[pkg-kolab] Kolab_bootstrap - copying ldap data to slave

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 15:06:38 UTC 2008


2008/10/22 Price,Neil <NPrice at gibb.co.za>:
> On 21 October 2008 10:14 PM  Mathieu Parent wrote
>> You should'nt execute this line anyway as it is in "if
>> ($directory_mode ne "syncrepl" and $directory_mode ne "sync") {" and
>> directory_mode = syncrepl.
> The version of kolab_bootstrap in the current debs has this at line 822:
>  foreach (<$fd>) {
>    if (/(.*) : (.*)/) {
>      if ($1 == "directory_mode") { $directory_mode = $2};
>    }
> Heres my fix:
> foreach (<$fd>) {
>   if (/(.*) : (.*)/) {
>     if ($1 eq "directory_mode") {
>       $directory_mode = $2;
>       last;
>     }
>   }
> }

I have corrected this on SVN (see
and on http://pkg-kolab.alioth.debian.org/packages/snapshots/kolab/. I
haven't added your "last" statement to conform with future version
which use Kolab::Conf to read config.

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Mathieu Parent

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