[SCM] exiv2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.25-3.1-3734-gdcbc29a
Maximiliano Curia
maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 17:43:13 UTC 2017
Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/exiv2.git;a=commitdiff;h=7f0e02c
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 7f0e02c0482a71a8b289626ccfc6bf1a54379882
Author: Robin Mills <robin at clanmills.com>
Date: Fri Jul 20 05:13:10 2012 +0000
Work in progress. Added timeZoneAdjust. detabbed the file. set property eol=LF
samples/geotag.cpp | 728 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
1 file changed, 375 insertions(+), 353 deletions(-)
diff --git a/samples/geotag.cpp b/samples/geotag.cpp
index 4609974..bd5a890 100644
--- a/samples/geotag.cpp
+++ b/samples/geotag.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ typedef std::vector<std::string> strings_t ;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <windows.h>
#if _MSC_VER < 1400
#define strcpy_s(d,l,s) strcpy(d,s)
@@ -41,341 +40,361 @@ typedef std::vector<std::string> strings_t ;
-{ typeUnknown = 0
-, typeDirectory = 1
-, typeImage = 2
-, typeXML = 3
-, typeFile = 4
-, typeMax = 5
+{ typeUnknown = 0
+, typeDirectory = 1
+, typeImage = 2
+, typeXML = 3
+, typeFile = 4
+, typeMax = 5
-enum // keyword indices
-{ kwHELP = 0
-, kwARGS
+enum // keyword indices
+{ kwHELP = 0
+, kwARGS
, kwNOCR
-, kwOPEN
-, kwEND1
-, kwEND2
+, kwOPEN
+, kwEND1
+, kwEND2
, kwT1
-, kwT2
-, kwSPEED
-, kwSEND
-, kwMAX // manages keyword array
-, kwNEEDVALUE // bogus keywords for error reporting
-, kwSYNTAX // -- ditto --
-, kwNOVALUE = -kwCLOSE // keywords <= kwNOVALUE are flags (no value needed)
+, kwT2
+, kwSPEED
+, kwSEND
+, kwMAX // manages keyword array
+, kwNEEDVALUE // bogus keywords for error reporting
+, kwSYNTAX // -- ditto --
+, kwNOVALUE = -kwCLOSE // keywords <= kwNOVALUE are flags (no value needed)
-{ resultOK=0
-, resultSyntaxError
-, resultSelectFailed
-, resultOpenFailed
-, resultTimeout
+{ resultOK=0
+, resultSyntaxError
+, resultSelectFailed
+, resultOpenFailed
+, resultTimeout
time_t parseTime(const char* arg)
- time_t result = 0 ;
- try {
- //559 rmills at rmills-imac:~/bin $ exiv2 -pa ~/R.jpg | grep -i date
- //Exif.Image.DateTime Ascii 20 2009:08:03 08:58:57
- //Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal Ascii 20 2009:08:03 08:58:57
- //Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized Ascii 20 2009:08:03 08:58:57
- //Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDateStamp Ascii 21 2009-08-03T15:58:57Z
- // <time>2012-07-14T17:33:16Z</time>
- if ( strstr(arg,":") || strstr(arg,"-") ) {
- int YY,MM,DD,HH,mm,SS ;
- char a,b,c,d,e ;
- sscanf(arg,"%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d",&YY,&a,&MM,&b,&DD,&c,&HH,&d,&mm,&e,&SS);
- struct tm T;
- #if 0
- int tm_sec; /* seconds (0 - 60) */
- int tm_min; /* minutes (0 - 59) */
- int tm_hour; /* hours (0 - 23) */
- int tm_mday; /* day of month (1 - 31) */
- int tm_mon; /* month of year (0 - 11) */
- int tm_year; /* year - 1900 */
- int tm_wday; /* day of week (Sunday = 0) */
- int tm_yday; /* day of year (0 - 365) */
- int tm_isdst; /* is summer time in effect? */
- char *tm_zone; /* abbreviation of timezone name */
- long tm_gmtoff; /* offset from UTC in seconds */
- #endif
- memset(&T,sizeof(T),0);
- T.tm_min = mm ;
- T.tm_hour = HH ;
- T.tm_sec = SS ;
- T.tm_year = YY -1900 ;
- T.tm_mon = MM -1 ;
- T.tm_mday = DD ;
- result = mktime(&T);
- }
- } catch ( ... ) {};
- return result ;
+ time_t result = 0 ;
+ try {
+ //559 rmills at rmills-imac:~/bin $ exiv2 -pa ~/R.jpg | grep -i date
+ //Exif.Image.DateTime Ascii 20 2009:08:03 08:58:57
+ //Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal Ascii 20 2009:08:03 08:58:57
+ //Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized Ascii 20 2009:08:03 08:58:57
+ //Exif.GPSInfo.GPSDateStamp Ascii 21 2009-08-03T15:58:57Z
+ // <time>2012-07-14T17:33:16Z</time>
+ if ( strstr(arg,":") || strstr(arg,"-") ) {
+ int YY,MM,DD,HH,mm,SS ;
+ char a,b,c,d,e ;
+ sscanf(arg,"%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d%c%d",&YY,&a,&MM,&b,&DD,&c,&HH,&d,&mm,&e,&SS);
+ struct tm T;
+ #if 0
+ int tm_sec; /* seconds (0 - 60) */
+ int tm_min; /* minutes (0 - 59) */
+ int tm_hour; /* hours (0 - 23) */
+ int tm_mday; /* day of month (1 - 31) */
+ int tm_mon; /* month of year (0 - 11) */
+ int tm_year; /* year - 1900 */
+ int tm_wday; /* day of week (Sunday = 0) */
+ int tm_yday; /* day of year (0 - 365) */
+ int tm_isdst; /* is summer time in effect? */
+ char *tm_zone; /* abbreviation of timezone name */
+ long tm_gmtoff; /* offset from UTC in seconds */
+ #endif
+ memset(&T,sizeof(T),0);
+ T.tm_min = mm ;
+ T.tm_hour = HH ;
+ T.tm_sec = SS ;
+ T.tm_year = YY -1900 ;
+ T.tm_mon = MM -1 ;
+ T.tm_mday = DD ;
+ result = mktime(&T);
+ }
+ } catch ( ... ) {};
+ return result ;
+// West of GMT is negative (PDT = Pacific Daylight = -07:00 == -25200 seconds
+int timeZoneAdjust()
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
+ struct tm loc ; memcpy(&loc ,localtime(&now),sizeof(loc ));
+ time_t gmt = timegm(&loc);
+ int offset = (int) ( ((long signed int) gmt) - ((long signed int) now) ) ;
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
+ GetTimeZoneInformation( &TimeZoneInfo );
+ int offset = - ((int)TimeZoneInfo.Bias + (int)TimeZoneInfo.DaylightBias) * 60;
+ int offset = local.tm_gmtoff ;
+// struct tm local ; memcpy(&local,localtime(&now),sizeof(local));
+// struct tm utc ; memcpy(&utc ,gmtime (&now),sizeof(utc ));
+// printf("local: offset = %6ld dst = %d time = %s", offset,local.tm_isdst, asctime(&local));
+// printf("utc : offset = %6ld dst = %d time = %s", 0 ,utc .tm_isdst, asctime(&utc ));
+// printf("timeZoneAdjust = %d
+ return offset ;
class UserData
- UserData() : indent(0),count(0),nTrkpt(0),bTime(false),bEle(false) {};
- virtual ~UserData() {} ;
+ UserData() : indent(0),count(0),nTrkpt(0),bTime(false),bEle(false) {};
+ virtual ~UserData() {} ;
// public data members
- int indent;
- size_t count ;
- int nTrkpt;
- bool bTime ;
- bool bEle ;
- double ele;
- double lat;
- double lon;
- time_t t;
+ int indent;
+ size_t count ;
+ int nTrkpt;
+ bool bTime ;
+ bool bEle ;
+ double ele;
+ double lat;
+ double lon;
+ time_t t;
static void startElement(void* userData, const char* name, const char** atts )
- UserData* me = (UserData*) userData;
- //for ( int i = 0 ; i < me->indent ; i++ ) printf(" ");
- //printf("begin %s
- me->bTime = strcmp(name,"time")==0;
- me->bEle = strcmp(name,"ele")==0;
- if ( strcmp(name,"trkpt")==0 ) {
- me->nTrkpt++;
- while ( *atts ) {
- const char* a=atts[0];
- const char* v=atts[1];
- if ( !strcmp(a,"lat") ) me->lon = atof(v);
- if ( !strcmp(a,"lon") ) me->lat = atof(v);
- atts += 2 ;
- }
- }
- me->count++ ;
- me->indent++ ;
+ UserData* me = (UserData*) userData;
+ //for ( int i = 0 ; i < me->indent ; i++ ) printf(" ");
+ //printf("begin %s
+ me->bTime = strcmp(name,"time")==0;
+ me->bEle = strcmp(name,"ele")==0;
+ if ( strcmp(name,"trkpt")==0 ) {
+ me->nTrkpt++;
+ while ( *atts ) {
+ const char* a=atts[0];
+ const char* v=atts[1];
+ if ( !strcmp(a,"lat") ) me->lon = atof(v);
+ if ( !strcmp(a,"lon") ) me->lat = atof(v);
+ atts += 2 ;
+ }
+ }
+ me->count++ ;
+ me->indent++ ;
static void endElement(void* userData, const char* name)
- UserData* me = (UserData*) userData;
- me->indent-- ;
- if ( strcmp(name,"trkpt")==0 ) {
- me->nTrkpt--;
- printf("lat,lon = %f,%f ele = %f time = %ld %s",me->lat,me->lon,me->ele,(long int)me->t,"
"); // asctime(localtime(&me->t)) ) ;
- }
- //for ( int i = 0 ; i < me->indent ; i++ ) printf(" ");
- //printf("end %s
+ UserData* me = (UserData*) userData;
+ me->indent-- ;
+ if ( strcmp(name,"trkpt")==0 ) {
+ me->nTrkpt--;
+ printf("lat,lon = %f,%f ele = %f time = %ld %s",me->lat,me->lon,me->ele,(long int)me->t,"
"); // asctime(localtime(&me->t)) ) ;
+ }
+ //for ( int i = 0 ; i < me->indent ; i++ ) printf(" ");
+ //printf("end %s
void charHandler(void* userData,const char* s,int len)
- UserData* me = (UserData*) userData;
- if ( me->nTrkpt == 1 ) {
- char buffer[100];
- int l_max = 98 ; // lengthof(buffer) -2 ;
- if ( me->bTime && len > 5 ) {
- if ( len < l_max ) {
- memcpy(buffer,s,len);
- buffer[len]=0;
- char* b = buffer ;
- while ( *b == ' ' && b < buffer+len ) b++ ;
- me->t = parseTime(b);
- }
- me->bTime=false;
- }
- if ( me->bEle && len > 5 ) {
- if ( len < l_max ) {
- memcpy(buffer,s,len);
- buffer[len]=0;
- char* b = buffer ;
- while ( *b == ' ' && b < buffer+len ) b++ ;
- me->ele = atof(b);
- }
- me->bEle=false;
- }
- }
+ UserData* me = (UserData*) userData;
+ if ( me->nTrkpt == 1 ) {
+ char buffer[100];
+ int l_max = 98 ; // lengthof(buffer) -2 ;
+ if ( me->bTime && len > 5 ) {
+ if ( len < l_max ) {
+ memcpy(buffer,s,len);
+ buffer[len]=0;
+ char* b = buffer ;
+ while ( *b == ' ' && b < buffer+len ) b++ ;
+ me->t = parseTime(b);
+ }
+ me->bTime=false;
+ }
+ if ( me->bEle && len > 5 ) {
+ if ( len < l_max ) {
+ memcpy(buffer,s,len);
+ buffer[len]=0;
+ char* b = buffer ;
+ while ( *b == ' ' && b < buffer+len ) b++ ;
+ me->ele = atof(b);
+ }
+ me->bEle=false;
+ }
+ }
bool readDir(const char* path,size_t& count)
- strings_t files;
- bool bResult = false;
+ strings_t files;
+ bool bResult = false;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
- DWORD attrs = GetFileAttributes(path);
- bool bOKAttrs = attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES;
- bool bIsDir = (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? true : false ;
- if( bOKAttrs && bIsDir ) {
- bResult = true ;
- char search[_MAX_PATH+10];
- strcpy_s(search,_MAX_PATH,path);
- strcat_s(search,_MAX_PATH,"\*");
- WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd;
- HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(search, &ffd);
- if ( bGo ) {
- while ( bGo ) {
- if (ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
- {
- // _tprintf(TEXT(" %s <DIR>
"), ffd.cFileName);
- }
- else
- {
- files.push_back( std::string(ffd.cFileName));
- printf("-> %s
- }
- bGo = FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd) != 0;
- }
- CloseHandle(hFind);
- }
- }
+ DWORD attrs = GetFileAttributes(path);
+ bool bOKAttrs = attrs != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES;
+ bool bIsDir = (attrs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ? true : false ;
+ if( bOKAttrs && bIsDir ) {
+ bResult = true ;
+ char search[_MAX_PATH+10];
+ strcpy_s(search,_MAX_PATH,path);
+ strcat_s(search,_MAX_PATH,"\*");
+ WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd;
+ HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile(search, &ffd);
+ if ( bGo ) {
+ while ( bGo ) {
+ if (ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
+ {
+ // _tprintf(TEXT(" %s <DIR>
"), ffd.cFileName);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ files.push_back( std::string(ffd.cFileName));
+ printf("-> %s
+ }
+ bGo = FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd) != 0;
+ }
+ CloseHandle(hFind);
+ }
+ }
- DIR* dir = opendir (path);
- if (dir != NULL)
- {
- bResult = true;
- struct dirent* ent;
- // print all the files and directories within directory
- while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL)
- {
- printf ("%s
", ent->d_name);
- files.push_back(std::string(ent->d_name)) ;
- }
- closedir (dir);
- }
+ DIR* dir = opendir (path);
+ if (dir != NULL)
+ {
+ bResult = true;
+ struct dirent* ent;
+ // print all the files and directories within directory
+ while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL)
+ {
+ printf ("%s
", ent->d_name);
+ files.push_back(std::string(ent->d_name)) ;
+ }
+ closedir (dir);
+ }
- count = files.size();
- return bResult ;
+ count = files.size();
+ return bResult ;
bool readXML(const char* path,size_t& count)
- FILE* f = fopen(path,"r");
- XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
- bool bResult = f && parser ;
- if ( bResult ) {
- char buffer[8*1024];
- UserData me ;
- XML_SetUserData (parser, &me);
- XML_SetElementHandler (parser, startElement, endElement);
- XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser,charHandler);
- // a little sip at the data
- size_t len = fread(buffer,1,sizeof(buffer),f);
- const char* lead = "<?xml" ;
- bResult = strncmp(lead,buffer,strlen(lead))==0;
- // swallow it
- if ( bResult ) {
- bResult = XML_Parse(parser, buffer,(int)len, len == 0 ) == XML_STATUS_OK;
- }
- // drink the rest of the file
- while ( bResult && !feof(f) ) {
- len = fread(buffer,1,sizeof(buffer),f);
- bResult = XML_Parse(parser, buffer,(int)len, len == 0 ) == XML_STATUS_OK;
- };
- count = me.count ;
- }
- if ( f ) fclose(f);
- if ( parser ) XML_ParserFree(parser);
- return bResult ;
+ FILE* f = fopen(path,"r");
+ XML_Parser parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
+ bool bResult = f && parser ;
+ if ( bResult ) {
+ char buffer[8*1024];
+ UserData me ;
+ XML_SetUserData (parser, &me);
+ XML_SetElementHandler (parser, startElement, endElement);
+ XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser,charHandler);
+ // a little sip at the data
+ size_t len = fread(buffer,1,sizeof(buffer),f);
+ const char* lead = "<?xml" ;
+ bResult = strncmp(lead,buffer,strlen(lead))==0;
+ // swallow it
+ if ( bResult ) {
+ bResult = XML_Parse(parser, buffer,(int)len, len == 0 ) == XML_STATUS_OK;
+ }
+ // drink the rest of the file
+ while ( bResult && !feof(f) ) {
+ len = fread(buffer,1,sizeof(buffer),f);
+ bResult = XML_Parse(parser, buffer,(int)len, len == 0 ) == XML_STATUS_OK;
+ };
+ count = me.count ;
+ }
+ if ( f ) fclose(f);
+ if ( parser ) XML_ParserFree(parser);
+ return bResult ;
bool readImage(const char* path,size_t& count)
- using namespace Exiv2;
- bool bResult = false ;
- count = 0 ;
- try {
- Image::AutoPtr image = ImageFactory::open(path);
- if ( image.get() ) {
- image->readMetadata();
- ExifData &exifData = image->exifData();
- if ( !exifData.empty() ) {
- bResult = true ;
- count = exifData.count();
- }
- }
- } catch (Exiv2::Error& ) {};
- return bResult ;
+ using namespace Exiv2;
+ bool bResult = false ;
+ count = 0 ;
+ try {
+ Image::AutoPtr image = ImageFactory::open(path);
+ if ( image.get() ) {
+ image->readMetadata();
+ ExifData &exifData = image->exifData();
+ if ( !exifData.empty() ) {
+ bResult = true ;
+ count = exifData.count();
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exiv2::Error& ) {};
+ return bResult ;
-// Exif.Image.DateTime Ascii 20 2012:07:15 16:51:01
-// Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal Ascii 20 2012:07:15 12:57:31
-// Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized Ascii 20 2012:07:15 12:57:31
time_t readImageTime(const char* path)
- using namespace Exiv2;
- time_t result = 0 ;
- const char* dateStrings[] =
- { "Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal"
- , "Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized"
- , "Exif.Image.DateTime"
- , NULL
- };
- const char* ds = dateStrings[0] ;
- while ( !result && ds++ ) {
- try {
- Image::AutoPtr image = ImageFactory::open(path);
- if ( image.get() ) {
- image->readMetadata();
- ExifData &exifData = image->exifData();
- // printf("%s => %s
",(ds-1), exifData[ds-1].toString().c_str());
- result = parseTime(exifData[ds-1].toString().c_str());
- }
- } catch ( ... ) {};
- }
- return result ;
+ using namespace Exiv2;
+ time_t result = 0 ;
+ const char* dateStrings[] =
+ { "Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal"
+ , "Exif.Photo.DateTimeDigitized"
+ , "Exif.Image.DateTime"
+ , NULL
+ };
+ const char* ds = dateStrings[0] ;
+ while ( !result && ds++ ) {
+ try {
+ Image::AutoPtr image = ImageFactory::open(path);
+ if ( image.get() ) {
+ image->readMetadata();
+ ExifData &exifData = image->exifData();
+ // printf("%s => %s
",(ds-1), exifData[ds-1].toString().c_str());
+ result = parseTime(exifData[ds-1].toString().c_str());
+ }
+ } catch ( ... ) {};
+ }
+ return result ;
bool readFile(const char* path,size_t& count)
- FILE* f = fopen(path,"r");
- bool bResult = f ? true : false;
- if ( bResult ) {
- fseek(f,0L,SEEK_END);
- count = ftell(f);
- }
- if ( f ) fclose(f) ;
- return bResult ;
+ FILE* f = fopen(path,"r");
+ bool bResult = f ? true : false;
+ if ( bResult ) {
+ fseek(f,0L,SEEK_END);
+ count = ftell(f);
+ }
+ if ( f ) fclose(f) ;
+ return bResult ;
int getFileType(const char* path,size_t& count)
- return readXML (path,count) ? typeXML
- : readDir (path,count) ? typeDirectory
- : readImage(path,count) ? typeImage
- : readFile (path,count) ? typeFile
- : typeUnknown
- ;
+ return readXML (path,count) ? typeXML
+ : readDir (path,count) ? typeDirectory
+ : readImage(path,count) ? typeImage
+ : readFile (path,count) ? typeFile
+ : typeUnknown
+ ;
int main(int argc, char* const argv[])
@@ -386,90 +405,93 @@ int main(int argc, char* const argv[])
#if 0
- char const* keywords[kwMAX];
- memset(keywords,0,sizeof(keywords));
- keywords[kwHELP] = "help";
- keywords[kwVERSION] = "version";
- keywords[kwARGS] = "args";
- keywords[kwNOCR] = "nocr";
- keywords[kwUNSPACE] = "unspace";
- keywords[kwCLOSE] = "close";
- keywords[kwOPEN] = "open";
- keywords[kwEND1] = "end1";
- keywords[kwEND2] = "end2";
- keywords[kwSLEEP] = "sleep";
- keywords[kwT1] = "t1";
- keywords[kwT2] = "t2";
- keywords[kwSPEED] = "speed";
- keywords[kwSEND] = "send";
- keywords[kwOUTPUT] = "output";
- if ( argc < 2 ) help(program,keywords,kwMAX) ;
- for ( int a = 0 ; !result && a < 2 ; a++ ) { // a = 0 is a dry run
- options options ;
- for ( int i = 1 ; !result && i < argc ; i++ ) {
- const char* arg = argv[i++];
- const char* value = argv[i ];
- int ivalue = atoi(value?value:"0");
- int key = find(arg,keywords,kwMAX);
- int needv = key < kwMAX && key > (-kwNOVALUE);
- if (!needv ) i--;
- if ( needv && !value ) key = kwNEEDVALUE;
- if ( arg[0] != '-' ) key = kwSYNTAX;
- switch ( key ) {
- case kwHELP : if ( a ) { /* help(program,keywords,kwMAX) ; */ } break;
- case kwARGS : if ( a ) { /* args(argv,argc) ; */ } break;
- case kwVERSION : if ( a ) { /* version(program) ; */ } break;
- case kwNOCR : if ( a ) { /* options.bNOCR=true ; */ } break;
- case kwUNSPACE : if ( a ) { /* options.bUnspace=true ; */ } break;
- case kwCLOSE : if ( a ) { /* modem_close(options) ; */ } break;
- case kwOPEN : if ( a ) { /* options.open = value ; }*/ break ;
- case kwEND1 : if ( a ) { /* options.end1=value ; */ } break;
- case kwEND2 : if ( a ) { /* options.end2=value ; */ } break;
- case kwSLEEP : if ( a ) { /* sleep(ivalue) ; }*/ break ;
- case kwT1 : if ( a ) { /* options.t1=ivalue ; }*/ break ;
- case kwT2 : if ( a ) { /* options.t2=ivalue ; */ } break;
- case kwSPEED : if ( a ) { /* options.speed=ivalue ; }*/ break ;
+ char const* keywords[kwMAX];
+ memset(keywords,0,sizeof(keywords));
+ keywords[kwHELP] = "help";
+ keywords[kwVERSION] = "version";
+ keywords[kwARGS] = "args";
+ keywords[kwNOCR] = "nocr";
+ keywords[kwUNSPACE] = "unspace";
+ keywords[kwCLOSE] = "close";
+ keywords[kwOPEN] = "open";
+ keywords[kwEND1] = "end1";
+ keywords[kwEND2] = "end2";
+ keywords[kwSLEEP] = "sleep";
+ keywords[kwT1] = "t1";
+ keywords[kwT2] = "t2";
+ keywords[kwSPEED] = "speed";
+ keywords[kwSEND] = "send";
+ keywords[kwOUTPUT] = "output";
+ if ( argc < 2 ) help(program,keywords,kwMAX) ;
+ for ( int a = 0 ; !result && a < 2 ; a++ ) { // a = 0 is a dry run
+ options options ;
+ for ( int i = 1 ; !result && i < argc ; i++ ) {
+ const char* arg = argv[i++];
+ const char* value = argv[i ];
+ int ivalue = atoi(value?value:"0");
+ int key = find(arg,keywords,kwMAX);
+ int needv = key < kwMAX && key > (-kwNOVALUE);
+ if (!needv ) i--;
+ if ( needv && !value ) key = kwNEEDVALUE;
+ if ( arg[0] != '-' ) key = kwSYNTAX;
+ switch ( key ) {
+ case kwHELP : if ( a ) { /* help(program,keywords,kwMAX) ; */ } break;
+ case kwARGS : if ( a ) { /* args(argv,argc) ; */ } break;
+ case kwVERSION : if ( a ) { /* version(program) ; */ } break;
+ case kwNOCR : if ( a ) { /* options.bNOCR=true ; */ } break;
+ case kwUNSPACE : if ( a ) { /* options.bUnspace=true ; */ } break;
+ case kwCLOSE : if ( a ) { /* modem_close(options) ; */ } break;
+ case kwOPEN : if ( a ) { /* options.open = value ; }*/ break ;
+ case kwEND1 : if ( a ) { /* options.end1=value ; */ } break;
+ case kwEND2 : if ( a ) { /* options.end2=value ; */ } break;
+ case kwSLEEP : if ( a ) { /* sleep(ivalue) ; }*/ break ;
+ case kwT1 : if ( a ) { /* options.t1=ivalue ; }*/ break ;
+ case kwT2 : if ( a ) { /* options.t2=ivalue ; */ } break;
+ case kwSPEED : if ( a ) { /* options.speed=ivalue ; }*/ break ;
- case kwSEND : if ( a )
- {
- result=modem_send(value,options);
- if ( result == resultTimeout && options.t2 > 0 )
- result = modem_send(value,options,true);
- } break ;
- case kwOUTPUT : if ( a ) { printf("%s",value) ; ; } break ;
+ case kwSEND : if ( a )
+ {
+ result=modem_send(value,options);
+ if ( result == resultTimeout && options.t2 > 0 )
+ result = modem_send(value,options,true);
+ } break ;
+ case kwOUTPUT : if ( a ) { printf("%s",value) ; ; } break ;
- case kwNEEDVALUE: fprintf(stderr,"error: %s requires a value
",arg); result = resultSyntaxError ; break ;
- default : fprintf(stderr,"error: illegal syntax %s
",arg) ; result = resultSyntaxError ; break ;
- }
- if ( a ) fflush(stdout);
- // if ( options.fd < -1 ) result = resultOpenFailed ;
- }
- }
+ case kwNEEDVALUE: fprintf(stderr,"error: %s requires a value
",arg); result = resultSyntaxError ; break ;
+ default : fprintf(stderr,"error: illegal syntax %s
",arg) ; result = resultSyntaxError ; break ;
+ }
+ if ( a ) fflush(stdout);
+ // if ( options.fd < -1 ) result = resultOpenFailed ;
+ }
+ }
- const char* types[typeMax];
- types[typeUnknown ] = "unknown";
- types[typeDirectory] = "directory";
- types[typeImage ] = "image";
- types[typeXML ] = "xml";
- types[typeFile ] = "file";
- for ( int i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ ) {
- char* arg = argv[i];
- size_t count = 0 ;
- time_t t = 0 ;
- int type = getFileType(arg,count) ;
- printf("%s %s %d",arg,types[type],count) ;
- if ( type == typeImage ) {
- t = readImageTime(arg) ;
- if ( t ) printf(" %ld ",(long int)t);
- }
- puts(t ? asctime(localtime(&t)) : "" );
- }
+ const char* types[typeMax];
+ types[typeUnknown ] = "unknown";
+ types[typeDirectory] = "directory";
+ types[typeImage ] = "image";
+ types[typeXML ] = "xml";
+ types[typeFile ] = "file";
+ int tzadjust = timeZoneAdjust();
+ printf("tzadjust seconds = %d HH:MM = %c%02d:%02d [-/+ = West/East of UTC]
+ for ( int i = 1 ; i < argc ; i++ ) {
+ char* arg = argv[i];
+ size_t count = 0 ;
+ time_t t = 0 ;
+ int type = getFileType(arg,count) ;
+ printf("%s %s %d",arg,types[type],count) ;
+ if ( type == typeImage ) {
+ t = readImageTime(arg) ;
+ if ( t ) printf(" %ld ",(long int)t);
+ }
+ puts(t ? asctime(localtime(&t)) : "" );
+ }
return 0;
exiv2 packaging
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