[Pkg-kde-commits] rev 1482 - branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdelibs/debian

Adeodato Simó adeodato at costa.debian.org
Thu Aug 18 17:16:33 UTC 2005

Author: adeodato
Date: 2005-08-18 17:16:32 +0000 (Thu, 18 Aug 2005)
New Revision: 1482

And since I'm in "write changelog but not the code" mood, commit yet
another changelog entry to be worked on later. :)

Modified: branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdelibs/debian/changelog
--- branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdelibs/debian/changelog	2005-08-18 17:12:06 UTC (rev 1481)
+++ branches/kde-3.4.0/packages/kdelibs/debian/changelog	2005-08-18 17:16:32 UTC (rev 1482)
@@ -11,6 +11,14 @@
     versioned because there is no 3.4.2 version of kdelibs4. This will prevent
     breakage due to partial upgrades and thus closes: #323747.
+  +++ Changes by Adeodato Simó:
+  * Patched some Makefiles.am to not use LIBADD for convenience libraries,
+    since libtool can't prune those; specify the dependencies each time the
+    library is used. This allows to reduce a bit more the number of Depends of
+    the kdelibs4 package; in total, this version drops 11 dependencies with
+    respect to the 3.3.x series. XXX TODO
  -- Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org>  Tue, 18 Aug 2005 11:16:00 -0400
 kdelibs (4:3.4.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

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