to some
people. So, my stance on these topics is that we shouldn't use common
names unless there is a specific request for it, from people involved
in the relevant countries and bringing a detailed argumentation about
why they're needed.

In the case of Tanzania, I don't see such need. If the country itself
has chosent to use a long name as its "short" name, then it is their
problem, it shouldn't be ours to decide that the short name is not
short enough.

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