[SCM] Debian Qt/KDE packaging tools branch, master, updated. debian/0.6.6

Modestas Vainius modax at alioth.debian.org
Sun Feb 28 18:58:48 UTC 2010

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit a690b0d6279c8671177d27b3db89f85874f644af
Author: Modestas Vainius <modestas at vainius.eu>
Date:   Sun Feb 28 20:47:43 2010 +0200

    Add pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest command.
 Makefile                      |    3 +
 debian/changelog              |    1 +
 pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest |  319 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index a063e15..4bbf200 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ build:
 	install -d $(DATADIR) $(BINDIR) $(MANDIR) $(MANDIR)/man1
+	pod2man pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest > $(MANDIR)/man1/pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest.1
+	install -m 0755 pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest $(BINDIR)
 	# symbolshelper
 	cd $(SYMBOLSHELPER_DIR) && find Debian -type f -name "*.pm" -exec \
 	    install -D -m 0644 {} $(DESTDIR)/$(PERLLIBDIR)/{} \;
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index cf8bcb2..99a5387 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ pkg-kde-tools (0.6.6~pre2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * `pkgkde-symbolshelper batchpatch`: improve error messages.
   * Fix patch parsing when patches go one right after another.
   * `pkgkde-symbolshelper rewrite`: understand -v again.
+  * Add pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest command.
  -- Modestas Vainius <modax at debian.org>  Fri, 19 Feb 2010 20:30:09 +0200
diff --git a/pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest b/pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b4bcf83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+=head1 NAME
+pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest - loosen kde-sc-dev-latest Break restrictions
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<pkgkde-override-sc-dev> [B<-b>I<base_version>] [B<-v>I<version>]
+B<pkgkde-override-sc-dev-lastest> is a helper utility which can be used to
+generate a dummy I<kde-sc-dev-latest> package without I<Breaks> field that is
+present in the original version. Original I<kde-sc-dev-latest> package is used
+to force KDE Software Compilation modules to be built against the latest
+version of the KDE Development Platform modules without bumping versions of
+a bunch build dependencies for each KDE SC module. However, while
+original I<kde-sc-dev-latest> does not cause problems when building in clean
+chroots, the restrictions imposed by its I<Breaks> field might be undesirable
+on the maintainer system when:
+=over 4
+=item *
+the maintainer wants to (test)build KDE module version X.Y.A against KDE
+Development Platform X.Y.B where (A > B);
+=item *
+the maintainer builds a new upstream version of the some KDE Development
+Platform module on the system that has an old version of some KDE Development
+Platform packages installed. For example, even if kdepimlibs does not build
+depend on kdebase-workspace-dev, original I<kde-sc-dev-latest> may prevent
+kdepimlibs X.Y.A to be built on the system which has kdebase-workspace X.Y.B
+(where A > B) installed.
+By default, B<pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest> generates a dummy
+I<kde-sc-dev-latest> package in the current working directory that is based on the
+current C<candidate> version of the original I<kde-sc-dev-latest> (as per
+apt-cache policy). You may specify a base version with the I<-b> option. The
+resulting dummy I<kde-sc-dev-latest> override package will have
+C<I<base_version>+override> as its version unless another one is specified with
+I<-v> option. Once the package is generated, you can install it like:
+  # dpkg --install kde-sc-dev_<version>+override_all.deb
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-b>I<base_version>, B<--basever>=I<base_version>
+The version of the original I<kde-sc-dev-latest> package to base an override
+package on. It must be available in the APT database on the system. You may
+also pass special value C<latest> to select the latest available version in the
+APT database. If you specify C<priority>, the latest version with the highest
+priority will be selection. By default (if this option is not specified),
+candidate version is selected
+=item B<-v>I<version>, B<--version>=I<version>
+Generate an override package with the specified C<I<version>+override> rather
+than default C<I<base_version>+override> version.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Modestas Vainius <modax at debian.org>
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use File::Temp;
+use File::Basename qw(basename);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd qw(cwd);
+my $APT_CACHE = `which apt-cache`; chomp $APT_CACHE;
+my $DPKG_GENCONTROL = `which dpkg-gencontrol`; chomp $DPKG_GENCONTROL;
+my $DPKG_DEB = `which dpkg-deb`; chomp $DPKG_DEB;
+my $DPKG_NAME = `which dpkg-name`; chomp $DPKG_NAME;
+sub error {
+    my $format = shift;
+    print STDERR sprintf(basename($0) . ": error ". $format, @_), "\n";
+    exit 1;
+sub info {
+    my $format = shift;
+    print STDERR sprintf(basename($0) . ": info ". $format, @_), "\n";
+sub syserr {
+    my $format = shift;
+    error("$format: $!", @_);
+sub check_environment {
+    unless (-x $APT_CACHE) {
+        error('`apt-cache` from the apt package is needed');
+    }
+    unless (-x $DPKG_GENCONTROL) {
+        error('`dpkg-gencontrol` from the dpkg-dev package is needed');
+    }
+    unless (-x $DPKG_DEB) {
+        error('`dpkg-deb` from the dpkg-dev package is needed');
+    }
+    unless (-x $DPKG_NAME) {
+        error('`dpkg-name` from the dpkg-dev package is needed');
+    }
+sub get_apt_policy {
+    my $package = shift;
+    my %result;
+    my $versions;
+    my $ver;
+    open (APT_CACHE, "LC_ALL=C $APT_CACHE policy $package |") or
+        syserr("unable to run apt-cache");
+    while (<APT_CACHE>) {
+        chop;
+        if (m/^  Candidate: (\S+)$/) {
+            $result{candidate} = $1 unless $1 =~ /\(none\)/;
+        } elsif (m/^  Version table/) {
+            $versions = {};
+        } elsif (defined $versions) {
+            if (/^ [ *]{3} (\S+)/) {
+                $ver = $1;
+                push @{$result{byversion}}, $ver;
+            } elsif (defined $ver && /^     \s\s*(\d+)/) {
+                if (!exists $versions->{$ver} || $1 > $versions->{$ver}) {
+                    $versions->{$ver} = $1;
+                }
+            } else {
+                $ver = undef;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    close APT_CACHE;
+    # By priority
+    use sort 'stable';
+    $result{bypriority} =
+        [ sort { -($versions->{$a} <=> $versions->{$b}) } keys %$versions ];
+    no sort 'stable';
+    $result{versions} = $versions;
+    return \%result;
+sub get_apt_show {
+    my ($package, $version) = @_;
+    open (APT_CACHE, "LC_ALL=C $APT_CACHE show $package |") or
+        syserr("unable to run apt-cache");
+    my %fields;
+    my $field;
+    while (<APT_CACHE>) {
+        chop;
+        if (m/^(\S+):\s*(.*)$/) {
+            $field = $1;
+            if ($field eq "Package") {
+                if (exists $fields{Version} && $fields{Version} eq $version) {
+                    return \%fields;
+                } else {
+                    %fields = ();
+                }
+            }
+            $fields{$field} = $2;
+        } elsif (defined $field && m/^(\s.*)$/) {
+            $fields{$field} .= "\n" . $_;
+        } elsif (! m/^\s*$/) {
+            error("problem while parsing apt-cache show output, line $.");
+        }
+    }
+    close APT_CACHE;
+    if (exists $fields{Version} && $fields{Version} eq $version) {
+        return \%fields;
+    } else {
+        return ();
+    }
+sub get_maintainer {
+    my $maintlogin;
+    my $maintname = $ENV{DEBFULLNAME} || $ENV{NAME};
+    my $maintemail = $ENV{DEBEMAIL};
+    my ($login, $passwd, $uid, $gid,
+        $quota, $comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell, $expire) = getpwuid($<);
+    $maintlogin = $login || $uid || "unknown";
+    unless ($maintname) {
+        my @maintname = split(/,/, $comment);
+        $maintname = $maintname[0] || "Unknown name";
+    }
+    unless ($maintemail) {
+        $maintemail = "$maintlogin\@localhost";
+    }
+    return "$maintname <$maintemail>";
+my $opt_basever;
+my $opt_version;
+if (!GetOptions("b|basever=s" => \$opt_basever,
+                "v|version=s" => \$opt_version)) {
+    exit 2;
+my $policy = get_apt_policy("kde-sc-dev-latest");
+error("there no versions of kde-sc-dev-latest available in the APT database")
+    unless %{$policy->{versions}};
+if (! $opt_basever) {
+    $opt_basever = $policy->{candidate};
+    $opt_basever = $policy->{bypriority}->[0] unless $opt_basever;
+} elsif ($opt_basever eq "latest") {
+    $opt_basever = $policy->{byversion}->[0];
+} elsif ($opt_basever eq "priority") {
+    $opt_basever = $policy->{bypriority}->[0];
+if ($opt_basever && ! exists $policy->{versions}{$opt_basever}) {
+    error("kde-sc-dev-latest version $opt_basever is not available in the APT database");
+unless ($opt_version) {
+    $opt_version = $opt_basever;
+$opt_version .= "+override";
+my $fields = get_apt_show("kde-sc-dev-latest", $opt_basever);
+unless (%$fields) {
+    error("no kde-sc-dev-latest version $opt_basever in the APT database");
+info "Basing custom kde-sc-dev-latest package on the version %s ...", $opt_basever;
+my $maintainer = get_maintainer();
+my $date = `date -R`;
+chop $date;
+my $curdir = cwd();
+my $dir = File::Temp->newdir("kde-sc-dev-latest-override.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1);
+chdir $dir or syserr("unable to change directory to ". $dir->filename);
+mkdir "debian" or syserr("unable to create debian subdirectory");
+# Write control
+open(CONTROL, ">", "debian/control") or
+    syserr("unable to create control file");
+print CONTROL <<EOF;
+Source: kde-sc-dev-latest-override
+Section: kde
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: $maintainer
+Standards-Version: 3.8.4
+for my $field (qw{Package Architecture Pre-Depends
+                  Depends Suggests Recommends})
+    if (exists $fields->{$field}) {
+        print CONTROL $field, ": ", $fields->{$field}, "\n";
+    }
+print CONTROL <<EOF;
+Description: override for the kde-sc-dev-latest $opt_basever
+ This package is based on the original kde-sc-dev-latest package
+ version $opt_basever.
+ .
+ The purpose of this package is to loosen restrictions imposed by the Breaks
+ field of the original package, i.e. permit building KDE SC packages when
+ non-latest versions of KDE Development Platform packages are installed on the
+ system. Therefore, this package has the same control fields as original except
+ that "Breaks" field is not present.
+ .
+ This package was generated with the pkgkde-override-sc-dev-latest utility on
+ $date.
+close CONTROL;
+# Write changelog
+open(CHANGELOG, ">", "debian/changelog") or
+    syserr("unable to create changelog file");
+print CHANGELOG "kde-sc-dev-latest-override (", $opt_version, ") dummy; urgency=low", "\n";
+print CHANGELOG "\n";
+print CHANGELOG "  * kde-sc-dev-latest override (without Breaks) for version ",
+                $opt_basever, ".", "\n";
+print CHANGELOG "\n";
+print CHANGELOG " -- ", $maintainer, "  ", $date, "\n";
+# Generate binary control and create deb
+mkdir "debian/tmp" or syserr("unable to create debian/tmp subdirectory");
+mkdir "debian/tmp/DEBIAN" or syserr("unable to create debian/tmp/DEBIAN subdirectory");
+system($DPKG_GENCONTROL, "-pkde-sc-dev-latest", "-Pdebian/tmp") and error("dpkg-gencontrol FAILED!");
+system($DPKG_DEB, "--build", "debian/tmp", "kde-sc-dev-latest.deb") and error("dpkg-deb --build FAILED!");
+system($DPKG_NAME, "kde-sc-dev-latest.deb") and error("dpkg-name FAILED!");
+# Move
+my @deb = glob('*.deb');
+system("mv", $deb[0], $curdir) and
+    error("unable to move debian package to the current directory");
+chdir $curdir;
+info "%s created sucessfully.", $deb[0];
+info 'You may install it with `dpkg -i %s`', $deb[0];

Debian Qt/KDE packaging tools

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