[SCM] exiv2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.25-3.1-3734-gdcbc29a
Maximiliano Curia
maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jul 13 17:46:54 UTC 2017
Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/kde-extras/exiv2.git;a=commitdiff;h=a8c5188
The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit a8c51889b885e03be65cd6bd5b74b0724c8ddd5a
Author: Robin Mills <robin at clanmills.com>
Date: Tue Sep 13 09:47:02 2016 +0000
#1074. Fix bug in jpgimage.cpp/readMetadata() concerning ICC profile
src/jpgimage.cpp | 4 +-
test/data/icc-test.out | 156 +++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
2 files changed, 56 insertions(+), 104 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/jpgimage.cpp b/src/jpgimage.cpp
index 338991a..4e34869 100644
--- a/src/jpgimage.cpp
+++ b/src/jpgimage.cpp
@@ -475,8 +475,8 @@ namespace Exiv2 {
std::cerr << "Found ICC Profile chunk " << chunk <<" of "<< chunks << "
- io_->seek(-bufRead , BasicIo::cur); // back up to start of buffer (after marker+size)
- io_->seek( 16 , BasicIo::cur); // step over header
+ io_->seek(-bufRead , BasicIo::cur); // back up to start of buffer (after marker)
+ io_->seek( 16+2 , BasicIo::cur); // step size + header
// read in profile
DataBuf icc(size-2-16) ;
io_->read( icc.pData_,icc.size_);
diff --git a/test/data/icc-test.out b/test/data/icc-test.out
index 32738ec..7f2e990 100644
--- a/test/data/icc-test.out
+++ b/test/data/icc-test.out
@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ STRUCTURE OF JPEG FILE: Reagan.jpg
2 | 0xffe0 APP0 | 16 | JFIF.....,.,....
20 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 5658 | Exif..MM.*......................
5680 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 7024 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
- 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 3161 | ICC_PROFILE........HLino....mntr chunk 1/1
- 15869 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
- 25465 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
- 25481 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
- 25615 | 0xfffe COM | 10 | abcdefg
- 25627 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
- 25646 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
- 25652 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
- 26072 | 0xffda SOS
+ 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 3160 | ICC_PROFILE......HLino....mntrRG chunk 1/1
+ 15868 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+ 25464 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
+ 25480 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
+ 25614 | 0xfffe COM | 10 | abcdefg
+ 25626 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
+ 25645 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
+ 25651 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
+ 26071 | 0xffda SOS
address | marker | length | data
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ STRUCTURE OF JPEG FILE: Reagan.jpg
2 | 0xffe0 APP0 | 16 | JFIF.....,.,....
20 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 5658 | Exif..MM.*......................
5680 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 7024 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
- 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 3162 | ICC_PROFILE..........HLino....mn chunk 1/1
- 15870 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
- 25466 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
- 25482 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
- 25616 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
- 25635 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
- 25641 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
- 26061 | 0xffda SOS
+ 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 3160 | ICC_PROFILE......HLino....mntrRG chunk 1/1
+ 15868 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+ 25464 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
+ 25480 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
+ 25614 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
+ 25633 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
+ 25639 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
+ 26059 | 0xffda SOS
address | marker | length | data
0 | 0xffd8 SOI
@@ -86,39 +86,15 @@ STRUCTURE OF JPEG FILE: Reagan.jpg
2 | 0xffe0 APP0 | 16 | JFIF.....,.,....
20 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 5658 | Exif..MM.*......................
5680 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 7024 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
- 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.......... APPL....pr chunk 1/25
- 78222 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.......X..Ih.V...j.U. chunk 2/25
- 143738 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.......}.f...~mcx... chunk 3/25
- 209254 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE........|...S...^...v chunk 4/25
- 274770 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.........bXf2..`Og... chunk 5/25
- 340286 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.........~.|...{.}P.. chunk 6/25
- 405802 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE..........b.....:...? chunk 7/25
- 471318 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.......Q8yq].R.wW].S. chunk 8/25
- 536834 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.......i.T'..RA.Y..P, chunk 9/25
- 602350 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.......i.}/..key...l. chunk 10/25
- 667866 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.......{....O{.....|. chunk 11/25
- 733382 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.......E.;.O-F.-.R>J. chunk 12/25
- 798898 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE........X..up........ chunk 13/25
- 864414 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE............<........ chunk 14/25
- 929930 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE..................,.. chunk 15/25
- 995446 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE...........g.....m%.. chunk 16/25
- 1060962 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE..........s....xX.M.. chunk 17/25
- 1126478 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE................0.... chunk 18/25
- 1191994 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE............(.n.B.... chunk 19/25
- 1257510 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE....... chunk 20/25
- 1323026 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE....... chunk 21/25
- 1388542 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE....... chunk 22/25
- 1454058 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE....... chunk 23/25
- 1519574 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE........0.670.0.653.0 chunk 24/25
- 1585090 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 41715 | ICC_PROFILE.......09.0.584.0.555 chunk 25/25
- 1626807 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
- 1636403 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
- 1636419 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
- 1636553 | 0xfffe COM | 10 | abcdefg
- 1636565 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
- 1636584 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
- 1636590 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
- 1637010 | 0xffda SOS
+ 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 41714 | ICC_PROFILE.....09.0.584.0.555.0 chunk 1/1
+ 54422 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+ 64018 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
+ 64034 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
+ 64168 | 0xfffe COM | 10 | abcdefg
+ 64180 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
+ 64199 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
+ 64205 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
+ 64625 | 0xffda SOS
address | marker | length | data
@@ -126,38 +102,14 @@ STRUCTURE OF JPEG FILE: Reagan.jpg
2 | 0xffe0 APP0 | 16 | JFIF.....,.,....
20 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 5658 | Exif..MM.*......................
5680 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 7024 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
- 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE............ APPL... chunk 1/25
- 78222 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.........X..Ih.V...j. chunk 2/25
- 143738 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.........}.f...~mcx.. chunk 3/25
- 209254 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE..........|...S...^.. chunk 4/25
- 274770 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE...........bXf2..`Og. chunk 5/25
- 340286 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE...........~.|...{.}P chunk 6/25
- 405802 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE............b.....:.. chunk 7/25
- 471318 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.........Q8yq].R.wW]. chunk 8/25
- 536834 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.........i.T'..RA.Y.. chunk 9/25
- 602350 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.........i.}/..key... chunk 10/25
- 667866 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.........{....O{..... chunk 11/25
- 733382 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.........E.;.O-F.-.R> chunk 12/25
- 798898 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE..........X..up...... chunk 13/25
- 864414 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE..............<...... chunk 14/25
- 929930 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE...................., chunk 15/25
- 995446 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE.............g.....m% chunk 16/25
- 1060962 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE............s....xX.M chunk 17/25
- 1126478 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE..................0.. chunk 18/25
- 1191994 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE..............(.n.B.. chunk 19/25
- 1257510 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE......... chunk 20/25
- 1323026 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE......... chunk 21/25
- 1388542 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE......... chunk 22/25
- 1454058 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE......... chunk 23/25
- 1519574 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 65514 | ICC_PROFILE..........0.670.0.653 chunk 24/25
- 1585090 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 41716 | ICC_PROFILE.........09.0.584.0.5 chunk 25/25
- 1626808 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
- 1636404 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
- 1636420 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
- 1636554 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
- 1636573 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
- 1636579 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
- 1636999 | 0xffda SOS
+ 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 41714 | ICC_PROFILE.....09.0.584.0.555.0 chunk 1/1
+ 54422 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+ 64018 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
+ 64034 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
+ 64168 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
+ 64187 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
+ 64193 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
+ 64613 | 0xffda SOS
address | marker | length | data
0 | 0xffd8 SOI
@@ -178,15 +130,15 @@ STRUCTURE OF JPEG FILE: Reagan.jpg
2 | 0xffe0 APP0 | 16 | JFIF.....,.,....
20 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 5658 | Exif..MM.*......................
5680 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 7024 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
- 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 3161 | ICC_PROFILE..........HLino....mn chunk 1/1
- 15869 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
- 25465 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
- 25481 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
- 25615 | 0xfffe COM | 10 | abcdefg
- 25627 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
- 25646 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
- 25652 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
- 26072 | 0xffda SOS
+ 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 3160 | ICC_PROFILE........HLino....mntr chunk 1/1
+ 15868 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+ 25464 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
+ 25480 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
+ 25614 | 0xfffe COM | 10 | abcdefg
+ 25626 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
+ 25645 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
+ 25651 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
+ 26071 | 0xffda SOS
address | marker | length | data
@@ -194,17 +146,17 @@ STRUCTURE OF JPEG FILE: Reagan.jpg
2 | 0xffe0 APP0 | 16 | JFIF.....,.,....
20 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 5658 | Exif..MM.*......................
5680 | 0xffe1 APP1 | 7024 | http://ns.adobe.com/xap/1.0/.<?x
- 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 3162 | ICC_PROFILE............HLino... chunk 1/1
- 15870 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
- 25466 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
- 25482 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
- 25616 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
- 25635 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
- 25641 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
- 26061 | 0xffda SOS
+ 12706 | 0xffe2 APP2 | 3160 | ICC_PROFILE........HLino....mntr chunk 1/1
+ 15868 | 0xffed APP13 | 9594 | Photoshop 3.0.8BIM..........Z...
+ 25464 | 0xffee APP14 | 14 | Adobe.d at ......
+ 25480 | 0xffdb DQT | 132
+ 25614 | 0xffc0 SOF0 | 17
+ 25633 | 0xffdd DRI | 4
+ 25639 | 0xffc4 DHT | 418
+ 26059 | 0xffda SOS
exiv2 packaging
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