[Pkg-mono-devel] HTTP error 500 when using libapache2-mod-mono and mod-apache-server

Matt Petteys mpetteys at rescomputing.com
Thu Sep 8 00:35:35 UTC 2005

I have been attempting to run a simple web application using libapache2-mod-mono
but have run into a brick wall.  The web application is installed on a Debian
linux box.  The box is based on the stable release but is mixed with some
unstable packages that comprise the mono libraries.  The ASP.NET application
functions properly when I use the XSP web server to access the application. 
When I attempt to access the application via apache2, I receive a 500 error.

==> /var/log/apache2/access.log <==
X.X.X.X - - [07/Sep/2005:19:54:18 -0400] "GET /samples/ HTTP/1.1" 500 609 "-"
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511

No other errors are generated in the apache logs and I am using a LogLevel of
debug.  I have attempted to add the directive MonoDebug in
/etc/mono-server/mono-server-hosts.conf (which some online documentation
references for additional debugging) but that directive does not appear to be
supported by the debian version.

The mod-mono-server.exe appears to start.  The socket appears to be successfully
created in /tmp/.mod_mono_server.  The working directory of /tmp/.wapi is also

I can successfully started the daemon by stopping apache2, su to www-data, and
starting /usr/share/dotnet/bin/mod-mono-server.exe.  It starts but I do not
know how to continue to debug?

This error sounds very similar to


Does anyone have any suggestions on how to debug or fix this issue?

Thanks - Matt

The packages that are installed:

ii  libapache2-mod 1.0.5-0pre1    Run ASP.NET Pages on UNIX with Apache 2 and
ii  libmono0  libraries for the Mono JIT
ii  mono   Mono CLI (.NET) runtime
ii  mono-apache-se 1.0.5-0pre2    backend for mod_mono Apache module
ii  mono-assemblie  Mono class library - transistion package
ii  mono-classlib-  Mono class library (1.0)
ii  mono-common  common files for Mono
ii  mono-jit  fast CLI (.NET) JIT compiler for Mono
ii  mono-mcs  Mono C# compiler
ii  mono-utils  Mono utilities
ii  mono-xsp       1.0.5-0pre2    simple web server to run ASP.NET application

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