Bug#332727: [Pkg-mediawiki-devel] Bug#332727: mediawiki: cherokee not included in debconf, apache* dependency only

Romain Beauxis toots at rastageeks.org
Tue Oct 11 19:41:42 UTC 2005

Le Mardi 11 Octobre 2005 13:39, vous avez écrit :
> Hi,


> I installed cherokee with apt-get from testing source and it serves my
> homepage since more than 7 months. Recognising the installation problem
> with mediawiki I tried to find out more about this on the cherokee
> mailing list.
> Here is the part from aptitude log,
> [INSTALL, DEPENDENCIES] apache-common
> [INSTALL, DEPENDENCIES] apache2-utils
> [INSTALL, DEPENDENCIES] libapache-mod-php4
> [INSTALL, DEPENDENCIES] libdbd-mysql-perl
> [INSTALL, DEPENDENCIES] mysql-client
> [INSTALL, DEPENDENCIES] mysql-server
> [INSTALL] mediawiki
> Answer to my question why that happend,

In fact dependencies for mediawiki are right.
The problem comes from the fact that there is no php4 package for cherokee in 

Do you use the cherokee package from debian and can it use php4?
If so then one of the cherokee package should tell it, and php4's dependencies 
should be corrected to include it

If not and php4 support in cherokee is more tricky/depends on an other piece 
of software then it should be packaged.
> 1.create a file (asuming DocumentRoot is where mediawiki has its main
> tree, usually in debiansystems /usr/lib/mediawiki/)
> ##
> ## Virtual server for mediawiki
> ##
> Directory /mediawiki {
>           Handler common
>           DocumentRoot /usr/lib/mediawiki/
> }
> 2.copy that file to /etc/cherokee/sites-available/mediawiki

Ok, this should be include as a cherokee.conf in next package.

> I hope that this will help a little

It does :)

Everyone is crying out for peace, yes
None is crying out for justice
I don't want no peace
I want equal rights and justice
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