jed-extra more user friendly
Jörg Sommer
Sat, 7 May 2005 17:59:49 +0200
Paul Boekholt schrieb am Sat 07. May, 10:23 (+0200) :
> On Fri, 6 May 2005 19:55:45 +0200, Jörg Sommer <> s=
> Since JED 0.99-17 comes with a mail-mode called mailedit mode, we
> should probably just let the user decide.
Oh, I didn't see it.
> > BTW: Does anyone see why /aaa/ and _aaa_ not work?
> With the highlighting in you mean?
> It works fine here, they are highlighted as keywords, unless you
> expected something else?
Ahh. My color scheme misses this colors. And I note flyspell breakes
> BTW the DFA highlighting has the disadvantage that UTF-8 characters
> become unreadable. So maybe the highlighting scheme of mailedit mode
> is better.
mailedit has no dfa highlighting. Why must exist this two modes which
are nearly the same. mailedit is derived from email and muttmail and
misses some features of email. That's crazy.
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