[pkg-kolab] Thoughts on syncrepl support in kolab_boostrap and kolabconf

Price,Neil NPrice at gibb.co.za
Wed Oct 22 14:00:19 UTC 2008

I had a look at in the kolab upstream cvs for kolab_bootstrap and it didn't
look they have done much in this regard. Some of the few relevant statements
are commented out.

To achieve this we need

1. create a replicator dn during setup. (this is the bit they have commented
2. accesslog setup on master slapd.conf.
3. syncrepl setup on slave slapd.conf

To achieve 2+3 you'd need a strategy for coping with very different
slapd.conf on master and slaves. Different templates? Different includes?
Use kolabconf to modify?

The details of how they currently deal with templates seem to be hidden in
Kolab.pm which I haven't had the courage to look at yet.

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