[Pkg-lyx-devel] [trac at lyx.org: Re: #9414: add "Keywords" to lyx.desktop file]

Alexander Stiebing pkg-lyx-devel at jalsti.de
Wed Mar 18 07:31:42 UTC 2015

Nikos Andrikos <nick.andrik at gmail.com> 
am Tuesday, 17. March 2015, 20:58:36:

> A really interesting read. I wonder if the people that had issues 7
> years ago, still have systems that would exhibit similar behavior.

At least the Gentoo [0] users should not have these issues anymore, as
v1.1.0-rc2  [1] of xdg-utils is marked as stable there, and this
versions already does not use the browser as first default anymore for
open_generic() (as opposed to a unpatched 1.0.2, which is the latest
release not only marked as release client at freedesktop).

The also mentioned Fedora, even in version 20 (21 is latest version),
should be at 1.1.0-rc3 [2].

Debian is OK because of its patch, ArchLinux got some 1.1.0… version
[3], Slackware too [4] and even open Suse has 1.1.… [5]

Summarized I would think that xdg-open is mature and widespread enough
to now be safely used to open files; also when using smaller window
managers instead of the big environments.


[0] http://packages.gentoo.org/package/x11-misc/xdg-utils
[2] http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/xdg-utils.git/tree/sources?h=f20
[3] https://www.archlinux.org/packages/?q=xdg-utils
[4] http://packages.slackware.com/?search=xdg-utils
[5] http://software.opensuse.org/package/xdg-utils?search_term=xdg-utils

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