[Pkg-mc-devel] MC 4.8.1-3

Dmitry Smirnov onlyjob at member.fsf.org
Fri Mar 16 02:42:34 UTC 2012

On Thu, 15 Mar 2012 20:20:01 Andreas Tille wrote:
> > Those 256 color skins are indeed very new.
> So we should make sure other users will not be trapped by the same
> problem I faced.  A new feature which is regarded as broken in the
> beginning will loose half of its potential users in the beginning
> because those people tend to spread the word "it's broken" even if it is
> fixed later.

True in general, but in this particular case one should notice new 
functionality first and then perhaps try more than one skin which may not work 
without setting terminal to 256-colors mode.

As long as we provide one working skin variant, this would be a merely 
question of choosing the right skin to fit user's preferences.

> I admit the double line makes some sense ... if you can see it. :-)


> Your thin themes were a nice move to help me but probably a
> missinterpretation of my "dislike".  I can confirm that
>    TERM=xterm-256color mc -u --skin modarin256-thin
> works fine.  But if it always requires work on your side I'm not sure
> whether if it is worth the effort if we can teach users how to get those
> double lines properly.

Thanks for confirmation.
I might suggest upstream to provide thin skins as well but my new utility 
makes generation of thin skins trivial.

I'm not prepared to document how to set up terminal application. It just seems 
unnecessary as long as default skin works. 

> > My only concern here is about increased maintenance effort because if I
> > start customising themes we will be shipping more variants and later it
> > may cause inconvenience if we decide to drop some of them.
> Yes, that's what I mean above with the extra effort.  So I do not really
> want to force you into this.  The only thing might be to report my
> problem to upstream skin designers who might not be aware of the problem
> I had and let them decide accordingly.

I might comment to upstream on this, but they seems to notice the issue 

> > Please let me know if you want to ship single-lined framed modifications.
> > Certainly it's not something too difficult to do.
> I'll leave the decision to you.  I'd rather care for a documentation of
> the issue.

Since thin-frame skins already made, let's ship them.

Please find some relevant comments I added to README.Debian.

All the best,

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