bug 219448
Paul Boekholt
Wed, 11 May 2005 11:29:52 +0200
On Tue, 10 May 2005 13:51:40 +0200, "G. Milde" <g.milde@web.de> said:
> However, as I see it, there are up to 4 parties that might want to
> configure/setup jed:
Yes, but there are two JEDs to consider: some people (like me) build their
JED from source and install it in /usr/local.
> * Site administrator --> /usr/local/etc/jed.conf
Why should a site administrator edit a configuration file in /usr/local if
his JED is not local?
> To allow all these to contribute to jed customization, I suggest a change
> in site.sl:
> if (strlen(expand_jedlib_file("defaults.sl")))
> () = evalfile("defaults");
> #ifdef UNIX
> - else foreach (["/etc/jed.conf", "/usr/local/etc/jed.conf", "/usr/etc/jed.conf"])
There is something funny about this:
loading /usr/local/jed/lib/site.slc
loading /usr/local/jed/lib/os.sl
loading /usr/local/jed/lib/menus.slc
loading /etc/jed.conf
loading /etc/jed-init.d/00debian.sl
The /etc/jed.conf here belongs to the old Debian JED package (JED 0.99.15) I
have installed, but my local JED 0.99.17 does not know that.
> + foreach (["/etc/jed.conf", "/usr/etc/jed.conf", "/usr/local/etc/jed.conf"])
For me, this would still load jed.conf and then 00debian.sl, which says:
% I'm using this file for adding "debian-specific" changes, as I like to keep
% the rest of the JED installation as standard as possible <cpbotha@debian.org>
A locally installed JED should probably not load a debian-specific file just
because it is on Debian and a Debian JED happens to be installed as well.