[Pkg-isocodes-devel] ISO 8601

Pander OpenTaal pander at opentaal.org
Sat Mar 1 19:29:45 UTC 2014

On 2014-03-01 18:05, Alastair McKinstry wrote:
> Can you explain further?
> The point of the original package was to avoid the NxM problem of every
> software project
> having its own set of translations for names such as country names, etc.
> So iso-codes provides translations for the names. I don't see what the
> translation problem
> in ISO-8601 is.

Aren't timezone names a part of 8601? The names used in packages tzdata
and python-tz, are they not from 8601 but from 3166?

A use case would be to look up a translated name of a time zone. But if
that is covered by 3166 there is no need for a support of 8601.

> regards
> Alastair
> On 01/03/2014 16:31, Pander OpenTaal wrote:
>> Would we like to include https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 ? If yes
>> I can make a contribution for that too.

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