[SCM] ktp-contact-list packaging branch, master, updated. debian/15.12.1-2-1070-g6c56f91

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 28 00:05:19 UTC 2016

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/applications/ktp-contact-list.git;a=commitdiff;h=3fd3257

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 3fd3257257786fbb571a1319bda3c1300ce95490
Author: Martin Klapetek <martin.klapetek at gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Mar 8 22:25:46 2011 +0100

    Added dynamic accounts showing up/hiding when the account is enabled/created or disabled/removed. Also the big parts of commented-out code was removed.
 accountbutton.cpp  |   5 +
 accountbutton.h    |   2 +
 accounts-model.cpp |   6 +-
 main-widget.cpp    | 707 +++++------------------------------------------------
 main-widget.h      |  15 +-
 5 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 662 deletions(-)

diff --git a/accountbutton.cpp b/accountbutton.cpp
index 3fe0e55..ba76e0e 100644
--- a/accountbutton.cpp
+++ b/accountbutton.cpp
@@ -129,6 +129,11 @@ AccountButton::AccountButton(const Tp::AccountPtr &account, QWidget* parent): QT
+QString AccountButton::accountId()
+    return m_account->uniqueIdentifier();
 void AccountButton::setAccountStatus(QAction *action)
     int statusIndex = action->data().toInt();
diff --git a/accountbutton.h b/accountbutton.h
index 4c688b8..2f58b79 100644
--- a/accountbutton.h
+++ b/accountbutton.h
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ class AccountButton : public QToolButton
     AccountButton(const Tp::AccountPtr &account, QWidget *parent = 0);
+    QString accountId();
 public Q_SLOTS:
     void setAccountStatus(QAction *action);
     void updateToolTip();
diff --git a/accounts-model.cpp b/accounts-model.cpp
index 2d16153..e38c8c6 100644
--- a/accounts-model.cpp
+++ b/accounts-model.cpp
@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ AccountsModel::AccountsModel(const Tp::AccountManagerPtr &am, QObject *parent)
-    connect(mPriv->mAM.data(),
-            SIGNAL(newAccount(Tp::AccountPtr)),
-            SLOT(onNewAccount(Tp::AccountPtr)));
+//     connect(mPriv->mAM.data(),
+//             SIGNAL(newAccount(Tp::AccountPtr)),
+//             SLOT(onNewAccount(Tp::AccountPtr)));
     QHash<int, QByteArray> roles;
     roles[ItemRole] = "item";
diff --git a/main-widget.cpp b/main-widget.cpp
index 7b534e4..aeab343 100644
--- a/main-widget.cpp
+++ b/main-widget.cpp
@@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ MainWidget::MainWidget(QWidget *parent)
+    connect(m_accountManager.data(), SIGNAL(newAccount(Tp::AccountPtr)),
+            this, SLOT(onNewAccountAdded(Tp::AccountPtr)));
     // Initialize Telepathy
@@ -156,44 +159,14 @@ void MainWidget::onAccountManagerReady(Tp::PendingOperation* op)
     connect(m_actionHide_offline, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
             m_modelFilter, SLOT(filterOfflineUsers(bool)));
+    m_accountButtonsLayout->insertStretch(-1);
     QList<Tp::AccountPtr> accounts = m_accountManager->allAccounts();
     foreach (Tp::AccountPtr account, accounts) 
-        if(account->isEnabled()) 
-        {
-            account->becomeReady();
-            connect(account.data(),
-                    SIGNAL(connectionChanged(Tp::ConnectionPtr)),
-                    this, SLOT(onConnectionChanged(Tp::ConnectionPtr)));
-            connect(account.data(),
-                    SIGNAL(connectionStatusChanged(Tp::ConnectionStatus)), 
-                    this, SLOT(onAccountConnectionStatusChanged(Tp::ConnectionStatus)));
-            AccountButton *bt = new AccountButton(account, this);
-            m_accountButtonsLayout->addWidget(bt);         
-        }
+        onNewAccountAdded(account);
-    m_accountButtonsLayout->insertStretch(-1);
-//     QPushButton *bInfo = new QPushButton(this);
-//     bInfo->setText("Info");
-//     bInfo->setObjectName("infoBt");
-//     QPushButton *bErr = new QPushButton(this);
-//     bErr->setText("Err");
-//     bErr->setObjectName("errBt");
-//     connect(bInfo, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(systemMessageTest()));
-//     connect(bErr, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(systemMessageTest()));
-//     m_accountButtonsLayout->addWidget(bInfo);
-//     m_accountButtonsLayout->addWidget(bErr);
 void MainWidget::systemMessageTest()
@@ -236,6 +209,59 @@ void MainWidget::onAccountConnectionStatusChanged(Tp::ConnectionStatus status)
+void MainWidget::onNewAccountAdded(const Tp::AccountPtr& account)
+    account->becomeReady();
+    connect(account.data(),
+            SIGNAL(connectionChanged(Tp::ConnectionPtr)),
+            this, SLOT(onConnectionChanged(Tp::ConnectionPtr)));
+    connect(account.data(),
+            SIGNAL(connectionStatusChanged(Tp::ConnectionStatus)), 
+            this, SLOT(onAccountConnectionStatusChanged(Tp::ConnectionStatus)));
+    connect(account.data(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(bool)),
+            this, SLOT(onAccountStateChanged(bool)));
+    connect(account.data(),
+            SIGNAL(removed()),
+            this, SLOT(onAccountRemoved()));
+    AccountButton *bt = new AccountButton(account, this);
+    bt->setObjectName(account->uniqueIdentifier());
+    bt->hide();
+    m_accountButtonsLayout->insertWidget(m_accountButtonsLayout->count() - 1, bt);         
+    if(account->isEnabled()) {
+        bt->show();
+    }
+void MainWidget::onAccountStateChanged(bool enabled)
+    Tp::AccountPtr account(static_cast<Tp::Account*>(sender()));
+    if(enabled) {
+        findChild<AccountButton *>(account->uniqueIdentifier())->show();
+    }
+    else {
+        findChild<AccountButton *>(account->uniqueIdentifier())->hide();
+        showMessageToUser(i18n("Account %1 was disabled!").arg(account->displayName()), 
+                          MainWidget::SystemMessageError);
+    }
+void MainWidget::onAccountRemoved()
+    Tp::AccountPtr account(static_cast<Tp::Account*>(sender()));
+    delete findChild<AccountButton *>(account->uniqueIdentifier());
+    showMessageToUser(i18n("Account %1 was removed!").arg(account->displayName()), 
+                      MainWidget::SystemMessageError);
 void MainWidget::onConnectionChanged(const Tp::ConnectionPtr& connection)
@@ -285,16 +311,6 @@ void MainWidget::onChannelJoined(Tp::PendingOperation* op)
-void MainWidget::onHandlerReady(bool ready)
-    if (!ready) {
-        kWarning() << "Telepathy handler could not become ready!";
-    } else {
-        kDebug() << "Telepathy handler ready";
-    }
 void MainWidget::showMessageToUser(const QString& text, const MainWidget::SystemMessageType type)
     //kDebug() << m_contactsListView->size() << m_contactsListView->viewport()->size();
@@ -388,608 +404,5 @@ void MainWidget::addOverlayButtons()
 void MainWidget::onCustomContextMenuRequested(const QPoint& point)
-//     QModelIndex proxyIdx = m_contactsListView->indexAt(point);
-//     if (!proxyIdx.isValid()) {
-//         kDebug() << "Invalid index provided";
-//         // Flee
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     // Map the index to the real model
-//     QModelIndex index = m_currentModel->mapToSource(proxyIdx);
-//     if (!index.isValid()) {
-//         kDebug() << "Could not map to source";
-//         // Flee
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     // Ok, now let's guess
-//     AbstractTreeItem *abstractItem = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
-//     kDebug() << index << index.internalPointer() << abstractItem;
-//     ContactItem *contactItem = dynamic_cast<ContactItem*>(abstractItem);
-//     kDebug() << contactItem;
-//     QMenu *menu = new QMenu;
-//     // Of course we want to chat!
-//     QAction *chatAction = menu->addAction(i18n("Start Chat..."));
-//     chatAction->setIcon( KIcon("mail-message-new") );
-//     connect(chatAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
-//             this, SLOT(onStartChat(bool)));
-//     menu->addSeparator();
-//     if (contactItem) {
-//         kDebug() << "A contactitem";
-//         // Ok, now let's see what we can do
-//         if (!contactItem->groups().isEmpty()) {
-//             QMenu *parentAction = new QMenu(i18n("Remove from group"));
-//             menu->addMenu(parentAction);
-//             foreach (const QString &group, contactItem->groups()) {
-//                 QAction *action = parentAction->addAction(group);
-//                 connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
-//                         SLOT(onRequestRemoveFromGroup(bool)));
-//             }
-//         }
-//         // Ok, can we also add this contact to some other groups?
-//         QStringList allGroups = TelepathyBridge::instance()->knownGroupsFor(contactItem->personContact());
-//         kDebug() << "All groups: " << allGroups;
-//         QStringList nonJoinedGroups;
-//         foreach (const QString &group, allGroups) {
-//             if (!contactItem->groups().contains(group)) {
-//                 nonJoinedGroups << group;
-//             }
-//         }
-//         // Ok, now let's see what we can do
-//         if (!nonJoinedGroups.isEmpty()) {
-//             QMenu *parentAction = new QMenu(i18n("Add to group"));
-//             menu->addMenu(parentAction);
-//             foreach (const QString &group, nonJoinedGroups) {
-//                 QAction *action = parentAction->addAction(group);
-//                 connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
-//                         SLOT(onRequestAddToGroup(bool)));
-//             }
-//         }
-//         // Add/remove to metacontacts
-//         // First of all: can it be added to a metacontact?
-//         bool canAddToMetaContact = false;
-//         MetaContactItem *metaContactItem = dynamic_cast<MetaContactItem*>(contactItem->parentItem());
-//         if (metaContactItem) {
-//             canAddToMetaContact = metaContactItem->type() == MetaContactItem::FakeMetaContact ? true : false;
-//         } else {
-//             canAddToMetaContact = true;
-//         }
-//         if (canAddToMetaContact) {
-//             // List available metacontacts
-//             QList<Nepomuk::Query::Result> results;
-//             {
-//                 using namespace Nepomuk::Query;
-//                 Query query(ResourceTypeTerm(Nepomuk::Vocabulary::PIMO::Person()));
-//                 bool queryResult = true;
-//                 results = QueryServiceClient::syncQuery(query, &queryResult);
-//                 if (!queryResult) {
-//                     KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("It was not possible to query Nepomuk database. Please check your "
-//                                                "installation and make sure Nepomuk is running."));
-//                 }
-//             }
-//             QMenu *parentAction = new QMenu(i18n("Add to metacontact"));
-//             menu->addMenu(parentAction);
-//             // Iterate over all the IMAccounts found.
-//             foreach (const Nepomuk::Query::Result &result, results) {
-//                 Nepomuk::Person foundPerson(result.resource());
-//                 kDebug() << foundPerson;
-//                 QAction *action = parentAction->addAction(foundPerson.genericLabel());
-//                 connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
-//                         this, SLOT(onAddToMetaContact(bool)));
-//             }
-//             QAction *action = parentAction->addAction(i18nc("Adds a new metacontact", "Add new..."));
-//             connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
-//                     this, SLOT(onAddToMetaContact(bool)));
-//         } else {
-//             // We can remove it from a metacontact instead
-//             QAction *action = menu->addAction(i18n("Remove from metacontact"));
-//             connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
-//                     this, SLOT(onRemoveFromMetacontact(bool)));
-//         }
-//     }
-//     MetaContactItem *metaContactItem = dynamic_cast<MetaContactItem*>(abstractItem);
-//     kDebug() << metaContactItem;
-//     if (metaContactItem) {
-//         kDebug() << "A metacontactitem";
-//         // Ok, now let's see what we can do
-//         if (!metaContactItem->groups().isEmpty()) {
-//             QMenu *parentAction = new QMenu(i18n("Remove from group"));
-//             menu->addMenu(parentAction);
-//             foreach (const QString &group, metaContactItem->groups()) {
-//                 QAction *action = parentAction->addAction(group);
-//                 connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
-//                         SLOT(onRequestRemoveFromGroup(bool)));
-//             }
-//         }
-//         // Ok, can we also add this contact to some other groups?
-//         QStringList allGroups = TelepathyBridge::instance()->knownGroupsFor(metaContactItem->pimoPerson());
-//         kDebug() << "All groups: " << allGroups;
-//         QStringList nonJoinedGroups;
-//         foreach (const QString &group, allGroups) {
-//             if (!contactItem->groups().contains(group)) {
-//                 nonJoinedGroups << group;
-//             }
-//         }
-//         // Ok, now let's see what we can do
-//         if (!nonJoinedGroups.isEmpty()) {
-//             QMenu *parentAction = new QMenu(i18n("Add to group"));
-//             menu->addMenu(parentAction);
-//             foreach (const QString &group, nonJoinedGroups) {
-//                 QAction *action = parentAction->addAction(group);
-//                 connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
-//                         SLOT(onRequestAddToGroup(bool)));
-//             }
-//         }
-//     }
-//     // And of course remove the contact
-//     QAction *removeContact = menu->addAction(KIcon("list-remove"), i18n("Remove"));
-//     QAction *blockContact = menu->addAction(KIcon("dialog-cancel"), i18n("Block"));
-//     connect(removeContact, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
-//             SLOT(onContactRemovalRequest(bool)));
-//     connect(blockContact, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),
-//             SLOT(onContactBlockRequest(bool)));
-//     menu->exec(m_contactsListView->mapToGlobal(point));
-//     menu->deleteLater();
-void MainWidget::onRequestRemoveFromGroup(bool )
-//     QAction *action = qobject_cast< QAction* >(sender());
-//     if (!action) {
-//         kDebug() << "invalid";
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     kDebug() << "Request removal from group " << action->text();
-//     // Pick the current model index
-//     QModelIndex index = m_currentModel->mapToSource(m_contactsListView->currentIndex());
-//     if (!index.isValid()) {
-//         // Flee
-//         kDebug() << "Invalid index";
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     // Ok, what is it?
-//     AbstractTreeItem *abstractItem = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
-//     ContactItem *contactItem = dynamic_cast<ContactItem*>(abstractItem);
-//     if (contactItem) {
-//         // Remove the contact
-//         KJob *job = TelepathyBridge::instance()->removeContactFromGroup(action->text(), contactItem->personContact());
-//         QEventLoop e;
-//         connect(job, SIGNAL(finished(KJob*)), &e, SLOT(quit()));
-//         job->start();
-//         kDebug() << "Running job...";
-//         e.exec();
-//         kDebug() << "Job run, "<< job->error();
-//         kDebug() << "rm contacts";
-//     }
-//     MetaContactItem *metaContactItem = dynamic_cast<MetaContactItem*>(abstractItem);
-//     if (metaContactItem) {
-//         // Remove the metacontact
-//         TelepathyBridge::instance()->removeMetaContactFromGroup(action->text(), metaContactItem->pimoPerson());
-//         kDebug() << "rm contacts";
-//     }
-void MainWidget::onRequestAddToGroup(bool )
-//     QAction *action = qobject_cast< QAction* >(sender());
-//     if (!action) {
-//         kDebug() << "invalid";
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     kDebug() << "Request addition group " << action->text();
-//     // Pick the current model index
-//     QModelIndex index = m_currentModel->mapToSource(m_contactsListView->currentIndex());
-//     if (!index.isValid()) {
-//         // Flee
-//         kDebug() << "Invalid index";
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     // Ok, what is it?
-//     AbstractTreeItem *abstractItem = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
-//     ContactItem *contactItem = dynamic_cast<ContactItem*>(abstractItem);
-//     if (contactItem) {
-//         // Remove the contact
-//         KJob *job = TelepathyBridge::instance()->addContactToGroup(action->text(), contactItem->personContact());
-//         QEventLoop e;
-//         connect(job, SIGNAL(finished(KJob*)), &e, SLOT(quit()));
-//         job->start();
-//         kDebug() << "Running job...";
-//         e.exec();
-//         kDebug() << "Job run, "<< job->error();
-//     }
-//     MetaContactItem *metaContactItem = dynamic_cast<MetaContactItem*>(abstractItem);
-//     if (metaContactItem) {
-//         // Remove the metacontact
-//         TelepathyBridge::instance()->removeMetaContactFromGroup(action->text(), metaContactItem->pimoPerson());
-//     }
-void MainWidget::onContactBlockRequest(bool )
-void MainWidget::onRemoveFromMetacontact(bool )
-//     // Pick the current model index
-//     QModelIndex index = m_currentModel->mapToSource(m_contactsListView->currentIndex());
-//     if (!index.isValid()) {
-//         // Flee
-//         kDebug() << "Invalid index";
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     // Ok, what is it?
-//     AbstractTreeItem *abstractItem = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
-//     ContactItem *contactItem = dynamic_cast<ContactItem*>(abstractItem);
-//     Q_ASSERT(contactItem);
-//     KJob *job = TelepathyBridge::instance()->removeContact(contactItem->personContact(),
-//                                                            TelepathyBridge::RemoveFromMetacontactMode);
-//     QEventLoop e;
-//     connect(job, SIGNAL(finished(KJob*)), &e, SLOT(quit()));
-//     job->start();
-//     qDebug() << "Running job...";
-//     e.exec();
-//     qDebug() << "Job run, "<< job->error();
-void MainWidget::onContactRemovalRequest(bool )
-//     QAction *action = qobject_cast< QAction* >(sender());
-//     if (!action) {
-//         kDebug() << "invalid";
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     kDebug() << "Request addition group " << action->text();
-//     // Pick the current model index
-//     QModelIndex index = m_currentModel->mapToSource(m_contactsListView->currentIndex());
-//     if (!index.isValid()) {
-//         // Flee
-//         kDebug() << "Invalid index";
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     // Ok, what is it?
-//     AbstractTreeItem *abstractItem = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
-//     ContactItem *contactItem = dynamic_cast<ContactItem*>(abstractItem);
-//     if (contactItem) {
-//         // Build a dialog
-//         KDialog *dial = new KDialog(this);
-//         QWidget *w = new QWidget;
-//         QLabel *l = new QLabel(i18n("Please select the removal means for this contact"));
-//         QCheckBox *presence = 0;
-//         QCheckBox *subscription = 0;
-//         QCheckBox *block = 0;
-//         QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout;
-//         lay->addWidget(l);
-//         // What can we do?
-//         TelepathyBridge::RemovalModes modes = TelepathyBridge::instance()->supportedRemovalModesFor(contactItem->personContact());
-//         if (modes & TelepathyBridge::RemovePublicationMode) {
-//             presence = new QCheckBox(i18n("Don't show me in his buddy list anymore"));
-//             // On by default
-//             presence->setCheckState(Qt::Checked);
-//             lay->addWidget(presence);
-//         }
-//         if (modes & TelepathyBridge::RemoveSubscriptionMode) {
-//             subscription = new QCheckBox(i18n("Don't show him in my buddy list anymore"));
-//             // On by default
-//             subscription->setCheckState(Qt::Checked);
-//             lay->addWidget(subscription);
-//         }
-//         if (modes & TelepathyBridge::BlockMode) {
-//             block = new QCheckBox(i18n("Block him"));
-//             // Off by default
-//             block->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked);
-//             lay->addWidget(block);
-//         }
-//         w->setLayout(lay);
-//         dial->setMainWidget(w);
-//         if (dial->exec() == KDialog::Accepted) {
-//             TelepathyBridge::RemovalModes execModes = 0;
-//             if (presence) {
-//                 if (presence->isChecked()) {
-//                     if (execModes == 0) {
-//                         execModes = TelepathyBridge::RemovePublicationMode;
-//                     } else {
-//                         execModes |= TelepathyBridge::RemovePublicationMode;
-//                     }
-//                 }
-//             }
-//             if (subscription) {
-//                 if (subscription->isChecked()) {
-//                     if (execModes == 0) {
-//                         execModes = TelepathyBridge::RemoveSubscriptionMode;
-//                     } else {
-//                         execModes |= TelepathyBridge::RemoveSubscriptionMode;
-//                     }
-//                 }
-//             }
-//             if (block) {
-//                 if (block->isChecked()) {
-//                     if (execModes == 0) {
-//                         execModes = TelepathyBridge::BlockMode;
-//                     } else {
-//                         execModes |= TelepathyBridge::BlockMode;
-//                     }
-//                 }
-//             }
-//             if (execModes == 0) {
-//                 qDebug() << "Nothing to do!";
-//                 return;
-//             }
-//             // Remove the contact
-//             KJob *job = TelepathyBridge::instance()->removeContact(contactItem->personContact(), execModes);
-//             QEventLoop e;
-//             connect(job, SIGNAL(finished(KJob*)), &e, SLOT(quit()));
-//             job->start();
-//             kDebug() << "Running job...";
-//             e.exec();
-//             kDebug() << "Job run, "<< job->error();
-//         }
-//     }
-void MainWidget::onAddContactRequest(bool )
-//     // Let's build a dialog
-//     KDialog *dial = new KDialog(this);
-//     QWidget *w = new QWidget;
-//     QLabel *l = new QLabel(i18n("Please enter the ID of the contact in question"));
-//     KComboBox *account = new KComboBox();
-//     KLineEdit *contactId = new KLineEdit();
-//     QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout;
-//     lay->addWidget(l);
-//     lay->addWidget(account);
-//     lay->addWidget(contactId);
-//     // Get all valid Telepathy accounts
-//     QList<Nepomuk::Query::Result> results;
-//     {
-//         using namespace Nepomuk::Query;
-//         // me must have an IMAccount
-//         ComparisonTerm imterm(Nepomuk::Vocabulary::NCO::hasIMAccount(),
-//                               ResourceTerm(m_mePersonContact));
-//         imterm.setInverted(true);
-//         // Which must be an IMAccount of course
-//         Query query(AndTerm(ResourceTypeTerm(Nepomuk::Vocabulary::NCO::IMAccount()),
-//                             imterm));
-//         bool queryResult = true;
-//         results = QueryServiceClient::syncQuery(query, &queryResult);
-//         if (!queryResult) {
-//             KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("It was not possible to query Nepomuk database. Please check your "
-//                                         "installation and make sure Nepomuk is running."));
-//         }
-//     }
-//     // Iterate over all the IMAccounts/PersonContacts found.
-//     foreach (const Nepomuk::Query::Result &result, results) {
-//         Nepomuk::IMAccount foundIMAccount(result.resource());
-//         uint statusType = foundIMAccount.statusTypes().first();
-//         if( statusType != Tp::ConnectionPresenceTypeUnset   &&
-//             statusType != Tp::ConnectionPresenceTypeOffline &&
-//             statusType != Tp::ConnectionPresenceTypeUnknown &&
-//             statusType != Tp::ConnectionPresenceTypeError)
-//         {
-//             foreach (const QString &id, foundIMAccount.imIDs()) {
-//                 account->addItem(id, foundIMAccount.resourceUri());
-//             }
-//         }
-//     }
-//     w->setLayout(lay);
-//     dial->setMainWidget(w);
-//     if (dial->exec() == KDialog::Accepted) {
-//         // Add the contact
-//         Nepomuk::IMAccount toAddAccount(account->itemData(account->currentIndex()).toUrl());
-//         KJob *job = TelepathyBridge::instance()->addContact(toAddAccount, contactId->text());
-//         QEventLoop e;
-//         connect(job, SIGNAL(finished(KJob*)), &e, SLOT(quit()));
-//         job->start();
-//         qDebug() << "Running job...";
-//         e.exec();
-//         qDebug() << "Job run, "<< job->error();
-//     }
-void MainWidget::onGroupContacts(bool grouped)
-//     if (grouped && m_currentModel != m_groupedContactsProxyModel) {
-//         m_currentModel = m_groupedContactsProxyModel;
-//         m_contactsListView->setModel(m_groupedContactsProxyModel);
-//     }
-//     else if(!grouped && m_currentModel != m_sortFilterProxyModel) {
-//         m_currentModel = m_sortFilterProxyModel;
-//         m_contactsListView->setModel(m_sortFilterProxyModel);
-//     }
-void MainWidget::onAddToMetaContact(bool )
-//     QAction *action = qobject_cast< QAction* >(sender());
-//     if (!action) {
-//         kDebug() << "invalid";
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     QString metaContactName = action->text();
-//     kDebug() << "Request adding to metacontact " << metaContactName;
-//     // Pick the current model index
-//     QModelIndex index = m_currentModel->mapToSource(m_contactsListView->currentIndex());
-//     if (!index.isValid()) {
-//         // Flee
-//         kDebug() << "Invalid index";
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     // Ok, what is it?
-//     AbstractTreeItem *abstractItem = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
-//     ContactItem *contactItem = dynamic_cast<ContactItem*>(abstractItem);
-//     Q_ASSERT(contactItem);
-//     if (metaContactName == i18nc("Adds a new metacontact", "Add new...")) {
-//         // Prompt to create a new metacontact
-//         // Let's build a dialog
-//         KDialog *dial = new KDialog(this);
-//         QWidget *w = new QWidget;
-//         QLabel *l = new QLabel(i18n("Please enter a name for this new metacontact"));
-//         KLineEdit *contactId = new KLineEdit();
-//         QVBoxLayout *lay = new QVBoxLayout;
-//         lay->addWidget(l);
-//         lay->addWidget(contactId);
-//         w->setLayout(lay);
-//         dial->setMainWidget(w);
-//         if (dial->exec() == KDialog::Accepted) {
-//             // Add the contact
-//             metaContactName = contactId->text();
-//             KJob *job = TelepathyBridge::instance()->addMetaContact(contactId->text(),
-//                                                                     QList< Nepomuk::PersonContact >() <<
-//                                                                     contactItem->personContact());
-//             QEventLoop e;
-//             connect(job, SIGNAL(finished(KJob*)), &e, SLOT(quit()));
-//             job->start();
-//             qDebug() << "Running job...";
-//             e.exec();
-//             qDebug() << "Job run, "<< job->error();
-//         }
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     // Ok, now let's add the contact
-//     QList< Nepomuk::Query::Result > results;
-//     {
-//         using namespace Nepomuk::Query;
-//         using namespace Nepomuk::Vocabulary;
-//         ResourceTypeTerm rtterm(PIMO::Person());
-//         ComparisonTerm cmpterm(NAO::prefLabel(), LiteralTerm(metaContactName));
-//         Query query(AndTerm(cmpterm, rtterm));
-//         bool queryResult = true;
-//         results = QueryServiceClient::syncQuery(query, &queryResult);
-//         if (!queryResult) {
-//             KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("It was not possible to query Nepomuk database. Please check your "
-//                                        "installation and make sure Nepomuk is running."));
-//         }
-//     }
-//     // Iterate over all the IMAccounts found.
-//     foreach (const Nepomuk::Query::Result &result, results) {
-//         Nepomuk::Person foundPerson(result.resource());
-//         foundPerson.addGroundingOccurrence(contactItem->personContact());
-//     }
-void MainWidget::onStartChat(bool)
-//     QAction *action = qobject_cast< QAction* >(sender());
-//     if (!action) {
-//         kDebug() << "invalid";
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     // Pick the current model index
-//     QModelIndex index = m_currentModel->mapToSource(m_contactsListView->currentIndex());
-//     if (!index.isValid()) {
-//         // Flee
-//         kDebug() << "Invalid index";
-//         return;
-//     }
-//     RequestTextChatJob* job;
-//     // Ok, what is it?
-//     AbstractTreeItem *abstractItem = static_cast<AbstractTreeItem*>(index.internalPointer());
-//     ContactItem *contactItem = dynamic_cast<ContactItem*>(abstractItem);
-//     MetaContactItem *metacontactItem = dynamic_cast<MetaContactItem*>(abstractItem);
-//     if (contactItem) {
-//         kDebug() << "Request chat to contact";
-//         Nepomuk::PersonContact contact = contactItem->personContact();
-//         kDebug() << contact.resourceUri() << contact.genericLabel();
-//         job = KTelepathy::requestTextChat(contact, PREFERRED_TEXTCHAT_HANDLER, this);
-//     } else if (metacontactItem && metacontactItem->type() == MetaContactItem::RealMetaContact) {
-//         kDebug() << "Request chat to REAL metacontact";
-//         Nepomuk::Person metacontact = metacontactItem->pimoPerson();
-//         kDebug() << metacontact.resourceUri() << metacontact.genericLabel();
-//         job = KTelepathy::requestTextChat(metacontact, PREFERRED_TEXTCHAT_HANDLER, this);
-//     } else if (metacontactItem && metacontactItem->type() == MetaContactItem::FakeMetaContact) {
-//         kDebug() << "Request chat to FAKE metacontact";
-//         QList<AbstractTreeItem*> childList = metacontactItem->childItems();
-//         AbstractTreeItem *childItem = childList.first(); //It should just have one
-//         Q_ASSERT(childItem);
-//         contactItem = dynamic_cast<ContactItem*>(childItem);
-//         if (!contactItem) {
-//             KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("An error occurred????"));
-//             kWarning() << "Cannot dynamic cast child item!";
-//         } else {
-//             Nepomuk::PersonContact contact = contactItem->personContact();
-//             kDebug() << contact.resourceUri() << contact.genericLabel();
-//             job = KTelepathy::requestTextChat(contact, PREFERRED_TEXTCHAT_HANDLER, this);
-//         }
-//     } else {
-//         KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("An error occurred????"));
-//         kWarning() << "This is not a contact or a metacontact!";
-//     }
-//     if ( !job->exec() ) {
-//         // An error occurred
-//         KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Impossible to start a chat"));
-//         kWarning() << "Impossible to start a chat";
-//     } else {
-//         kDebug() << "This should be a success.";
-//     }
+    Q_UNUSED(point);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/main-widget.h b/main-widget.h
index 1ed6b20..d248c6e 100644
--- a/main-widget.h
+++ b/main-widget.h
@@ -72,22 +72,13 @@ public Q_SLOTS:
     void showMessageToUser(const QString &text, const SystemMessageType type);
     void systemMessageTest();
     void addOverlayButtons();
+    void onNewAccountAdded(const Tp::AccountPtr &account);
+    void onAccountStateChanged(bool enabled); 
+    void onAccountRemoved();
     //    void startAudioChannel();
     //    void startVideoChannel();
     void onCustomContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &point);
-    //Menu actions
-    void onStartChat(bool);
-    void onRequestRemoveFromGroup(bool);
-    void onContactRemovalRequest(bool);
-    void onContactBlockRequest(bool);
-    void onHandlerReady(bool);
-    void onRequestAddToGroup(bool);
-    void onAddToMetaContact(bool);
-    void onRemoveFromMetacontact(bool);
-    //Toolbar actions
-    void onAddContactRequest(bool);
-    void onGroupContacts(bool);
     AccountsModel*          m_model;

ktp-contact-list packaging

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