[SCM] exiv2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.25-3.1-3734-gdcbc29a
Maximiliano Curia
maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 17:45:52 UTC 2017
Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/exiv2.git;a=commitdiff;h=b776b61
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit b776b61c278711cf64acf8d55682aa175e03888e
Author: Robin Mills <robin at clanmills.com>
Date: Wed Nov 11 20:54:13 2015 +0000
#816 Added Phil's Perl code PrintLensID (see issue report). I'll have to convert this into C++ and then report the output.
src/pentaxmn.cpp | 160 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 160 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/pentaxmn.cpp b/src/pentaxmn.cpp
index 91109b6..be965d8 100644
--- a/src/pentaxmn.cpp
+++ b/src/pentaxmn.cpp
@@ -1151,6 +1151,166 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
bool operator==(long id) const { return id_ == id; }
+#if 0
+// http://sourceforge.net/p/exiftool/code/ci/master/tree/lib/Image/ExifTool/Exif.pm#l3576
+# Attempt to identify the specific lens if multiple lenses have the same LensType
+# Inputs: 0) ExifTool object ref, 1) LensType print value, 2) PrintConv hash ref,
+# 3) LensSpec print value, 4) LensType numerical value, 5) FocalLength,
+# 6) MaxAperture, 7) MaxApertureValue, 8) MinFocalLength, 9) MaxFocalLength,
+# 10) LensModel, 11) LensFocalRange, 12) LensSpec
+sub PrintLensID($$@)
+ my ($et, $lensTypePrt, $printConv, $lensSpecPrt, $lensType, $focalLength,
+ $maxAperture, $maxApertureValue, $shortFocal, $longFocal, $lensModel,
+ $lensFocalRange, $lensSpec) = @_;
+ # the rest of the logic relies on the LensType lookup:
+ return undef unless defined $lensType;
+ # get print conversion hash if necessary
+ $printConv or $printConv = $$et{TAG_INFO}{LensType}{PrintConv};
+ # just copy LensType PrintConv value if it was a lens name
+ # (Olympus or Panasonic -- just exclude things like Nikon and Leaf LensType)
+ unless (ref $printConv eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref $printConv eq 'ARRAY' and ref $$printConv[0] eq 'HASH') {
+ $printConv = $$printConv[0];
+ $lensTypePrt =~ s/;.*//;
+ $lensType =~ s/ .*//;
+ } else {
+ return $lensTypePrt if $lensTypePrt =~ /mm/;
+ return $lensTypePrt if $lensTypePrt =~ s/(\d)\/F/$1mm F/;
+ return undef;
+ }
+ }
+ # get LensSpec information if available (Sony)
+ my ($sf0, $lf0, $sa0, $la0);
+ if ($lensSpecPrt) {
+ ($sf0, $lf0, $sa0, $la0) = GetLensInfo($lensSpecPrt);
+ undef $sf0 unless $sa0; # (make sure aperture isn't zero)
+ }
+ # use MaxApertureValue if MaxAperture is not available
+ $maxAperture = $maxApertureValue unless $maxAperture;
+ if ($lensFocalRange and $lensFocalRange =~ /^(\d+)(?: (?:to )?(\d+))?$/) {
+ ($shortFocal, $longFocal) = ($1, $2 || $1);
+ }
+ if ($$et{Make} eq 'SONY') {
+ # patch for Metabones Canon adapters on Sony cameras (ref Jos Roost)
+ # (the Metabones adapters add 0xef00 or 0x7700 to the high byte
+ # for 2-byte LensType values, so we need to adjust for these)
+ if ($lensType != 0xffff) {
+ require Image::ExifTool::Minolta;
+ if ($Image::ExifTool::Minolta::metabonesID{$lensType & 0xff00}) {
+ $lensType -= ($lensType >= 0xef00 ? 0xef00 : $lensType >= 0xbc00 ? 0xbc00 : 0x7700);
+ require Image::ExifTool::Canon;
+ $printConv = \%Image::ExifTool::Canon::canonLensTypes;
+ $lensTypePrt = $$printConv{$lensType} if $$printConv{$lensType};
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($shortFocal and $longFocal) {
+ # Canon (and some other makes) include makernote information
+ # which allows better lens identification
+ require Image::ExifTool::Canon;
+ return Image::ExifTool::Canon::PrintLensID($printConv, $lensType,
+ $shortFocal, $longFocal, $maxAperture, $lensModel);
+ }
+ my $lens = $$printConv{$lensType};
+ return ($lensModel || $lensTypePrt) unless $lens;
+ return $lens unless $$printConv{"$lensType.1"};
+ $lens =~ s/ or .*//s; # remove everything after "or"
+ # make list of all possible matching lenses
+ my @lenses = ( $lens );
+ my $i;
+ for ($i=1; $$printConv{"$lensType.$i"}; ++$i) {
+ push @lenses, $$printConv{"$lensType.$i"};
+ }
+ # attempt to determine actual lens
+ my (@matches, @best, @user, $diff);
+ foreach $lens (@lenses) {
+ push @user, $lens if $Image::ExifTool::userLens{$lens};
+ # sf = short focal
+ # lf = long focal
+ # sa = max aperture at short focal
+ # la = max aperture at long focal
+ my ($sf, $lf, $sa, $la) = GetLensInfo($lens);
+ next unless $sf;
+ # check against LensSpec parameters if available
+ if ($sf0) {
+ next if abs($sf - $sf0) > 0.5 or abs($sa - $sa0) > 0.15 or
+ abs($lf - $lf0) > 0.5 or abs($la - $la0) > 0.15;
+ # the basic parameters match, but also check against additional lens features:
+ # for Sony A and E lenses, the full LensSpec string should match with end of LensType,
+ # excluding any part between () at the end, and preceded by a space.
+ # The preceding space ensures that e.g. Zeiss Loxia 21mm having LensSpec "E 21mm F2.8"
+ # will not be identified as "Sony FE 21mm F2.8 (SEL28F20 + SEL075UWC)".
+ $lensSpecPrt and $lens =~ / \Q$lensSpecPrt\E( \(|$)/ and @best = ( $lens ), last;
+ # exactly-matching Sony lens should have been found above, so skip
+ # any not-exactly-matching Sony lenses
+ next if $lens =~ /^Sony /;
+ push @best, $lens;
+ next;
+ }
+ # adjust focal length and aperture if teleconverter is attached (Minolta)
+ if ($lens =~ / \+ .*? (\d+(\.\d+)?)x( |$)/) {
+ $sf *= $1; $lf *= $1;
+ $sa *= $1; $la *= $1;
+ }
+ # see if we can rule out this lens using FocalLength and MaxAperture
+ if ($focalLength) {
+ next if $focalLength < $sf - 0.5;
+ next if $focalLength > $lf + 0.5;
+ }
+ if ($maxAperture) {
+ # it seems that most manufacturers set MaxAperture and MaxApertureValue
+ # to the maximum aperture (smallest F number) for the current focal length
+ # of the lens, so assume that MaxAperture varies with focal length and find
+ # the closest match (this is somewhat contrary to the EXIF specification which
+ # states "The smallest F number of the lens", without mention of focal length)
+ next if $maxAperture < $sa - 0.15; # (0.15 is arbitrary)
+ next if $maxAperture > $la + 0.15;
+ # now determine the best match for this aperture
+ my $aa; # approximate maximum aperture at this focal length
+ if ($sf == $lf or $sa == $la or $focalLength <= $sf) {
+ # either 1) prime lens, 2) fixed-aperture zoom, or 3) zoom at min focal
+ $aa = $sa;
+ } elsif ($focalLength >= $lf) {
+ $aa = $la;
+ } else {
+ # assume a log-log variation of max aperture with focal length
+ # (see http://regex.info/blog/2006-10-05/263)
+ $aa = exp(log($sa) + (log($la)-log($sa)) / (log($lf)-log($sf)) *
+ (log($focalLength)-log($sf)));
+ # a linear relationship between 1/FocalLength and 1/MaxAperture fits Sony better (ref 27)
+ #$aa = 1 / (1/$sa + (1/$focalLength - 1/$sf) * (1/$la - 1/$sa) / (1/$lf - 1/$sf));
+ }
+ my $d = abs($maxAperture - $aa);
+ if (defined $diff) {
+ $d > $diff + 0.15 and next; # (0.15 is arbitrary)
+ $d < $diff - 0.15 and undef @best;
+ }
+ $diff = $d;
+ push @best, $lens;
+ }
+ push @matches, $lens;
+ }
+ if (@user) {
+ # choose the best match if we have more than one
+ if (@user > 1) {
+ my ($try, @good);
+ foreach $try (\@best, \@matches) {
+ $Image::ExifTool::userLens{$_} and push @good, $_ foreach @$try;
+ return join(' or ', @good) if @good;
+ }
+ }
+ return join(' or ', @user);
+ }
+ return join(' or ', @best) if @best;
+ return join(' or ', @matches) if @matches;
+ $lens = $$printConv{$lensType};
+ return $lensModel if $lensModel and $lens =~ / or /; # (eg. Sony NEX-5N)
+ return $lens;
std::ostream& resolveLensType(std::ostream& os, const Value& value,
const ExifData* metadata)
exiv2 packaging
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