[SCM] exiv2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.25-3.1-3734-gdcbc29a

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 17:45:28 UTC 2017

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/exiv2.git;a=commitdiff;h=99f0875

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 99f087562c6227dd4b4acfd4e50797992118d414
Author: Robin Mills <robin at clanmills.com>
Date:   Wed May 20 09:56:30 2015 +0000

    msvc: removing more obsolete files.
 msvc2005/buildall.bat |  52 ----------------
 msvc2005/cleanup.bat  |  40 ------------
 msvc2005/runner.py    | 122 ------------------------------------
 msvc2005/setbuild.py  | 168 --------------------------------------------------
 4 files changed, 382 deletions(-)

diff --git a/msvc2005/buildall.bat b/msvc2005/buildall.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index a16d65d..0000000
--- a/msvc2005/buildall.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
- at echo off
-rem ##
-rem buildall - wee script for building from the command line
-set "SYNTAX=buildall [ /build ^| /rebuild ^| /clean ^| /upgrade ]"
-rem ##
-rem test arguments
-set "ACTION=%1%"
-	echo %SYNTAX%
-	goto jail
-rem ##
-rem execute /upgrade
-if %ACTION%==/upgrade (
-	devenv /upgrade exiv2.sln
-	goto jail
-rem ##
-rem cleanup the bin if necessary
-set DELBIN=0
-if %ACTION%==/rebuild set DELBIN=1
-if %ACTION%==/clean   set DELBIN=1
-if %DELBIN%==1 (
-	if EXIST bin rmdir/s/q bin
-	del/s *.pdb *.ild *.ncb *.bsc *.idb *.ilk *.pch *.tlog > NUL
-	rmdir/s/q exiv2lib\win32 rmdir/s/q exiv2lib\x64 rmdir/s/q zlib\win32 zlib\x64 > NUL
-rem ##
-rem the main build activity
-devenv exiv2.sln %ACTION% "Debug|Win32"
-devenv exiv2.sln %ACTION% "DebugDLL|Win32" 
-devenv exiv2.sln %ACTION% "Release|Win32" 
-devenv exiv2.sln %ACTION% "ReleaseDLL|Win32" 
-devenv exiv2.sln %ACTION% "Debug|x64" 
-devenv exiv2.sln %ACTION% "DebugDLL|x64" 
-devenv exiv2.sln %ACTION% "Release|x64" 
-devenv exiv2.sln %ACTION% "ReleaseDLL|x64" 
-rem ##
-rem cleanup and leave
-rem That's all Folks!
-rem ##
diff --git a/msvc2005/cleanup.bat b/msvc2005/cleanup.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index e149af7..0000000
--- a/msvc2005/cleanup.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-set X=exiv2uild      && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=exiv2\Win32      && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=exiv2\x64        && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=exiv2libuild   && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=exiv2lib\Win32   && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=exiv2lib\x64     && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=expatuild      && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=expat\Win32      && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=expat\x64        && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=xmpsdkuild     && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=xmpsdk\Win32     && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=xmpsdk\x64       && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=zlibuild       && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=zlib\Win32       && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=zlib\x64         && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=zlib123uild    && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=zlib123\Win32    && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=zlib123\x64      && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=zlib125uild    && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=zlib125\Win32    && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-set X=zlib125\x64      && if EXIST %X% rmdir/s/q %X%
-del/s *.ncb
-del/s *.sdf
-del/s *.vcxproj
-del/s *%USERNAME%*
-del/s *.filters
-rmdir/s/q bin
diff --git a/msvc2005/runner.py b/msvc2005/runner.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ad5fdb0..0000000
--- a/msvc2005/runner.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: Latin-1 -*-
-def syntax():
-    print "syntax: python runner.py Win32|x64|all"
-r"""runner.py - run some tests on the exiv2 build"""
-import sys
-import os.path
-def Q(path):
-    return '"' + path + '"'
-def System(cmd):
-#   print "System ",cmd
-    sys.stdout.flush()
-    os.system(cmd)
-def exe(path,option):
-    """exe - handle exiv2.exe file"""
-    if os.path.basename(path)=='exiv2.exe':
-#       print "testing ",path
-        testimages=os.path.realpath('testimages')
-        tif=os.path.join(testimages,'test.tiff')
-        png=os.path.join(testimages,'test.png')
-        jpg=os.path.join(testimages,'test.jpg')
-        System(path + " -V")
-        System(path + " -pt "+Q(tif) + '2>NUL | grep Original')
-        System(path + " -pt "+Q(png) + '2>NUL | grep Original')
-        System(path + " -pt "+Q(jpg) + '2>NUL | grep Original')
-        System(path + " -pt "+Q(jpg) )
-def dll(path,option):
-    """dll - handle a .dll file"""
-    if os.path.basename(path) in ('exiv2.exe,exiv2.dll','exiv2d.dll','libexpat.dll','zlib1.dll','zlib1d.dll'):
-#        print "testing ",path
-        bits=32 if path.find('Win32')>=0 else 64
-        depends='tools/bin/depends%d.exe' % (bits)
-        depends=os.path.realpath( depends )
-        System(depends + ' -q ' + path + ' | sort')
-def visit(myData, directoryName, filesInDirectory):          # called for each dir 
-    """visit - called by os.path.walk"""
-    # print "in visitor",directoryName, "myData = ",myData
-    # print "filesInDirectory => ",filesInDirectory
-    for filename in filesInDirectory:                        # do non-dir files here
-        pathname = os.path.join(directoryName, filename)
-        if not os.path.isdir(pathname):
-            global paths
-            paths.append(pathname)
-def handle(paths,handlers):
-    for path in sorted(paths):
-        ext=os.path.splitext(path)[1].lower()
-        if handlers.has_key(ext):
-            handlers[ext](path,option)
-def runner(option):
-    """runner -option == None, means both x64 and Win32"""
-    if option in set(['x64','Win32',None]):
-        directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
-        directory = os.path.join(directory,"bin")
-        if option:
-            directory = os.path.join(directory,option)
-        global paths
-        paths=[]
-        os.path.walk(directory, visit, None)
-        handle(paths,{ '.exe' : exe } )
-        handle(paths,{ '.dll' : dll } )
-        handle(paths,{ '.exe' : dll } )
-    else:
-        syntax()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    argc     = len(sys.argv)
-    syntaxError = argc < 2
-    if not syntaxError:
-        option='all'
-        if argc>1:
-            option=sys.argv[1].lower()
-        options  =  { 'x64'     : 'x64'
-                    , 'x86'     : 'Win32'
-                    , 'win32'   : 'Win32'
-                    , 'all'     :  None
-                    , 'both'    :  None
-                    }
-        syntaxError = not options.has_key(option)
-        if not syntaxError:
-            runner(options[option])
-    if syntaxError:
-        syntax()
-# That's all Folks!
diff --git a/msvc2005/setbuild.py b/msvc2005/setbuild.py
deleted file mode 100644
index dae2ebd..0000000
--- a/msvc2005/setbuild.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: Latin-1 -*-
-"""   setbuild - set the build environment you require  """
-def syntax():
-    "syntax - print syntax of setbuild.py "
-    print "syntax: python setbuild.py Win32|x64|all|reset"
-# import modules
-import os.path
-import sys
-import xml.dom.minidom
-from   xml.sax.saxutils import escape
-# from PP3E/System/Filetools/cpall.py
-maxfileload =   5 * 1024 * 1024
-blksize     = 100 * 1024
-def cp(pathFrom, pathTo, maxfileload=maxfileload):
-    """
-    copy file pathFrom to pathTo, byte for byte
-    """
-    if os.path.getsize(pathFrom) <= maxfileload:
-        bytesFrom = open(pathFrom, 'rb').read()   # read small file all at once
-        open(pathTo, 'wb').write(bytesFrom)       # need b mode on Windows
-    else:
-        fileFrom = open(pathFrom, 'rb')           # read big files in chunks
-        fileTo   = open(pathTo,   'wb')           # need b mode here too 
-        while 1:
-            bytesFrom = fileFrom.read(blksize)    # get one block, less at end
-            if not bytesFrom: break               # empty after last chunk
-            fileTo.write(bytesFrom)
-def save(path):
-    """save - make a backup (or restore the backup)"""
-    orig = path+'.orig'
-    if os.path.exists(orig):
-        cp(orig,path)
-    else:
-        cp(path,orig)
-def sln(path,remove):
-    """sln - remove the x64 stuff from a sln"""
-    save(path)
-    if remove:
-    	f = open(path, 'r')
-    	lines = []
-    	for line in f:
-    	    if line.find(remove)<0:
-    	        lines.append(line)
-    	f.close()
-    	f = open(path,'w')
-    	for line in lines:
-    	    f.write(line)
-    	f.close()
-def vcproj(path,remove):
-    """vcproj - remove the x64 stuff from a vcproj"""
-    save(path)
-    if remove:
-		f = open(path,'r')
-		dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(f.read())
-		f.close()
-		for tag in [ 'Platform','Configuration' ]:
-			tags = dom.getElementsByTagName(tag)
-			kills = []
-			for t in tags:
-				if t.getAttribute("Name").find(remove)>=0:
-					kills.append(t)
-			for kill in kills:
-				kill.parentNode.removeChild(kill)
-		# repair the command lines!
-		for tool in dom.getElementsByTagName('Tool'):
-			cl=tool.getAttribute('CommandLine')
-			if cl:
-				cl=escape(cl)
-				cl=cl.replace('
-				cl=cl.replace('
-				tool.setAttribute('CommandLine',cl)
-				# print '-----------',cl,'----------'
-		code=dom.toxml()
-		code=code.replace('__CR__','&#x0d;')
-		code=code.replace('__LF__','&#x0a;')
-		f = open(path,'w')
-		f.write(code)
-		f.close()
-def visit(myData, directoryName, filesInDirectory):          # called for each dir 
-    """visit - called by os.path.walk"""
-	# print "in visitor",directoryName, "myData = ",myData
-	# print "filesInDirectory => ",filesInDirectory
-    for filename in filesInDirectory:                        # do non-dir files here
-        pathname = os.path.join(directoryName, filename)
-        if not os.path.isdir(pathname):
-            global paths
-            paths.append(pathname)
-def setbuild(remove):
-    """setbuild - remove == None, means both x64 and Win32"""
-    if remove in set(['x64','Win32',None]):
-        directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
-        print "directory = ",directory
-        global paths
-        paths=[]
-        os.path.walk(directory, visit, None)
-        for path in paths:
-            # print path
-            handlers =  { '.sln'    : sln
-                        , '.vcproj' : vcproj
-                        } ;
-            ext=os.path.splitext(path)[1]
-            if handlers.has_key(ext):
-                handlers[ext](path,remove)
-    else:
-        syntax()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    argc     = len(sys.argv)
-    syntaxError = argc < 2
-    if not syntaxError:
-        option=sys.argv[1].lower()
-        removes  = 	{ 'x64' 	: 'Win32' 
-        			, 'win32' 	: 'x64'
-        			, 'all' 	: None
-        			, 'reset' 	: None
-        			}
-        syntaxError = not removes.has_key(option)
-        if not syntaxError:
-            setbuild(removes[option])
-        if option=='reset':
-        	os.system('del/s *.orig')
-    if syntaxError:
-        syntax()
-# That's all Folks!

exiv2 packaging

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