[SCM] pimcommon packaging branch, master, updated. debian/16.04.2-2-65-gd1a1ec0

Maximiliano Curia maxy at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Sep 2 17:10:29 UTC 2017

Gitweb-URL: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/applications/pimcommon.git;a=commitdiff;h=fba92cc

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit fba92cc5bcfa021ff229b99c9c15e58b499ff5d2
Author: Maximiliano Curia <maxy at gnuservers.com.ar>
Date:   Mon Aug 28 17:25:28 2017 +0200

    Bump group breaks (17.08)
 debian/control | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index c92a61b..0dfd261 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -90,12 +90,30 @@ Description: Common library for KDE PIM - devel files
  This package provides the development files.
+Breaks: libkf5kaddressbookgrantlee-dev (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5ksieve-dev (<< 4:17.08),
 Package: libkf5pimcommon-plugins
 Architecture: any
 Multi-Arch: same
 Depends: ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}
-Breaks: libkf5libkdepim5 (<= 4:16.04)
+Breaks: akregator (<< 4:17.08),
+        blogilo (<< 4:17.08),
+        kaddressbook (<< 4:17.08),
+        kalarm (<< 4:17.08),
+        kdepim-addons (<< 17.08),
+        kdepim-themeeditors (<< 4:17.08),
+        kmail (<< 4:17.08),
+        knotes (<< 4:17.08),
+        korganizer (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5calendarsupport5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5gravatar5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5kaddressbookgrantlee5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5ksieveui5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5libkdepim5 (<= 4:16.04),
+        libkf5messagecomposer5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5messagelist5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5messageviewer5 (<< 4:17.08),
 Replaces: libkf5libkdepim5 (<= 4:16.04)
 Description: Common library for KDE PIM - plugins
  This library provides the common parts used across different KDE PIM
@@ -112,6 +130,22 @@ Description: Common library for KDE PIM
  This package provides the shared libraries.
+Breaks: akregator (<< 4:17.08),
+        blogilo (<< 4:17.08),
+        kaddressbook (<< 4:17.08),
+        kalarm (<< 4:17.08),
+        kdepim-addons (<< 17.08),
+        kdepim-themeeditors (<< 4:17.08),
+        kmail (<< 4:17.08),
+        knotes (<< 4:17.08),
+        korganizer (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5calendarsupport5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5gravatar5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5kaddressbookgrantlee5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5ksieveui5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5messagecomposer5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5messagelist5 (<< 4:17.08),
+        libkf5messageviewer5 (<< 4:17.08),
 Package: libkf5pimcommonakonadi5
 Architecture: any

pimcommon packaging

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