[SCM] exiv2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.25-3.1-3734-gdcbc29a
Maximiliano Curia
maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 17:41:33 UTC 2017
Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/exiv2.git;a=commitdiff;h=af6dddf
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit af6dddff4d2ab20979653395b83e3fc9174cdbcd
Author: HumanDynamo <caulier.gilles at gmail.com>
Date: Sat Apr 24 16:29:26 2010 +0000
more A100 CS tags
src/minoltamn.cpp | 88 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 74 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/minoltamn.cpp b/src/minoltamn.cpp
index 67a9bac..8ff3e44 100644
--- a/src/minoltamn.cpp
+++ b/src/minoltamn.cpp
@@ -1134,6 +1134,45 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
{ 0x9, N_("High") }
+ //! Lookup table to translate Sony A100 camera settings white balance setting values to readable labels
+ extern const TagDetails sonyWhiteBalanceSettingA100[] = {
+ { 0x0000, N_("Auto") },
+ { 0x0001, N_("Preset") },
+ { 0x0002, N_("Custom") },
+ { 0x0003, N_("Color Temperature/Color Filter") },
+ { 0x8001, N_("Preset") },
+ { 0x8002, N_("Custom") },
+ { 0x8003, N_("Color Temperature/Color Filter") }
+ };
+ //! Lookup table to translate Sony A100 camera settings preset white balance values to readable labels
+ extern const TagDetails sonyPresetWhiteBalanceA100[] = {
+ { 1, N_("Daylight") },
+ { 2, N_("Cloudy") },
+ { 3, N_("Shade") },
+ { 4, N_("Tungsten") },
+ { 5, N_("Fluorescent") },
+ { 6, N_("Flash") }
+ };
+ //! Lookup table to translate Sony A100 camera settings color temperature setting values to readable labels
+ extern const TagDetails sonyColorTemperatureSettingA100[] = {
+ { 0, N_("Temperature") },
+ { 2, N_("Color Filter") }
+ };
+ //! Lookup table to translate Sony A100 camera settings custom WB setting values to readable labels
+ extern const TagDetails sonyCustomWBSettingA100[] = {
+ { 0, N_("Setup") },
+ { 2, N_("Recall") }
+ };
+ //! Lookup table to translate Sony A100 camera settings custom WB error values to readable labels
+ extern const TagDetails sonyCustomWBErrorA100[] = {
+ { 0, N_("Ok") },
+ { 2, N_("Error") }
+ };
// Sony A100 Camera Settings Tag Info
const TagInfo MinoltaMakerNote::tagInfoCsA100_[] = {
TagInfo(0x0000, "ExposureMode", N_("Exposure Mode"),
@@ -1223,26 +1262,47 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
TagInfo(0x0022, "WhiteBalanceBracketing", N_("White Balance Bracketing"),
N_("White balance bracketing"),
sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, EXV_PRINT_TAG(sonyWhiteBalanceBracketingA100)),
- TagInfo(0x0035, "ExposureTime", N_("Exposure Time"),
- N_("Exposure time"),
+ TagInfo(0x0023, "WhiteBalanceSetting", N_("White Balance Setting"),
+ N_("White balance setting"),
+ sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, EXV_PRINT_TAG(sonyWhiteBalanceSettingA100)),
+ TagInfo(0x0024, "PresetWhiteBalance", N_("Preset White Balance"),
+ N_("Preset white balance"),
+ sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, EXV_PRINT_TAG(sonyPresetWhiteBalanceA100)),
+ TagInfo(0x0025, "ColorTemperatureSetting", N_("Color Temperature Setting"),
+ N_("Color temperature setting"),
+ sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, EXV_PRINT_TAG(sonyColorTemperatureSettingA100)),
+ TagInfo(0x0026, "CustomWBSetting", N_("Custom WB Setting"),
+ N_("Custom WB setting"),
+ sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, EXV_PRINT_TAG(sonyCustomWBSettingA100)),
+ TagInfo(0x0027, "DynamicRangeOptimizerMode", N_("Dynamic Range Optimizer Mode"),
+ N_("Dynamic Range Optimizer Mode"),
+ sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, printMinoltaSonyDynamicRangeOptimizerMode),
+ TagInfo(0x0032, "FreeMemoryCardImages", N_("Free Memory Card Images"),
+ N_("Free memory card images"),
sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, printValue),
- TagInfo(0x0036, "FNumber", N_("FNumber"),
- N_("The F-Number"),
+ TagInfo(0x0034, "CustomWBRedLevel", N_("Custom WB Red Level"),
+ N_("Custom WB red level"),
sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, printValue),
- TagInfo(0x0037, "FreeMemoryCardImages", N_("Free Memory Card Images"),
- N_("Free memory card images"),
+ TagInfo(0x0035, "CustomWBGreenLevel", N_("Custom WB Green Level"),
+ N_("Custom WB green level"),
sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, printValue),
- TagInfo(0x0038, "ExposureRevision", N_("Exposure Revision"),
- N_("Exposure revision"),
+ TagInfo(0x0036, "CustomWBBlueLevel", N_("Custom WB Blue Level"),
+ N_("CustomWB blue level"),
sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, printValue),
- TagInfo(0x0048, "FocusMode", N_("Focus Mode"),
- N_("Focus mode"),
- sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, EXV_PRINT_TAG(minoltaFocusMode5D)),
- TagInfo(0x0049, "ColorTemperature", N_("Color Temperature"),
+ TagInfo(0x0037, "CustomWBError", N_("Custom WB Error"),
+ N_("Custom WB Error"),
+ sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, EXV_PRINT_TAG(sonyCustomWBErrorA100)),
+ TagInfo(0x0038, "WhiteBalanceFineTune", N_("White Balance Fine Tune"),
+ N_("White balance fine tune"),
+ sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, signedShort, printValue),
+ TagInfo(0x0039, "ColorTemperature", N_("Color Temperature"),
N_("Color temperature"),
+ sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, printValue),
+ TagInfo(0x0040, "ColorCompensationFilter", N_("Color Compensation Filter"),
+ N_("Color compensation filter"),
sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, signedShort, printValue),
TagInfo(0x0050, "Rotation", N_("Rotation"),
sony1MltCsA100IfdId, makerTags, unsignedShort, EXV_PRINT_TAG(minoltaRotation5D)),
exiv2 packaging
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