[SCM] QtWebKit packaging branch, master, updated. debian/2.3.2.dfsg-2-6-g244d6ad
Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez
lisandro at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Sep 5 13:37:47 UTC 2014
Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/qt/qtwebkit.git;a=commitdiff;h=244d6ad
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 244d6ad50fc813d6b531d5f2d4047b25d2bafe42
Author: Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer <perezmeyer at gmail.com>
Date: Fri Sep 5 10:37:29 2014 -0300
Update symbols files with buildds' logs.
debian/changelog | 1 +
debian/libqtwebkit4.symbols | 131 +-------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 128 deletions(-)
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 6c42bd0..21bdbe8 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ qtwebkit (2.3.2.dfsg-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
Colin Watson's ppc64el.patch.
* Bound CPU usage on unknown platforms with bound_cpu_usage.patch
(Closes: #760519). Thanks Samuel Thibault for the patch.
+ * Update symbols files with buildds' logs.
-- Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers <debian-qt-kde at lists.debian.org> Thu, 04 Sep 2014 20:42:51 -0300
diff --git a/debian/libqtwebkit4.symbols b/debian/libqtwebkit4.symbols
index e934aaa..84c85ff 100644
--- a/debian/libqtwebkit4.symbols
+++ b/debian/libqtwebkit4.symbols
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 2.3.2 amd64 armhf powerpc
+# SymbolsHelper-Confirmed: 2.3.2 amd64 armel armhf mips mipsel powerpc s390x
libQtWebKit.so.4 libqtwebkit4 #MINVER#
* Build-Depends-Package: libqtwebkit-dev
JSCheckScriptSyntax at Base 2.3.2
@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ libQtWebKit.so.4 libqtwebkit4 #MINVER#
_Z33qt_drt_overwritePluginDirectoriesv at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_Z34qt_drt_resetOriginAccessWhiteListsv at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_Z48qt_drt_garbageCollector_collectOnAlternateThreadb at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
- (optional=external|arch=alpha mips mipsel s390 s390x sh4 sparc)_Z6qDebugv at Base 2.2.0
_ZN11QWebElement11encloseWithERK7QString at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZN11QWebElement11encloseWithERKS_ at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZN11QWebElement11removeClassERK7QString at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
@@ -515,9 +514,6 @@ libQtWebKit.so.4 libqtwebkit4 #MINVER#
_ZN8QDRTNodeD1Ev at Base 2.2.0
_ZN8QDRTNodeD2Ev at Base 2.2.0
_ZN8QDRTNodeaSERKS_ at Base 2.2.0
- (optional=templinst|arch=alpha ia64 ppc64 s390x sparc)_ZN8QVariant9fromValueI11QWebElementEES_RKT_ at Base 2.2.1
- (optional=templinst|arch=alpha ia64 ppc64 s390x sparc)_ZN8QVariant9fromValueI5QListIP7QObjectEEES_RKT_ at Base 2.2.1
- (optional=templinst|arch=alpha ia64 ppc64 s390x sparc)_ZN8QVariant9fromValueI5QListIiEEES_RKT_ at Base 2.2.1
_ZN8QWebPage10chooseFileEP9QWebFrameRK7QString at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZN8QWebPage10setPaletteERK8QPalette at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZN8QWebPage11linkClickedERK4QUrl at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
@@ -564,8 +560,8 @@ libQtWebKit.so.4 libqtwebkit4 #MINVER#
_ZN8QWebPage23setNetworkAccessManagerEP21QNetworkAccessManager at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZN8QWebPage23swallowContextMenuEventEP17QContextMenuEvent at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZN8QWebPage23viewportChangeRequestedEv at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
- _ZN8QWebPage24ErrorPageExtensionReturnD1Ev at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
- _ZN8QWebPage24ErrorPageExtensionReturnD2Ev at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
+ (arch=!armel)_ZN8QWebPage24ErrorPageExtensionReturnD1Ev at Base 2.3.2
+ (arch=!armel)_ZN8QWebPage24ErrorPageExtensionReturnD2Ev at Base 2.3.2
_ZN8QWebPage24javaScriptConsoleMessageERK7QStringiS2_ at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZN8QWebPage25createStandardContextMenuEv at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZN8QWebPage25shouldInterruptJavaScriptEv at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
@@ -808,7 +804,6 @@ libQtWebKit.so.4 libqtwebkit4 #MINVER#
_ZNK21QWebElementCollection5countEv at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZNK21QWebElementCollection6toListEv at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZNK21QWebElementCollectionplERKS_ at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
- (optional=templinst|arch=alpha ia64 ppc64 s390x sparc)_ZNK8QVariant5valueIS_EET_v at Base 2.2.1
_ZNK8QWebPage10isModifiedEv at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZNK8QWebPage10metaObjectEv at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZNK8QWebPage10totalBytesEv at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
@@ -921,126 +916,6 @@ libQtWebKit.so.4 libqtwebkit4 #MINVER#
_ZTV9QWebFrame at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZlsR11QDataStreamRK11QWebHistory at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
_ZrsR11QDataStreamR11QWebHistory at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
- (arch=hurd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 mips mipsel)ctiOpThrowNotCaught at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=hurd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 mips mipsel)ctiTrampoline at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=hurd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 kfreebsd-i386 mips mipsel)ctiVMThrowTrampoline at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_has_property at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_add at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_bitand at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_bitnot at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_bitor at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_bitxor at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_call_NotJSFunction at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_call_arityCheck at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_call_eval at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_call_jitCompile at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_check_has_instance at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_construct_NotJSConstruct at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_construct_arityCheck at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_construct_jitCompile at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_convert_this at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_convert_this_strict at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_create_arguments at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_create_arguments_no_params at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_create_this at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_debug at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_del_by_id at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_del_by_val at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_div at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_ensure_property_exists at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_eq at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_eq_strings at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_id at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_id_array_fail at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_id_custom_stub at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_id_generic at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_id_getter_stub at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_id_method_check at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_id_proto_fail at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_id_proto_list at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_id_proto_list_full at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_id_self_fail at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_id_string_fail at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_val at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_val_byte_array at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_by_val_string at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_get_pnames at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_in at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_instanceof at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_is_boolean at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_is_function at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_is_number at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_is_object at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_is_string at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_is_undefined at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_jless at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_jlesseq at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_jmp_scopes at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_jtrue at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_less at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_lesseq at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_load_varargs at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_loop_if_lesseq at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_lshift at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_mod at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_mul at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_negate at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_new_array at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_new_func at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_new_func_exp at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_new_object at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_new_regexp at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_not at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_nstricteq at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_pop_scope at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_post_dec at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_post_inc at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_pre_dec at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_pre_inc at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_profile_did_call at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_profile_will_call at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_push_activation at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_push_new_scope at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_push_scope at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_by_id at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_by_id_direct at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_by_id_direct_fail at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_by_id_direct_generic at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_by_id_fail at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_by_id_generic at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_by_id_transition_realloc at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_by_index at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_by_val at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_by_val_byte_array at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_getter at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_put_setter at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_resolve at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_resolve_base at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_resolve_base_strict_put at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_resolve_global at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_resolve_skip at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_resolve_with_base at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_rshift at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_strcat at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_stricteq at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_sub at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_switch_char at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_switch_imm at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_switch_string at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_tear_off_activation at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_tear_off_arguments at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_throw at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_throw_reference_error at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_to_jsnumber at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_to_primitive at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_typeof at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_op_urshift at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_register_file_check at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_timeout_check at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_to_object at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_vm_lazyLinkCall at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_vm_lazyLinkConstruct at Base 2.2.0
- (arch=armel mips mipsel sh4)cti_vm_throw at Base 2.2.0
kJSClassDefinitionEmpty at Base 2.1.0~2011week13
(c++)"non-virtual thunk to JSC::CodeBlock::~CodeBlock()@Base" 2.3.2
(c++)"non-virtual thunk to QGraphicsWebView::contextMenuEvent(QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent*)@Base" 2.1.0~2011week13
QtWebKit packaging
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