rev 4471 - kde-extras/kipi-plugins/trunk/debian

Mark Purcell msp at
Sat Sep 2 11:40:27 UTC 2006

Author: msp
Date: 2006-09-02 11:40:27 +0000 (Sat, 02 Sep 2006)
New Revision: 4471

* Lintian cleanup: extended-description-line-too-long

Modified: kde-extras/kipi-plugins/trunk/debian/changelog
--- kde-extras/kipi-plugins/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-09-02 10:38:54 UTC (rev 4470)
+++ kde-extras/kipi-plugins/trunk/debian/changelog	2006-09-02 11:40:27 UTC (rev 4471)
@@ -7,8 +7,9 @@
     - mpegencoder: fails to create SVCD from album (Closes: #374340)
   * kipi-plugins(GNU/k*BSD): FTBFS: out of date libtool scripts (Closes:
+  * Lintian cleanup: extended-description-line-too-long
- -- Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras at>  Sat,  2 Sep 2006 11:38:28 +0100
+ -- Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras at>  Sat,  2 Sep 2006 12:03:27 +0100
 kipi-plugins (0.1.2-1) unstable; urgency=low

Modified: kde-extras/kipi-plugins/trunk/debian/control
--- kde-extras/kipi-plugins/trunk/debian/control	2006-09-02 10:38:54 UTC (rev 4470)
+++ kde-extras/kipi-plugins/trunk/debian/control	2006-09-02 11:40:27 UTC (rev 4471)
@@ -21,34 +21,34 @@
  Plugins available are:
-     FlickrExport:       export images to a remote Flickr web service (NEW)
-     SimpleviewerExport: export your images in a nice flash movie (NEW)
-     HTMLGallery:        export your images to HTML (NEW)
-     RawConverter:       A raw image converter for digital cameras 
-     SlideShow:          Slideshow with effects ripped out from kslideshow
-                         and 3D effects using OpenGL
-     MpegEncoder:        Create an MPEG slideshow from your images
-     PrintWizard:        A wizard to print images in various format
-     JpegLossLess:       Batch process your JPEG images without losing meta
-                         information and compression 
-     CdArchiving:        Archive your albums on CD or DVD using K3b 
-     ScanImages:         Scanner management using Kooka 
-     ScreenshotImages:   Snap screen based on KSnapshot and adapted to Kipi 
-     Calendar:           A plugin to create calendars 
-     SendImages:         A plugin to send images by email, allowing resizing and
-                         recompressing before sending 
-     RenameImages:       Batch image renamer 
-     ConvertImages:      Batch image converter 
-     BorderImages:       Add border to your images in batch 
-     FilterImages:       Batch image enhancer using digital filters 
-     ColorImages:        Batch image color enhancer 
-     EffectImages:       Batch image transformation effects 
-     ResizeImages:       Batch image resizer 
-     RecompressImages:   Batch image recompressor 
-     FindDuplicateImages: Find duplicate images in albums 
-     WallPaper:          Set your image as wallpaper 
-     TimeAdjust:         Adjust image file time and date 
-     GalleryExport:      Interface for export images collections to remote Gallery
-                         web server 
+  FlickrExport:       export images to a remote Flickr web service (NEW)
+  SimpleviewerExport: export your images in a nice flash movie (NEW)
+  HTMLGallery:        export your images to HTML (NEW)
+  RawConverter:       A raw image converter for digital cameras 
+  SlideShow:          Slideshow with effects ripped out from kslideshow
+                       and 3D effects using OpenGL
+  MpegEncoder:        Create an MPEG slideshow from your images
+  PrintWizard:        A wizard to print images in various format
+  JpegLossLess:       Batch process your JPEG images without losing meta
+                       information and compression 
+  CdArchiving:        Archive your albums on CD or DVD using K3b 
+  ScanImages:         Scanner management using Kooka 
+  ScreenshotImages:   Snap screen based on KSnapshot and adapted to Kipi 
+  Calendar:           A plugin to create calendars 
+  SendImages:         A plugin to send images by email, allowing resizing
+                       and recompressing before sending 
+  RenameImages:       Batch image renamer 
+  ConvertImages:      Batch image converter 
+  BorderImages:       Add border to your images in batch 
+  FilterImages:       Batch image enhancer using digital filters 
+  ColorImages:        Batch image color enhancer 
+  EffectImages:       Batch image transformation effects 
+  ResizeImages:       Batch image resizer 
+  RecompressImages:   Batch image recompressor 
+  FindDuplicateImages: Find duplicate images in albums 
+  WallPaper:          Set your image as wallpaper 
+  TimeAdjust:         Adjust image file time and date 
+  GalleryExport:      Interface for export images collections to remote
+                        Gallery web server 

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