rev 8811 - in trunk/packages/kdevelop/debian: . patches

Jeremy Lainé sharky at
Mon Jan 7 08:01:10 UTC 2008

Author: sharky
Date: 2008-01-07 08:01:10 +0000 (Mon, 07 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 8811

start preparing kdevelop 3.5.0-3 upload

Modified: trunk/packages/kdevelop/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/kdevelop/debian/changelog	2008-01-07 05:41:29 UTC (rev 8810)
+++ trunk/packages/kdevelop/debian/changelog	2008-01-07 08:01:10 UTC (rev 8811)
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+kdevelop (4:3.5.0-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  * Apply patch for jumping to code from error messages (Closes: #331659).
+  * Move homepage from description to Homepage field.
+  * Update Standards-Version to 3.6.3.
+ -- Jeremy Lainé <jeremy.laine at>  Mon, 07 Jan 2008 08:01:35 +0100
 kdevelop (4:3.5.0-2) unstable; urgency=low
   * Apply patch for user interface lag on large projects.

Modified: trunk/packages/kdevelop/debian/control
--- trunk/packages/kdevelop/debian/control	2008-01-07 05:41:29 UTC (rev 8810)
+++ trunk/packages/kdevelop/debian/control	2008-01-07 08:01:10 UTC (rev 8811)
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Jeremy Lainé <jeremy.laine at>
 Build-Depends: cdbs (>= 0.4.38), debhelper (>= 5), autoconf, automake (>= 1:1.10), qt3-apps-dev, kdelibs4-dev (>= 4:3.5.8), gettext, kdelibs4-doc, qt3-doc, flex, libdb4.4-dev, python2.4, libcvsservice-dev (>= 4:3.5.8), groff-base, libsvn-dev
-Standards-Version: 3.7.2
+Standards-Version: 3.7.3
 Package: kdevelop
 Architecture: any
@@ -20,8 +21,6 @@
  The application wizard can generate fully functional projects
  for terminal programs and GUI programs using Qt, KDE or GNOME.
- .
-  Homepage:
 Package: kdevelop-doc
 Section: doc
@@ -38,8 +37,6 @@
  for terminal programs and GUI programs using Qt, KDE or GNOME.
  This package contains documentation for KDevelop.
- .
-  Homepage:
 Package: kdevelop-data
 Architecture: all
@@ -55,8 +52,6 @@
  for terminal programs and GUI programs using Qt, KDE or GNOME.
  This package contains arch independent data for KDevelop.
- .
-  Homepage:
 Package: kdevelop-dev
 Architecture: any
@@ -73,6 +68,4 @@
  for terminal programs and GUI programs using Qt, KDE or GNOME.
  This package contains development files for KDevelop.
- .
-  Homepage:

Added: trunk/packages/kdevelop/debian/patches/04_fix_click_on_error.diff
--- trunk/packages/kdevelop/debian/patches/04_fix_click_on_error.diff	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/kdevelop/debian/patches/04_fix_click_on_error.diff	2008-01-07 08:01:10 UTC (rev 8811)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- kdevelop/parts/outputviews/makewidget.cpp	2007/11/27 21:51:04	742354
++++ kdevelop/parts/outputviews/makewidget.cpp	2007/11/30 15:59:15	743310
+@@ -443,6 +443,17 @@
+             kdDebug(9004) << "MakeWidget::specialCheck thinks that url is: " << url.url()
+                 << " origin: " << file << endl;
+             fName = url.url();
++            return;
++        }
++    }
++    // Ok the "worst case", lets see if we can find a file in the project that has the same name
++    // obviously this will pick always the wrong file when you've got the same filename multiple times.
++    QStringList files = m_part->project()->allFiles();
++    for( QStringList::iterator it = files.begin() ; it != files.end(); ++it)
++    {
++        if( (*it).contains( file ) )
++        {
++            fName = URLUtil::canonicalPath( m_part->project()->projectDirectory() + "/" + *it );
+         }
+     }
+ }

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