[pkg-kde-commits] rev 2711 - trunk/packages/kdeaddons/debian/patches

Christopher Martin chrsmrtn at costa.debian.org
Wed Dec 28 18:46:41 UTC 2005

Author: chrsmrtn
Date: 2005-12-28 18:46:39 +0000 (Wed, 28 Dec 2005)
New Revision: 2711

kdeaddons branch pull for 3.5.

Added: trunk/packages/kdeaddons/debian/patches/01_kdeaddons_branch_r492085.diff
--- trunk/packages/kdeaddons/debian/patches/01_kdeaddons_branch_r492085.diff	2005-12-28 18:46:14 UTC (rev 2710)
+++ trunk/packages/kdeaddons/debian/patches/01_kdeaddons_branch_r492085.diff	2005-12-28 18:46:39 UTC (rev 2711)
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+--- noatun-plugins/tyler/display.c	(revision 487174)
++++ noatun-plugins/tyler/display.c	(revision 492085)
+@@ -123,8 +123,10 @@
+ 			{
+ 				for (j=1; j<scr_par.width; j++)
+ 				{
+-					*(pdest++) = current_colors[*psrc++];
+-					*(pdest++) = *(pdest-1);
++					*pdest = current_colors[*psrc++];
++					pdest++;
++					*pdest = *(pdest-1);
++      					pdest++;
+ 				}
+ 				memcpy(screen->pixels+i*screen->pitch*2+screen->pitch,
+--- noatun-plugins/synaescope/core.cpp	(revision 487174)
++++ noatun-plugins/synaescope/core.cpp	(revision 492085)
+@@ -123,9 +123,11 @@
+ 	int i = outWidth*outHeight*2/4;
+ 	do {
+ 		//Bytewize version was: *(ptr++) -= *ptr+(*ptr>>1)>>4;
+-		if (*ptr)
++		if (*ptr) {
+ 			//if (*ptr & 0xf0f0f0f0ul)
+-			*(ptr++) -= ((*ptr & 0xf0f0f0f0ul) >> 4) + ((*ptr & 0xe0e0e0e0ul) >> 5);
++			*ptr -= ((*ptr & 0xf0f0f0f0ul) >> 4) + ((*ptr & 0xe0e0e0e0ul) >> 5);
++			ptr++;
++                }
+ 		//else {
+ 		//  *(ptr++) = (*ptr * 14 >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0ful;
+ 		//}
+--- noatun-plugins/tippercanoe/core.cpp	(revision 487174)
++++ noatun-plugins/tippercanoe/core.cpp	(revision 492085)
+@@ -119,9 +119,12 @@
+ 	int i = outWidth*outHeight*2/4;
+ 	do {
+ 		//Bytewize version was: *(ptr++) -= *ptr+(*ptr>>1)>>4;
+-		if (*ptr)
++		if (*ptr) {
+ 			//if (*ptr & 0xf0f0f0f0ul)
+-			*(ptr++) -= ((*ptr & 0xf0f0f0f0ul) >> 4) + ((*ptr & 0xe0e0e0e0ul) >> 5);
++			*ptr -= ((*ptr & 0xf0f0f0f0ul) >> 4) + ((*ptr & 0xe0e0e0e0ul) >> 5);
++			ptr++;
++                }
+ 		//else {
+ 		//  *(ptr++) = (*ptr * 14 >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0ful;
+ 		//}
+--- kate/filetemplates/plugin/filetemplates.cpp	(revision 487174)
++++ kate/filetemplates/plugin/filetemplates.cpp	(revision 492085)
+@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@
+   glo->addMultiCell( new QSpacerItem( 1, 1, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding ), 7, 7, 1, 2 );
+-  addPage( page, i18n("Chose Template Origin") );
++  addPage( page, i18n("Choose Template Origin") );
+   kdDebug()<<"=== Adding template origin page at "<<page<<endl;
+   // 2) edit the template properties
+   kti = new KateTemplateInfoWidget( this, 0, kft );
+@@ -746,7 +746,7 @@
+   glo = new QGridLayout( page, 7, 2 );
+   glo->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() );
+-  glo->addMultiCellWidget( new QLabel( i18n("<p>Chose a location for the "
++  glo->addMultiCellWidget( new QLabel( i18n("<p>Choose a location for the "
+       "template. If you store it in the template directory, it will "
+       "automatically be added to the template menu.</p>"), page ), 1, 1, 1, 2);
+--- konq-plugins/domtreeviewer/domtreeview.cpp	(revision 487174)
++++ konq-plugins/domtreeviewer/domtreeview.cpp	(revision 492085)
+@@ -142,12 +142,12 @@
+     if (o == m_listView) {	// DOM tree
+       KKey ks = mainWindow()->deleteNodeAction()->shortcut().seq(0).key(0);
+-      if (ke->key() == ks.keyCodeQt());
++      if (ke->key() == ks.keyCodeQt())
+         return true;
+     } else if (o == nodeAttributes) {
+       KKey ks = mainWindow()->deleteAttributeAction()->shortcut().seq(0).key(0);
+-      if (ke->key() == ks.keyCodeQt());
++      if (ke->key() == ks.keyCodeQt())
+         return true;
+     }
+--- konq-plugins/arkplugin/arkplugin.cpp	(revision 487174)
++++ konq-plugins/arkplugin/arkplugin.cpp	(revision 492085)
+@@ -273,7 +273,10 @@
+         if ( havegz )
+             m_archiveMimeTypes << "application/x-tgz";
+         if ( havebz2 )
++        {
+             m_archiveMimeTypes << "application/x-tbz";
++            m_archiveMimeTypes << "application/x-tbz2";
++        }
+         if ( havelzop )
+             m_archiveMimeTypes << "application/x-tzo";
+     }
+@@ -335,7 +338,10 @@
+         if ( havegz )
+             m_extractMimeTypes << "application/x-tgz";
+         if ( havebz2 )
++        {
+             m_extractMimeTypes << "application/x-tbz";
++            m_extractMimeTypes << "application/x-tbz2";
++        }
+         if ( havelzop )
+             m_extractMimeTypes << "application/x-tzo";
+     }
+--- konq-plugins/sidebar/metabar/src/configdialog.cpp	(revision 487174)
++++ konq-plugins/sidebar/metabar/src/configdialog.cpp	(revision 492085)
+@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
+   servicemenus = new QCheckBox(i18n("Show service menus"), appearance_group);
+   servicemenus->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("ShowServicemenus", true));
+-  showframe = new QCheckBox(i18n("Show Frame"), appearance_group);
++  showframe = new QCheckBox(i18n("Show frame"), appearance_group);
+   showframe->setChecked(config->readBoolEntry("ShowFrame", true));
+   QGroupBox *theme_group = new QGroupBox(2, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Themes"), general);

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