[SCM] ci-tooling packaging branch, master, updated. 9e491f86f830729ca250f42cb766087867915b09
Harald Sitter
apachelogger-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 9 10:32:14 UTC 2015
Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/ci-tooling.git;a=commitdiff;h=9e491f8
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 9e491f86f830729ca250f42cb766087867915b09
Author: Harald Sitter <sitter at kde.org>
Date: Mon Mar 9 11:32:11 2015 +0100
format projects and fix a whole bunch of rubocop warnings
lib/projects.rb | 308 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
1 file changed, 154 insertions(+), 154 deletions(-)
diff --git a/lib/projects.rb b/lib/projects.rb
index cca2db8..245d11e 100644
--- a/lib/projects.rb
+++ b/lib/projects.rb
@@ -7,108 +7,111 @@ require_relative 'debian/control'
Scm = Struct.new(:type, :url, :branch)
class Project
- # Name of the thing (e.g. the repo name)
- attr_reader :name
- # Super component (e.g. plasma)
- attr_reader :component
- # Scm instance describing the upstream SCM associated with this project.
- attr_reader :upstream_scm
- # Array of binary packages (debs) provided by this project
- attr_reader :provided_binaries
- # Array of package dependencies, initialized by default from control file
- attr_reader :dependencies
- # Array of package dependees, empty Array by default
- attr_reader :dependees
- # Array of branch names that are series specific. May be empty if there are none.
- attr_reader :series_branches
- # Bool whether this project uses autopkgtest
- attr_reader :autopkgtest
- # String of the SCM uri
- attr_reader :packaging_scm
- # Init
- # @param name name of the project (this is equal to the name of the packaging repo)
- # @param component component within which the project resides (i.e. directory part of the repo path)
- # @param url_base the base path of the full repo URI. Combined with name and component this should form a repo URI
- # @param type the type of integration project (unstable/stable..).
- # This indicates whether to look for kubuntu_unstable or kubuntu_stable branches
- def initialize(name, component, url_base='git.debian.org:/git/pkg-kde', type:)
- @name = name
- @component = component
- @upstream_scm = nil
- @provided_binaries = []
- @dependencies = []
- @dependees = []
- @series_branches = []
- @autopkgtest = false
- # Clean up path to remove useless slashes and colons.
- @packaging_scm = Project.cleanup_uri("#{url_base}/#{component}/#{name}")
- # FIXME: git dir needs to be set somewhere, somehow, somewhat, lol, kittens?
- FileUtils.mkdir_p("git/#{component}") unless Dir.exist?("git/#{component}")
- Dir.chdir("git/#{component}") do
- unless File.exist?(name)
- i = 0
- while true and (i+=1) < 5
- break if system("git clone #{@packaging_scm}")
- end
- end
- Dir.chdir(name) do
- system("git clean -fd")
- system("git reset --hard")
- i = 0
- while (i+=1) < 5
- break if system("git pull")
- end
- raise "Failed to pull" if i >= 5
- unless system("git checkout kubuntu_#{type}")
- raise "No branch #{type}"
- end
- next unless File.exist?('debian/control')
- c = DebianControl.new
- # TODO: raise? return?
- c.parse!
- c.source['build-depends'].each do |dep|
- @dependencies << dep.name
- end
- c.binaries.each do |binary|
- @provided_binaries << binary['package']
- end
- branches = %x[git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/remotes/origin/kubuntu_#{type}_\*].strip.lines
- branches.each do |branch|
- @series_branches << branch.gsub('refs/remotes/origin/', '')
- end
- upstream_scm = {}
- if File.exist?('debian/meta/upstream_scm.json')
- upstream_scm = JSON::parse(File.read('debian/meta/upstream_scm.json'))
- end
- if component == 'qt'
- upstream_scm['url'] ||= "https://gitorious.org/qt/#{name}.git"
- upstream_scm['branch'] ||= '5.4'
- end
- default_repo_url = "git://anongit.kde.org/#{name.chomp('-qt4')}"
- @upstream_scm = Scm.new(upstream_scm['type'] ||= 'git',
- upstream_scm['url'] ||= default_repo_url,
- upstream_scm['branch'] ||= 'master')
- # FIXME: Probably should be converted to a symbol at a later point
- # since xs-testsuite could change to random other string in the future
- @autopkgtest = c.source['xs-testsuite'] == 'autopkgtest'
- end
+ # Name of the thing (e.g. the repo name)
+ attr_reader :name
+ # Super component (e.g. plasma)
+ attr_reader :component
+ # Scm instance describing the upstream SCM associated with this project.
+ attr_reader :upstream_scm
+ # Array of binary packages (debs) provided by this project
+ attr_reader :provided_binaries
+ # Array of package dependencies, initialized by default from control file
+ attr_reader :dependencies
+ # Array of package dependees, empty Array by default
+ attr_reader :dependees
+ # Array of branch names that are series specific. May be empty if there are
+ # none.
+ attr_reader :series_branches
+ # Bool whether this project uses autopkgtest
+ attr_reader :autopkgtest
+ # String of the SCM uri
+ attr_reader :packaging_scm
+ # Init
+ # @param name name of the project (this is equal to the name of the packaging
+ # repo)
+ # @param component component within which the project resides (i.e. directory
+ # part of the repo path)
+ # @param url_base the base path of the full repo URI. Combined with name and
+ # component this should form a repo URI
+ # @param type the type of integration project (unstable/stable..).
+ # This indicates whether to look for kubuntu_unstable or kubuntu_stable
+ # branches
+ def initialize(name, component, url_base = 'git.debian.org:/git/pkg-kde',
+ type:)
+ @name = name
+ @component = component
+ @upstream_scm = nil
+ @provided_binaries = []
+ @dependencies = []
+ @dependees = []
+ @series_branches = []
+ @autopkgtest = false
+ # Clean up path to remove useless slashes and colons.
+ @packaging_scm = Project.cleanup_uri("#{url_base}/#{component}/#{name}")
+ # FIXME: git dir needs to be set somewhere, somehow, somewhat, lol, kittens?
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p("git/#{component}") unless Dir.exist?("git/#{component}")
+ Dir.chdir("git/#{component}") do
+ unless File.exist?(name)
+ 5.times do
+ break if system("git clone #{@packaging_scm}")
+ end
+ end
+ Dir.chdir(name) do
+ system('git clean -fd')
+ system('git reset --hard')
+ i = 0
+ while (i += 1) < 5
+ break if system('git pull')
+ end
+ fail 'Failed to pull' if i >= 5
+ fail "No branch #{type}" unless system("git checkout kubuntu_#{type}")
+ next unless File.exist?('debian/control')
+ c = DebianControl.new
+ # TODO: raise? return?
+ c.parse!
+ c.source['build-depends'].each do |dep|
+ @dependencies << dep.name
+ end
+ c.binaries.each do |binary|
+ @provided_binaries << binary['package']
+ end
+ branches = `git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/remotes/origin/kubuntu_#{type}_\*`.strip.lines
+ branches.each do |branch|
+ @series_branches << branch.gsub('refs/remotes/origin/', '')
+ end
+ upstream_scm = {}
+ if File.exist?('debian/meta/upstream_scm.json')
+ upstream_scm = JSON.parse(File.read('debian/meta/upstream_scm.json'))
+ end
+ if component == 'qt'
+ upstream_scm['url'] ||= "https://gitorious.org/qt/#{name}.git"
+ upstream_scm['branch'] ||= '5.4'
+ default_repo_url = "git://anongit.kde.org/#{name.chomp('-qt4')}"
+ @upstream_scm = Scm.new(upstream_scm['type'] ||= 'git',
+ upstream_scm['url'] ||= default_repo_url,
+ upstream_scm['branch'] ||= 'master')
+ # FIXME: Probably should be converted to a symbol at a later point
+ # since xs-testsuite could change to random other string in the
+ # future
+ @autopkgtest = c.source['xs-testsuite'] == 'autopkgtest'
+ end
+ end
def self.cleanup_uri(uri)
uri = URI(uri) unless uri.is_a?(URI)
@@ -120,13 +123,14 @@ end
# @private
class ProjectFactory
def list_all_repos(component)
- return %x[ssh git.debian.org ls /git/pkg-kde/#{component}].chop!.gsub!('.git', '').split(' ')
+ output = `ssh git.debian.org ls /git/pkg-kde/#{component}`
+ output.chop!.gsub!('.git', '').split(' ')
def factorize(key, value, type)
ret = []
case key
- when "all_repos"
+ when 'all_repos'
value.each do |component|
repos = list_all_repos(component)
repos.each do |name|
@@ -136,7 +140,7 @@ class ProjectFactory
- when "selective_repos"
+ when 'selective_repos'
value.each do |component, names|
names.each do |name|
@@ -145,17 +149,19 @@ class ProjectFactory
- when "selective_exlusion"
+ when 'selective_exlusion'
value.each do |component, blacklist|
repos = list_all_repos(component)
repos.each do |name|
- ret << Project.new(name, component, type: type) unless blacklist.include? name
+ unless blacklist.include?(name)
+ ret << Project.new(name, component, type: type)
+ end
- when "custom_ci"
+ when 'custom_ci'
value.each do |custom_ci|
repos = []
if custom_ci['type'] == 'github'
@@ -168,72 +174,66 @@ class ProjectFactory
repos = custom_ci['repos']
elsif custom_ci['repos'] == ['all'] && custom_ci['type'] != 'github'
- repos = %x[ssh #{custom_ci['git_host']} ls /].chop!.gsub!('.git', '').split(' ')
+ repos = `ssh #{custom_ci['git_host']} ls /`.chop!.gsub!('.git', '').split(' ')
repos = custom_ci['repos']
repos.each do |repo|
- ret << Project.new(repo, custom_ci['org'], custom_ci['git_host'], type: type)
+ ret << Project.new(repo, custom_ci['org'], custom_ci['git_host'],
+ type: type)
- raise "ProjectFactory encountered an unknown configuration key: #{key}"
+ fail "ProjectFactory encountered an unknown configuration key: #{key}"
- return ret
+ ret
class Projects < Array
- def initialize(type: "unstable",
- allow_custom_ci: false,
- projects_file: File.expand_path(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) + '/data/projects.json')
- super()
- config = JSON::parse(File.read(projects_file))
- config.delete("custom_ci") unless allow_custom_ci
- config.each do |key, value|
- self.concat(ProjectFactory.new.factorize(key, value, type))
- end
+ def initialize(type: 'unstable',
+ allow_custom_ci: false,
+ projects_file: File.expand_path(File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__))) + '/data/projects.json')
+ super()
+ config = JSON.parse(File.read(projects_file))
+ config.delete('custom_ci') unless allow_custom_ci
+ config.each do |key, value|
+ concat(ProjectFactory.new.factorize(key, value, type))
+ end
- # Build a hash for quick lookup of which source provides which binary.
- provided_by = {}
- self.each do |project|
- project.provided_binaries.each do |binary|
- provided_by[binary] = project.name
- end
- end
+ # Build a hash for quick lookup of which source provides which binary.
+ provided_by = {}
+ each do |project|
+ project.provided_binaries.each do |binary|
+ provided_by[binary] = project.name
+ end
+ end
- # Random explanation of the day:
- # Ruby blocks generally "return" with next or break (implicitly by default mind you)
- # collect! considering this will use the "return" value of break/next and aggregates
- # those into the array.
- # Consequentially one must always 'break var' or 'next var' (or simply 'var' because
- # of the implicit return paradigm) in order to have collect! get the modified value.
- # If one does not implicitly or explicitly return a value nil will be collected instead.
- self.collect! do |project|
- project.dependencies.collect! do |dependency|
- next unless provided_by.include?(dependency)
- dependency = provided_by[dependency]
- # Reverse insert us into the list of dependees of our dependency
- self.collect! do |dep_project|
- next dep_project if dep_project.name != dependency
- dep_project.dependees << project.name
- dep_project.dependees.compact!
- break dep_project
- end
- next dependency
- end
- # Ditch nil and duplicates
- project.dependencies.compact!
- project
+ self.collect! do |project|
+ project.dependencies.collect! do |dependency|
+ next unless provided_by.include?(dependency)
+ dependency = provided_by[dependency]
+ # Reverse insert us into the list of dependees of our dependency
+ self.collect! do |dep_project|
+ next dep_project if dep_project.name != dependency
+ dep_project.dependees << project.name
+ dep_project.dependees.compact!
+ break dep_project
- require 'pp'
- pp '---------------------------------------'
- pp self
+ next dependency
+ end
+ # Ditch nil and duplicates
+ project.dependencies.compact!
+ project
+ require 'pp'
+ pp '---------------------------------------'
+ pp self
+ end
ci-tooling packaging
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