[SCM] kdeconnect packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.9g-1-1183-g9d69498

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 14 14:28:37 UTC 2016

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/kdeconnect.git;a=commitdiff;h=e31eed3

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit e31eed3243bfe3e13cefa275ce333d8452017d29
Author: l10n daemon script <scripty at kde.org>
Date:   Sat Jun 13 11:32:14 2015 +0000

    SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
    In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
    To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
 kcm/kcm_kdeconnect.desktop                          | 1 +
 kcm/kdeconnect.desktop                              | 1 +
 plugins/notifications/kdeconnect_notifications.json | 1 +
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+)

diff --git a/kcm/kcm_kdeconnect.desktop b/kcm/kcm_kdeconnect.desktop
index 1081e2a..4980337 100755
--- a/kcm/kcm_kdeconnect.desktop
+++ b/kcm/kcm_kdeconnect.desktop
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ Comment[ca]=Connecta i sincronitza els vostres dispositius
 Comment[de]=Verbinden und Abgleichen Ihrer Geräte
 Comment[gl]=Conecte e sincronice os seus dispositivos.
 Comment[nl]=Uw apparaten verbinden en synchroniseren
+Comment[pl]=Podłącz i zsynchronizuj swoje urządzenia
 Comment[pt]=Ligue e sincronize os seus dispositivos
 Comment[pt_BR]=Conecta e sincroniza seus dispositivos
 Comment[sv]=Anslut och synkronisera dina apparater
diff --git a/kcm/kdeconnect.desktop b/kcm/kdeconnect.desktop
index 300ec76..48cfc02 100755
--- a/kcm/kdeconnect.desktop
+++ b/kcm/kdeconnect.desktop
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ GenericName[ca]=Connecta i sincronitza els vostres dispositius
 GenericName[de]=Verbinden und Abgleichen Ihrer Geräte
 GenericName[gl]=Conecte e sincronice os seus dispositivos
 GenericName[nl]=Uw apparaten verbinden en synchroniseren
+GenericName[pl]=Podłącz i zsynchronizuj swoje urządzenia
 GenericName[pt]=Ligue e sincronize os seus dispositivos
 GenericName[pt_BR]=Conecta e sincroniza seus dispositivos
 GenericName[sv]=Anslut och synkronisera dina apparater
diff --git a/plugins/notifications/kdeconnect_notifications.json b/plugins/notifications/kdeconnect_notifications.json
index b5814bb..6e9492b 100644
--- a/plugins/notifications/kdeconnect_notifications.json
+++ b/plugins/notifications/kdeconnect_notifications.json
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
         "Description[de]": "Benachrichtigungen auf Ihren Rechner anzeigen und abgleichen", 
         "Description[gl]": "Mostre notificacións dun teléfono móbil no computador e deixe que as notificacións se sincronicen co teléfono.", 
         "Description[nl]": "Telefoonmeldingen op uw computer tonen en ze gesynchroniseerd houden", 
+        "Description[pl]": "Pokaż powiadomienia telefonu na swoim komputerze i synchronizuj je", 
         "Description[pt]": "Mostrar as notificações do telefone no seu computador e mantê-las sincronizadas", 
         "Description[pt_BR]": "Mostra as notificações do celular no seu computador e as mantém sincronizadas", 
         "Description[sv]": "Visa telefonunderrättelser på datorn och håll dem synkroniserade", 

kdeconnect packaging

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