[Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] 05/17: Issue #46 - Improve merging. Every synchronized field is now merged.
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 1 23:37:02 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gcontactsync.
commit 8b25e0253af442d317094ada6abe51c7f76fd575
Author: Josh Geenen <joshgeenen at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Sep 1 17:23:13 2014 -0500
Issue #46 - Improve merging. Every synchronized field is now merged.
src/content/ContactConverter.js | 475 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
src/content/Sync.js | 16 +-
2 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 168 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/content/ContactConverter.js b/src/content/ContactConverter.js
index bc90e2d..b6bbcdc 100644
--- a/src/content/ContactConverter.js
+++ b/src/content/ContactConverter.js
@@ -227,81 +227,11 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
aGContact.setValue(obj.elementName, obj.index, type, value);
nonEmpty = nonEmpty || value;
- // Birthday can be either YYYY-M-D or --M-D for no year.
- // TB can have all three, just a day/month, or just a year through the UI
- var birthDay = parseInt(aTBContact.getValue("BirthDay"), 10),
- birthMonth = (isNaN(birthDay) || (birthDay > 31)) ?
- null : aTBContact.getValue("BirthMonth"),
- birthdayVal = null;
- // if the contact has a birth month (and birth day) add it to the contact
- // from Google
- if (birthMonth && !isNaN(parseInt(birthMonth, 10)) && (birthMonth <= 12)) {
- var birthYear = parseInt(aTBContact.getValue("BirthYear"), 10);
- // if the birth year is NaN or 0, use '-'
- if (!birthYear) {
- birthYear = "-";
- }
- // otherwise pad it to 4 characters
- else {
- birthYear = String(birthYear);
- while (birthYear.length < 4) {
- birthYear = "0" + birthYear;
- }
- }
- // Pad the birth month to 2 characters
- birthMonth = String(birthMonth);
- while (birthMonth.length < 2) {
- birthMonth = "0" + birthMonth;
- }
- // Pad the birth day to 2 characters
- birthDay = String(birthDay);
- while (birthDay.length < 2) {
- birthDay = "0" + birthDay;
- }
- // form the birthday string: year-month-day
- birthdayVal = birthYear + "-" + birthMonth + "-" + birthDay;
- }
- com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" * Birthday: " + birthdayVal);
- nonEmpty = nonEmpty || birthdayVal;
- aGContact.setValue("birthday", 0, null, birthdayVal);
- var anniversaryDay = parseInt(aTBContact.getValue("AnniversaryDay"), 10);
- var anniversaryMonth = (isNaN(anniversaryDay) || anniversaryDay > 31) ?
- null :
- parseInt(aTBContact.getValue("AnniversaryMonth"), 10);
- var anniversaryYear = (isNaN(anniversaryMonth) || anniversaryMonth > 13) ?
- null :
- parseInt(aTBContact.getValue("AnniversaryYear"), 10);
- anniversaryDay = String(anniversaryDay);
- anniversaryMonth = String(anniversaryMonth);
- while (anniversaryDay.length < 2) {
- anniversaryDay = "0" + anniversaryDay;
- }
- while (anniversaryMonth.length < 2) {
- anniversaryMonth = "0" + anniversaryMonth;
- }
- var anniversaryVal = anniversaryYear ? anniversaryYear + "-" + anniversaryMonth + "-" + anniversaryDay : null;
- com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" * Anniversary: " + anniversaryVal);
- nonEmpty = nonEmpty || anniversaryVal;
- aGContact.setValue("event", 0, "anniversary", anniversaryVal);
+ nonEmpty = this.setGoogleBirthday(aGContact, aTBContact) || nonEmpty;
+ nonEmpty = this.setGoogleAnniversary(aGContact, aTBContact) || nonEmpty;
+ nonEmpty = this.setExtendedProperties(aGContact, aTBContact) || nonEmpty;
- // set the extended properties
- aGContact.removeExtendedProperties();
- arr = com.gContactSync.Preferences.mExtendedProperties;
- var props = {};
- for (i = 0, length = arr.length; i < length; i++) {
- // add this extended property if it isn't a duplicate or blank
- if (arr[i] && !props[arr[i]]) {
- props[arr[i]] = true;
- value = this.checkValue(aTBContact.getValue(arr[i]));
- nonEmpty = nonEmpty || value;
- aGContact.setExtendedProperty(arr[i], value);
- }
- else if (arr[i] != "") {
- com.gContactSync.LOGGER.LOG_WARNING("Found a duplicate extended property: " +
- arr[i]);
- }
- }
// If the myContacts pref is set and this contact is new then add the
// myContactsName group
// Group membership does not make a contact not "empty" according to Google's API.
@@ -311,7 +241,7 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
// If syncing all groups then find all the lists this contact is in and set
// those as the contact's groups
- } else if (ab.mPrefs.syncGroups == "true") {
+ } else if (ab.mPrefs.syncGroups === "true") {
// set the groups
var groups = [],
@@ -332,7 +262,7 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
// Upload the photo
// Photos do not make a contact non-empty by Google's API.
if (com.gContactSync.Preferences.mSyncPrefs.sendPhotos.value) {
- aGContact = this.savePhotoFromTBContact(aTBContact, aGContact);
+ this.savePhotoFromTBContact(aTBContact, aGContact);
// Add the phonetic first and last names
@@ -362,7 +292,6 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
* Components.interfaces.nsIAbMDBCard if this is
* before 413260 landed.
* @param aGContact {GContact} A GContact object to update with the TB contact's photo.
- * @returns {GContact} The updated GContact.
savePhotoFromTBContact: function ContactConverter_savePhotoFromTBContact(aTBContact, aGContact) {
// Get the profile directory
@@ -386,7 +315,6 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
} else {
- return aGContact;
* Converts an GContact's Atom/XML representation of a contact to
@@ -440,92 +368,56 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
// Get the birthday info
- var bday = aGContact.getValue("birthday", 0),
- year = null,
- month = null,
- day = null;
- // If it has a birthday...
- if (bday && bday.value) {
- com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" * Found a birthday value of " + bday.value);
- // If it consists of all three date elements: YYYY-M-D
- if (bday.value.indexOf("--") === -1) {
- arr = bday.value.split("-");
- year = arr[0];
- month = arr[1];
- day = arr[2];
- }
- // Else it is just a month and day: --M-D
- else {
- arr = bday.value.replace("--", "").split("-");
- month = arr[0];
- day = arr[1];
- }
- com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" - Year: " + year);
- com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" - Month: " + month);
- com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" - Day: " + day);
- }
- aTBContact.setValue("BirthYear", year);
- aTBContact.setValue("BirthMonth", month);
- aTBContact.setValue("BirthDay", day);
- // Anniversary
- var anniversary = aGContact.getValue("event", 0, "anniversary");
- var anniversaryYear = null, anniversaryMonth = null, anniversaryDay = null;
- if (anniversary && anniversary.value) {
- com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" * Found an anniversary value of " + anniversary.value);
- var anniversaryArray = anniversary.value.split("-");
- if (anniversaryArray.length === 3) {
- anniversaryYear = anniversaryArray[0];
- anniversaryMonth = anniversaryArray[1];
- anniversaryDay = anniversaryArray[2];
- } else {
- com.gContactSync.LOGGER.LOG_WARNING("Invalid anniversary value", anniversary.value);
- }
- }
- aTBContact.setValue("AnniversaryYear", anniversaryYear);
- aTBContact.setValue("AnniversaryMonth", anniversaryMonth);
- aTBContact.setValue("AnniversaryDay", anniversaryDay);
+ this.setTBBirthday(aTBContact, aGContact.getValue("birthday", 0));
+ this.setTBAnniversary(aTBContact, aGContact.getValue("event", 0, "anniversary"));
if (com.gContactSync.Preferences.mSyncPrefs.getPhotos.value) {
- aTBContact = this.savePhotoFromGContact(aTBContact, aGContact);
+ this.savePhotoFromGContact(aTBContact, aGContact);
// Add the phonetic first and last names
if (com.gContactSync.Preferences.mSyncPrefs.syncPhoneticNames.value) {
- com.gContactSync.gdata.namespaces.GD.url,
- 0,
- "yomi"));
+ com.gContactSync.gdata.namespaces.GD.url,
+ 0,
+ "yomi"));
- com.gContactSync.gdata.namespaces.GD.url,
- 0,
- "yomi"));
+ com.gContactSync.gdata.namespaces.GD.url,
+ 0,
+ "yomi"));
if (ab.mPrefs.syncGroups == "true" && ab.mPrefs.myContacts != "true") {
- // get the groups after updating the card
- var groups = aGContact.getValue("groupMembershipInfo"),
- lists = com.gContactSync.Sync.mLists,
- list,
- group;
- for (var i in lists) {
- group = groups[i];
- list = lists[i];
- // delete the card from the list, if necessary
- if (list.hasContact(aTBContact)) {
- if (!group) {
- list.deleteContacts([aTBContact]);
- }
- aTBContact.update();
- }
- // add the card to the list, if necessary
- else if (group) {
- list.addContact(aTBContact);
+ this.setTBGroups(aTBContact, aGContact);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets the group (mailing list) membership for the given TB contact.
+ * @param aTBContact {TBContact} The Thunderbird contact to update.
+ * @param aGContact {GContact} The Google contact to get the groups from.
+ */
+ setTBGroups: function ContactConverter_setTBGroups(aTBContact, aGContact) {
+ var groups = aGContact.getValue("groupMembershipInfo"),
+ lists = com.gContactSync.Sync.mLists,
+ list,
+ group;
+ for (var i in lists) {
+ group = groups[i];
+ list = lists[i];
+ // delete the card from the list, if necessary
+ if (list.hasContact(aTBContact)) {
+ if (!group) {
+ list.deleteContacts([aTBContact]);
+ aTBContact.update();
+ }
+ // add the card to the list, if necessary
+ else if (group) {
+ list.addContact(aTBContact);
@@ -536,9 +428,10 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
* value "wins".
* @param aTBContact {TBContact} The Thunderbird contact to merge.
* @param aGContact {GContact} The Google contact to merge.
+ * @param aUpdateGoogleInConflicts {boolean} Whether Google should be updated during conflicts.
* @return Whether the Google contact was updated.
- merge: function ContactConverter_merge(aTBContact, aGContact) {
+ merge: function ContactConverter_merge(aTBContact, aGContact, aUpdateGoogleInConflicts) {
if (!this.mInitialized)
@@ -549,6 +442,19 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
aTBContact.setValue("GoogleID", aGContact.id);
aTBContact.setValue("LastModifiedDate", 0);
+ // Shift phone numbers to avoid duplicates.
+ var numberAttributes = ["WorkPhone", "HomePhone", "FaxNumber", "CellularNumber", "PagerNumber", "HomeFaxNumber", "OtherNumber"];
+ var numbers = [];
+ for (var attr in numberAttributes) {
+ var tbValue = aTBContact.getValue(numberAttributes[attr]);
+ if (tbValue) {numbers.push(new com.gContactSync.Property(tbValue, aTBContact.getValue(numberAttributes[attr] + "Type")));}
+ }
+ for (var attr in numberAttributes) {
+ var prop = numbers.length ? numbers.shift : new com.gContactSync.Property(null, null);
+ aTBContact.setValue(numberAttributes[attr], prop.value);
+ aTBContact.setValue(numberAttributes[attr] + "Type", prop.type);
+ }
var gContactUpdated = false;
var tbContactUpdated = false;
var arr = this.mConverterArr;
@@ -557,7 +463,7 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
var obj = arr[i],
property = aGContact.getValue(obj.elementName, obj.index, obj.type),
- value = this.checkValue(aTBContact.getValue(arr[i])),
+ value = this.checkValue(aTBContact.getValue(obj.tbName)),
type = aTBContact.getValue(obj.tbName + "Type") || obj.type;
property = property || new com.gContactSync.Property("", "");
@@ -569,29 +475,115 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(obj.tbName + ": '" + property.value +
- "'/'" + value + " , type: '" + property.type +
+ "'/'" + value + "' , type: '" + property.type +
"'/'" + type + "'");
// If TB has a value and (Google's is empty or update Google in conflict) update Google
// Else if Google has a value update TB
- if (value && (!property.value || !ab.mPrefs.updateGoogleInConflicts)) {
+ if (value != property.value || type != property.type) {
+ if (value && (!property.value || aUpdateGoogleInConflicts)) {
+ gContactUpdated = true;
+ aGContact.setValue(obj.elementName, obj.index, type, value);
+ } else if (property.value) {
+ tbContactUpdated = true;
+ aTBContact.setValue(obj.tbName, property.value);
+ aTBContact.setValue(obj.tbName + "Type", property.type);
+ if (property.type) {aTBContact.setValue(obj.tbName + "Type", property.type);}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // When merging take the extended properties from TB. No other add-ons use these.
+ if (this.setExtendedProperties(aGContact, aTBContact)) {
+ // TODO - determine if there were actual changes
+ gContactUpdated = true;
+ }
+ // Merge photos
+ var tbPhoto = aTBContact.getValue("PhotoName");
+ var gPhoto = aGContact.getPhotoInfo().etag;
+ if (tbPhoto && (!gPhoto || aUpdateGoogleInConflicts)) {
+ if (com.gContactSync.Preferences.mSyncPrefs.sendPhotos.value) {
+ this.savePhotoFromTBContact(aTBContact, aGContact);
+ }
+ } else if (gPhoto) {
+ if (com.gContactSync.Preferences.mSyncPrefs.getPhotos.value) {
+ tbContactUpdated = true;
+ this.savePhotoFromGContact(aTBContact, aGContact);
+ }
+ }
+ // Merge birthday
+ var tbBirthday = aTBContact.getValue("BirthMonth");
+ var gBirthday = aGContact.getValue("birthday");
+ if (tbBirthday && (!gBirthday || aUpdateGoogleInConflicts)) {
+ var oldValue = gBirthday ? gBirthday.value : null;
+ gContactUpdated = (this.setGoogleBirthday(aGContact, aTBContact) != oldValue) || gContactUpdated;
+ } else if (gBirthday) {
+ tbContactUpdated = true;
+ this.setTBBirthday(aTBContact, gBirthday);
+ }
+ // Merge anniversary
+ var tbAnniversary = aTBContact.getValue("AnniversaryMonth");
+ var gAnniversary = aGContact.getValue("event", 0, "anniversary");
+ if (tbAnniversary && (!gAnniversary || aUpdateGoogleInConflicts)) {
+ var oldValue = gAnniversary ? gAnniversary.value : null;
+ gContactUpdated = (this.setGoogleAnniversary(aGContact, aTBContact) != oldValue) || gContactUpdated;
+ } else if (gAnniversary) {
+ tbContactUpdated = true;
+ this.setTBAnniversary(aTBContact, gAnniversary);
+ }
+ var tbPhonFirst = aTBContact.getValue("PhoneticFirstName");
+ var gPhonFirst = aGContact.getAttribute("givenName",
+ com.gContactSync.gdata.namespaces.GD.url,
+ 0,
+ "yomi");
+ if (tbPhonFirst != gPhonFirst) {
+ if (tbPhonFirst && (!gPhonFirst || aUpdateGoogleInConflicts)) {
gContactUpdated = true;
- aGContact.setValue(obj.elementName, obj.index, type, value);
- } else if (property.value) {
+ aGContact.setAttribute("givenName",
+ com.gContactSync.gdata.namespaces.GD.url,
+ 0,
+ "yomi",
+ tbPhonFirst);
+ } else if (gPhonFirst) {
tbContactUpdated = true;
- aTBContact.setValue(obj.tbName, property.value);
- if (property.type) {aTBContact.setValue(obj.tbName + "Type", property.type);}
+ aTBContact.setValue("PhoneticFirstName", gPhonFirst);
- // TODO:
- // Birthday
- // Anniversary
- // Extended properties (TB -> Google only)
- // Groups
- // Photo
- // Phonetic names
- if (tbContactUpdated) {aTBContact.update();}
- return gContactUpdated;
+ var tbPhonLast = aTBContact.getValue("PhoneticLastName");
+ var gPhonLast = aGContact.getAttribute("familyName",
+ com.gContactSync.gdata.namespaces.GD.url,
+ 0,
+ "yomi");
+ if (tbPhonLast != gPhonLast) {
+ if (tbPhonLast && (!gPhonLast || aUpdateGoogleInConflicts)) {
+ gContactUpdated = true;
+ aGContact.setAttribute("familyName",
+ com.gContactSync.gdata.namespaces.GD.url,
+ 0,
+ "yomi",
+ tbPhonLast);
+ } else if (gPhonLast) {
+ tbContactUpdated = true;
+ aTBContact.setValue("PhoneticLastName", gPhonLast);
+ }
+ }
+ // If synchronizing groups Google wins since it always has groups. Not all add-ons sync groups.
+ if (ab.mPrefs.syncGroups == "true" && ab.mPrefs.myContacts != "true") {
+ if (tbContactUpdated) {aTBContact.update();} // Must update the contact before changing mailing lists.
+ tbContactUpdated = true;
+ this.setTBGroups(aTBContact, aGContact);
+ }
+ if (tbContactUpdated) {
+ aTBContact.update();
+ }
+ return {google: gContactUpdated, thunderbird: tbContactUpdated};
* Saves the photo from the given Google contact to the given TB contact if present and if it has changed
@@ -600,7 +592,6 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
* @param aTBContact {TBContact} An existing card that can be QI'd to
* Components.interfaces.nsIAbMDBCard if this is
* before 413260 landed. Updated with the photo from the GContact.
- * @returns {TBContact} The updated TBContact.
savePhotoFromGContact: function ContactConvert_savePhotoFromGContact(aTBContact, aGContact) {
@@ -647,8 +638,6 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
aTBContact.setValue("PhotoEtag", info.etag);
- return aTBContact;
* Check if the given string is null, of length 0, or consists only of spaces
@@ -665,5 +654,157 @@ com.gContactSync.ContactConverter = {
for (var i = 0; i < aValue.length; i++)
if (aValue[i] != " ") return aValue;
return null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets the extended properties in the given Google contact from the given TB contact.
+ *
+ * @param aGContact {GContact} The Google contact to update.
+ * @param aTBContact {TBContact} The Thunderbird contact.
+ * @return {boolean} Whether the contact has any extended properties.
+ */
+ setExtendedProperties: function ContactConverter_setExtendedProperties(aGContact, aTBContact) {
+ aGContact.removeExtendedProperties();
+ arr = com.gContactSync.Preferences.mExtendedProperties;
+ var props = {};
+ var nonEmpty = false;
+ for (i = 0, length = arr.length; i < length; i++) {
+ // add this extended property if it isn't a duplicate or blank
+ if (arr[i] && !props[arr[i]]) {
+ props[arr[i]] = true;
+ value = this.checkValue(aTBContact.getValue(arr[i]));
+ aGContact.setExtendedProperty(arr[i], value);
+ }
+ else if (arr[i] != "") {
+ com.gContactSync.LOGGER.LOG_WARNING("Found a duplicate extended property: " +
+ arr[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return nonEmpty;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets the birthday of the given contact.
+ * @param aTBContact {TBContact} The Thunderbird contact.
+ * @param bday {string} The birthday string. null if not present.
+ */
+ setTBBirthday: function ContactConverter_setTBBirthday(aTBContact, bday) {
+ var year = null,
+ month = null,
+ day = null;
+ if (bday && bday.value) {
+ com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" * Found a birthday value of " + bday.value);
+ // If it consists of all three date elements: YYYY-M-D
+ if (bday.value.indexOf("--") === -1) {
+ arr = bday.value.split("-");
+ year = arr[0];
+ month = arr[1];
+ day = arr[2];
+ }
+ // Else it is just a month and day: --M-D
+ else {
+ arr = bday.value.replace("--", "").split("-");
+ month = arr[0];
+ day = arr[1];
+ }
+ com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" - Year: " + year);
+ com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" - Month: " + month);
+ com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" - Day: " + day);
+ }
+ aTBContact.setValue("BirthYear", year);
+ aTBContact.setValue("BirthMonth", month);
+ aTBContact.setValue("BirthDay", day);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets the anniversary of the given contact.
+ * @param aTBContact {TBContact} The Thunderbird contact.
+ * @param bday {string} The anniversary string. null if not present.
+ */
+ setTBAnniversary: function ContactConverter_setTBAnniversary(aTBContact, anniversary) {
+ var anniversaryYear = null, anniversaryMonth = null, anniversaryDay = null;
+ if (anniversary && anniversary.value) {
+ com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" * Found an anniversary value of " + anniversary.value);
+ var anniversaryArray = anniversary.value.split("-");
+ if (anniversaryArray.length === 3) {
+ anniversaryYear = anniversaryArray[0];
+ anniversaryMonth = anniversaryArray[1];
+ anniversaryDay = anniversaryArray[2];
+ } else {
+ com.gContactSync.LOGGER.LOG_WARNING("Invalid anniversary value", anniversary.value);
+ }
+ }
+ aTBContact.setValue("AnniversaryYear", anniversaryYear);
+ aTBContact.setValue("AnniversaryMonth", anniversaryMonth);
+ aTBContact.setValue("AnniversaryDay", anniversaryDay);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets the birthday of the given Google contact from the given TB contact.
+ * @param aGContact {GContact} The Google contact.
+ * @param aTBContact {TBContact} The Thunderbird contact to get the birthday from.
+ * @return {string} The birthday value.
+ */
+ setGoogleBirthday: function ContactConverter_setGoogleBirthday(aGContact, aTBContact) {
+ // Birthday can be either YYYY-M-D or --M-D for no year.
+ // TB can have all three, just a day/month, or just a year through the UI
+ var birthDay = parseInt(aTBContact.getValue("BirthDay"), 10),
+ birthMonth = (isNaN(birthDay) || (birthDay > 31)) ?
+ null : aTBContact.getValue("BirthMonth"),
+ birthdayVal = null;
+ // if the contact has a birth month (and birth day) add it to the contact
+ // from Google
+ if (birthMonth && !isNaN(parseInt(birthMonth, 10)) && (birthMonth <= 12)) {
+ var birthYear = parseInt(aTBContact.getValue("BirthYear"), 10);
+ // if the birth year is NaN or 0, use '-'
+ if (!birthYear) {
+ birthYear = "-";
+ }
+ // otherwise pad it to 4 characters
+ else {
+ birthYear = String(birthYear);
+ while (birthYear.length < 4) {
+ birthYear = "0" + birthYear;
+ }
+ }
+ // Pad the birth month to 2 characters
+ birthMonth = String(birthMonth);
+ while (birthMonth.length < 2) {
+ birthMonth = "0" + birthMonth;
+ }
+ // Pad the birth day to 2 characters
+ birthDay = String(birthDay);
+ while (birthDay.length < 2) {
+ birthDay = "0" + birthDay;
+ }
+ // form the birthday string: year-month-day
+ birthdayVal = birthYear + "-" + birthMonth + "-" + birthDay;
+ }
+ com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" * Birthday: " + birthdayVal);
+ aGContact.setValue("birthday", 0, null, birthdayVal);
+ return birthdayVal;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sets the anniversary of the given Google contact from the given TB contact.
+ * @param aGContact {GContact} The Google contact.
+ * @param aTBContact {TBContact} The Thunderbird contact to get the anniversary from.
+ * @return {string} The anniversary value.
+ */
+ setGoogleAnniversary: function ContactConverter_setGoogleAnniversary(aGContact, aTBContact) {
+ var anniversaryDay = parseInt(aTBContact.getValue("AnniversaryDay"), 10);
+ var anniversaryMonth = (isNaN(anniversaryDay) || anniversaryDay > 31) ?
+ null :
+ parseInt(aTBContact.getValue("AnniversaryMonth"), 10);
+ var anniversaryYear = (isNaN(anniversaryMonth) || anniversaryMonth > 13) ?
+ null :
+ parseInt(aTBContact.getValue("AnniversaryYear"), 10);
+ anniversaryDay = String(anniversaryDay);
+ anniversaryMonth = String(anniversaryMonth);
+ while (anniversaryDay.length < 2) {
+ anniversaryDay = "0" + anniversaryDay;
+ }
+ while (anniversaryMonth.length < 2) {
+ anniversaryMonth = "0" + anniversaryMonth;
+ }
+ var anniversaryVal = anniversaryYear ? anniversaryYear + "-" + anniversaryMonth + "-" + anniversaryDay : null;
+ com.gContactSync.LOGGER.VERBOSE_LOG(" * Anniversary: " + anniversaryVal);
+ aGContact.setValue("event", 0, "anniversary", anniversaryVal);
+ return anniversaryVal;
diff --git a/src/content/Sync.js b/src/content/Sync.js
index a282ee5..8c96ebb 100644
--- a/src/content/Sync.js
+++ b/src/content/Sync.js
@@ -490,7 +490,11 @@ com.gContactSync.Sync = {
if (lastSync === 0) {
for (i = 0, length = abCards.length; i < length; i++) {
+ // If this address book was previously synchronized with gContactSync there's no need to merge.
+ // The contacts will conflict and the updateGoogleInConflicts pref will be used to resolve.
if (abCards[i].getValue("GoogleID")) continue;
for (var id in gContacts) {
if (gContacts[id] && abCards[i] &&
@@ -501,8 +505,18 @@ com.gContactSync.Sync = {
0.5)) {
com.gContactSync.LOGGER.LOG(abCards[i].getName() + ": " + id);
com.gContactSync.LOGGER.LOG(" * Merging");
- if (com.gContactSync.ContactConverter.merge(abCards[i], gContacts[id])) {
+ // Pass false to update TB during conflicts. Other add-ons don't synchronize types so allowing Google to be updated
+ // would reset types to their default values.
+ var updated = com.gContactSync.ContactConverter.merge(abCards[i], gContacts[id], false);
+ if (updated.google) {
+ var toUpdate = {};
+ toUpdate.gContact = gContacts[id];
+ toUpdate.abCard = abCards[i];
+ this.mCurrentSummary.mRemote.mUpdated++;
+ }
+ if (updated.thunderbird) {
+ this.mCurrentSummary.mLocal.mUpdated++;
gContacts[id] = null;
abCards.splice(i, 1);
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/gcontactsync.git
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