jed-extra more user friendly
G. Milde
Mon, 9 May 2005 10:27:11 +0200
On 8.05.05, Paul Boekholt wrote:
> BTW is also in jed-extra? I'd say the new dabbrev in
> JED and Günter's dabbrev are pretty equivalent.
Well, currently the diff between
--- /home/milde/.jed/lib/ 2004-10-25 15:19:43.000000000 +0200
+++ /home/milde/.jed/stdlib-17/ 2005-04-08 15:06:21.000000000 +0200
is 719 lines long.
-% 2.4.2 2004-04-05 bugfix (code cleanup) in check_mark.
-% dabbrev accepts integer argument and uses get_buflist
-% to convert to a buffer list. (actual change in dab_reset)
-% get_buflist becomes static
+% 3.0 2004-04-03 Changed much of the code to permit to allow for greater
+% extensibility.
+% 3.0.1 2004-06-07 Minor bug fixes (P. Boekholt)
Synchronizing these two would be nice, but is currently too time-consuming
for me. But we could surely take this off jed-extra even if it will remain
on Jedmodes for a while (for people on jed99.16).