[pkg-kolab] Re: [Pkg-Cyrus-imapd-Debian-devel] Kolab and cyrus

Noèl Köthe noel at debian.org
Sun Jan 15 12:59:45 UTC 2006

Am Freitag, den 13.01.2006, 01:20 -0200 schrieb Henrique de Moraes


> > While I previously assumed (like Henrique) that the kolab patches would
> > mostly add some vendor annotations and other simple (i.e. not too risky
> > or complex) changes, the patches recently shown proved to be highly
> > risky and asking for troubles (except for the ones I already applied).
> > 
> > Disabling checks, allowing @ inside hierarchies, allowing previously
> > unwanted characters in folder names really doesn't make much sense to
> > me. And I don't see why kolab should require such changes (if it does,
> > it seems like a serious design flaw in kolab).
> If you feel unconfortable with the idea, then we won't do it.  This must be
> an unanimous decision on the Cyrus team, or it just wouldn't be right.
> So, it is time for plan B, then.  Kolab will need to maintain its own fork
> of the cyrus packages (and I do mean a complete fork).

Thank you Henrique and Sven for your feedback.
Your decision is fine for me because I see the need for a good cyrus
package without the view of the additional kolab patches.
As Sven wrote I think the strategy the Kolab package will follow is to
take the cyrus packaging as the starting point and add the kolab patches
to our package. Its the same way we are working right now. If we will
have comments to the cyrus packages we will come back to you again.:)


Noèl Köthe <noel debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux, www.debian.org
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