[SCM] ktp-text-ui packaging branch, master, updated. debian/15.12.1-1-1918-gdf4b0ec

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 28 00:25:33 UTC 2016

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/applications/ktp-text-ui.git;a=commitdiff;h=cf6adfc

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit cf6adfced6a919f4b47461b28f9dd823eabbc3d1
Merge: 14723647c6b93c415cf7641b8cfd845f04f2ab28 6955389512ed42870d46310c6d24f8037f7dbd70
Author: Automatic packaging <maxy+jenkins at gnuservers.com.ar>
Date:   Wed Apr 13 11:52:09 2016 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 15.12.3

 .gitignore                                         |    8 +
 .reviewboardrc                                     |    2 +
 CMakeLists.txt                                     |   55 +
 COPYING                                            |  339 +
 LICENSE                                            |    9 +
 adiumxtra-protocol-handler/CMakeLists.txt          |   24 +
 adiumxtra-protocol-handler/Messages.sh             |    4 +
 .../adiumxtra-protocol-handler.cpp                 |  159 +
 .../adiumxtra-protocol-handler.h                   |   45 +
 adiumxtra-protocol-handler/adiumxtra.protocol.in   |   14 +
 adiumxtra-protocol-handler/bundle-installer.cpp    |   23 +
 adiumxtra-protocol-handler/bundle-installer.h      |   47 +
 .../chat-style-installer.cpp                       |  150 +
 adiumxtra-protocol-handler/chat-style-installer.h  |   50 +
 .../emoticon-set-installer.cpp                     |  129 +
 .../emoticon-set-installer.h                       |   49 +
 adiumxtra-protocol-handler/main.cpp                |   60 +
 app/CMakeLists.txt                                 |   52 +
 app/KTp.TextUi.client                              |   10 +
 app/Messages.sh                                    |    4 +
 app/chat-tab.cpp                                   |  113 +
 app/chat-tab.h                                     |   66 +
 app/chat-window.cpp                                | 1367 +++
 app/chat-window.h                                  |  230 +
 app/chatwindow.rc                                  |   68 +
 app/defines.h                                      |    7 +
 app/emoticon-text-edit-action.cpp                  |   64 +
 app/emoticon-text-edit-action.h                    |   42 +
 app/emoticon-text-edit-selector.cpp                |  132 +
 app/emoticon-text-edit-selector.h                  |   64 +
 app/invite-contact-dialog.cpp                      |  113 +
 app/invite-contact-dialog.h                        |   65 +
 app/main.cpp                                       |   72 +
 ...edesktop.Telepathy.Client.KTp.TextUi.service.in |    3 +
 app/telepathy-chat-ui.cpp                          |  359 +
 app/telepathy-chat-ui.h                            |   84 +
 config/CMakeLists.txt                              |    7 +
 config/appearance/CMakeLists.txt                   |   24 +
 config/appearance/Messages.sh                      |    4 +
 config/appearance/appearance-config-tab.cpp        |  345 +
 config/appearance/appearance-config-tab.h          |   77 +
 config/appearance/appearance-config.cpp            |   89 +
 config/appearance/appearance-config.h              |   51 +
 config/appearance/appearance-config.ui             |  233 +
 config/appearance/kcm_ktp_chat_appearance.desktop  |  104 +
 config/behavior/CMakeLists.txt                     |   23 +
 config/behavior/Messages.sh                        |    4 +
 config/behavior/behavior-config.cpp                |  181 +
 config/behavior/behavior-config.h                  |   72 +
 config/behavior/behavior-config.ui                 |  257 +
 config/behavior/kcm_ktp_chat_behavior.desktop      |   58 +
 config/messages/CMakeLists.txt                     |   20 +
 config/messages/Messages.sh                        |    2 +
 config/messages/kcm_ktp_chat_messages.desktop      |  104 +
 config/messages/messages-config.cpp                |   56 +
 config/messages/messages-config.h                  |   37 +
 config/otr/CMakeLists.txt                          |   24 +
 config/otr/Messages.sh                             |    4 +
 config/otr/kcm_ktp_chat_otr.desktop                |   89 +
 config/otr/otr-config.cpp                          |  275 +
 config/otr/otr-config.h                            |   83 +
 config/otr/otr-config.ui                           |  439 +
 data/CMakeLists.txt                                |    8 +
 data/README                                        |    5 +
 data/Template.html                                 |  345 +
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 .../Contents/Info.plist                            |   28 +
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 .../Contents/Resources/Header.html                 |    8 +
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 .../Contents/Resources/Outgoing/NextContent.html   |    4 +
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 .../Contents/Resources/img/sidebar_header_bg.png   |  Bin 0 -> 159 bytes
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 data/styles/WoshiChat.AdiumMessageStyle/LICENSE    |  213 +
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 .../Contents/Resources/Header.html                 |    8 +
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 .../Contents/Resources/Outgoing/NextContext.html   |    7 +
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 .../Contents/Resources/Topic.html                  |   10 +
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 .../Contents/Resources/Variants/Blue on Steel.css  |  118 +
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 .../Contents/Resources/Variants/Blue on Yellow.css |  118 +
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 .../Variants/Green on Blue No Names Alt.css        |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Green on Blue No Names.css  |    2 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Variants/Green on Blue.css  |  118 +
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 .../Variants/Green on Red No Names Alt.css         |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Green on Red No Names.css   |    2 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Variants/Green on Red.css   |  118 +
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 .../Variants/Green on Steel No Names Alt.css       |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Green on Steel No Names.css |    2 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Variants/Green on Steel.css |  118 +
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 .../Variants/Green on Yellow No Names Alt.css      |    2 +
 .../Variants/Green on Yellow No Names.css          |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Green on Yellow.css         |  118 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Red on Blue Alternating.css |    7 +
 .../Variants/Red on Blue No Names Alt.css          |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Red on Blue No Names.css    |    2 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Variants/Red on Blue.css    |  118 +
 .../Variants/Red on Green Alternating.css          |    7 +
 .../Variants/Red on Green No Names Alt.css         |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Red on Green No Names.css   |    2 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Variants/Red on Green.css   |  123 +
 .../Variants/Red on Steel Alternating.css          |    7 +
 .../Variants/Red on Steel No Names Alt.css         |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Red on Steel No Names.css   |    2 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Variants/Red on Steel.css   |  120 +
 .../Variants/Red on Yellow Alternating.css         |    7 +
 .../Variants/Red on Yellow No Names Alt.css        |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Red on Yellow No Names.css  |    2 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Variants/Red on Yellow.css  |  120 +
 .../Variants/Steel on Blue Alternating.css         |    7 +
 .../Variants/Steel on Blue No Names Alt.css        |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Steel on Blue No Names.css  |    2 +
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 .../Variants/Steel on Green No Names Alt.css       |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Steel on Green No Names.css |    2 +
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 .../Variants/Steel on Yellow No Names Alt.css      |    2 +
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 .../Variants/Yellow on Green No Names Alt.css      |    2 +
 .../Variants/Yellow on Green No Names.css          |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Yellow on Green.css         |  123 +
 .../Variants/Yellow on Red Alternating.css         |    7 +
 .../Variants/Yellow on Red No Names Alt.css        |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Yellow on Red No Names.css  |    2 +
 .../Contents/Resources/Variants/Yellow on Red.css  |  118 +
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 .../Variants/Yellow on Steel No Names Alt.css      |    2 +
 .../Variants/Yellow on Steel No Names.css          |    2 +
 .../Resources/Variants/Yellow on Steel.css         |  118 +
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 .../Contents/Resources/images/blueCurves.png       |  Bin 0 -> 1218 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/blueIndicator.gif    |  Bin 0 -> 536 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/blueIndicator.png    |  Bin 0 -> 370 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/blueIndicator2.png   |  Bin 0 -> 380 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/blueIndicatorAlt.gif |  Bin 0 -> 526 bytes
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 .../Contents/Resources/images/greenCurves.gif      |  Bin 0 -> 3259 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/greenCurves.png      |  Bin 0 -> 1234 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/greenIndicator.gif   |  Bin 0 -> 530 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/greenIndicator.png   |  Bin 0 -> 334 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/greenIndicator2.png  |  Bin 0 -> 345 bytes
 .../Resources/images/greenIndicatorAlt.gif         |  Bin 0 -> 529 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/redBackground.gif    |  Bin 0 -> 117 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/redBackground.png    |  Bin 0 -> 136 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/redCurves.gif        |  Bin 0 -> 2527 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/redCurves.png        |  Bin 0 -> 1194 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/redIndicator.gif     |  Bin 0 -> 527 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/redIndicator.png     |  Bin 0 -> 410 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/redIndicator2.png    |  Bin 0 -> 402 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/redIndicatorAlt.gif  |  Bin 0 -> 527 bytes
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 .../Contents/Resources/images/silverCurves.gif     |  Bin 0 -> 2778 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/steelBackground.gif  |  Bin 0 -> 122 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/steelBackground.png  |  Bin 0 -> 136 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/steelCurves.gif      |  Bin 0 -> 2169 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/steelCurves.png      |  Bin 0 -> 1179 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/steelHeading.jpg     |  Bin 0 -> 321 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/steelIndicator.gif   |  Bin 0 -> 328 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/steelIndicator.png   |  Bin 0 -> 375 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/steelIndicator2.png  |  Bin 0 -> 392 bytes
 .../Resources/images/steelIndicatorAlt.gif         |  Bin 0 -> 326 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/typing-left.png      |  Bin 0 -> 1157 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/typing-right.png     |  Bin 0 -> 1157 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/yellowBackground.gif |  Bin 0 -> 117 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/yellowBackground.png |  Bin 0 -> 133 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/yellowCurves.gif     |  Bin 0 -> 3202 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/yellowCurves.png     |  Bin 0 -> 1200 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/yellowHeading.jpg    |  Bin 0 -> 1447 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/yellowIndicator.gif  |  Bin 0 -> 532 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/yellowIndicator.png  |  Bin 0 -> 380 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/yellowIndicator2.png |  Bin 0 -> 400 bytes
 .../Resources/images/yellowIndicatorAlt.gif        |  Bin 0 -> 931 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/yellowTL.png         |  Bin 0 -> 326 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/images/yellowTR.png         |  Bin 0 -> 364 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/incoming_icon.png           |  Bin 0 -> 21765 bytes
 .../Contents/Resources/outgoing_icon.png           |  Bin 0 -> 21765 bytes
 filters/CMakeLists.txt                             |   14 +
 filters/Messages.sh                                |    4 +
 filters/bugzilla/CMakeLists.txt                    |   22 +
 filters/bugzilla/bugzilla-filter.cpp               |  146 +
 filters/bugzilla/bugzilla-filter.h                 |   43 +
 ...ktptextui_message_filter_bugzilla.desktop.cmake |   98 +
 filters/bugzilla/showBugzillaInfo.js               |   59 +
 filters/emoticons/CMakeLists.txt                   |   41 +
 filters/emoticons/emoticon-config.cpp              |  249 +
 filters/emoticons/emoticon-config.h                |   54 +
 filters/emoticons/emoticon-config.ui               |   73 +
 filters/emoticons/emoticon-filter.cpp              |   42 +
 filters/emoticons/emoticon-filter.h                |   35 +
 .../kcm_ktptextui_message_filter_emoticons.desktop |   56 +
 ...tptextui_message_filter_emoticons.desktop.cmake |  105 +
 filters/formatting/CMakeLists.txt                  |   19 +
 filters/formatting/format-filter.cpp               |  117 +
 filters/formatting/format-filter.h                 |   38 +
 ...ptextui_message_filter_formatting.desktop.cmake |   98 +
 filters/highlight/CMakeLists.txt                   |   21 +
 filters/highlight/highlight-filter.cpp             |   61 +
 filters/highlight/highlight-filter.h               |   38 +
 ...tptextui_message_filter_highlight.desktop.cmake |  103 +
 filters/images/CMakeLists.txt                      |   23 +
 filters/images/images-filter.cpp                   |   70 +
 filters/images/images-filter.h                     |   38 +
 .../ktptextui_message_filter_images.desktop.cmake  |  101 +
 filters/latex/CMakeLists.txt                       |   42 +
 .../kcm_ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop     |   52 +
 .../ktptextui_message_filter_latex.desktop.cmake   |   99 +
 filters/latex/latex-config.cpp                     |   39 +
 filters/latex/latex-config.h                       |   38 +
 filters/latex/latex-config.ui                      |   55 +
 filters/latex/latex-filter.cpp                     |  185 +
 filters/latex/latex-filter.h                       |   39 +
 filters/latex/latex.kcfg                           |   19 +
 filters/latex/latexconfig.kcfgc                    |    4 +
 filters/otr/CMakeLists.txt                         |   22 +
 .../otr/ktptextui_message_filter_otr.desktop.cmake |   88 +
 filters/otr/otr-filter.cpp                         |   40 +
 filters/otr/otr-filter.h                           |   33 +
 filters/searchexpansion/CMakeLists.txt             |   22 +
 ...ui_message_filter_searchexpansion.desktop.cmake |  103 +
 filters/searchexpansion/searchexpansion-filter.cpp |   58 +
 filters/searchexpansion/searchexpansion-filter.h   |   39 +
 filters/texttospeech/CMakeLists.txt                |   21 +
 .../ktptextui_message_filter_tts.desktop.cmake     |  100 +
 filters/texttospeech/tts-filter.cpp                |   65 +
 filters/texttospeech/tts-filter.h                  |   38 +
 filters/urlexpansion/CMakeLists.txt                |   23 +
 ...extui_message_filter_urlexpansion.desktop.cmake |   95 +
 filters/urlexpansion/longurl.js                    |   35 +
 filters/urlexpansion/longurlServices.json          |    1 +
 filters/urlexpansion/urlexpansion-filter.cpp       |   98 +
 filters/urlexpansion/urlexpansion-filter.h         |   44 +
 filters/youtube/CMakeLists.txt                     |   20 +
 .../ktptextui_message_filter_youtube.desktop.cmake |  100 +
 filters/youtube/youtube-filter.cpp                 |   77 +
 filters/youtube/youtube-filter.h                   |   34 +
 image-sharer/CMakeLists.txt                        |   17 +
 image-sharer/abstractsharer.cpp                    |   52 +
 image-sharer/abstractsharer.h                      |   91 +
 image-sharer/imagebinsharer.cpp                    |   54 +
 image-sharer/imagebinsharer.h                      |   35 +
 image-sharer/imagesharer_export.h                  |   37 +
 image-sharer/imgursharer.cpp                       |   71 +
 image-sharer/imgursharer.h                         |   35 +
 image-sharer/mpform.cpp                            |  203 +
 image-sharer/mpform.h                              |   58 +
 image-sharer/shareprovider.cpp                     |  219 +
 image-sharer/shareprovider.h                       |   72 +
 image-sharer/simplestimagehostingsharer.cpp        |   52 +
 image-sharer/simplestimagehostingsharer.h          |   36 +
 lib/CMakeLists.txt                                 |   67 +
 lib/Messages.sh                                    |    4 +
 lib/adium-theme-content-info.cpp                   |  143 +
 lib/adium-theme-content-info.h                     |   67 +
 lib/adium-theme-header-info.cpp                    |  165 +
 lib/adium-theme-header-info.h                      |   93 +
 lib/adium-theme-message-info.cpp                   |  172 +
 lib/adium-theme-message-info.h                     |   79 +
 lib/adium-theme-status-info.cpp                    |   64 +
 lib/adium-theme-status-info.h                      |   47 +
 lib/adium-theme-view.cpp                           |  843 ++
 lib/adium-theme-view.h                             |  168 +
 lib/authenticationwizard.cpp                       |  448 +
 lib/authenticationwizard.h                         |  106 +
 lib/channel-contact-model.cpp                      |  225 +
 lib/channel-contact-model.h                        |   84 +
 lib/chat-search-bar.cpp                            |  187 +
 lib/chat-search-bar.h                              |   96 +
 lib/chat-style-plist-file-reader.cpp               |  189 +
 lib/chat-style-plist-file-reader.h                 |   70 +
 lib/chat-text-edit.cpp                             |  381 +
 lib/chat-text-edit.h                               |   92 +
 lib/chat-widget.cpp                                | 1559 ++++
 lib/chat-widget.h                                  |  269 +
 lib/chat-widget.ui                                 |  113 +
 lib/chat-window-style-manager.cpp                  |  382 +
 lib/chat-window-style-manager.h                    |  155 +
 lib/chat-window-style.cpp                          |  535 ++
 lib/chat-window-style.h                            |  239 +
 lib/contact-delegate.cpp                           |  139 +
 lib/contact-delegate.h                             |   46 +
 lib/emoticons-manager.cpp                          |   59 +
 lib/emoticons-manager.h                            |   35 +
 lib/keygendialog.ui                                |   60 +
 lib/ktp-debug.cpp                                  |   21 +
 lib/ktp-debug.h                                    |   26 +
 lib/ktpchat_export.h                               |   37 +
 lib/ktptxtui_message_filter.desktop                |   49 +
 lib/notify-filter.cpp                              |   93 +
 lib/notify-filter.h                                |   38 +
 lib/otr-notifications.cpp                          |  141 +
 lib/otr-notifications.h                            |   43 +
 lib/otr-status.cpp                                 |   52 +
 lib/otr-status.h                                   |   49 +
 lib/proxy-service.cpp                              |  254 +
 lib/proxy-service.h                                |   75 +
 lib/text-chat-config.cpp                           |  263 +
 lib/text-chat-config.h                             |   81 +
 lib/types.h                                        |   33 +
 logviewer/CMakeLists.txt                           |   40 +
 logviewer/Messages.sh                              |    4 +
 logviewer/config/CMakeLists.txt                    |   23 +
 logviewer/config/behavior-config.cpp               |   86 +
 logviewer/config/behavior-config.h                 |   56 +
 logviewer/config/behavior-config.ui                |   74 +
 .../config/kcm_ktp_logviewer_behavior.desktop      |   53 +
 logviewer/dates-model.cpp                          |  467 +
 logviewer/dates-model.h                            |   89 +
 logviewer/dates-view-delegate.cpp                  |  190 +
 logviewer/dates-view-delegate.h                    |   44 +
 logviewer/debug.h                                  |   27 +
 logviewer/entity-filter-model.cpp                  |  125 +
 logviewer/entity-filter-model.h                    |   52 +
 logviewer/entity-model.cpp                         |  155 +
 logviewer/entity-model.h                           |   86 +
 logviewer/entity-view-delegate.cpp                 |  218 +
 logviewer/entity-view-delegate.h                   |   51 +
 logviewer/entity-view.cpp                          |   98 +
 logviewer/entity-view.h                            |   44 +
 logviewer/log-viewer.cpp                           |  533 ++
 logviewer/log-viewer.h                             |  103 +
 logviewer/log-viewer.rc                            |   26 +
 logviewer/log-viewer.ui                            |   94 +
 logviewer/logs-import-dialog.cpp                   |  142 +
 logviewer/logs-import-dialog.h                     |   63 +
 logviewer/main.cpp                                 |   96 +
 logviewer/message-view.cpp                         |  244 +
 logviewer/message-view.h                           |   89 +
 logviewer/org.kde.ktplogviewer.desktop             |  147 +
 logviewer/person-entity-merge-model.cpp            |  478 +
 logviewer/person-entity-merge-model.h              |  100 +
 version.h.in                                       |    1 +
 402 files changed, 39268 insertions(+)

ktp-text-ui packaging

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