[SCM] Konversation packaging for Debian branch, master, updated. debian/1.2-rc1-1

Modestas Vainius modax-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sat Oct 3 14:46:35 UTC 2009

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 18d0bb247839eb97728456c8ce20f9d8520c1d33
Merge: 697fd2e201428f4a757429d4b44078620cd6d99e 1c90382216420ae7dc2190f5965b4aa78fb35638
Author: Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
Date:   Sat Oct 3 17:22:54 2009 +0300

    Merge branch 'upstream'

 ChangeLog                                       |   34 +
 data/images/nickicons/alternative/index.desktop |    2 +
 data/images/nickicons/christmas/index.desktop   |    2 +
 data/images/nickicons/classic/index.desktop     |    2 +
 data/images/nickicons/default/index.desktop     |    2 +
 data/images/nickicons/simplistic/index.desktop  |    2 +
 data/images/nickicons/smiling/index.desktop     |    2 +
 data/images/nickicons/square/index.desktop      |    2 +
 data/konversation.desktop                       |    2 +
 data/konversation.notifyrc                      |   35 +
 po/ar/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/bg/konversation.po                           |  577 ++------
 po/ca/konversation.po                           | 1805 +++++++++++------------
 po/cs/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/da/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/de/konversation.po                           |  307 ++--
 po/el/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/en_GB/konversation.po                        |  214 ++--
 po/es/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/et/konversation.po                           |  491 +++----
 po/fr/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/gl/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/hu/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/it/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/ja/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/nds/konversation.po                          |  214 ++--
 po/nl/konversation.po                           |  655 ++++-----
 po/pa/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/pt/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/pt_BR/konversation.po                        |  268 ++--
 po/ru/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/sv/konversation.po                           |  214 ++--
 po/tr/konversation.po                           |  303 ++--
 po/uk/konversation.po                           |  222 ++--
 po/zh_CN/konversation.po                        |  214 ++--
 po/zh_TW/konversation.po                        |  214 ++--
 src/commit.h                                    |    2 +-
 src/dcc/transferrecv.cpp                        |   14 +-
 src/dcc/transfersend.cpp                        |   19 +-
 src/irc/channeloptionsdialog.cpp                |    6 +-
 src/irc/channeloptionsui.ui                     |   25 +-
 src/irc/servergroupdialog.cpp                   |    1 +
 src/irc/serverlistdialog.cpp                    |    1 +
 src/main.cpp                                    |    1 +
 src/version.h                                   |    2 +-
 src/viewer/ircinput.cpp                         |    3 +-
 src/viewer/ircview.cpp                          |   88 +-
 src/viewer/ircview.h                            |    1 +
 src/viewer/viewtree.cpp                         |   10 +-
 49 files changed, 4119 insertions(+), 4619 deletions(-)

Konversation packaging for Debian

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