Bug#332727: [Pkg-mediawiki-devel] Bug#332727: mediawiki: cherokee not included in debconf, apache* dependency only

Jens Körner jens at kleinflintbek.net
Tue Oct 11 20:03:52 UTC 2005


Am 11. Oct 2005 schrieb Romain Beauxis: 

> In fact dependencies for mediawiki are right.
> The problem comes from the fact that there is no php4 package for
> cherokee in debian.

Now I have the following php4 packages installed (but don't know wich are
necessary to serve mediawiki and cherokee)

php4-cgi (I guess this one is important for cherokee)

I know that you worked a lot on the Debian package, I packed an
unofficial one for web-based/perl-written financial software including
debconf dialogs for apache* and cherokee. 
But all the stuff remained in /debian. Is there any reason for you to
get get the debconf files outside /debian? Don't get me wrong, I'm not
criticising it, just wonder why...
Any changes in the Debian policy?

Best Regards
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