[SCM] ktp-text-ui packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.7.0-1-29-g3b00446

Diane Trout diane-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Oct 8 06:10:29 UTC 2014

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/kde-telepathy/ktp-text-ui.git;a=commitdiff;h=b7c5348

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit b7c53485b511cae211cae677e1fd911934035c82
Merge: 3a80f46961f17b5bf171855f1c568fedb878f52e d149957ff583239b1aeffd1726d16460752a4b5a
Author: Diane Trout <diane at ghic.org>
Date:   Sun Sep 21 11:01:03 2014 -0700

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.80'
    Upstream version 0.8.80

 CMakeLists.txt                                     |  18 +-
 app/CMakeLists.txt                                 |  43 +-
 app/chat-tab.cpp                                   |   1 +
 app/chat-tab.h                                     |   3 +
 app/chat-window.cpp                                | 342 +++++++++-
 app/chat-window.h                                  |  31 +
 app/chatwindow.rc                                  |  22 +-
 app/invite-contact-dialog.cpp                      |  18 +-
 app/main.cpp                                       |  10 +-
 app/telepathy-chat-ui.cpp                          | 181 +++++-
 app/telepathy-chat-ui.h                            |  24 +-
 cmake/modules/FindKTp.cmake                        |   2 +
 cmake/modules/FindQJSON.cmake                      |  48 ++
 config/CMakeLists.txt                              |  20 +-
 config/appearance-config-tab.cpp                   |  74 +--
 config/appearance-config-tab.h                     |   3 +-
 config/appearance-config.ui                        |  91 ++-
 config/behavior-config.cpp                         |  30 +
 config/behavior-config.h                           |   4 +
 config/behavior-config.ui                          |  74 ++-
 config/kcm_ktp_chat_appearance.desktop             |   9 +-
 config/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.desktop               |   5 +-
 config/kcm_ktp_chat_messages.desktop               |   6 +
 config/kcm_ktp_chat_otr.desktop                    |  59 ++
 config/otr-config.cpp                              | 285 +++++++++
 config/{behavior-config.h => otr-config.h}         |  67 +-
 config/otr-config.ui                               | 439 +++++++++++++
 .../Contents/Info.plist                            |  28 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Footer.html                 |  64 ++
 .../Contents/Resources/Header.html                 |   8 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Incoming/Content.html       |  16 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Incoming/NextContent.html   |   4 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Outgoing/Content.html       |  16 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Outgoing/NextContent.html   |   4 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Status.html                 |  15 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Styles/Header.css           |  61 ++
 .../Contents/Resources/Template.html               | 342 ++++++++++
 .../Contents/Resources/Topic.html                  |   8 +
 .../Contents/Resources/img/sidebar_header_bg.png   | Bin 0 -> 159 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/lib/jquery.min.js           |   4 +
 .../Contents/Resources/lib/livepipe.js             | 180 ++++++
 .../Contents/Resources/lib/scriptaculous183.js     |   1 +
 .../Contents/Resources/lib/scrollbar.js            | 149 +++++
 .../Contents/Resources/main.css                    | 451 ++++++++++++++
 data/styles/WoshiChat.AdiumMessageStyle/LICENSE    | 213 +++++++
 filters/CMakeLists.txt                             |   1 +
 ...ktptextui_message_filter_bugzilla.desktop.cmake |   7 +
 ...tptextui_message_filter_emoticons.desktop.cmake |   8 +-
 ...ptextui_message_filter_formatting.desktop.cmake |   8 +
 ...tptextui_message_filter_highlight.desktop.cmake |   9 +-
 .../ktptextui_message_filter_images.desktop.cmake  |   7 +-
 .../kcm_ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop     |   7 +
 .../ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop.cmake   |  26 +-
 filters/{youtube => otr}/CMakeLists.txt            |  21 +-
 .../otr/ktptextui_message_filter_otr.desktop.cmake |  57 ++
 .../{latex/latex-config.cpp => otr/otr-filter.cpp} |  28 +-
 .../{youtube/youtube-filter.h => otr/otr-filter.h} |  13 +-
 ...ui_message_filter_searchexpansion.desktop.cmake |  11 +-
 .../ktptextui_message_filter_tts.desktop.cmake     |   4 +
 ...extui_message_filter_urlexpansion.desktop.cmake |  19 +-
 .../ktptextui_message_filter_youtube.desktop.cmake |  10 +-
 image-sharer/CMakeLists.txt                        |  23 +
 .../abstractsharer.cpp                             |  56 +-
 image-sharer/abstractsharer.h                      |  91 +++
 image-sharer/imagebinsharer.cpp                    |  56 ++
 .../imagebinsharer.h                               |  47 +-
 image-sharer/imagesharer_export.h                  |  21 +
 image-sharer/imgursharer.cpp                       |  68 ++
 .../imgursharer.h                                  |  47 +-
 image-sharer/mpform.cpp                            | 204 ++++++
 image-sharer/mpform.h                              |  58 ++
 image-sharer/shareprovider.cpp                     | 219 +++++++
 image-sharer/shareprovider.h                       |  72 +++
 image-sharer/simplestimagehostingsharer.cpp        |  53 ++
 .../simplestimagehostingsharer.h                   |  48 +-
 lib/CMakeLists.txt                                 |  11 +-
 lib/adium-theme-content-info.cpp                   |  43 +-
 lib/adium-theme-content-info.h                     |   6 +-
 lib/adium-theme-header-info.cpp                    |  21 +-
 lib/adium-theme-header-info.h                      |  10 +-
 lib/adium-theme-message-info.cpp                   |  10 +-
 lib/adium-theme-message-info.h                     |   5 +-
 lib/adium-theme-view.cpp                           |  94 ++-
 lib/adium-theme-view.h                             |  22 +-
 lib/authenticationwizard.cpp                       | 443 +++++++++++++
 lib/authenticationwizard.h                         | 106 ++++
 lib/channel-contact-model.cpp                      |  60 +-
 lib/channel-contact-model.h                        |   8 +
 lib/chat-style-plist-file-reader.cpp               |   6 +-
 lib/chat-text-edit.cpp                             |   5 +-
 lib/chat-widget.cpp                                | 689 ++++++++++++++++++---
 lib/chat-widget.h                                  |  57 ++
 lib/chat-widget.ui                                 |  16 +
 lib/contact-delegate.cpp                           | 146 +++++
 lib/contact-delegate.h                             |  46 ++
 lib/keygendialog.ui                                |  60 ++
 lib/ktptxtui_message_filter.desktop                |   2 +
 lib/notify-filter.cpp                              |   8 +-
 lib/notify-filter.h                                |   5 +-
 lib/otr-notifications.cpp                          | 143 +++++
 .../appearance-config.h => lib/otr-notifications.h |  38 +-
 lib/otr-status.cpp                                 |  52 ++
 lib/otr-status.h                                   |  49 ++
 lib/proxy-service.cpp                              | 239 +++++++
 lib/proxy-service.h                                |  75 +++
 lib/text-chat-config.cpp                           |  38 ++
 lib/text-chat-config.h                             |   8 +
 logviewer/entity-view.h => lib/types.h             |  33 +-
 logviewer/Messages.sh                              |   4 +
 .../config/kcm_ktp_logviewer_behavior.desktop      |   5 +-
 logviewer/entity-view.cpp                          |  13 +
 logviewer/entity-view.h                            |   2 +
 logviewer/ktp-log-viewer.desktop                   |  10 +
 logviewer/log-viewer.rc                            |   1 +
 logviewer/message-view.cpp                         |   7 +-
 logviewer/person-entity-merge-model.cpp            |   2 +-
 po/CMakeLists.txt                                  |   1 +
 po/ca/ktp-text-ui.po                               |  10 +-
 po/ca/ktpchat.po                                   |   8 +-
 po/cs/ktp-filters.po                               |   4 +-
 po/cs/ktp-text-ui.po                               |   2 +
 po/cs/ktpchat.po                                   |   2 +
 po/de/ktp-text-ui.po                               |   6 +-
 po/en_GB/CMakeLists.txt                            |   2 +
 po/{ko => en_GB}/kcm_ktp_chat_appearance.po        |  32 +-
 po/{ia => en_GB}/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po          |  36 +-
 po/{et => en_GB}/ktp-adiumxtra-protocol-handler.po |  41 +-
 po/{ko => en_GB}/ktp-filters.po                    |  20 +-
 po/{et => en_GB}/ktp-text-ui.po                    | 109 ++--
 po/{mr => en_GB}/ktpchat.po                        |  85 +--
 po/et/kcm_ktp_chat_appearance.po                   |  16 +-
 po/et/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po                     |  26 +-
 po/{ko => et}/ktp-filters.po                       |  22 +-
 po/et/ktp-text-ui.po                               |  26 +-
 po/et/ktpchat.po                                   |  14 +-
 po/fi/ktp-filters.po                               |   4 +-
 po/fi/ktp-text-ui.po                               |   2 +-
 po/fr/kcm_ktp_chat_appearance.po                   |   4 +-
 po/fr/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po                     |   2 +-
 po/fr/ktp-filters.po                               |   2 +-
 po/fr/ktp-text-ui.po                               |  12 +-
 po/fr/ktpchat.po                                   |  14 +-
 po/hu/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po                     |  12 +-
 po/{nds => ja}/ktp-filters.po                      |  25 +-
 po/ko/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po                     |  10 +-
 po/ko/ktp-adiumxtra-protocol-handler.po            |   1 -
 po/ko/ktp-filters.po                               |   1 -
 po/nds/kcm_ktp_chat_appearance.po                  |  21 +-
 po/nds/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po                    |  27 +-
 po/nds/ktp-adiumxtra-protocol-handler.po           |  31 +-
 po/nds/ktp-filters.po                              |  15 +-
 po/nds/ktp-text-ui.po                              |  87 +--
 po/nds/ktpchat.po                                  |  76 +--
 po/nl/ktp-text-ui.po                               |   8 +-
 po/ro/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po                     |  98 ---
 po/ro/ktp-text-ui.po                               |  10 +-
 po/sr/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po                     |   2 +-
 po/sr/ktp-filters.po                               |   2 +-
 po/sr at ijekavian/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po           |   2 +-
 po/sr at ijekavian/ktp-filters.po                     |   2 +-
 po/sr at ijekavianlatin/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po      |   2 +-
 po/sr at ijekavianlatin/ktp-filters.po                |   2 +-
 po/sr at latin/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po               |   2 +-
 po/sr at latin/ktp-filters.po                         |   2 +-
 po/uk/kcm_ktp_chat_appearance.po                   |   2 +-
 po/uk/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.po                     |   2 +-
 po/uk/ktp-adiumxtra-protocol-handler.po            |   2 +-
 po/uk/ktp-filters.po                               |   2 +-
 po/uk/ktp-text-ui.po                               |   2 +-
 po/uk/ktpchat.po                                   |   8 +-
 170 files changed, 7266 insertions(+), 1062 deletions(-)

ktp-text-ui packaging

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