[SCM] Akonadi packaging branch, master, updated. debian/1.3.1-3-39-g5c61395

Modestas Vainius modax at alioth.debian.org
Tue Dec 21 01:58:13 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 2adf7aa921f30654c99f2a0ad026777d2cae2261
Author: Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
Date:   Tue Dec 21 03:53:36 2010 +0200

    Completely rewrite README.Debian.
 debian/README.Debian |  139 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 debian/changelog     |    3 +-
 2 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
index fff07d1..be04437 100644
--- a/debian/README.Debian
+++ b/debian/README.Debian
@@ -1,17 +1,122 @@
-Selecting Akonadi storage backend
-Akonadi has support for multiple backends for its cache and index storage. At
-the moment, the following backends are supported:
-* MySQL backend (default). Support for this backend is provided by the
-  akonadi-mysql package. The backend either starts MySQL Server instance with
-  privilegies of the user that started akonadiserver (no manual configuration
-  needed) or alternatively requires access to an already running MySQL server
-  (manual configuration required in akonadiserverrc). In order to use this
-  backend, set the value of the General/Driver option to QMYSQL in
-  ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc.
-* SQLite backend. Support for this backend is provided by the akonadi-sqlite
-  package. In order to use it, you will also need to set the value of the
-  General/Driver option to QSQLITE3 in ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc.
+1. Akonadi configuration
+Akonadi stores its settings and data in the subdirectory "akonadi" of the file
+system locations specified by XDG Base Directory Specification [1a].
+* Configuration files (e.g. akonadiserverrc) are stored in
+  $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/akonadi/ (defaults to ~/.config/akonadi/). If the file
+  cannot be found there, Akonadi will look in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/akonadi/
+  (defaults to /etc/xdg/akonadi/).
+* Similary, data files are stored in $XDG_DATA_HOME/akonadi/
+  (~/.local/share/akonadi/ by default). If the needed resource cannot be found
+  there, Akonadi will look in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/akonadi/ (that is
+  /usr/local/share/akonadi/ and /usr/share/akonadi/ by default) as well.
+Please note that Akonadi never modifies config and/or data files in global
+directories. Changed files are always written to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/akonadi/ and
+$XDG_DATA_HOME/akonadi/ respectively which will always have preference over
+global files the next time Akonadi starts up.
+[1a] http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html
+2. Akonadi storage backends
+While Akonadi provides data caching, indexing and searching services for PIM
+applications, it does not do most of raw data manipulation itself. It relays
+these tasks to the external SQL database engine. Flexible Akonadi architecture
+allows a user to choose from a range of well-known SQL database servers and use
+them with Akonadi.
+SQL server specific details are implemented in Akonadi storage backends which
+are provided by the respective akonadi-backend-* packages. Just install the
+backend package which is the most appropriate for your setup and edit
+akonadiserverrc configuration file accordingly. By default Akonadi uses MySQL
+backend which is configured to start a local instance of MySQL server for each
+user using Akonadi.
+At the moment, the following backends are supported:
+* MySQL backend (default) provided by the akonadi-backend-mysql package.
+  By default, the backend starts MySQL Server instance with privilegies of the
+  user that started akonadiserver. Alternatively (with StartServer=false) the
+  backend may connect to the specified database on the external MySQL server.
+  This backend uses official QSql MySQL driver. The following configuration
+  options are available:
+  [General]
+  Driver=QMYSQL
+  StartServer=   ; whether to start internal server instance, defaults to true
+  Name=          ; database name
+  Host=          ; name of host running external MySQL server
+  User=          ; database user, external server only
+  Password=      ; database user password, external server only
+  Options=       ; connection options
+  ServerPath=    ; absolute path to the mysqld executable,
+                 ; defaults to /usr/sbin/mysqld, internal server only
+  CleanServerShutdownCommand= ; a command to shutdown internal server cleanly
+                              ; default is reasonable
+* PostgreSQL backend provided by the akonadi-backend-postgresql package. Like
+  MySQL backend, by default PostgreSQL backend starts an unpriviledged instance
+  of the PostgreSQL server for each user. Alternatively, if you switch
+  StartServer option off, you may specify an external PostgreSQL database to
+  connect to.
+  This backend uses QSql PSQL driver. The following configuration options are
+  available:
+  [General]
+  Driver=QPSQL
+  [QPSQL]
+  StartServer=   ; whether to start internal server instance, defaults to true
+  Name=          ; dababase name
+  Host=          ; name of host running external PostgreSQL server
+  User=          ; database user, external server only
+  Password=      ; database user password, external server only
+  Options=       ; connection options
+  ServerPath=    ; path to the pg_ctl executable, internal server only
+  InitDbPath=    ; path to the initdb executable, internal server only
+  CleanServerShutdownCommand= ; a command to shutdown internal server cleanly,
+                              ; default is reasonable
+* ODBC backend provided by the akonadi-backend-odbc package. By default, it
+  backend will try to connect to the Virtuoso server instance which is started
+  by Nepomuk in the KDE environment.
+  This backend uses official QSql ODBC driver. The following configuration
+  options are available:
+  [General]
+  Driver=QODBC
+  [QODBC]
+  Name=     ; ODBC connection string, defaults to
+            ; host=localhost:1111;uid=dba;pwd=dba;driver=/opt/virtuoso/lib/virtodbc.so
+  User=     ; dabatase user name if not specified in the connection string
+  Password= ; database user password if not specified in the connection string
+  Options=  ; options, defaults to SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION=SQL_OV_ODBC3
+* SQLite backend provided by the akonadi-backend-sqlite package. It uses
+  embedded SQLite database hence it does not need a separate instance of the
+  SQL server.
+  This backend is based on the custom Qt SQLite3 driver which is
+  also shipped in the backend package. The following configuration options are
+  available:
+  [General]
+  Driver=SQLITE3
+  Name=     ; path to the database file
+            ; defaults to $XDG_DATA_HOME/akonadi/akonadi.db
+NOTE: environment variables are not expanded in option values. Option must not
+be present in the configuration file in order for its default to have effect.
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 58c7250..4947732 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ akonadi (1.4.90-0r1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
     now. Also suggest both backends.
   * Move akonadi-dbg to the end of debian/control.
   * Update install files.
-  * Add README.Debian about SQLite (and MySQL) backends.
+  * Add README.Debian with extensive information about Akonadi configuration
+    files and storage backends.
   * Bump build dependency to libqt4-dev 4:4.6.0. SQLite backend needs it.
   * Drop Replaces from libakonadi-dev for very old pre-4.1 KDE versions.
   * Switch to quilt 3.0 format:

Akonadi packaging

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