[Pkg-ltsp-devel] Bug#427773: Bug#427773: ltspfsd: editing of /etc/fstab from udev rules is evil

mariodebian mariodebian at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 13:19:04 UTC 2007

El mié, 06-06-2007 a las 11:51 +0200, Oliver Grawert escribió:
> hi,
> Am Mittwoch, den 06.06.2007, 01:37 -0700 schrieb Vagrant Cascadian:
> > the udev rules, or the scripts they call (/lib/udev/add_fstab_entry,
> > /lib/udev/remove_fstab_entry) should maybe be modified to respect the
> > LOCALDEV setting in /etc/lts.conf.
> that will break all static devices that are there before we even read
> lts.conf, we would need to fundamentally redesign that part.
> ciao
> 	oli

You can move udev rules to ltsp-build-package plugins:

Example based on

case "$MODE" in
        cat <<EOF > $ROOT/etc/udev/rules.d/88-ltsp.rules
# /etc/udev/rules.d/88-ltsp.rules
ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="fd[0-9]", RUN+="add_fstab_entry %k auto"
ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="block", RUN+="add_fstab_entry %k"
ACTION=="remove", SUBSYSTEM=="block", RUN+="remove_fstab_entry %k"

or something like this (creating a link with rules):

case "$MODE" in
        chroot $ROOT ln -s /etc/ltsp/88-ltsp.rules \
# need to move 88-ltsp.rules from /etc/udev to /etc/ltsp/ in package

don't worry about /lib/udev/* without rules, nobody call them.

> it might be good for ltspfsd to depend on the ltsp-client package,
> which
> would prevent it from being installed on "regular" systems with hard
> drives.

Please, not !!! I'm trying to use this package without installing LTSP


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