[SCM] ktp-text-ui packaging branch, master, updated. debian/15.12.1-1-1918-gdf4b0ec

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 28 00:23:48 UTC 2016

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/applications/ktp-text-ui.git;a=commitdiff;h=e69b794

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit e69b794ebefd2726537bf758a8b86f6a1991072b
Author: Script Kiddy <scripty at kde.org>
Date:   Wed Apr 10 08:21:56 2013 +0200

    SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file)
 filters/bugzilla/ktptextui_message_filter_bugzilla.desktop.cmake        | 2 --
 filters/formatting/ktptextui_message_filter_formatting.desktop.cmake    | 2 --
 filters/highlight/ktptextui_message_filter_highlight.desktop.cmake      | 2 --
 filters/latex/kcm_ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop                | 1 +
 filters/latex/ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop.cmake              | 2 ++
 .../ktptextui_message_filter_searchexpansion.desktop.cmake              | 1 -
 filters/youtube/ktptextui_message_filter_youtube.desktop.cmake          | 2 --
 7 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/filters/bugzilla/ktptextui_message_filter_bugzilla.desktop.cmake b/filters/bugzilla/ktptextui_message_filter_bugzilla.desktop.cmake
index 0e44e9b..62d4240 100644
--- a/filters/bugzilla/ktptextui_message_filter_bugzilla.desktop.cmake
+++ b/filters/bugzilla/ktptextui_message_filter_bugzilla.desktop.cmake
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ Name[it]=Informazioni di Bugzilla
 Name[kk]=Bugzilla мәліметі
 Name[mr]=बगझिल्ला माहिती
 Name[nl]=Informatie in Bugzilla
-Name[pl]=Informacje Bugzilla
 Name[pt]=Informação do Bugzilla
 Name[pt_BR]=Informações do Bugzilla
 Name[ro]=Informații Bugzilla
@@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ Comment[ia]=Quando on recip eun ligamine a un bug sur bugzilla on monstra inform
 Comment[it]=Con collegamenti a bugzilla, mostra informazioni quali il titolo e lo stato dei bug relativi
 Comment[kk]=Қаттеге сілтемені қабылдағанда bugzilla атауы мен күй-жайы секілді қосымша мәліметті көрсетеді
 Comment[nl]=Bij het ontvangen van een koppeling naar een bug in bugzilla toon dan extra informatie zoals de titel en de status
-Comment[pl]=Przy otrzymywaniu odnośnika do błędu na bugzilli, pokaż dodatkowe informacje takie jak tytuł i stan
 Comment[pt]=Ao receber uma hiperligação para um erro no Bugzilla, mostra informações adicionais como o título e o estado
 Comment[pt_BR]=Mostra informações adicionais ao receber um link para um erro no Bugzilla, como o título e o status
 Comment[ru]=При получении ссылки на отчёт об ошибке в Bugzilla будет показана дополнительная информация, такая как название и состояние.
diff --git a/filters/formatting/ktptextui_message_filter_formatting.desktop.cmake b/filters/formatting/ktptextui_message_filter_formatting.desktop.cmake
index 187ada4..48ab048 100644
--- a/filters/formatting/ktptextui_message_filter_formatting.desktop.cmake
+++ b/filters/formatting/ktptextui_message_filter_formatting.desktop.cmake
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ Name[kk]=Пішімделген мәтін
 Name[mr]=मजकूर फॉर्मेटिंग
-Name[pl]=Formatowanie tekstu
 Name[pt]=Formatação do Texto
 Name[pt_BR]=Formatação do texto
 Name[ro]=Formatarea textului
@@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ Comment[it]=Usa /, _, * e - per rendere il testo rispettivamente corsivo, sottol
 Comment[kk]=Мәтінді көлбеу, асты сызық, қалың, сызып тастаған қылу үшін  /, _, * және - пайдалану
 Comment[nb]=Bruk /, _,* og – for å gjøre teksten henholdsvis kursiv, understreket, halvfet eller overstreket
 Comment[nl]=Gebruik /, _, * en - om tekst respectievelijk cursief, onderstreept, vet of doorgestreept te maken
-Comment[pl]=Użyj odpowiednio /,_, * i - aby tekst był napisany kursywą, podkreślony, pogrubiony lub przekreślony
 Comment[pt]=Usar o '/', '_', '*' e '-' para tornar o texto itálico, sublinhado, negrito ou traçado, respectivamente
 Comment[pt_BR]=Use /, _, * e - para tornar o texto em itálico, sublinhado, negrito ou tachado, respectivamente
 Comment[ro]=Folosiți /, _, * și - pentru a face textul cursiv, subliniat, aldin sau tăiat, respectiv
diff --git a/filters/highlight/ktptextui_message_filter_highlight.desktop.cmake b/filters/highlight/ktptextui_message_filter_highlight.desktop.cmake
index 943dd30..99d5008 100644
--- a/filters/highlight/ktptextui_message_filter_highlight.desktop.cmake
+++ b/filters/highlight/ktptextui_message_filter_highlight.desktop.cmake
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ Name[mr]=ठसवा
 Name[nn]=Markert melding
@@ -62,7 +61,6 @@ Comment[ia]=Si qualcunque messages in arrivata contine tu pseudonymo, illo esser
 Comment[it]=Se in un messaggio ricevuto c'è scritto il tuo nick, sarà evidenziato in rosso
 Comment[kk]=Егер кіріс хабарларында бүркеншік атыңыз пайда болғанда оны бояп белгілейді
 Comment[nl]=Als een inkomend bericht uw schermnaam bevat, zal deze in rood geaccentueerd worden
-Comment[pl]=Jeśli przychodząca wiadomość będzie zawierać twój pseudonim, to zostanie ona podświetlona na czerwono
 Comment[pt]=Se alguma das mensagens recebidas tiver a sua alcunha, as mesmas ficarão realçadas a vermelho
 Comment[pt_BR]=Se alguma mensagem recebida conter o seu apelido, ela será realçada em vermelho
 Comment[ro]=Dacă vreun mesaj de intrare vă conține porecla, aceasta le va evidenția în roșu
diff --git a/filters/latex/kcm_ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop b/filters/latex/kcm_ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop
index f2a0536..c2d7e30 100644
--- a/filters/latex/kcm_ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop
+++ b/filters/latex/kcm_ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop
@@ -25,3 +25,4 @@ Name[sr at latin]=LaTeX
diff --git a/filters/latex/ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop.cmake b/filters/latex/ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop.cmake
index 606f816..26c08da 100644
--- a/filters/latex/ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop.cmake
+++ b/filters/latex/ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop.cmake
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Name[sr at latin]=Renderer LaTeXa
 Name[uk]=Показ формул LaTeX
 Name[x-test]=xxLaTeX Rendererxx
+Name[zh_CN]=LaTeX 渲染器
 Comment=If incoming messages contain LaTeX between $$, it will render it directly into the chat.
 Comment[da]=Hvis indkommende beskeder indholder LaTeX mellem $$, vil den rendere det direkte i chatten.
 Comment[el]=Αν τα εισερχόμενα μηνύματα περιέχουν LaTeX ανάμεσα σε $$, η αποτύπωση θα γίνεται απευθείας στη συνομιλία.
@@ -47,3 +48,4 @@ Comment[sr at latin]=Kada dolazna poruka sadrži LaTeX između $$, biće renderovan
 Comment[sv]=Om inkommande meddelande innehåller Latex mellan $$, återges den direkt i chatten.
 Comment[uk]=Якщо у будь-якому з повідомлень містяться формули LaTeX, обмежені символами $$, їхнє зображення буде вбудовано безпосередньо до панелі спілкування.
 Comment[x-test]=xxIf incoming messages contain LaTeX between $$, it will render it directly into the chat.xx
+Comment[zh_CN]=如果任何消息在 $$ 之间包含了 LaTeX 命令,它将会直接显示于聊天窗口中。
diff --git a/filters/searchexpansion/ktptextui_message_filter_searchexpansion.desktop.cmake b/filters/searchexpansion/ktptextui_message_filter_searchexpansion.desktop.cmake
index 66dbfc6..54f9afc 100644
--- a/filters/searchexpansion/ktptextui_message_filter_searchexpansion.desktop.cmake
+++ b/filters/searchexpansion/ktptextui_message_filter_searchexpansion.desktop.cmake
@@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ Comment[ia]=Expande un URI abbreviate de KDE in un URL (i.e. typar wp:KDE il tra
 Comment[it]=Espande un URI abbreviato di KDE in un URL (ad es. wp:KDE sarà trasformato in http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE)
 Comment[kk]=KDE-қыөсқарма URI-ды толық URL-ге аудару (мысалы, wp:KDE дегені http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE болады)
 Comment[nl]=Expandeer een door KDE afgekorte URI in een URL (bijv. typen van wp:KDE wordt vertaald in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE)
-Comment[pl]=Rozwiń skrócone przez KDE adresy URI do adresów URL (np. po wpisaniu wp:KDE zostanie to przetłumaczone na http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE)
 Comment[pt]=Expandir um URI curto no KDE para um URL (i.e., se escrever wp:KDE, será traduzido para http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE)
 Comment[pt_BR]=Expandir uma URI curta no KDE para uma URL (p.ex., se digitar wp:KDE, será traduzido para http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE)
 Comment[ru]=Дополнение веб-сокращений адресов KDE до полноценных (например, вместо wp: KDE будет показан http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE)
diff --git a/filters/youtube/ktptextui_message_filter_youtube.desktop.cmake b/filters/youtube/ktptextui_message_filter_youtube.desktop.cmake
index 8fef00d..d92a84f 100644
--- a/filters/youtube/ktptextui_message_filter_youtube.desktop.cmake
+++ b/filters/youtube/ktptextui_message_filter_youtube.desktop.cmake
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ Name[it]=Anteprima di YouTube
 Name[kk]=YouTube алдың-аласы
 Name[mr]=यूट्यूब पूर्वावलोकन
 Name[nl]=Voorbeeld van YouTube
-Name[pl]=Podgląd YouTube
 Name[pt]=Antevisão do YouTube
 Name[pt_BR]=Visualização do YouTube
 Name[ro]=Previzualizare YouTube
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ Comment[ia]=Si qualcunque messages contine un ligamine a tu video de YouTube, il
 Comment[it]=Se in un messaggio c'è un collegamento ad un video di YouTube, sarà integrato come anteprima nella finestra di chat
 Comment[kk]=Егер хабарламада YouTube видеосына сілтеме болса, оның қарап-шығу мүмкіндігі чатта болады
 Comment[nl]=Als een bericht een koppeling bevat naar een YouTube video, zal het ingebed worden als een voorbeeld in de chat
-Comment[pl]=Jeśli jakakolwiek wiadomość zawiera odnośnik do filmu na YouTube, to zostanie osadzony jej podgląd w oknie rozmowy
 Comment[pt]=Se alguma das mensagens tiver um endereço de um vídeo do YouTube, irá incorporar uma antevisão na conversa
 Comment[pt_BR]=Se alguma mensagem conter um link para um vídeo do YouTube, será embutida uma visualização no bate-papo
 Comment[ro]=Dacă vreun mesaj conține o legătură la un video YouTube, aceasta va încorpora o previzualizare în discuție

ktp-text-ui packaging

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