rev 9143 - branches/kde4/packages/kdebindings/debian

Adeodato Simó adeodato at
Sat Jan 26 10:41:04 UTC 2008

Author: adeodato
Date: 2008-01-26 10:41:04 +0000 (Sat, 26 Jan 2008)
New Revision: 9143

Lines in the description paragraph can't start with a dot.

Modified: branches/kde4/packages/kdebindings/debian/control
--- branches/kde4/packages/kdebindings/debian/control	2008-01-26 10:34:51 UTC (rev 9142)
+++ branches/kde4/packages/kdebindings/debian/control	2008-01-26 10:41:04 UTC (rev 9143)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 Description: UIC compiler and SIP files for PyKDE4
  This package contains pykdeuic4, a wrapper around PyQt's own UIC (user
  interface compiler). It is needed to generate code from Qt Designer's
- .uic files. You want to install this package if you are writing a PyKDE
+ uic files. You want to install this package if you are writing a PyKDE
  application which has .uic files, or running one of these applications
  from source.

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