rev 4416 - trunk/packages/kdeedu/debian/patches

Christopher Martin chrsmrtn at
Sat Aug 26 21:15:47 UTC 2006

Author: chrsmrtn
Date: 2006-08-26 21:15:43 +0000 (Sat, 26 Aug 2006)
New Revision: 4416

kdeedu branch pull.

Added: trunk/packages/kdeedu/debian/patches/01_kdeedu_branch_r577498.diff
--- trunk/packages/kdeedu/debian/patches/01_kdeedu_branch_r577498.diff	2006-08-26 21:07:23 UTC (rev 4415)
+++ trunk/packages/kdeedu/debian/patches/01_kdeedu_branch_r577498.diff	2006-08-26 21:15:43 UTC (rev 4416)
@@ -0,0 +1,4202 @@
+--- blinken/src/blinken.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ blinken/src/blinken.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
+ Comment[eu]=Memoria hobetzeko joko zaharra
+ Comment[fi]=Vanha muistinparantamispeli
+ Comment[fr]=Un ancien jeu de mémoire
++Comment[he]=משחק ישן לשיפור הזיכרון
+ Comment[hu]=Egy klasszikus memóriajavító játék
+ Comment[is]=Minnisþjálfunarleikur
+ Comment[it]=Un programma per esercitare la memoria
+--- khangman/khangman/khangman.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ khangman/khangman/khangman.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
+ Comment[eu]=Urkatuaren jokoa
+ Comment[fi]=Hirsipuupeli
+ Comment[fr]=Jeu du pendu de KDE
++Comment[he]=משחק איש תלוי של KDE
+ Comment[hu]=KDE-s akasztófás játék
+ Comment[it]=Gioco dell'impiccato per KDE
+ Comment[ja]=ハングマンゲーム
+@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@
+ Comment[pl]=Gra w wisielca dla KDE
+ Comment[pt]=Jogo da Forca do KDE
+ Comment[pt_BR]=Jogo da Forca do KDE
++Comment[ru]=Игра "Виселица"
+ Comment[sk]=KDE hra Hangman
+ Comment[sl]=Igra vislic
+ Comment[sr]=KDE-ова игра вешала
+--- khangman/khangman/khangman.cpp	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ khangman/khangman/khangman.cpp	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@
+     static const char *levelStrings[] = {
+         I18N_NOOP("Animals"),
+         I18N_NOOP("Easy"),
++        I18N_NOOP("Medium"),
+         I18N_NOOP("Hard"),
+-        I18N_NOOP("Medium"),
+     };
+     currentLevel = m_levelAction->currentItem();
+     levelString = levels[currentLevel];
+@@ -310,7 +310,18 @@
+     }
+     //TODO else tell no files had been found
+     }
++    // Sort easy, medium, hard at bottom, with the other categories at the top
+     levels.sort();
++    QString replace[3] = { "Easy", "Medium", "Hard" };
++    for ( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
++    {
++        if ( levels.findIndex( replace[i] ) > -1 )
++        {
++            levels.remove( replace[i] );
++            levels.append( replace[i] );
++        }
++    }
+     //find duplicated entries in KDEDIR and KDEHOME
+     QString last;
+--- klettres/klettres/klettres.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ klettres/klettres/klettres.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ Comment[pl]=Program do nauki alfabetu dla KDE
+ Comment[pt]=Um programa do KDE para aprender o alfabeto
+ Comment[pt_BR]=Um programa do KDE para aprender o alfabeto
++Comment[ru]=Программа для изучения алфавита
+ Comment[sk]=KDE program pre výuku abecedy
+ Comment[sl]=Program za učenje abecede
+ Comment[sr]=KDE програм за учење алфабета
+--- kwordquiz/src/x-kwordquiz.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kwordquiz/src/x-kwordquiz.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ Comment[it]=Vocabolario KWordQuiz
+ Comment[ja]=KWordQuiz 単語集
+ Comment[mk]=KWordQuiz Речник
++Comment[ms]=Perbendaharaan Kata KWordQuiz
+ Comment[nb]=KWordQuiz-vokabular
+ Comment[nl]=KWordQuiz-woordenschat
+ Comment[nn]=KWordQuiz-vokabular
+--- kwordquiz/src/kwordquiz.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kwordquiz/src/kwordquiz.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -21,11 +21,12 @@
+ Comment[fi]=Opettelukortti- ja sanastoharjoitusohjelma
+ Comment[fr]=Un programme d'apprentissage du vocabulaire et de cartes flash
+ Comment[gl]=Un programa para aprender vocabulario
++Comment[he]=תוכנית ללימוד דקדוק
+ Comment[hi]=फ्लैश कार्ड तथा शब्द सीखने का प्रोग्राम
+ Comment[hu]=Elektronikus szótárfüzet gyakorlási lehetőséggel
+ Comment[is]=Hjálparkorta og orðaforða-kennslutól
+ Comment[it]=Un programma di supporto alla memorizzazione
+ Comment[mk]=Флеш картичка и програма за проширување на речникот
+ Comment[nb]=Et program for gloseøving og spørsmålskort
+ Comment[nl]=Een woordenschat-lesprogramma
+--- kwordquiz/src/eventsrc	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kwordquiz/src/eventsrc	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@
+ Comment[it]=Errore di sintassi
+ Comment[ja]=構文上のエラー
+ Comment[mk]=Грешка во синтаксата
++Comment[ms]=Ralat dalam sintaks
+ Comment[nb]=Feil i syntaks
+ Comment[nl]=Fout in syntaxis
+ Comment[nn]=Feil i syntaks
+--- doc/kanagram/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kanagram/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+  <!ENTITY kanagram "<application>Kanagram</application>">
+  <!ENTITY kappname "&kanagram;">
+- <!ENTITY package "playground-edu">
++ <!ENTITY package "kdeedu">
+  <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+  <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
+ ]>
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ <address><email>danny at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <copyright>
+@@ -265,7 +266,7 @@
+ </para>
+ <note>
+ <para>
+-You need to have aRts support in kdelibs to hear the sounds.
++You need to have &arts; support in kdelibs to hear the sounds.
+ </para>
+ </note>
+ </listitem>
+@@ -456,6 +457,7 @@
+ Documentation copyright 2005 Danny Allen <email>danny at</email>
+ </para>
+ &underFDL;
+ &underGPL;
+--- doc/klatin/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/klatin/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
+ <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+ <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+-  <!ENTITY kapp "&klatin;"><!-- replace klatin here -->
+-  <!ENTITY kappname "&klatin;">
+-  <!ENTITY package "kdeedu">
+-  <!--<!ENTITY kwordquiz "<application>KWordQuiz</application>">-->
+-  <!ENTITY kvtml "<acronym>KVTML</acronym>">
+-  <!--<!ENTITY klatin-index SYSTEM "klatin-index.docbook">-->
+-  <!ENTITY numbers SYSTEM "numbers.docbook">
+-  <!ENTITY verbs SYSTEM "verbs.docbook">
+-  <!ENTITY adjectives SYSTEM "adjectives.docbook">
+-  <!ENTITY nouns SYSTEM "nouns.docbook">
+-  <!ENTITY pronouns SYSTEM "pronouns.docbook">
+-  <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+-  <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
++ <!ENTITY klatin "<application>KLatin</application>">
++ <!ENTITY kappname "&klatin;">
++ <!ENTITY package "kdeedu">
++ <!ENTITY kvtml "<acronym>KVTML</acronym>">
++ <!ENTITY numbers SYSTEM "numbers.docbook">
++ <!ENTITY verbs SYSTEM "verbs.docbook">
++ <!ENTITY adjectives SYSTEM "adjectives.docbook">
++ <!ENTITY nouns SYSTEM "nouns.docbook">
++ <!ENTITY pronouns SYSTEM "pronouns.docbook">
++ <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
++ <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
+ ]>
+ <book lang="&language;">
+@@ -32,7 +30,7 @@
+ <firstname>Anne-Marie</firstname>
+ <surname>Mahfouf</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+-<address><email>annma at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ <contrib>Help in documentation</contrib>
+ </othercredit>
+@@ -411,9 +409,9 @@
+ Contributors:
+ <itemizedlist>
+-<listitem><para>Neil Stevens <email>neil at</email></para>
++<listitem><para>&Neil.Stevens; <email>&Neil.Stevens.mail;</email></para>
+ </listitem>
+-<listitem><para>Anne-Marie Mahfouf <email>annma at</email></para>
++<listitem><para>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf; <email>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail;</email></para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem><para>Mark Westcott <email>mark at</email></para>
+ </listitem>
+--- doc/blinken/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/blinken/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
+ <authorgroup>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Danny</firstname>
+ <surname>Allen</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+ <address><email>danny at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <copyright>
+@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
+ <para>
+ &blinken; is based on an electronic game released in 1978, which challenges players to remember sequences of increasing length. On the face of the device, there are 4 different color buttons, each one with their own distinctive sound. These buttons light up randomly, creating the sequence that the player must then recall. If the player is successful in remembering the sequence of lights in the correct order, they advance to the next stage, where an identical sequence with one extra step is presented. If they are incorrect, the game is lost, and the player must start again from the beginning.
+-The goal is to get a highscore - each step in the sequence is worth one point, so correct entry of a sequence of 8 lights is worth 8 points on the highscore table.
++The goal is to get a high score - each step in the sequence is worth one point, so correct entry of a sequence of 8 lights is worth 8 points on the high score table.
+ </para>
+ </chapter>
+@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
+ To become familiar with the workings of the game, you can interact with the <interface>colored buttons</interface> whilst on the main screen. The buttons will illuminate and produce a tone upon being pressed.
+ </para>
+-<note><para>You need to have aRts support in kdelibs to hear the sounds.</para></note>
++<note><para>You need to have &arts; support in kdelibs to hear the sounds.</para></note>
+ <sect1 id="starting-game">
+ <title>Starting a Game</title>
+@@ -321,6 +321,7 @@
+ Documentation copyright 2005 Danny Allen <email>danny at</email>
+ </para>
+ &underFDL;
+ &underGPL;
+--- doc/kpercentage/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kpercentage/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+ <firstname>Matthias</firstname>
+ <surname>Messmer</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+-<address><email>bmlmessmer at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+@@ -38,17 +38,16 @@
+ <firstname>Robert</firstname>
+ <surname>Gogolok</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+-<address><email>mail at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2001</year>
+ <year>2002</year>
+-<holder>Matthias Messmer</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
+@@ -67,7 +66,7 @@
+             <imagedata fileref="edu-logo.png" format="PNG"/>
+         </imageobject>
+     </inlinemediaobject>
+-    &kpercentage; is part of the KDE-EDU Project:
++    &kpercentage; is part of the &kde;-EDU Project:
+     <ulink url=""></ulink></para>
+ </abstract>
+@@ -101,16 +100,3 @@
+ sgml-indent-data:nil
+ End:
+ -->
+--- doc/kpercentage/credits.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kpercentage/credits.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -18,21 +18,18 @@
+ <listitem><para>Pixmaps: Elhay Achiam
+  <email>e_achiam at</email></para>
+ </listitem>
+-<listitem><para>Spelling and <quote>good</quote> english: Jonathan Drews
++<listitem><para>Spelling and <quote>good</quote> English: Jonathan Drews
+  <email>j.e.drews at</email></para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </para>
+ <para>
+-Documentation copyright 2001 by Matthias Messmer
+- <email>bmlmessmer at</email>
++Documentation copyright 2001 by Matthias Messmer <email>bmlmessmer at</email>
+ </para>
+-&underGPL;        	 <!-- GPL License -->
+ </chapter>
+--- doc/klettres/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/klettres/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
+ <para>
+ If you would like to add sounds in your own language, it is very easy to do so. Record the alphabet sounds and place them in a folder named 'alpha'. Then record the most current syllables and put them in a folder named 'syllab'.</para> 
+-<para>Create a text file <filename>sounds.xml</filename>, preferably using Kate as editor or another editor capable of different encoding. In this file, write all the alphabet sounds and syllable sounds you recorded, like this example for the czech language:</para>
++<para>Create a text file <filename>sounds.xml</filename>, preferably using &kate; as editor or another editor capable of different encoding. In this file, write all the alphabet sounds and syllable sounds you recorded, like this example for the czech language:</para>
+ <programlisting>&lt;klettres&gt;
+ &lt;language code="cs"&gt;
+     &lt;menuitem&gt;
+@@ -578,9 +578,9 @@
+     &lt;/syllables&gt;
+   &lt;/language&gt;
+ &lt;/klettres&gt;</programlisting>
+-<para>Replace "cs" with the two letter code and "Czech" with the name of your language. Write the sound names with the special characters of your language in upper case in utf8.</para>
++<para>Replace "cs" with the two letter code and "Czech" with the name of your language. Write the sound names with the special characters of your language in uppercase in utf8.</para>
+-<para>Additionally you can tell me about special letters in your language so I can easily generate the special <guimenuitem>Characters</guimenuitem> toolbar. Create a text file <filename>cs.txt</filename> (replace "cs" with the two letter code of your language) with each special character of your language in upper case on one line.
++<para>Additionally you can tell me about special letters in your language so I can easily generate the special <guimenuitem>Characters</guimenuitem> toolbar. Create a text file <filename>cs.txt</filename> (replace "cs" with the two letter code of your language) with each special character of your language in uppercase on one line.
+ And save both text files with <quote>utf8</quote> encoding (upper right dropbox in &kate; allows that)</para>
+ <para>The sounds should be in wav or ogg format and long enough for KAudioPlayer to play them (between 1.5 and 2 seconds long, please add some silence if they are too short). Then make a tarball of all that and send it to me.   
+--- doc/ktouch/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/ktouch/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
+ <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+-<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+- "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+-<!ENTITY kappname "&ktouch;"><!-- replace kapp here -->
+-<!ENTITY package "kdeedu">
+-<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+-<!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
++<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
++ <!ENTITY ktouch "<application>KTouch</application>">
++ <!ENTITY kappname "&ktouch;"><!-- replace kapp here -->
++ <!ENTITY package "kdeedu">
++ <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
++ <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
+ ]>
+ <book lang="&language;">
+@@ -13,11 +13,10 @@
+ <title>The &ktouch; Handbook</title>
+ <authorgroup>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Håvard</firstname><surname>Frøiland</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+-<address><email>haavard at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+@@ -27,12 +26,9 @@
+ <address><email>Andreas.nicolai at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>1999-2005</year>
+ <holder>Håvard Frøiland, Andreas Nicolai</holder>
+@@ -72,7 +68,7 @@
+ <title>Introduction</title>
+ <sect2>
+-<title>What is KTouch?</title>
++<title>What is &ktouch;?</title>
+ <para>&ktouch; is a program for learning to touch type.</para>
+ <para>&ktouch; provides you with text to train on and adjusts to
+ different levels depending on how good you are. It shows your keyboard 
+@@ -537,7 +533,7 @@
+ create a copy for your keyboard layout and simply adjust the lines.</para>
+ <para>
+ Currently keyboard files are plain UTF-8 encoded text files. In one of the
+-next version of &ktouch; keyboard data will be stored in XML files, too.
++next version of &ktouch; keyboard data will be stored in &XML; files, too.
+ Therefore I'll only briefly explain the structure of a keyboard file.
+ </para>
+ <para>A keyboard file usually starts with a header including some information
+@@ -570,7 +566,7 @@
+ <para>Keys have the default dimensions of 8 units, so using a grid of 10 units
+ gives a normal looking keyboard. The first number is the unicode character
+ code as decimal number. The KeyText is the text printed on the key encoded as
+-UTF-8 (automatic under newer Linux versions, just make sure your editor saves
++UTF-8 (automatic under newer &Linux; versions, just make sure your editor saves
+ files as UTF-8 format).</para>
+ <para>The next section contains special keys, which are - apart from BackSpace
+ and Enter - just decorative.</para>
+@@ -650,7 +646,7 @@
+ you need to press to get this character.
+ </para>
+ <para>Let's look at an example:</para>
+-<para>You want to define the upper case 'R' character. It has the unicode 82.
++<para>You want to define the uppercase 'R' character. It has the unicode 82.
+ The character obtained when the 'R' key is pressed without modifier is the
+ small 'r' with the unicode 114. The finger for the 'R' rests over the 'f' key
+ which has the unicode 102. And in order to get the 'R' you need to press the
+@@ -894,8 +890,8 @@
+ url=""></ulink>. Please refer to the instructions on the home page since they will contain up-to-date information about how to obtain &ktouch;.
+ </para>
+ <para>&ktouch; can also be found
+-on <ulink url="">The KDE Edutainment - &ktouch; home page</ulink>
+-and is part of the KDE-Edutainment project. </para>
++on <ulink url="">The &kde; Edutainment - &ktouch; home page</ulink>
++and is part of the &kde;-Edutainment project. </para>
+ </appendix>
+--- doc/kgeography/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kgeography/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@
+ <firstname>Anne-Marie</firstname>
+ <surname>Mahfouf</surname>
+ </personname>
+-<email>annma at</email>
+ </author>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2005</year>
+-<holder>Anne-Marie Mahfouf</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
+@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
+ <abstract>
+ <para>
+-&kgeography; is a geography learning tool for KDE. Right now it has six usage modes: 
++&kgeography; is a geography learning tool for &kde;. Right now it has six usage modes:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem>
+ <para>Browse the maps clicking in a map division to see its name</para>
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
+ revision history. (see installation appendix comment) -->
+ <para>
+-&kgeography; is a geography learning tool for KDE. It allows you to learn about the political divisions of some countries (divisions, capitals of those divisions and their associated flags if there are some).
++&kgeography; is a geography learning tool for &kde;. It allows you to learn about the political divisions of some countries (divisions, capitals of those divisions and their associated flags if there are some).
+ </para>
+ <para>
+ Maps available in current release are: Africa, Asia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Europe, France, Germany, Italy, Italy by provinces, North and Central America, Norway, Poland, South America, Spain, USA and the world.
+@@ -573,7 +573,7 @@
+ </qandaentry>
+ <qandaentry>
+ <question>
+-<para>Why can't I twiddle my documents?</para>
++<para>Why am I not able to twiddle my documents?</para>
+ </question>
+ <answer>
+ <para>You can only twiddle your documents if you have the foobar.lib
+@@ -598,22 +598,13 @@
+ <para>
+ Program copyright 2004-2005 Albert Astals Cid <email>tsdgeos at</email>
+ </para>
+-<listitem><para>Konqui the KDE Dragon <email>konqui at</email></para>
+-<listitem><para>Tux the Linux Penguin <email>tux at</email></para>
+ <para>
+-Documentation Copyright &copy; 2005 Anne-Marie Mahfouf <email>annma at</email>
++Documentation Copyright &copy; 2005 &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf; <email>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail;</email>
+ </para>
+ &underFDL;
+ &underGPL;
+@@ -627,7 +618,7 @@
+ <!-- This first entity contains boiler plate for applications that are
+ part of KDE CVS.  You should remove it if you are releasing your
+-application --> 
++application -->
+ &install.intro.documentation;
+--- doc/kvoctrain/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kvoctrain/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Ewald</firstname>
+ <surname>Arnold</surname>
+-<affiliation><address><email>ewald at</email>
+ </address></affiliation>
+ </author>
+ <othercredit role="reviewer">
+ <firstname>Eric</firstname>
+ <surname>Bischoff</surname>
+-<affiliation><address><email>e.bischoff at</email>
+ </address></affiliation>
+ <contrib>Reviewer</contrib>
+ </othercredit>
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Anne-Marie</firstname>
+ <surname>Mahfouf</surname>
+-<affiliation><address><email>annma at</email>	
+ </address></affiliation>
+ </author>
+@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
+ <copyright>
+ <year>1999</year><year>2000</year><year>2001</year><year>2002</year>
+-<holder>Ewald Arnold</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2005</year>
+-<holder>Anne-Marie Mahfouf</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
+@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
+ <keycap>Return</keycap>
+ when you have finished.</para>
+-<note><para>You can't invoke the <link linkend="entry-dlg">entry dialog window</link> in this mode. 
++<note><para>You cannot invoke the <link linkend="entry-dlg">entry dialog window</link> in this mode. 
+ </para></note></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
+ see more about this in the section about <link
+ linkend="encodings">encodings and charsets.</link></para>
+-<para>There are a lot of files on the internet which use the
++<para>There are a lot of files on the Internet which use the
+ tabular character or one or two colons to separate the different
+ languages. To select this separator use the tab for setting the <link
+ linkend="options4-dlg"><guilabel> Copy &amp; Paste</guilabel> options</link> in the <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Configure &kvoctrain;...</guimenuitem> dialog.</para></listitem>
+@@ -497,8 +497,7 @@
+      <listitem><para>definite article</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>indefinite article</para></listitem>
+   </itemizedlist></para></entry>
+-<entry><para><!-- empty description --></para></entry>
++<entry><para><!--FILL ME WITH CONTENT-->
+   <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem><para>a, an</para></listitem>
+      <listitem><para>the</para></listitem>
+@@ -864,7 +863,7 @@
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><guilabel>Allow sorting</guilabel></term>
+ <listitem><para>If you have created your vocabulary with a certain
+- order, you can use this checkbox to turn sorting off for this document. A click
++ order, you can use this check box to turn sorting off for this document. A click
+ in the header button will then no longer sort the row.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+@@ -911,7 +910,7 @@
+ <listitem><para>In the similar manner you input the descriptor for the
+ first, second and third person each in plural and singular.</para>
+ <para>Because many languages do not distinguish in the third person
+- plural, there is a checkbox to determine this.</para>
++ plural, there is a check box to determine this.</para>
+ <para>Leave the unneccessary fields empty.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+@@ -1249,7 +1248,8 @@
+   question.</para></listitem>
+   <listitem><para>Furthermore you can activate a little progress bar to
+   show the remaining time for the current answer.</para></listitem>
+-  </itemizedlist></para>
++  </itemizedlist>
+ <para>If you exceed the time limit several times in series in continuous mode
+ &kvoctrain; will assume that there is currently no person in front of the screen
+ and stop the query.</para></listitem>
+@@ -1270,7 +1270,7 @@
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><guilabel>Swap direction randomly</guilabel></term>
+ <listitem><para>Usually a query is only in one direction, depending on
+- the column you used to start the query. With this checkbox you can
++ the column you used to start the query. With this check box you can
+  determine, that the directions are altered randomly.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+@@ -1295,7 +1295,7 @@
+ row can hold seven cards, the others can hold two cards. (In the
+ original game, the bottom row can only hold three card, thus limiting
+ the number of cards in the game to 20. This "limitation" is not
+-present in KVocTrain.)</para>
++present in &kvoctrain;.)</para>
+ <para>In the bottom row are the questions that have yet to be asked
+ and the questions that have previously been answered incorrectly. When
+@@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@
+ exceed the maximum number of cards for that row, the next question is
+ taken from the front of that row, else the question is taken from the
+ front of the bottom row. A card is removed from the game when it would
+-otherwise be moved to the fifth row, i.e. it has been answering
++otherwise be moved to the fifth row, &ie; it has been answering
+ correctly while located in the top row.</para>
+ <!-- FIXME Random Query Options missing lueck 01.07.2006-->
+ </listitem>
+@@ -2021,7 +2021,7 @@
+ <title>Contributing your files to &kvoctrain;</title>
+ <para>If you have created a kvtml file, please send an email to
+-<email>annma at</email> with the file attached and I will put the file in the <ulink url="">contributed kvtml files</ulink> on <ulink url="">the KDE-Edu website</ulink> so other people will be able to use it.</para>
++<email>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf.mail;</email> with the file attached and I will put the file in the <ulink url="">contributed kvtml files</ulink> on <ulink url="">the &kde;-Edu website</ulink> so other people will be able to use it.</para>
+ <para>If you modify existing files or create
+ new files based on copyrighted material you must ask the author for
+@@ -2033,7 +2033,7 @@
+ <sect1 id="new-stuff">
+ <title>Downloading and installing existing files</title>
+-<para>&kvoctrain; is shipped with only two examples files. But you can easily get and install existing files using the <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Get New Vocabularies...</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> menu, provided you have an internet connection. The following dialog is then displayed:</para>
++<para>&kvoctrain; is shipped with only two examples files. But you can easily get and install existing files using the <menuchoice><guimenu>File</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Get New Vocabularies...</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> menu, provided you have an Internet connection. The following dialog is then displayed:</para>
+ <screenshot>
+ <screeninfo>Get New Vocabularies... dialog</screeninfo>
+@@ -2043,10 +2043,10 @@
+ </mediaobject>
+ </screenshot>
+-<para>Choose the file you want to get. The <guibutton>Details</guibutton> button will give you more details about the content of the highlighted file. Click the <guibutton>Install</guibutton> button. The file is then downloaded from its location on the internet, saved on your hard disk and opened in KVocTrain current window.
++<para>Choose the file you want to get. The <guibutton>Details</guibutton> button will give you more details about the content of the highlighted file. Click the <guibutton>Install</guibutton> button. The file is then downloaded from its location on the internet, saved on your hard disk and opened in &kvoctrain; current window.
+ </para>
+-<note><para>The files you download are saved in your home directory in the <filename>Vocabularies</filename> folder.</para></note>
++<note><para>The files you download are saved in your home folder in the <filename>Vocabularies</filename> folder.</para></note>
+ </sect1>
+ <sect1 id="other-dict">
+@@ -2091,12 +2091,12 @@
+ <listitem><para>
+   <ulink
+  url="">
+- KDE-Edu Contributed Learning Files</ulink>
++ &kde;-Edu Contributed Learning Files</ulink>
+   </para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ </listitem>
+-<listitem><para>Dictionaries in ascii-format are for example available
++<listitem><para>Dictionaries in ASCII format are for example available
+  at:</para>
+   <itemizedlist>
+   <!-- obsolete <listitem><para>
+@@ -2178,7 +2178,7 @@
+ I have found (sorted by the time when I found them):</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para><ulink
+-url="">KWordQuiz</ulink> (&kde;)</para></listitem>
++url="">&kwordquiz;</ulink> (&kde;)</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para><ulink
+ url="">SVT</ulink>
+@@ -2265,7 +2265,7 @@
+ <keycombo action="simul">&Ctrl;<keycap>G</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
+ <guimenu>File</guimenu>
+ <guimenuitem>Get New Vocabularies...</guimenuitem></menuchoice></term>
+-<listitem><para><action>Opens</action> the <guilabel>Get Hot New Stuff</guilabel> dialog to allow you to install new KDE-Edu vocabulary files via the internet.</para>
++<listitem><para><action>Opens</action> the <guilabel>Get Hot New Stuff</guilabel> dialog to allow you to install new &kde;-Edu vocabulary files via the Internet.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+@@ -2714,7 +2714,7 @@
+ taken from</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <listitem><para>&klpq; (table functionality in versions up to 0.7)</para></listitem>
+-<listitem><para>&kontour; (XML reading/writing).</para></listitem>
++<listitem><para>&kontour; (&XML; reading/writing).</para></listitem>
+ <listitem><para>&khexedit; (<quote>about</quote> dialog in versions up to
+ 0.7).</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+@@ -2741,19 +2741,18 @@
+ <sect1 id="copyright">
+ <title>Copyright</title>
+-<para>&kvoctrain; Program copyright 1999-2003 Ewald Arnold
+-<email>ewald at</email>
++<para>&kvoctrain; Program copyright 1999-2003 &Ewald.Arnold;
+ 2004-2005 Peter Hedlund <email>peter at</email>
+ </para>
+-<para>Documentation copyright 1999-2000 Ewald Arnold
+-<email>ewald at</email>
+-2005 Anne-Marie Mahfouf
+-<email>annma at</email>
++<para>Documentation copyright 1999-2000 &Ewald.Arnold;
++2005 &Anne-Marie.Mahfouf;
+ </para>
+ &underFDL;
+ &underGPL;
+@@ -2780,7 +2779,7 @@
+ <para>&kvoctrain; is tested with &kde; 3.0 and &Qt; 3.0. It should also
+ basically run under &kde; 2.x and &Qt; 2.x if compiled accordingly
+-but I can't promise.</para>
++but no promises.</para>
+ </sect1>
+--- doc/kmplot/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kmplot/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -95,18 +95,4 @@
+ sgml-indent-step:0
+ sgml-indent-data:nil
+ End:
+\ No newline at end of file
+--- doc/kmplot/credits.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kmplot/credits.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -19,21 +19,19 @@
+   </listitem>
+   <listitem>
+     <para>Various improvements: Fredrik Edemar <email>f_edemar at</email></para>
+-  </listitem>  
++  </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+-Documentation copyright 2000--2002 by Klaus-Dieter M&ouml;ller &Klaus-Dieter.Moeller.mail;.
++<para>Documentation copyright 2000--2002 by Klaus-Dieter M&ouml;ller &Klaus-Dieter.Moeller.mail;.</para>
+ <para>Documentation extended and updated for &kde; 3.2 by &Philip.Rodrigues; &Philip.Rodrigues.mail;.</para>
+ <para>Documentation extended and updated for &kde; 3.3 by &Philip.Rodrigues; &Philip.Rodrigues.mail; and Fredrik Edemar <email>f_edemar at</email>.</para>
+ <para>Documentation extended and updated for &kde; 3.4 by Fredrik Edemar <email>f_edemar at</email>.</para>
+-&underFDL;               <!-- FDL: do not remove. Commercial development should
+- -->
+-&underGPL;        	 <!-- GPL License -->
+ </chapter>
+ <!--
+--- doc/kstars/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kstars/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+ <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+-<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2-Based Variant V1.0//EN"  "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
++<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+   <!ENTITY kappname "&kstars;">
+   <!ENTITY package "kdeedu">
+   <!ENTITY astroinfo SYSTEM "astroinfo.docbook">
+@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
+ <firstname>Jason</firstname>
+ <surname>Harris</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+-<address><email>kstars at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
+ <firstname>Heiko</firstname>
+ <surname>Evermann</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+-<address><email>heiko at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ <contrib>Core Developer</contrib>
+ </othercredit>
+@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
+ <firstname>Thomas</firstname>
+ <surname>Kabelmann</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+-<address><email>tk78 at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ <contrib>Core Developer</contrib>
+ </othercredit>
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
+ <firstname>Pablo</firstname>
+ <surname>de Vicente</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+-<address><email>pvicentea at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ <contrib>Core Developer</contrib>
+ </othercredit>
+@@ -132,18 +132,16 @@
+ <firstname>Mark</firstname>
+ <surname>Holloman</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+-<address><email>mhh at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ <contrib>Core Developer</contrib>
+ </othercredit>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2001</year><year>2002</year><year>2003</year>
+-<holder>Jason Harris and the KStars Team</holder>
++<holder>&Jason.Harris; and the &kstars; Team</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
+@@ -153,7 +151,7 @@
+ <abstract>
+ <para>
+-&kstars; is a graphical desktop planetarium for KDE.  It depicts an
++&kstars; is a graphical desktop planetarium for &kde;.  It depicts an
+ accurate simulation of the night sky, including stars, constellations,
+ star clusters, nebulae, galaxies, all planets, the Sun, the Moon,
+ comets and asteroids.  You can see the sky as it appears
+@@ -196,7 +194,7 @@
+ a context-sensitive <link linkend="popup-menu">popup menu</link> 
+ attached to each displayed object, which displays object-specific 
+ information and actions.  Hundreds of objects provide links in their 
+-popup menus to informative webpages and beautiful images taken by the 
++popup menus to informative web pages and beautiful images taken by the 
+ Hubble Space Telescope and other observatories.
+ </para><para>
+ From an object's popup menu, you can open its <link
+@@ -204,7 +202,7 @@
+ you can examine positional data about the object, and query a huge
+ treasury of online databases for professional-grade astronomical data
+ and literature references about the object.  You can even attach your
+-own internet links, images and text notes, making &kstars; a graphical
++own Internet links, images and text notes, making &kstars; a graphical
+ front-end to your observing logs and your personal astronomical notebook.
+ </para>
+ <para>
+@@ -242,7 +240,7 @@
+ Handbook includes the <link linkend="astroinfo">AstroInfo
+ Project</link>, a series of short, hyperlinked articles on astronomical
+ topics that can be explored with &kstars;.  In addition, &kstars;
+-includes DCOP functions that allow you to <link
++includes &DCOP; functions that allow you to <link
+ linkend="tool-scriptbuilder">write complex scripts</link>, making &kstars;
+ a powerful "demo engine" for classroom use or general illustration of
+ astronomical topics.
+@@ -256,7 +254,7 @@
+ Simple slew/track commands are integrated directly into the main window's 
+ popup menu, and the INDI Control Panel provides full access to all of 
+ your telescope's functions.  Many of these actions can also be scripted 
+-through KDE's DCOP mechanism (our own <link 
++through &kde;'s &DCOP; mechanism (our own <link 
+ linkend="tool-scriptbuilder">Script Builder</link> tool provides a simple 
+ point-and-click interface for these scripts).  INDI's Client/Server 
+ architecture allows for seamless control of any number of <link 
+--- doc/kiten/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kiten/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -14,10 +14,9 @@
+ <authorgroup>
+ <author>
+ <firstname>Jason</firstname>
+ <surname>Katz-Brown</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+-<address><email>jason at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+@@ -127,8 +126,8 @@
+ <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure
+ Kiten...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>, and then choosing the
+ <guilabel>Searching</guilabel> item on the list on the left. The
+-options can be enabled by checking the checkboxes and disabled by
+-unchecking the checkboxes on this page. These options are global and
++options can be enabled by checking the check boxes and disabled by
++unchecking the check boxes on this page. These options are global and
+ affect all searches.</para>
+ </sect2>
+@@ -352,7 +351,7 @@
+ <tip><para>If you want the Learn window to open every time you start
+ up &kiten;, check the <guilabel>Start Learn on Kiten
+-startup</guilabel> checkbox in the <guilabel>Learn</guilabel> section
++startup</guilabel> check box in the <guilabel>Learn</guilabel> section
+ of the configuration dialog, which can be opened by choosing
+ <menuchoice><guimenu>Settings</guimenu><guimenuitem>Configure
+ Kiten...</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.</para></tip>
+@@ -483,25 +482,25 @@
+ <chapter id="credits-and-license">
+ <title>Credits and Licenses</title>
+-<para>&kiten; copyright 2001, 2002 Jason Katz-Brown</para>
++<para>&kiten; copyright 2001, 2002 &Jason.Katz-Brown;</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+ <title>Developers</title>
+ <listitem>
+-<para>Jason Katz-Brown <email>jason at</email></para>
++<para>&Jason.Katz-Brown; <email>&Jason.Katz-Brown.mail;</email></para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+-<para>Neil Stevens <email>neil at</email></para>
++<para>&Neil.Stevens; <email>&Neil.Stevens.mail;</email></para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+-<para>Jim Breen <email>jwb at</email> - Wrote xjdic, of which Kiten borrows code, and the xjdic index file generator. Also is main author of edict and kanjidic, which Kiten essentially require.</para>
++<para>Jim Breen <email>jwb at</email> - Wrote xjdic, of which &kiten; borrows code, and the xjdic index file generator. Also is main author of edict and kanjidic, which &kiten; essentially require.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ <listitem>
+   <para>Paul Temple <email>paul.temple at</email> - Port to KConfig XT and bug fixing.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+-<para>Documentation copyright 2002, Jason Katz-Brown</para>
++<para>Documentation copyright 2002, &Jason.Katz-Brown;</para>
+--- doc/kverbos/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kverbos/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
+ <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+-<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" 
+- "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
++<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"  "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+   <!ENTITY package "kdeedu">
+   <!ENTITY kappname "&kverbos;">
+   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+@@ -9,9 +8,6 @@
+ <book lang="&language;">
+-<!-- This header contains all of the meta-information for the document such
+-as Authors, publish date, the abstract, and Keywords -->
+ <bookinfo>
+ <title>The &kverbos; Handbook</title>
+@@ -20,17 +16,16 @@
+ <firstname>Arnold</firstname>
+ <surname>Kraschinski</surname>
+ <affiliation>
+-<address><email>arnold.k67 at</email></address>
+ </affiliation>
+ </author>
+ </authorgroup>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2001</year>
+ <year>2002</year>
+-<holder>Arnold Kraschinski</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
+@@ -184,7 +179,7 @@
+ </para>
+ <para>
+-In the statusbar of the program the user gets information about his
++In the status bar of the program the user gets information about his
+ work. He can see how many verbs he has trained and how many of them
+ have been correct. He can see how many verbs are stored in the opened
+ file and which username has been entered, too.
+@@ -274,7 +269,7 @@
+ dialog opens and the user can choose a name for the verb file. If the
+ file name end with <literal role="extension">.htm</literal> or
+ <literal role="extension">.html</literal> the verb list is saved as a
+-<acronym>HTML</acronym> file.</para></listitem>
++&HTML; file.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <!-- File->Save As -->
+@@ -287,7 +282,7 @@
+ dialog opens and the user can choose a name for the verb file. If the
+ file name end with <literal role="extension">.htm</literal> or
+ <literal role="extension">.html</literal> the verb list is saved as a
+-<acronym>HTML</acronym> file.</para></listitem>
++&HTML; file.</para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <!-- File->Close -->
+@@ -388,7 +383,7 @@
+ </sect2>
+-<!-- The settings menu ................................................................ -->
++<!-- The settings menu -->
+ <sect2>
+ <title>The <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> Menu</title>
+@@ -400,7 +395,7 @@
+ <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
+ <guimenuitem>Show toolbar</guimenuitem>
+ </menuchoice></term>
+-<listitem><para><action>The user can decide whether he wants to see the tool bar or not.
++<listitem><para><action>The user can decide whether he wants to see the toolbar or not.
+ He can set it here.</action></para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+@@ -410,8 +405,8 @@
+ <guimenu>Settings</guimenu>
+ <guimenuitem>Show statusbar</guimenuitem>
+ </menuchoice></term>
+-<listitem><para><action>The user can decide whether he wants to see the statusbar or not.
+-In the statusbar are shown information like the number of trained verbs and the user name.
++<listitem><para><action>The user can decide whether he wants to see the status bar or not.
++In the status bar are shown information like the number of trained verbs and the user name.
+ </action></para></listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+@@ -621,7 +616,7 @@
+ 		</inlinemediaobject></term>
+ 		<listitem>
+ 		<para>This buttons insert the displayed spanish characters to the Edit box that has the
+-		focus. Often this characters can not be entered with the keyboard.
++		focus. Often these characters cannot be entered with the keyboard.
+ 		</para>
+ 		</listitem>
+ 	</varlistentry>	
+@@ -884,28 +879,26 @@
+ &kverbos;
+ </para>
+ <para>
+-Program copyright 2002 Kraschinski Arnold <email>arnold.k67 at</email>
++Program Copyright 2002 &Arnold.Kraschinski; <email>&Arnold.Kraschinski.mail;</email>
+ </para>
+ Contributors:
+ <itemizedlist>
+ </listitem>
+ </listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+ <para>
+-Documentation copyright 2002 Kraschinski Arnold <email>arnold.k67 at</email>
++Documentation Copyright 2002 &Arnold.Kraschinski; <email>&Arnold.Kraschinski.mail;</email>
+ </para>
+-&underFDL;               <!-- FDL: do not remove. Commercial development should -->
+-&underGPL;        	 <!-- GPL License -->
+ </chapter>
+ <appendix id="installation">
+@@ -933,11 +926,9 @@
+ The &kverbos; home page</ulink>.
+ </para>
+-<!-- For a list of updates, you may refer to the application web site
+-or the ChangeLog file, or ... -->
+ <para>
+ You can find a list of changes at <ulink
+ </para>
+ </sect1>
+@@ -948,7 +939,6 @@
+ </sect1>
+ </appendix>
+ &documentation.index;
+--- doc/kalzium/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kalzium/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ 				 <firstname>Carsten</firstname>
+ 				 <surname>Niehaus</surname>
+ 				 <affiliation>
+-					 <address><email>cniehaus at</email></address>
++					 <address><email>&Carsten.Niehaus.mail;</email></address>
+ 				 </affiliation>
+ 			 </author>
+@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@
+ 			 <year>2002</year>
+ 			 <year>2004</year>
+ 			 <year>2005</year>
+-			 <holder>Carsten Niehaus</holder>
++			 <holder>&Carsten.Niehaus;</holder>
+ 		 </copyright>
+ 		 <copyright>
+ 			 <year>2005</year>
+-			 <holder>Anne-Marie Mahfouf</holder>
++			 <holder>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf;</holder>
+ 		 </copyright>
+ 		 <legalnotice>&FDLNotice;</legalnotice>
+@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
+ 	 <chapter id="quick-start">
+ 		 <title>&kalzium; quick start guide</title>
+-		 <para>Here is &kalzium; the first time you run it, either from the K menu->Edutainment->Science->Kalzium or with <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo> and entering <command>kalzium</command> into the field.</para>
++		 <para>Here is &kalzium; the first time you run it, either from the K menu->Edutainment->Science->&kalzium; or with <keycombo action="simul">&Alt;<keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo> and entering <command>kalzium</command> into the field.</para>
+ 		 <screenshot>
+ 			 <screeninfo>&kalzium; main window</screeninfo>
+ 			 <mediaobject>
+@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
+ 		 </screenshot>
+ 		 <para>
+-			 &kalzium; is divided in a sidebar on the left (in red, 1) and the table view (in blue, 2) which shows the elements of the periodic table. The standard menubar allows you to choose what you want to display and the statusbar reports facts. You can hide the sidebar using the <menuchoice> <guimenu>View</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Hide Sidebar</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> menu.
++			 &kalzium; is divided in a sidebar on the left (in red, 1) and the table view (in blue, 2) which shows the elements of the periodic table. The standard menubar allows you to choose what you want to display and the status bar reports facts. You can hide the sidebar using the <menuchoice> <guimenu>View</guimenu> <guimenuitem>Hide Sidebar</guimenuitem> </menuchoice> menu.
+ 		 </para>
+ 		 <para>
+@@ -229,11 +229,11 @@
+ 					 data. The first entry is the <guilabel>Orbital structure</guilabel>. The next is the
+ 					 <guilabel>density</guilabel>.
+ 				 </para>
+-				 <para> Depending on the data available in Kalzium you will see
++				 <para> Depending on the data available in &kalzium; you will see
+ 					 different radii of the element. The covalent radius is the radius
+ 					 of a non charged atom of the element in a molecule. The could for
+ 					 example be the O-H-distance in Water. The atomic radius is the
+-					 radius of an elemental atom, eg. not bound to anything. The van der
++					 radius of an elemental atom, &eg; not bound to anything. The van der
+ 					 Waals-radius is defined as the distance of two atoms of the same
+ 					 sort in two equal molecules, for example two carbon-atoms in
+ 					 propane. The last possible radius is the ionic radius including its
+@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
+ 			 </sect2>
+ 			 <sect2 id="infodialog_spectrum">
+ 				 <title>Spectrum</title>
+-				 <para>If Kalzium has information about the emission-spectrum of
++				 <para>If &kalzium; has information about the emission-spectrum of
+ 					 the current element, this page will display it at the top. The displayed wavelength increases from left to
+ 				 right. The wavelength between 380
+ 				 nanometer (nm) and 780 nm have the colors of the visual light
+@@ -356,8 +356,8 @@
+ 					 spinboxes displayed right below the spectrum, the first and the last
+ 					 wavelength of the spectrum are defined. Furthermore, you can hold
+ 					 the left mouse button pressed whilst moving the mouse cursor over the spectrum. You will see
+-					 the area in which Kalzium would zoom into marked with a white line.
+-					 Once you release the left mouse button, Kalzium will zoom into
++					 the area in which &kalzium; would zoom into marked with a white line.
++					 Once you release the left mouse button, &kalzium; will zoom into
+ 					 the selected area.</para>
+ 				 <para>At the bottom of the page is the <guilabel>Export Spectrum as 
+ 						 Image</guilabel>-button. With it you can save the current spectrum
+@@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@
+ 				 </question>
+ 				 <answer>
+ 					 <para>No, at the moment not, but you can download the source and make
+-						 your own Windows version. It should not be a big problem, because it is
++						 your own &Windows; version. It should not be a big problem, because it is
+ 						 written with Trolltech &Qt; libs. But what do you need &Windows; for?
+ 						 Get the latest &Linux;, and live on the edge.</para>
+@@ -1123,7 +1123,7 @@
+ 				 <answer>
+ 					 <para>
+ 						 If you find any bugs in the program, or have a few suggestions for
+-						 improvements, please let me know at <email>cniehaus at</email>. 
++						 improvements, please let me know at <email>&Carsten.Niehaus.mail;</email>.
+ 					 </para>
+ 				 </answer>
+@@ -1136,8 +1136,8 @@
+ 		 <title>Credits and License</title>
+ 		 <para>&kalzium;</para>
+ 		 <para>
+-			 Program Copyright, 2001-2005 Carsten Niehaus
+-			 <email>cniehaus at</email>
++			 Program Copyright, 2001-2005 &Carsten.Niehaus;
++			 <email>&Carsten.Niehaus.mail;</email>
+ 		 </para>
+ 		 <para> Contributors:</para>
+@@ -1175,7 +1175,7 @@
+ 			 <para>
+ 				 &kalzium; itself can be found on <ulink
+ 					 url="">The &kalzium; home page</ulink> and
+-				 is part of the KDE-Edu project</para>
++				 is part of the &kde;-Edu project</para>
+ 			 <para>You can find a list of changes in the file
+ 				 <filename>ChangeLog</filename> in the distribution of
+--- doc/kbruch/index.docbook	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ doc/kbruch/index.docbook	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
+ <?xml version="1.0" ?>
+-<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN"
+- "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
+-<!ENTITY kbruch "<application>KBruch</application>">
+-<!ENTITY package "kdeedu">
+-<!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
+-<!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
++<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
++ <!ENTITY kbruch "<application>KBruch</application>">
++ <!ENTITY kappname "&kbruch;">
++ <!ENTITY package "kdeedu">
++ <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
++ <!ENTITY % English "INCLUDE"><!-- change language only here -->
+ ]>
+ <book lang="&language;">
+@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
+ <itemizedlist>
+ 	<listitem><para>
+-		the menu bar with the 3 menus <guimenu>Task</guimenu>,
++		the menubar with the 3 menus <guimenu>Task</guimenu>,
+ <guimenu>Settings</guimenu> and <guimenu>Help</guimenu>
+ 	</para></listitem>
+ 	<listitem><para>
+@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@
+ <para>
+ After you have changed the parameters you have to click on the <guimenu>New
+ Task</guimenu> button in the toolbar to generate a task which uses the new
+-parameters. You can also call this action from the menu bar with
++parameters. You can also call this action from the menubar with
+ <menuchoice><guimenu>Task</guimenu><guimenuitem>New
+ Task</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.
+ </para>
+@@ -484,14 +484,14 @@
+ <para>Thank you goes to:</para>
+ <itemizedlist>
+-	<listitem><para>Anne-Marie Mahfouf for managing the &kde; Edu project</para></listitem>
++	<listitem><para>&Anne-Marie.Mahfouf; for managing the &kde;-edu project</para></listitem>
+ 	<listitem><para>Klas Kalass for helping design the interface</para></listitem>
+-	<listitem><para>Eva Brucherseifer for writing <application>KMath</application> (&kbruch;'s GUI is based on this work)</para></listitem>
++	<listitem><para>Eva Brucherseifer for writing <application>KMath</application> (&kbruch;'s &GUI; is based on this work)</para></listitem>
+ 	<listitem><para>Dominique Devriese for bug fixing</para></listitem>
+ 	<listitem><para><ulink url="">Stefan Schumacher</ulink> for testing a very early version</para></listitem>
+ 	<listitem><para><ulink url="">Sven Guckes</ulink> for testing the text interface (which has been removed)</para></listitem>
+-	<listitem><para>David Faure for helping with &kde; <acronym>CVS</acronym> and &kde; Bugzilla</para></listitem>
+-	<listitem><para>Robert Gogolok for helping with &kde; <acronym>CVS</acronym></para></listitem>
++	<listitem><para>&David.Faure; for helping with &kde; <acronym>CVS</acronym> and &kde; Bugzilla</para></listitem>
++	<listitem><para>&Robert.Gogolok; for helping with &kde; <acronym>CVS</acronym></para></listitem>
+ 	<listitem><para>John Kesson for proof reading the handbook</para></listitem>
+ </itemizedlist>
+@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@
+ <para>
+ &kbruch; itself can be found
+ on <ulink url="">the &kbruch; home page</ulink>
+-and it is part of the &kde; Edu project</para>
++and it is part of the &kde;-edu project</para>
+ <para>You can find a list of changes in the <acronym>CVS</acronym> commit
+ messages.</para>
+--- kig/kfile/kfile_drgeo.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kig/kfile/kfile_drgeo.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ Name[fi]=Dr. Geo
+ Name[fr]=Informations de Dr. Geo
+ Name[gl]=Información do Dr. Geo
++Name[he]=מידע על Dr. Geo 
+ Name[hi]=डॉ. जिओ जानकारी
+ Name[hu]=Dr. Geo-jellemzők
+ Name[is]=Dr. Geo upplýsingar
+--- kig/kig/kig.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kig/kig/kig.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
+ Comment[pl]=Zabawa konstrukcjami geometrycznymi
+ Comment[pt]=Explorar Construções Geométricas
+ Comment[pt_BR]=Explorar Construções Geométricas
++Comment[ru]=Работа с геометрическими построениями
+ Comment[sk]=Prieskum geometrických konštrukcií
+ Comment[sl]=Raziskovanje geometrijskih konstrukcij
+ Comment[sr]=Истражујте геометријске конструкције
+--- kiten/kiten.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kiten/kiten.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
+ GenericName[lv]=Japāņu Valodas Mācību/References Rīks
+ GenericName[mk]=Јапонски Прирачник/Алатка за учење
+ GenericName[mn]=Япон хэлний сурах программ
+-GenericName[ms]=Alat Rujukan/Belajar orang Jepun
++GenericName[ms]=Alat Rujukan/Pembelajaran Bahasa Jepun
+ GenericName[nb]=Japansk oppslagsverk/læremiddel
+ GenericName[nl]=Japans referentie-/studiehulpprogramma
+ GenericName[nn]=Japansk språkverktøy
+--- kverbos/kverbos/kverbos.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kverbos/kverbos/kverbos.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
+ GenericName[fi]=Opiskele espanjan verbimuotoja
+ GenericName[fr]=Étude des formes verbales espagnoles
+ GenericName[gl]=Aprende as formas verbais do castelán
++GenericName[he]=לימוד צורות פעלים בספרדית
+ GenericName[hi]=स्टडी स्पेनिश वेबफ़ॉर्म
+ GenericName[hu]=Spanyol igeragozás
+ GenericName[is]=Læra spánskar sagnir
+---	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
+-AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.5
++AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.6.1
+ COMPILE_FIRST = libkdeedu
+ DISTCLEANFILES = inst-apps
+--- kanagram/src/kanagram.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kanagram/src/kanagram.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ Comment[eu]=Letren ordenaren jokoa
+ Comment[fi]=Kirjainten järjestyspeli
+ Comment[fr]=Remettre les lettres dans le bon ordre
++Comment[he]=משחק סידור מילים של KDE
+ Comment[hu]=KDE-alapú szókirakó játék
+ Comment[it]=Gioco di anagrammi per KDE
+ Comment[ja]=文字の順番ゲーム
+@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@
+ Comment[pl]=Gra w układanie liter dla KDE
+ Comment[pt]=Jogo de Ordenação de Letras do KDE
+ Comment[pt_BR]=Jogo de Ordenação de Letras do KDE
++Comment[ru]=Игра с перестановкой букв
+ Comment[sk]=KDE hra o usporiadaní písmen
+ Comment[sl]=Igra vrstnega reda črk
+ Comment[sr]=Игра редоследа слова за KDE
+--- kanagram/data/worldcapitals.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kanagram/data/worldcapitals.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
+   <o r="Capital of Hungary" >budapest</o>
+  </e>
+  <e>
+-  <o r="Capital of Turkey" >istanbul</o>
++  <o r="Capital of Turkey" >ankara</o>
+  </e>
+  <e>
+   <o r="Capital of Indonesia" >jakarta</o>
+--- klatin/klatin/klatin.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ klatin/klatin/klatin.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
+ Comment[hu]=Oktatóprogram a latin nyelv gyakorlásához
+ Comment[is]=Forrit til að fara yfir Latínu
+ Comment[it]=Un programma per ripassare il Latino
+ Comment[mk]=Програма која ќе ви помогне да го повторите латинскиот јазик
+ Comment[nb]=Eit øvingsprogram i latin
+ Comment[nl]=Een programme om uw Latijn op te halen
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
+ GenericName[hu]=Latinoktató
+ GenericName[is]=Latínupúki
+ GenericName[it]=Studio del Latino
+ GenericName[nb]=Øvingsprogram i latin
+ GenericName[nl]=Latijn
+ GenericName[nn]=Øvingsprogram i latin
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/D.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/D.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>de + abl</o>
++  <t>od, z; o</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>dea (1)</o>
++  <t>bohyňa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>debeo (2)</o>
++  <t>dlžiť, mať niečo ako povinnosť, musieť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>decem</o>
++  <t>desať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>decido (3)</o>
++  <t>spadnúť, klesnúť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>defendo (3)</o>
++  <t>odháňať, odpudzovať, brániť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>deinde</o>
++  <t>od tej doby, potom, odtiaľ ďalej</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>deleo (2)</o>
++  <t>ničiť, hubiť, vyhladiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>descendo (3)</o>
++  <t>zostupovať, zísť, zostúpiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>despero (1)</o>
++  <t>nemať nádej, strácať nádej</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>deus (2)</o>
++  <t>boh</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>dico (3)</o>
++  <t>hovoriť, vravieť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>dies (5)</o>
++  <t>deň, doba, čas</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>difficilis</o>
++  <t>ťažký, neľahký, obtiažny</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>dirus</o>
++  <t>krutý, strašný, príšerný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>diligenter</o>
++  <t>svedomito, poriadne</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>discedo (3)</o>
++  <t>rozchádzať sa, odchádzať, ustúpiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>diu</o>
++  <t>dlho, cez deň</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>dives</o>
++  <t>bohatý, úrodný, výnosný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>do (1)</o>
++  <t>dať, dávať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>doceo (2)</o>
++  <t>učiť, vyučovať, vysvetlovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>doctus</o>
++  <t>učený, vzdelaný, schopný, šikovný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>domina (1)</o>
++  <t>pani, majiteľka, gazdiná</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>dominus (2)</o>
++  <t>majiteľ, gazda, vládca</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>domus (4)</o>
++  <t>dom, byt, rod</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>donum (2)</o>
++  <t>dar, obeť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>dormio (4)</o>
++  <t>spať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>duco (3)</o>
++  <t>viesť, ťahať, odvádzať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>dum</o>
++  <t>kým, pokiaľ, tu</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>duo</o>
++  <t>dva, dve</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>dux (3)</o>
++  <t>knieža, vojvodca</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/BC.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/BC.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>bellum (2)</o>
++  <t>vojna, bitka; pekné, spanilé</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>bellum gerere</o>
++  <t>viesť vojnu, vojnové ťaženie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>bene</o>
++  <t>dobre</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>bibo (3)</o>
++  <t>piť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>bonus, a, um</o>
++  <t>dobrý, správny</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>brevis</o>
++  <t>krátky, stručný, malý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>caelum (2)</o>
++  <t>nebo, oblaky</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>canis (3)</o>
++  <t>pes, psí</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>canto (1)</o>
++  <t>spievať, hrať (hud.)</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>capio (3)</o>
++  <t>brať, uchopiť, chápať, zmocniť sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>captivus (2)</o>
++  <t>chytený, zajatec</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>caput (3)</o>
++  <t>hlava, hlavné mesto</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>carmen (3)</o>
++  <t>pieseň, báseň</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>carus</o>
++  <t>drahý, milý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>castra (2)</o>
++  <t>kasáreň</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>celer</o>
++  <t>rýchly, mrštný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>celo (1)</o>
++  <t>ukrývať, utajiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cena (1)</o>
++  <t>obed, hlavné jedlo</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>centum</o>
++  <t>sto</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ceteri</o>
++  <t>ostatné, zvyšok</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cibus (2)</o>
++  <t>jedlo, pokrm</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>circum</o>
++  <t>okolo, vôkol</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>civis (3)</o>
++  <t>občan</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>clamo (1)</o>
++  <t>kričať, volať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>clamor (3)</o>
++  <t>krik, pokrik, hluk</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>coepi (past tenses only)</o>
++  <t>začal som</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cogito (1)</o>
++  <t>myslieť, uvažovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cognosco (3)</o>
++  <t>poznávať, skúmať, skúšať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cogo (3)</o>
++  <t>nútiť, donucovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>comes (3)</o>
++  <t>sprievodca, spoločník</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>conficio (3)</o>
++  <t>urobiť, dokončiť; vyčerpať, unaviť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>conor (1)</o>
++  <t>pokúšať sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>consentio (4)</o>
++  <t>súhlasiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>consilium (2)</o>
++  <t>úmysel, zámer, rada</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>conspicio (3)</o>
++  <t>postrehnúť, uvidieť, všimnúť si</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>consisto (3)</o>
++  <t>zastaviť, ostať nehybný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>constituo (3)</o>
++  <t>ustanoviť, zakladať, tvoriť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>consumo (3)</o>
++  <t>spotrebovať, vynakladať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>contendo (3)</o>
++  <t>napínať, bojovať, porovnávať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>contra</o>
++  <t>naopak, proti</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>convenio (4)</o>
++  <t>schádzať sa, prichádzať, priliehať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>corpus (3)</o>
++  <t>telo, ložisko</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cotidie</o>
++  <t>každodenne</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cras</o>
++  <t>zajtra</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>crudelis</o>
++  <t>surový, krutý, nemilosrdný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cum</o>
++  <t>keď</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>credo (3)</o>
++  <t>veriť, zdôverovať sa, byť dôverčivý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cum + abl</o>
++  <t>s</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cupio (3)</o>
++  <t>chcenie, žiadosť, túžba</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cur?</o>
++  <t>prečo?</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>cura (1)</o>
++  <t>starostlivosť, liečenie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>curo (1)</o>
++  <t>starať sa, kontrolovať, dbať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>curro (3)</o>
++  <t>bežať, hnať sa, behať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>custodio (4)</o>
++  <t>strážiť, chrániť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>custos (3)</o>
++  <t>strážca, dozorca</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/V.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/V.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>valde</o>
++  <t>veľmi, tuho, silno</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vale</o>
++  <t>dovidenia, zbohom</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vehementer</o>
++  <t>prudko, náhle, rázne, hlasno</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>veho (3)</o>
++  <t>viesť, voziť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vendo (3)</o>
++  <t>predávať, doporučovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>venio (4)</o>
++  <t>prichádzať, prísť, vznikať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ventus (2)</o>
++  <t>vietor</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>verbum (2)</o>
++  <t>slovo, sloveso, výrok</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>verto (3)</o>
++  <t>točiť, obracať, zničiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>verus</o>
++  <t>skutočný, pravý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vester</o>
++  <t>váš</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vestimenta (2)</o>
++  <t>šat, odev</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>via (1)</o>
++  <t>cesta, cestička, spôsob</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>video (2)</o>
++  <t>vidieť, navštíviť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>villa (1)</o>
++  <t>statok, dvor, osada</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vinco (3)</o>
++  <t>víťaziť, vyhrávať, vynikať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vinum (2)</o>
++  <t>víno</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vir (2)</o>
++  <t>muž, manžel, vojak, človek</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vita (1)</o>
++  <t>život</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vivo (3)</o>
++  <t>žiť, byť živým</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vivus</o>
++  <t>živý, žijúci, čerstvý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vix</o>
++  <t>sotva, tažko, s problémami, ani nie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>voco (1)</o>
++  <t>volať, privolať, hnať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>volo (irreg)</o>
++  <t>chcieť, mať chuť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vos</o>
++  <t>vy, vás</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vox (3)</o>
++  <t>hlas, krik, slovo</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vulnero (1)</o>
++  <t>raniť, ublížiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vulnus (3)</o>
++  <t>rana, poranenie, úraz, útrapa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>vultus (4)</o>
++  <t>tvár, výraz, podoba</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/I2L.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/I2L.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>inquit (irreg)</o>
++  <t>povedal</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>inspicio (3)</o>
++  <t>hľadieť dovnútra, skúmať, nazerať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>insula (1)</o>
++  <t>ostrov, ostrovček</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>intellego (3)</o>
++  <t>rozumieť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>inter + acc</o>
++  <t>medzi</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>interea</o>
++  <t>zatiaľ čo</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>interficio (3)</o>
++  <t>zabiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>intro (1)</o>
++  <t>vstúpiť, vojsť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>invenio (3)</o>
++  <t>nachádzať, objaviť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>invito (1)</o>
++  <t>pozývať, zvať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>invitus</o>
++  <t>nerád</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ipse</o>
++  <t>sám</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ira (1)</o>
++  <t>hnev, zlosť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>iratus</o>
++  <t>nahnevaný, zlostný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>is, ea, id</o>
++  <t>ten, tá, to, on, ona, ono</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ita</o>
++  <t>tak, takým spôsobom</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ita vero</o>
++  <t>áno</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>itaque</o>
++  <t>a tak, teda, preto</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>iter (3)</o>
++  <t>cesta, pochod</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>iterum</o>
++  <t>ešte raz</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>iubeo (2)</o>
++  <t>prikazovať, kázať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>iudex (3)</o>
++  <t>sudca</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>iuvenis (3)</o>
++  <t>mladík, mladý muž</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>labor (3)</o>
++  <t>práca, námaha, úsilie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>laboro (1)</o>
++  <t>pracovať, namáhať sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>lacrima (1)</o>
++  <t>slza, plač</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>lacrimo (1)</o>
++  <t>roniť slzy, plakať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>laetus</o>
++  <t>veselý, šťastný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>latus</o>
++  <t>rozsiahly, priestorný, ďaleký</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>laudo (1)</o>
++  <t>chváliť, schvalovať, vychvaľovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>legatus (2)</o>
++  <t>vyslanec, pobočník</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>legio (3)</o>
++  <t>légia, výber</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>lego (3)</o>
++  <t>voliť, zbierať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>lente</o>
++  <t>pomaly, váhavo</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>leo (3)</o>
++  <t>lev</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>libenter</o>
++  <t>voľne, ochotne, nenásilne</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>liber</o>
++  <t>kniha, závitok</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>liberi (2)</o>
++  <t>deti</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>libero (1)</o>
++  <t>oslobodzovať, uvoľňovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>libertus (2)</o>
++  <t>prepustený z otroctva</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>locus (2)</o>
++  <t>miesto, nálezisko, kraj</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>longus</o>
++  <t>dlhý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>loquor (3)</o>
++  <t>hovoriť, vravieť, povedať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>luna (1)</o>
++  <t>mesiac, luna</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>lux (3)</o>
++  <t>svetlo, denné svetlo</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/GHI1.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/GHI1.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>gaudeo (2)</o>
++  <t>byť rád, tešiť sa, radovať sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>gaudium (2)</o>
++  <t>radosť, potešenie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>gero (3)</o>
++  <t>nosiť (šaty), viesť (vojnu)</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>gladius (2)</o>
++  <t>meč</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>gratias ago</o>
++  <t>ďakovať, prejavovať vďaku</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>gravis</o>
++  <t>ťažký, vážny</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>habeo (2)</o>
++  <t>držať, udržovať, chovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>habito (1)</o>
++  <t>bývať, byť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>heri</o>
++  <t>včera</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>hic</o>
++  <t>tu, sem</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>hic, haec, hoc</o>
++  <t>túto, tieto, toto, tento</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>hodie</o>
++  <t>dnes, v dnešnej dobe</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>homo (3)</o>
++  <t>človek, ľudská bytosť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>honor (3)</o>
++  <t>úcta, česť, poklona</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>hora (1)</o>
++  <t>hodina, doba</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>hortor (1)</o>
++  <t>povzbudzovať, súriť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>hortus (2)</o>
++  <t>záhrada</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>hospes (3)</o>
++  <t>hosť, hostiteľ</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>hostis (3)</o>
++  <t>cudzinec, nepriateľ v boji</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>humus (2)</o>
++  <t>zem, hlina</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>iaceo (2)</o>
++  <t>ležať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>iacio (3)</o>
++  <t>hádzať, vrhať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>de-/e-/in-icio</o>
++  <t>hádzať dole/z/do</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>iam</o>
++  <t>už, teraz</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ianua (1)</o>
++  <t>dvere, vchod</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ibi</o>
++  <t>tam, na tom mieste</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>idem</o>
++  <t>ten istý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>igitur</o>
++  <t>teda, a preto</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ignarus</o>
++  <t>neznalý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ille</o>
++  <t>onen, ona</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>imperator (3)</o>
++  <t>vládca, cisár</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>imperium (2)</o>
++  <t>vláda, zvrchovaná moc, rozkaz</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>impero (1)</o>
++  <t>panovať, ovládať, rozkazovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>impetus (4)</o>
++  <t>útok, nával, nápor</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>in + abl</o>
++  <t>na, v</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>in + acc</o>
++  <t>do, dovnútra</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>incendo (3)</o>
++  <t>páliť, zapáliť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>infelix</o>
++  <t>nešťastný, neplodný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ingenium (2)</o>
++  <t>prirodzenosť, duševná povaha</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ingens</o>
++  <t>nesmierny, obrovský</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ingredior (3)</o>
++  <t>vkročiť, vstúpiť</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/TU.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/TU.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>taberna (1)</o>
++  <t>obchod, krčma, chatrč</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>taceo (2)</o>
++  <t>mlčať, zamlčať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>talis</o>
++  <t>taký, aký</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tam</o>
++  <t>do tej miery, tak</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tamen</o>
++  <t>ale predsa, však, aspoň</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tandem</o>
++  <t>konečne, konečne predsa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tantus</o>
++  <t>tak veľký, len toľko, mocný, slávny</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>templum (2)</o>
++  <t>svätyňa, sieň</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tempestas (3)</o>
++  <t>búrka</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tempus (3)</o>
++  <t>čas, doba</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>teneo (2)</o>
++  <t>držať, mať v moci</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>terra (1)</o>
++  <t>zem, svet, zemský okrsok</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>terreo (2)</o>
++  <t>triasť, strašiť, zastrašovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>timeo (2)</o>
++  <t>báť sa, obávať sa, mať strach</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tollo (3)</o>
++  <t>zdvíhať, niesť, držať, ničiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tot</o>
++  <t>toľko</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>totus</o>
++  <t>celý, všetok</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>trado (3)</o>
++  <t>podať, vydať, prenechať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>traho (3)</o>
++  <t>ťahať, vliecť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>trans + acc</o>
++  <t>cez, za, pre-</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tres </o>
++  <t>tri</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tristis</o>
++  <t>smutný, žalostný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tu</o>
++  <t>ty</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tum</o>
++  <t>potom, vtedy</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>turba (1)</o>
++  <t>ruch, nával, zmätok</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tutus</o>
++  <t>chránený, bezpečný, opatrný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>tuus</o>
++  <t>tvoj, tvoj majetok, tvoja vec</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ubi</o>
++  <t>kde, kedy</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ultimus</o>
++  <t>najvzdialenejší, posledný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>umquam</o>
++  <t>niekedy, vôbec</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>unda (1)</o>
++  <t>voda, rieka, vodstvo</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>unde</o>
++  <t>odkiaľ, z čoho</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>unus</o>
++  <t>jeden, jediný, spoločný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>urbs (3)</o>
++  <t>mesto</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ut + indic</o>
++  <t>ako</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ut + subj</o>
++  <t>aby, tak aby, akonáhle</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>utilis</o>
++  <t>prospešný, užitočný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>utrum... an</o>
++  <t>buď... alebo</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>uxor (3)</o>
++  <t>žena, manželka</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/EF.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/EF.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>e, ex + abl</o>
++  <t>z, z vnútra</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ecce!</o>
++  <t>hľa! aha!</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>efficio (3)</o>
++  <t>urobiť, zvládnuť, splniť, vykonať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>effugio (3)</o>
++  <t>utiecť, uniknúť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ego</o>
++  <t>ja</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>egredior (3)</o>
++  <t>vyjsť, vykročiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>emo (3)</o>
++  <t>brať, kupovať, vykúpiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>enim</o>
++  <t>totiž, lebo, určite</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>eo (irreg)</o>
++  <t>ísť, bežať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>epistula (1)</o>
++  <t>list</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>eques (2)</o>
++  <t>jazdec</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>equus (2)</o>
++  <t>kôň, osol</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>et</o>
++  <t>a</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>et... et</o>
++  <t>aj... aj</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>etiam</o>
++  <t>tiež, dokonca aj</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>expecto (1)</o>
++  <t>čakať na</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>fabula (1)</o>
++  <t>príbeh, bájka, rozprávka</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>facilis</o>
++  <t>ľahký, jednoduchý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>facio (3)</o>
++  <t>vyrobiť, urobiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>faveo (2)</o>
++  <t>vyhovieť, vyhovovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>femina (1)</o>
++  <t>žena, samica</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>fero (irreg)</o>
++  <t>niesť, držať, znášať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ferox</o>
++  <t>bujný, prudký, divoký</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ferrum (2)</o>
++  <t>železo, meč</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>fessus</o>
++  <t>unavený, slabý, vysilený</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>festino (1)</o>
++  <t>náhliť sa, ponáhľať sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>fidelis</o>
++  <t>verný, lojálny, spoľahlivý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>fides (5)</o>
++  <t>dôvera, vernosť, lojalita</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>filia (1)</o>
++  <t>priateľstvo, priazeň, dcéra</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>filius (2)</o>
++  <t>syn</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>flos (3)</o>
++  <t>kvet, kvetina</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>flumen (3)</o>
++  <t>tok, rieka, prúd</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>forte</o>
++  <t>náhodou, zrovna</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>fortis</o>
++  <t>silný, pevný, udatný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>forum (2)</o>
++  <t>námestie, nádvorie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>frango (3)</o>
++  <t>lámať, zlomiť, polámať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>frater (3)</o>
++  <t>brat</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>frumentum (2)</o>
++  <t>obilie, obilný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>frustra</o>
++  <t>sklamane, bezvýsledne, márne</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>fugio (3)</o>
++  <t>utekať, ubiehať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>fundo (3)</o>
++  <t>liať, vylievať</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/M.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/M.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>magnopere</o>
++  <t>veľmi, moc</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>magnus</o>
++  <t>veľký, silný, dôležitý, vážny</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>malo (irreg)</o>
++  <t>uprednostňovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>malus</o>
++  <t>zlý, škodlivý, biedny</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>maneo (2)</o>
++  <t>zostávať, trvať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>manus (4)</o>
++  <t>ruka, hŕstka</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>mare (3)</o>
++  <t>more</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>maritus (2)</o>
++  <t>manžel, ženích</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>mater (3)</o>
++  <t>matka, žena</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>maximus</o>
++  <t>veľmi veľký, najväčší, obrovský</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>medius</o>
++  <t>stredný, priemerný, prostredný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>mercator (3)</o>
++  <t>kupec, obchodník</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>meus</o>
++  <t>môj</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>miles (3)</o>
++  <t>vojak, rytier</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>mille (irreg)</o>
++  <t>tisíc</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>minimus</o>
++  <t>najmenší, veľmi malý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>minime</o>
++  <t>najmenej, veľmi málo</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>mirabilis</o>
++  <t>zvláštny, podivuhodný, pozoruhodný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>miser</o>
++  <t>biedny, úbohý, smutný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>mitto (3)</o>
++  <t>posielať, poslať, venovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>modus (2)</o>
++  <t>spôsob, pravidlo, druh</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>moneo (2)</o>
++  <t>upozorňovať, kárať, upomínať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>mons (3)</o>
++  <t>hora, vrch</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>morior (3)</o>
++  <t>umierať, zomrieť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>mors (3)</o>
++  <t>smrť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>moveo (2)</o>
++  <t>hýbať, hnúť, pohybovať sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>mox</o>
++  <t>skoro</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>multo</o>
++  <t>veľa, mnoho</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>multus</o>
++  <t>mnohý, početný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>murus (2)</o>
++  <t>stena, hradba</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/N.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/N.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>nuntio (1)</o>
++  <t>oznámiť, ohlásiť, zvestovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nascor (3)</o>
++  <t>narodiť sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>numero (1)</o>
++  <t>počítať, vypočítať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nam</o>
++  <t>pretože, totiž</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>-ne</o>
++  <t>uvádza otázku</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>neco (1)</o>
++  <t>usmrtiť, zabiť, zničiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>notus</o>
++  <t>známy, preslávený</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nuntius (2)</o>
++  <t>posol, správa, novinka</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nomen (3)</o>
++  <t>meno, rod</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nec... nec</o>
++  <t>ani... ani</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>numquam</o>
++  <t>nikdy</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>novus</o>
++  <t>nový, neslýchaný, iný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nox (3)</o>
++  <t>noc, spánok</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>novem</o>
++  <t>deväť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nemo (irreg)</o>
++  <t>nikto, žiadny</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nobilis</o>
++  <t>urodzený, sľachetný, sľachtic</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>non </o>
++  <t>nie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nullus</o>
++  <t>žiadny, bezvýznamný, nikto</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ne quidem</o>
++  <t>vôbec nie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nescio (4)</o>
++  <t>neviem</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nolo (irreg)</o>
++  <t>nechcieť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nihil (irreg)</o>
++  <t>nič</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nunc</o>
++  <t>teraz</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nusquam</o>
++  <t>nikde, nikam</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>numerus (2)</o>
++  <t>časť, množstvo, počet</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>noster</o>
++  <t>náš</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>navigo (1)</o>
++  <t>plaviť sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nauta (1)</o>
++  <t>námorník, obchodník, kupec</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>navis (3)</o>
++  <t>loď, plavidlo</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nonnulli</o>
++  <t>niektorí</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>num...?</o>
++  <t>určite nie?</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nonne?</o>
++  <t>bezpečne? určite?</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>narro (1)</o>
++  <t>hovoriť, podávať správu</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ne</o>
++  <t>že... nie, takže... nie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nisi</o>
++  <t>ak nie, ibaže</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>nos</o>
++  <t>my, nás</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>num</o>
++  <t>či</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/OP1.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/OP1.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>occido (3)</o>
++  <t>zabiť, usmrtiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>octo</o>
++  <t>osem</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>oculus (2)</o>
++  <t>oko</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>odi (defect)</o>
++  <t>nenávidím, mám odpor</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>offero (irref)</o>
++  <t>ponúkať, núkať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>olim</o>
++  <t>kedysi, raz, skôr</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>omnis</o>
++  <t>všetko, každý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>opprimo (3)</o>
++  <t>pritláčať, prepadnúť, napadnúť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>oppugno (1)</o>
++  <t>napadnúť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>optimus</o>
++  <t>najlepší, excelentný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>opus (3)</o>
++  <t>dielo, práca, výtvor</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>oro (1)</o>
++  <t>prosiť, prosebne žiadať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ostendo (3)</o>
++  <t>ukázať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>paene</o>
++  <t>skoro, takmer, temer</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pareo (2)</o>
++  <t>poslúchať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>paro (1)</o>
++  <t>pripravovať, strojiť, chystať sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pars (3)</o>
++  <t>diel, časť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>parvus</o>
++  <t>malý, nepatrný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pater (3)</o>
++  <t>otec, hlava rodiny, pán</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>patior (3)</o>
++  <t>snášať, trpieť, zakúšať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pauci</o>
++  <t>máloktorí, len niekoľkí</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pauper</o>
++  <t>chudák, nemajetný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pax (3)</o>
++  <t>pokoj, mier, kľud</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pecunia (1)</o>
++  <t>peniaze, majetok</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>per + acc</o>
++  <t>skrz, cez, popri</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>periculum (2)</o>
++  <t>nebezpečie, pokus, skúška</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>periculosus </o>
++  <t>nebezpečný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>persuadeo (2)</o>
++  <t>naviesť, presvedčiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>perterritus</o>
++  <t>zhrozený</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pervenio (4)</o>
++  <t>dostať sa, dôjsť niekam</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pes (3)</o>
++  <t>úpätie, noha, kopyto</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pessimus</o>
++  <t>najhorší, veľmi zlý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>peto (3)</o>
++  <t>siahať, hľadať, žiadať o, prosiť, útočiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>placet (2, impersonal)</o>
++  <t>teší, sadne, vyhovuje</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/A.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/A.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>a, ab + abl</o>
++  <t>od</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>absum (irreg)</o>
++  <t>byť mimo, byť neprítomný, byť preč</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ac, atque</o>
++  <t>a, i</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>accido (3)</o>
++  <t>diať sa, stávať sa, prihodiť sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>accipio (3)</o>
++  <t>prijímať, brať, dostávať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>accuso (1)</o>
++  <t>obžalovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ad + acc</o>
++  <t>k, u, do</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>adeo</o>
++  <t>do tej miery, tak ďaleko, tak veľa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>adhuc</o>
++  <t>doposiaľ, ešte</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>adiuvo (1)</o>
++  <t>pomôcť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>adsum (irreg)</o>
++  <t>byť tu, byť prítomný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>advenio (4)</o>
++  <t>približovať sa, prichádzať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>adversus</o>
++  <t>nepriateľský, nevýhodný, nepriaznivý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>aedificium</o>
++  <t>budova, zakladanie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>aedifico (1)</o>
++  <t>budovať, zakladať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ago (1)</o>
++  <t>robiť, činiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>gratias ago (1)</o>
++  <t>vďaka, ďakovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>agricola (1)</o>
++  <t>roľník, poľnohospodár</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>aliquis</o>
++  <t>niekto, niečo</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>alius</o>
++  <t>iný, iní, druhý, ostatný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>alii...alii</o>
++  <t>niektorý...iný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>alter</o>
++  <t>druhý, iný, jeden z dvoch, opačný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>altus</o>
++  <t>hlboký, vysoký, hrdý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ambulo (1)</o>
++  <t>obchádzať, prechádzať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>amitto (3)</o>
++  <t>stratiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>amo (1)</o>
++  <t>milovať, mať rád</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>amor (3)</o>
++  <t>láska</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ancilla (1)</o>
++  <t>slúžka</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>animus (2)</o>
++  <t>duch, myseľ, odvaha</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>annus (2)</o>
++  <t>rok</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ante + acc</o>
++  <t>pred, skôr</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>antea</o>
++  <t>pred tým, skôr</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>aperio (4)</o>
++  <t>otvorený</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>appareo (2)</o>
++  <t>objaviť sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>appropinquo (1)</o>
++  <t>blížiť sa, prichádzať bližšie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>apud + acc</o>
++  <t>blízko, pri, u</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>aqua (1)</o>
++  <t>voda</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ara (1)</o>
++  <t>oltár</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>arcesso (3)</o>
++  <t>povolávať, zvolávať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ars (3)</o>
++  <t>umenie</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>ascendo (3)</o>
++  <t>vystupovať, stúpať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>audax</o>
++  <t>odvážny, statočný, drzý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>audeo (2)</o>
++  <t>odvážiť sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>audio (4)</o>
++  <t>počuť, počúvať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>aufero (3)</o>
++  <t>odniesť, odnášať, ukradnúť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>autem</o>
++  <t>ale, avšak</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>auxilium (2)</o>
++  <t>podpora, pomoc</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/P2.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/P2.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>plenus</o>
++  <t>plný, dostatočný, tehotná</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>plurimus</o>
++  <t>najpočetnejší</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>plus</o>
++  <t>viac, ešte viacej, najviac, veľmi veľa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>poena (1)</o>
++  <t>trest</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>poenas do</o>
++  <t>byť trestaným</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pono (3)</o>
++  <t>ukladať, vzdávať sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pons (3)</o>
++  <t>most, lávka</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>populus (2) </o>
++  <t>ľudia, národ, obecenstvo</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>porta (1)</o>
++  <t>brána, dvere, vchod</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>porto (1)</o>
++  <t>niesť, voziť, dopravovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>portus (4)</o>
++  <t>prístav, útočisko</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>possum (irreg)</o>
++  <t>môcť, byť schopný, mať moc, dokázať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>post + acc</o>
++  <t>po, vzadu, za</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>postea</o>
++  <t>potom, neskôr</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>postquam</o>
++  <t>keď, akonáhle</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>postridie</o>
++  <t>druhý deň, druhého dňa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>postulo (1)</o>
++  <t>žiadať, požadovať, navrhovať, vymáhať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>praebeo (2)</o>
++  <t>dávať, poskytovať, pôsobiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>praemium (2)</o>
++  <t>výhoda, výsada, korisť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pretium (2)</o>
++  <t>cena, výkupné, odmena, zisk</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>primus</o>
++  <t>prvý, predný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>princeps (3)</o>
++  <t>vodca, veliteľ, knieža</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>priusquam</o>
++  <t>pred, až do</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pro + abl</o>
++  <t>pred, za, neďaleko</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>procedo (3)</o>
++  <t>predstupujem, postupujem</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>procul</o>
++  <t>ďaleko, v diali</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>proficiscor (3)</o>
++  <t>vydať sa na cestu, vyjsť, vytiahnuť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>progredior (3)</o>
++  <t>kráčať vpred, postupovať, vyťahovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>promitto (3)</o>
++  <t>sľubujem</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>prope + acc</o>
++  <t>blízko</t>
++ </e>
++ <e> <o>proximus</o>
++  <t>najbližší</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>puella (1)</o>
++  <t>dievča, pani</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>puer (2)</o>
++  <t>dieťa, chlapec</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pugno (1)</o>
++  <t>bojovať, zápasiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>pulcher</o>
++  <t>krásny, pekný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>punio (4)</o>
++  <t>trestať, mstiť</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/QR.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/QR.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>quaero (3)</o>
++  <t>hľadať, vyhľadávať, chcieť, želať si</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>qualis</o>
++  <t>aký</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quam</o>
++  <t>ako; ktorú</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quamquam</o>
++  <t>aj keď, a predsa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quantus?</o>
++  <t>aký veľký?</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quattuor</o>
++  <t>štyri, štyridsať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>-que</o>
++  <t>a</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>qui</o>
++  <t>kto, aký, ktorý, ako</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quidam</o>
++  <t>ktosi, čosi, niekto</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quinque</o>
++  <t>päť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quis?</o>
++  <t>kto? čo?</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quo?</o>
++  <t>kam?</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quod</o>
++  <t>a preto, aby</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quo modo?</o>
++  <t>ako? akým spôsobom?</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quoque</o>
++  <t>tiež, aj, i</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>quot?</o>
++  <t>koľko?</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>rapio (3)</o>
++  <t>uchvátiť, zmocniť sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>re-</o>
++  <t>-späť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>reddo (3)</o>
++  <t>vracať, obnovovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>redeo (irreg)</o>
++  <t>vracať sa, ísť späť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>refero (irreg)</o>
++  <t>nosiť naspäť; hlásiť, hovoriť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>reficio (3)</o>
++  <t>opraviť, znovu stavať, znovu robiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>regina (1)</o>
++  <t>kráľovná, princezná</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>regnum (2)</o>
++  <t>najvyššia moc, kráľovstvo, majetok</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>regredior (3)</o>
++  <t>kráčať späť, vracať sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>relinquo (3)</o>
++  <t>zanechávam, opúšťam</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>res (5)</o>
++  <t>vec, skutočnosť, podnik</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>resisto (3)</o>
++  <t>odolávať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>respondeo (2)</o>
++  <t>odvetiť, súhlasiť, zodpovedať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>rex (3)</o>
++  <t>pán, vládca, kráľ</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>rideo (2)</o>
++  <t>smiať sa, usmievať sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>rogo (1)</o>
++  <t>pýtať sa, žiadať, prosiť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>Roma (1)</o>
++  <t>Rím</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>Romanus</o>
++  <t>rímsky</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>rursus</o>
++  <t>naspäť, znovu</t>
++ </e>
+--- klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/S.kvtml	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ klatin/klatin/data/vocab/sk/S.kvtml	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
++<?xml version="1.0"?>
++<!DOCTYPE kvtml SYSTEM "kvoctrain.dtd">
++ <e>
++  <o>sacer</o>
++  <t>svätý, posvätný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sacerdos (3)</o>
++  <t>kňaz, duchovný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>saepe</o>
++  <t>často, mnohokrát</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>saevus</o>
++  <t>zúrivý, divoký, besný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>salus (3)</o>
++  <t>bezpečnost, zdravie, život, spása</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>saluto (1)</o>
++  <t>zdraviť, pozdravovať, nazývať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>salve!</o>
++  <t>buď vítaný!</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sanguis (3)</o>
++  <t>krv</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sapiens</o>
++  <t>múdry, rozumný, mudrc</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>satis</o>
++  <t>dosť, dostatočne</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>saxum (2)</o>
++  <t>kameň, skala</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>scio (4)</o>
++  <t>vedieť, rozumieť, rozhodovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>scribo (3)</o>
++  <t>písať, ryť, spísať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>se</o>
++  <t>seba, sa, sebe, si, sebou</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sed</o>
++  <t>ale, avšak</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sedeo (2)</o>
++  <t>sedieť, zasadať, trvať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>semper</o>
++  <t>vždy, stále, ustavične</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>senator (3)</o>
++  <t>senátor</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>senex (3)</o>
++  <t>starec, starý človek, kmeť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sentio (4)</o>
++  <t>vnímať, zaznamenať, cítiť, znamenať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>septem</o>
++  <t>sedem</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sequor (3)</o>
++  <t>nasledovať, ísť za, držať sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sermo (3)</o>
++  <t>rozhovor, konverzácia, reč</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>servo (1)</o>
++  <t>strážiť, dávať pozor, ochraňovať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>servus (2)</o>
++  <t>otrok, služobník, podrobený</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>severus</o>
++  <t>prísny, svedomitý, ukrutný, tvrdý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sex</o>
++  <t>šesť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>si</o>
++  <t>ak, keby</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sic</o>
++  <t>takto, takým spôsobom</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sicut</o>
++  <t>ako, práve tak</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>signum (2)</o>
++  <t>znamenie, signál, pečať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>silva (1)</o>
++  <t>drevo, strom, les</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>simulac</o>
++  <t>akonáhle, hneď ako</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sine + abl</o>
++  <t>bez</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sol (3)</o>
++  <t>slnko</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>soleo (2)</o>
++  <t>často robiť, byť zvyknutý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>solus</o>
++  <t>jediný, opustený, sám</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sonitus (4)</o>
++  <t>hučanie, hluk</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>soror (3)</o>
++  <t>sestra</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>specto (1)</o>
++  <t>dívať sa, pozorovať, mieriť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>spero (1)</o>
++  <t>očakávať, dúfať, mať nádej</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>spes (5)</o>
++  <t>nádej, obava, starosť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>statim</o>
++  <t>ihneď, okamžite, pevne</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sto (1)</o>
++  <t>stáť, vydržať, zastaviť</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>stultus</o>
++  <t>hlúpy, bláznivý, blázon</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>suavis</o>
++  <t>chutný, ľúbezný, milý</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sub + acc/abl</o>
++  <t>pod, za</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>subito</o>
++  <t>náhle, bez prípravy</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>sum (irreg)</o>
++  <t>byť, vyskytovať sa, týkať sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>summus</o>
++  <t>najvyšší, vrchný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>superbus</o>
++  <t>hrdý, spupný, arogantný</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>supero (1)</o>
++  <t>vynikať, predčiť, prečnievať</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>surgo (3)</o>
++  <t>zdvihnúť sa, týčiť sa</t>
++ </e>
++ <e>
++  <o>suus</o>
++  <t>svoj, vlastný, osobný</t>
++ </e>
+--- keduca/resources/keduca.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ keduca/resources/keduca.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
+ Comment[pl]=Program do testów i egzaminów dla KDE
+ Comment[pt]=Programa de Testes & Exames do KDE
+ Comment[pt_BR]=Programa de Testes & Exames do KDE
++Comment[ru]=Простая программа для проведения тестов
+ Comment[sk]=KDE testovacie a skúšacie programy
+ Comment[sl]=Program za izdelavo testov
+ Comment[sr]=KDE програм за тестове и испите
+--- ktouch/sounds/	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ ktouch/sounds/	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
+ sounddir = $(kde_datadir)/ktouch
+-sound_DATA = up.wav down.wav
++sound_DATA = up.wav down.wav typewriter.wav
+--- COPYING-DOCS	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 0)
++++ COPYING-DOCS	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
++		GNU Free Documentation License
++		  Version 1.2, November 2002
++ Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++     51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
++ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
++ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
++The purpose of this License is to make a manual, textbook, or other
++functional and useful document "free" in the sense of freedom: to
++assure everyone the effective freedom to copy and redistribute it,
++with or without modifying it, either commercially or noncommercially.
++Secondarily, this License preserves for the author and publisher a way
++to get credit for their work, while not being considered responsible
++for modifications made by others.
++This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative
++works of the document must themselves be free in the same sense.  It
++complements the GNU General Public License, which is a copyleft
++license designed for free software.
++We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free
++software, because free software needs free documentation: a free
++program should come with manuals providing the same freedoms that the
++software does.  But this License is not limited to software manuals;
++it can be used for any textual work, regardless of subject matter or
++whether it is published as a printed book.  We recommend this License
++principally for works whose purpose is instruction or reference.
++This License applies to any manual or other work, in any medium, that
++contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it can be
++distributed under the terms of this License.  Such a notice grants a
++world-wide, royalty-free license, unlimited in duration, to use that
++work under the conditions stated herein.  The "Document", below,
++refers to any such manual or work.  Any member of the public is a
++licensee, and is addressed as "you".  You accept the license if you
++copy, modify or distribute the work in a way requiring permission
++under copyright law.
++A "Modified Version" of the Document means any work containing the
++Document or a portion of it, either copied verbatim, or with
++modifications and/or translated into another language.
++A "Secondary Section" is a named appendix or a front-matter section of
++the Document that deals exclusively with the relationship of the
++publishers or authors of the Document to the Document's overall subject
++(or to related matters) and contains nothing that could fall directly
++within that overall subject.  (Thus, if the Document is in part a
++textbook of mathematics, a Secondary Section may not explain any
++mathematics.)  The relationship could be a matter of historical
++connection with the subject or with related matters, or of legal,
++commercial, philosophical, ethical or political position regarding
++The "Invariant Sections" are certain Secondary Sections whose titles
++are designated, as being those of Invariant Sections, in the notice
++that says that the Document is released under this License.  If a
++section does not fit the above definition of Secondary then it is not
++allowed to be designated as Invariant.  The Document may contain zero
++Invariant Sections.  If the Document does not identify any Invariant
++Sections then there are none.
++The "Cover Texts" are certain short passages of text that are listed,
++as Front-Cover Texts or Back-Cover Texts, in the notice that says that
++the Document is released under this License.  A Front-Cover Text may
++be at most 5 words, and a Back-Cover Text may be at most 25 words.
++A "Transparent" copy of the Document means a machine-readable copy,
++represented in a format whose specification is available to the
++general public, that is suitable for revising the document
++straightforwardly with generic text editors or (for images composed of
++pixels) generic paint programs or (for drawings) some widely available
++drawing editor, and that is suitable for input to text formatters or
++for automatic translation to a variety of formats suitable for input
++to text formatters.  A copy made in an otherwise Transparent file
++format whose markup, or absence of markup, has been arranged to thwart
++or discourage subsequent modification by readers is not Transparent.
++An image format is not Transparent if used for any substantial amount
++of text.  A copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque".
++Examples of suitable formats for Transparent copies include plain
++ASCII without markup, Texinfo input format, LaTeX input format, SGML
++or XML using a publicly available DTD, and standard-conforming simple
++HTML, PostScript or PDF designed for human modification.  Examples of
++transparent image formats include PNG, XCF and JPG.  Opaque formats
++include proprietary formats that can be read and edited only by
++proprietary word processors, SGML or XML for which the DTD and/or
++processing tools are not generally available, and the
++machine-generated HTML, PostScript or PDF produced by some word
++processors for output purposes only.
++The "Title Page" means, for a printed book, the title page itself,
++plus such following pages as are needed to hold, legibly, the material
++this License requires to appear in the title page.  For works in
++formats which do not have any title page as such, "Title Page" means
++the text near the most prominent appearance of the work's title,
++preceding the beginning of the body of the text.
++A section "Entitled XYZ" means a named subunit of the Document whose
++title either is precisely XYZ or contains XYZ in parentheses following
++text that translates XYZ in another language.  (Here XYZ stands for a
++specific section name mentioned below, such as "Acknowledgements",
++"Dedications", "Endorsements", or "History".)  To "Preserve the Title"
++of such a section when you modify the Document means that it remains a
++section "Entitled XYZ" according to this definition.
++The Document may include Warranty Disclaimers next to the notice which
++states that this License applies to the Document.  These Warranty
++Disclaimers are considered to be included by reference in this
++License, but only as regards disclaiming warranties: any other
++implication that these Warranty Disclaimers may have is void and has
++no effect on the meaning of this License.
++You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either
++commercially or noncommercially, provided that this License, the
++copyright notices, and the license notice saying this License applies
++to the Document are reproduced in all copies, and that you add no other
++conditions whatsoever to those of this License.  You may not use
++technical measures to obstruct or control the reading or further
++copying of the copies you make or distribute.  However, you may accept
++compensation in exchange for copies.  If you distribute a large enough
++number of copies you must also follow the conditions in section 3.
++You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and
++you may publicly display copies.
++If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have
++printed covers) of the Document, numbering more than 100, and the
++Document's license notice requires Cover Texts, you must enclose the
++copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all these Cover
++Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on
++the back cover.  Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify
++you as the publisher of these copies.  The front cover must present
++the full title with all words of the title equally prominent and
++visible.  You may add other material on the covers in addition.
++Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve
++the title of the Document and satisfy these conditions, can be treated
++as verbatim copying in other respects.
++If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit
++legibly, you should put the first ones listed (as many as fit
++reasonably) on the actual cover, and continue the rest onto adjacent
++If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering
++more than 100, you must either include a machine-readable Transparent
++copy along with each Opaque copy, or state in or with each Opaque copy
++a computer-network location from which the general network-using
++public has access to download using public-standard network protocols
++a complete Transparent copy of the Document, free of added material.
++If you use the latter option, you must take reasonably prudent steps,
++when you begin distribution of Opaque copies in quantity, to ensure
++that this Transparent copy will remain thus accessible at the stated
++location until at least one year after the last time you distribute an
++Opaque copy (directly or through your agents or retailers) of that
++edition to the public.
++It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the
++Document well before redistributing any large number of copies, to give
++them a chance to provide you with an updated version of the Document.
++You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under
++the conditions of sections 2 and 3 above, provided that you release
++the Modified Version under precisely this License, with the Modified
++Version filling the role of the Document, thus licensing distribution
++and modification of the Modified Version to whoever possesses a copy
++of it.  In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:
++A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct
++   from that of the Document, and from those of previous versions
++   (which should, if there were any, be listed in the History section
++   of the Document).  You may use the same title as a previous version
++   if the original publisher of that version gives permission.
++B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities
++   responsible for authorship of the modifications in the Modified
++   Version, together with at least five of the principal authors of the
++   Document (all of its principal authors, if it has fewer than five),
++   unless they release you from this requirement.
++C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the
++   Modified Version, as the publisher.
++D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
++E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications
++   adjacent to the other copyright notices.
++F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice
++   giving the public permission to use the Modified Version under the
++   terms of this License, in the form shown in the Addendum below.
++G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections
++   and required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
++H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
++I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add
++   to it an item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and
++   publisher of the Modified Version as given on the Title Page.  If
++   there is no section Entitled "History" in the Document, create one
++   stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Document as
++   given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified
++   Version as stated in the previous sentence.
++J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for
++   public access to a Transparent copy of the Document, and likewise
++   the network locations given in the Document for previous versions
++   it was based on.  These may be placed in the "History" section.
++   You may omit a network location for a work that was published at
++   least four years before the Document itself, or if the original
++   publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
++K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications",
++   Preserve the Title of the section, and preserve in the section all
++   the substance and tone of each of the contributor acknowledgements
++   and/or dedications given therein.
++L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document,
++   unaltered in their text and in their titles.  Section numbers
++   or the equivalent are not considered part of the section titles.
++M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements".  Such a section
++   may not be included in the Modified Version.
++N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled "Endorsements"
++   or to conflict in title with any Invariant Section.
++O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.
++If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or
++appendices that qualify as Secondary Sections and contain no material
++copied from the Document, you may at your option designate some or all
++of these sections as invariant.  To do this, add their titles to the
++list of Invariant Sections in the Modified Version's license notice.
++These titles must be distinct from any other section titles.
++You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains
++nothing but endorsements of your Modified Version by various
++parties--for example, statements of peer review or that the text has
++been approved by an organization as the authoritative definition of a
++You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
++passage of up to 25 words as a Back-Cover Text, to the end of the list
++of Cover Texts in the Modified Version.  Only one passage of
++Front-Cover Text and one of Back-Cover Text may be added by (or
++through arrangements made by) any one entity.  If the Document already
++includes a cover text for the same cover, previously added by you or
++by arrangement made by the same entity you are acting on behalf of,
++you may not add another; but you may replace the old one, on explicit
++permission from the previous publisher that added the old one.
++The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License
++give permission to use their names for publicity for or to assert or
++imply endorsement of any Modified Version.
++You may combine the Document with other documents released under this
++License, under the terms defined in section 4 above for modified
++versions, provided that you include in the combination all of the
++Invariant Sections of all of the original documents, unmodified, and
++list them all as Invariant Sections of your combined work in its
++license notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.
++The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and
++multiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single
++copy.  If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name but
++different contents, make the title of each such section unique by
++adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
++author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.
++Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list of
++Invariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.
++In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History"
++in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled
++"History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements",
++and any sections Entitled "Dedications".  You must delete all sections
++Entitled "Endorsements".
++You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents
++released under this License, and replace the individual copies of this
++License in the various documents with a single copy that is included in
++the collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License for
++verbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.
++You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute
++it individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of this
++License into the extracted document, and follow this License in all
++other respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.
++A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate
++and independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage or
++distribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyright
++resulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rights
++of the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit.
++When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does not
++apply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselves
++derivative works of the Document.
++If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these
++copies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half of
++the entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed on
++covers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or the
++electronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form.
++Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the whole
++Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may
++distribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.
++Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires special
++permission from their copyright holders, but you may include
++translations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to the
++original versions of these Invariant Sections.  You may include a
++translation of this License, and all the license notices in the
++Document, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also include
++the original English version of this License and the original versions
++of those notices and disclaimers.  In case of a disagreement between
++the translation and the original version of this License or a notice
++or disclaimer, the original version will prevail.
++If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements",
++"Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve
++its Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actual
++You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except
++as expressly provided for under this License.  Any other attempt to
++copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and will
++automatically terminate your rights under this License.  However,
++parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this
++License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
++parties remain in full compliance.
++The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions
++of the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time.  Such new
++versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
++differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.  See
++Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.
++If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of this
++License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option of
++following the terms and conditions either of that specified version or
++of any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by the
++Free Software Foundation.  If the Document does not specify a version
++number of this License, you may choose any version ever published (not
++as a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.
++ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents
++To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy of
++the License in the document and put the following copyright and
++license notices just after the title page:
++    Copyright (c)  YEAR  YOUR NAME.
++    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
++    under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2
++    or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
++    with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
++    A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU
++    Free Documentation License".
++If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts,
++replace the "with...Texts." line with this:
++    with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the
++    Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST.
++If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some other
++combination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit the
++If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, we
++recommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice of
++free software license, such as the GNU General Public License,
++to permit their use in free software.
+--- kstars/kstars/kstars.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kstars/kstars/kstars.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@
+ GenericName[fi]=Työpöytäplanetaario
+ GenericName[fr]=Planétarium
+ GenericName[gl]=Planetario
++GenericName[he]=פלנטריום שולחני
+ GenericName[hi]=डेस्कटॉप प्लेनेटेरियम
+ GenericName[hu]=Planetárium
+ GenericName[is]=Skjáborðsstjörnuver
+--- kalzium/src/kalzium.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kalzium/src/kalzium.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+ Comment[eu]=Elemtuen taula periodikoa
+ Comment[fi]=Alkuaineiden jaksollinen järjestelmä
+ Comment[fr]=Classification périodique des éléments de KDE
++Comment[he]=הטבלה המחזורית של היסודות של KDE
+ Comment[hu]=KDE-alapú periódusos rendszer
+ Comment[it]=Tavola periodica degli elementi per KDE
+ Comment[ja]=元素周期表
+@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@
+ Comment[pl]=Układ okresowy pierwiastków dla KDE
+ Comment[pt]=Tabela Periódica de Elementos do KDE
+ Comment[pt_BR]=Tabela Periódica de Elementos do KDE
++Comment[ru]=Периодическая система Менделеева
+ Comment[sk]=KDE Periodická tabuľka prvkov
+ Comment[sl]=Periodni sistem elementov
+ Comment[sr]=Периодни систем елемената за KDE
+--- kbruch/src/kbruch.desktop	(.../tags/KDE/3.5.4/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
++++ kbruch/src/kbruch.desktop	(.../branches/KDE/3.5/kdeedu)	(revision 577498)
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
+ GenericName[fi]=Harjoittele murtolukulaskuja
+ GenericName[fr]=Exercices pratiques avec des fractions
+ GenericName[gl]=Exercicios de fraccións
++GenericName[he]=תרגילי בשברים
+ GenericName[hi]=अभ्यास अंश
+ GenericName[hu]=Törtszámítás-gyakorló
+ GenericName[is]=Tugabrotaæfingar
+@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@
+ Comment[fi]=Harjoittele murtolukulaskuja
+ Comment[fr]=Exercices pratiques avec des fractions
+ Comment[gl]=Exercicios prácticos con fraccións
++Comment[he]=התאמנות בתרגילי שברים
+ Comment[hi]=अंश के साथ अभ्यास प्रश्नोत्तर
+ Comment[hu]=Gyakorlási példák törtszámításhoz
+ Comment[is]=Gera æfingar með tugabrotum

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