[Pkg-mozext-commits] [adblock-plus] annotated tag upstream/2.6.4+dfsg created (now 3e9dae6)

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jul 22 20:44:46 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a change to annotated tag upstream/2.6.4+dfsg
in repository adblock-plus.

        at  3e9dae6   (tag)
   tagging  96a3b57bdad643869a265b85d13394fda06e1564 (commit)
  replaces  upstream/2.6.3
 tagged by  David Prévot
        on  Tue Jul 22 14:09:32 2014 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Upstream version 2.6.4+dfsg
Version: GnuPG v1


"Tom Schuster ext:(%22) (1):
      Issue 653 - Object.defineProperty instead of defineGetter / defineSetter

David Prévot (1):
      Imported Upstream version 2.6.4+dfsg

Felix Dahlke (1):
      Issue 130 - Add a README.md

Manvel Saroyan (6):
      Issue 430 - added case for filter hit reset in Filter Listener
      Issue 580 - removed check for hash part of url to fix whitelisting page issue with ending hash in url
      issue #660 - Switched to HTTP cache API V2 from Firefox 32 and above
      issue #660 - create context info using 'fromLoadContext' method and switch appcache parameter to false
      issue #290 - override ignoreSameDoc parameter to false for Seamonkey in addBrowserLocationListener because of a bug (#1035171) in Seamonkey
      issue #764 - fixed undefined error by case for checking 'links' property existance in notification object

Tom Schuster (3):
      Issue 656 - Replace some __proto__ with Object.create
      Backed out changeset 69871d10cf2a
      Issue 653 - Object.defineProperty instead of defineGetter / defineSetter

Wladimir Palant (7):
      Added tag 2.6.3 for changeset 303d48407220
      Relanded changeset 2d52467436ed (Issue 427 - Remove non-standard function and getter syntax) with appropriate compat info changes
      Marked compatible with Firefox 34 & Co.
      Issue 455 - Find function in Filter Preferences - No indication when keyword is not found
      Issue 716 - Filter position cannot be changed using Ctrl-Up/Down keys
      Updated locales from Crowdin
      Releasing Adblock Plus 2.6.4

hgbot (2):
      Updated list of recommended subscriptions
      Updated list of recommended subscriptions


This annotated tag includes the following new commits:

       new  35f1bae   Added tag 2.6.3 for changeset 303d48407220
       new  724b240   Relanded changeset 2d52467436ed (Issue 427 - Remove non-standard function and getter syntax) with appropriate compat info changes
       new  5169b6f   Updated list of recommended subscriptions
       new  e9fd2d9   Issue 430 - added case for filter hit reset in Filter Listener
       new  4f4fb2f   Issue 580 - removed check for hash part of url to fix whitelisting page issue with ending hash in url
       new  624a15c   Issue 656 - Replace some __proto__ with Object.create
       new  42d80db   Updated list of recommended subscriptions
       new  25080cf   issue #660 - Switched to HTTP cache API V2 from Firefox 32 and above
       new  eb809bd   issue #660 - create context info using 'fromLoadContext' method and switch appcache parameter to false
       new  6e2a66d   issue #290 - override ignoreSameDoc parameter to false for Seamonkey in addBrowserLocationListener because of a bug (#1035171) in Seamonkey
       new  dc9ecba   Marked compatible with Firefox 34 & Co.
       new  8f15aa8   Issue 653 - Object.defineProperty instead of defineGetter / defineSetter
       new  44d2ae2   Backed out changeset 69871d10cf2a
       new  7cb4049   issue #764 - fixed undefined error by case for checking 'links' property existance in notification object
       new  384cb64   Issue 653 - Object.defineProperty instead of defineGetter / defineSetter
       new  5751527   Issue 455 - Find function in Filter Preferences - No indication when keyword is not found
       new  2af3c61   Issue 716 - Filter position cannot be changed using Ctrl-Up/Down keys
       new  0e4c384   Issue 130 - Add a README.md
       new  f396cf7   Updated locales from Crowdin
       new  f754784   Releasing Adblock Plus 2.6.4
       new  96a3b57   Imported Upstream version 2.6.4+dfsg

The 21 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/adblock-plus.git

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