[Pkg-mono-devel] libapache-mod-mono backport

Stephen Vaughan stephenvaughan at gmail.com
Sat Mar 4 05:33:45 UTC 2006

I've added this backport to my /etc/apt/preferences file, but its not coming
up in my apt. All other mono packages are showing up, including
mono-apache-server , but no libapache-mod-mono

Anyone know why?

Binary Package(s): libapache-mod-mono
Source Package: mod-mono <http://packages.qa.debian.org/mod-mono>
Version: 1.0-0bpo1
Architecture: any
Pinning (/etc/apt/preferences):

  Package: *
  Pin: release a=sarge-backports
  Pin-Priority: 200

  Package: mod-mono
  Pin: release a=sarge-backports
  Pin-Priority: 999

Best Regards,
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