[Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] 24/88: Removed the tags file, added it to the ignore list
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 18 20:52:26 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gcontactsync.
commit fa2c8f85a5e570cfbf92a55e18cd3be9cb543606
Author: Josh Geenen <joshgeenen at gmail.com>
Date: Sat Jan 4 10:55:31 2014 -0600
Removed the tags file, added it to the ignore list
.gitignore | 1 +
src/content/tags | 377 -------------------------------------------------------
2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 377 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index e81e293..579a81d 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/src/content/tags b/src/content/tags
deleted file mode 100644
index cd4ce7d..0000000
--- a/src/content/tags
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT 2 /extended format/
-!_TAG_FILE_SORTED 0 /0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
-!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR Patrick Walton /pwalton at mozilla.com/
-!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME jsctags //
-!_TAG_PROGRAM_URL http://github.com/pcwalton/jsctags /GitHub repository/
-com Namespace.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com TBContact.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com StringBundle.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com GContact.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com ConverterElement.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com Sync.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com AbListener.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com gdata.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com AddressBook.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com Import.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com GElement.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com HttpRequest.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com Overlay.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com CardDialogOverlay.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com GMailList.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com options.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com MessengerOverlay.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com Pref.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com Property.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com LoginManager.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com ContactConverter.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com ImportDialog.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com GHttpRequest.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com ABOverlay.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com Accounts.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com Logger.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com GAddressBook.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com SyncSummaryData.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com Group.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com GAbManager.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com Preferences.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com MailList.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com FileIO.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com AbManager.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:37 type:Object
-com synonyms.js /^ var com = {};$/;" v lineno:39 type:Object
-com onDrop.js /^if (!com) var com = {}; \/\/ A generic wrapper variable$/;" v lineno:40 type:Object
-gCS_gdataLoadListener gdata.js /^ function gCS_gdataLoadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:43 type:void function(any)
-gCS_OptionsLoadListener options.js /^ function gCS_OptionsLoadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:43 type:void function(any)
-gCS_mainOverlayLoadListener MessengerOverlay.js /^ function gCS_mainOverlayLoadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:43 type:void function(any)
-gCS_overlayLoadListener Overlay.js /^ function gCS_overlayLoadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:43 type:void function(any)
-gCS_FileIOLoadListener FileIO.js /^ function gCS_FileIOLoadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:43 type:void function(any)
-gCS_AccountsLoadListener Accounts.js /^ function gCS_AccountsLoadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:43 type:void function(any)
-gCS_ContactConverterLoadListener ContactConverter.js /^ function gCS_ContactConverterLoadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:43 type:void function(any)
-gCS_CardDialogOverlayLoadListener CardDialogOverlay.js /^ function gCS_CardDialogOverlayLoadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:43 type:void function(any)
-gCS_abOverlayLoadListener ABOverlay.js /^ function gCS_abOverlayLoadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:43 type:void function(any)
-gCS_PreferencesLoadListener Preferences.js /^ function gCS_PreferencesLoadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:45 type:void function(any)
-gCS_SyncSummaryData SyncSummaryData.js /^com.gContactSync.SyncSummaryData = function gCS_SyncSummaryData() {$/;" f lineno:46 type:void function()
-gCS_Property Property.js /^com.gContactSync.Property = function gCS_Property(aValue, aType) {$/;" f lineno:47 type:void function(any, any)
-gCS_AddressBook AddressBook.js /^com.gContactSync.AddressBook = function gCS_AddressBook(aDirectory) {$/;" f lineno:48 type:void function(any)
-gCS_Namespace Namespace.js /^com.gContactSync.Namespace = function gCS_Namespace(aUrl, aPrefix) {$/;" f lineno:48 type:void function(any, any)
-gCS_Group Group.js /^com.gContactSync.Group = function gCS_Group(aXml, aTitle) {$/;" f lineno:49 type:void function(any, any)
-gCS_Pref Pref.js /^com.gContactSync.Pref = function gCS_Pref(aName, aType, aDefault) {$/;" f lineno:50 type:void function(any, any, any)
-gCS_GContact GContact.js /^com.gContactSync.GContact = function gCS_GContact(aXml) {$/;" f lineno:50 type:void function(any)
-gCS_GAddressBook GAddressBook.js /^com.gContactSync.GAddressBook = function gCS_GAddressBook(aDirectory, aNoPrefs) {$/;" f lineno:50 type:void function(any, any)
-gCS_TBContact TBContact.js /^com.gContactSync.TBContact = function gCS_TBContact(aCard, aDirectory) {$/;" f lineno:52 type:void function(any, any)
-ImportDialog_newAddressBook ImportDialog.js /^ newAddressBook: function ImportDialog_newAddressBook() {$/;" f lineno:53 type:boolean function()
-AbListener_onItemAdded AbListener.js /^ onItemAdded: function AbListener_onItemAdded(aParentDir, aItem) {},$/;" f lineno:53 type:void function(any, any)
-gCS_PreferencesUnloadListener Preferences.js /^ function gCS_PreferencesUnloadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:55 type:void function(any)
-gCS_ConverterElement ConverterElement.js /^com.gContactSync.ConverterElement = function gCS_ConverterElement(aElementName, aTbName, aIndex, aType) {$/;" f lineno:55 type:void function(any, any, any, any)
-gCS_myOnDrop onDrop.js /^com.gContactSync.myOnDrop = function gCS_myOnDrop(row, orientation) {$/;" f lineno:55 type:void function(any, any)
-gCS_GElement GElement.js /^com.gContactSync.GElement = function gCS_GElement(aType, aTagName, aNamespace, aValidTypes, aAttribute) {$/;" f lineno:57 type:void function(any, any, any, any, any)
-gCS_MailList MailList.js /^com.gContactSync.MailList = function gCS_MailList(aList, aParentDirectory, aNew) {$/;" f lineno:57 type:void function(any, any, any)
-Options_init options.js /^ init: function Options_init() {$/;" f lineno:57 type:void function()
-LOGGER_LOG Logger.js /^ LOG: function LOGGER_LOG(aMessage) {$/;" f lineno:58 type:void function(any)
-gCS_GMailList GMailList.js /^com.gContactSync.GMailList = function gCS_GMailList(aList, aParentDirectory, aNew) {$/;" f lineno:58 type:void function(any, any, any)
-AbListener_onItemPropertyChanged AbListener.js /^ onItemPropertyChanged: function AbListener_onItemPropertyChanged(aItem,$/;" f lineno:61 type:void function(any, any, any, any)
-StringBundle_init StringBundle.js /^ init: function StringBundle_init() {$/;" f lineno:61 type:boolean function()
-gCS_GHttpRequest GHttpRequest.js /^com.gContactSync.GHttpRequest = function gCS_GHttpRequest(aType, aAuth, aUrl, aBody, aUsername, aOther) {$/;" f lineno:63 type:gCS_GHttpRequest function(string, null, null, any, undefined, undefined)
-Overlay_initialize Overlay.js /^ initialize: function Overlay_initialize() {$/;" f lineno:64 type:void function()
-GAbManager_resetSyncedABs GAbManager.js /^function GAbManager_resetSyncedABs(showConfirm) {$/;" f lineno:65 type:boolean function(any)
-MessengerOverlay_initialize MessengerOverlay.js /^ initialize: function MessengerOverlay_initialize() {$/;" f lineno:66 type:void function()
-LoginManager_addAuthToken LoginManager.js /^ addAuthToken: function LoginManager_addAuthToken(aUsername, aToken) {$/;" f lineno:66 type:void function(any, any)
-SyncSummaryData_addSummary SyncSummaryData.js /^com.gContactSync.SyncSummaryData.prototype.addSummary = function SyncSummaryData_addSummary(aSummaryData) {$/;" f lineno:70 type:void function(any)
-AbManager_isRegularAttribute AbManager.js /^ isRegularAttribute: function AbManager_isRegularAttribute(aAttribute) {$/;" f lineno:70 type:boolean function(any)
-gCS_getVersionString synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.getVersionString = function gCS_getVersionString(aGetLast) {$/;" f lineno:71 type:string function(any)
-LOGGER_VERBOSE_LOG Logger.js /^ VERBOSE_LOG: function LOGGER_VERBOSE_LOG(aMessage) {$/;" f lineno:72 type:void function(any)
-gdata_makeAuthBody gdata.js /^ makeAuthBody: function gdata_makeAuthBody(aEmail, aPassword) {$/;" f lineno:72 type:string function(any, any)
-unloadListener Overlay.js /^ window.addEventListener("unload", function unloadListener(e) {$/;" f lineno:73 type:void function(any)
-AbListener_onItemRemoved AbListener.js /^ onItemRemoved: function AbListener_onItemRemoved(aParentDir, aItem) {$/;" f lineno:74 type:void function(any, any)
-Accounts_initDialog Accounts.js /^ initDialog: function Accounts_initDialog() {$/;" f lineno:75 type:void function()
-FileIO_init FileIO.js /^ init: function FileIO_init() {$/;" f lineno:75 type:void function()
-AddressBook_addContact AddressBook.js /^ addContact: function AddressBook_addContact(aContact) {$/;" f lineno:76 type:null function(any)
-Options_enableVerboseLog options.js /^ enableVerboseLog: function Options_enableVerboseLog() {$/;" f lineno:76 type:boolean function()
-GMailList_getGroupID GMailList.js /^ getGroupID: function GMailList_getGroupID() {$/;" f lineno:77 type:any function()
-AbManager_isDirectoryValid AbManager.js /^ isDirectoryValid: function AbManager_isDirectoryValid(aDirectory) {$/;" f lineno:77 type:boolean function(any)
-TBContact_getValue TBContact.js /^ getValue: function TBContact_getValue(aAttribute) {$/;" f lineno:77 type:<number | null> function(any)
-gCS_HttpRequest HttpRequest.js /^com.gContactSync.HttpRequest = function gCS_HttpRequest() {$/;" f lineno:77 type:void function()
-Overlay_unload Overlay.js /^ unload: function Overlay_unload() {$/;" f lineno:80 type:void function()
-Group_setTitle Group.js /^ setTitle: function Group_setTitle(aTitle) {$/;" f lineno:80 type:void function(any)
-GContact_checkIMAddress GContact.js /^ checkIMAddress: function GContact_checkIMAddress() {$/;" f lineno:81 type:void function()
-Sync_offlineFunc Sync.js /^ mOfflineFunction: function Sync_offlineFunc(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:81 type:void function(any)
-LOGGER_LOG_ERROR Logger.js /^ LOG_ERROR: function LOGGER_LOG_ERROR(aMessage, aError) {$/;" f lineno:81 type:void function(any, any)
-MailList_setName MailList.js /^ setName: function MailList_setName(aName) {$/;" f lineno:82 type:void function(any)
-ABOverlay_initialize ABOverlay.js /^ initialize: function ABOverlay_initialize() {$/;" f lineno:85 type:void function()
-gdata_getEmailFromId gdata.js /^ getEmailFromId: function gdata_getEmailFromId(aId) {$/;" f lineno:85 type:string function(any)
-Sync_503Func Sync.js /^ m503Function: function Sync_503Func(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:86 type:void function(any)
-Options_enableDelays options.js /^ enableDelays: function Options_enableDelays() {$/;" f lineno:86 type:boolean function()
-Overlay_setStatusBarText Overlay.js /^ setStatusBarText: function Overlay_setStatusBarText(aText) {$/;" f lineno:87 type:void function(any)
-AbManager_checkCard AbManager.js /^ checkCard: function AbManager_checkCard(aCard, aMethodName) {$/;" f lineno:88 type:void function(any, any)
-MailList_getName MailList.js /^ getName: function MailList_getName() {$/;" f lineno:89 type:any function()
-CP_Preferences_register Preferences.js /^ register: function CP_Preferences_register() {$/;" f lineno:90 type:void function()
-ContactConverter_init ContactConverter.js /^ init: function ContactConverter_init() {$/;" f lineno:91 type:void function()
-GAddressBook_getPrefs GAddressBook.js /^com.gContactSync.GAddressBook.prototype.getPrefs = function GAddressBook_getPrefs() {$/;" f lineno:91 type:void function()
-Accounts_newUsername Accounts.js /^ newUsername: function Accounts_newUsername() {$/;" f lineno:92 type:boolean function()
-Overlay_getStatusBarText Overlay.js /^ getStatusBarText: function Overlay_getStatusBarText() {$/;" f lineno:94 type:any function()
-GMailList_setGroupID GMailList.js /^ setGroupID: function GMailList_setGroupID(aGroupID) {$/;" f lineno:94 type:void function(any)
-StringBundle_getStr StringBundle.js /^ getStr: function StringBundle_getStr(aName) {$/;" f lineno:95 type:any function(any)
-LOGGER_LOG_WARNING Logger.js /^ LOG_WARNING: function LOGGER_LOG_WARNING(aWarningMessage, aError) {$/;" f lineno:96 type:void function(any, any)
-AddressBook_getAllContacts AddressBook.js /^ getAllContacts: function AddressBook_getAllContacts() {$/;" f lineno:96 type:Array function()
-LoginManager_getAuthTokens LoginManager.js /^ getAuthTokens: function LoginManager_getAuthTokens() {$/;" f lineno:97 type:Object function()
-CP_Preferences_unregister Preferences.js /^ unregister: function CP_Preferences_unregister() {$/;" f lineno:98 type:void function()
-GContact_getName GContact.js /^ getName: function GContact_getName() {$/;" f lineno:98 type:string function()
-SyncSummaryData_print SyncSummaryData.js /^com.gContactSync.SyncSummaryData.prototype.print = function SyncSummaryData_print(aAlert, aOverall) {$/;" f lineno:99 type:void function(any, any)
-AbManager_getSyncedAddressBooks GAbManager.js /^function AbManager_getSyncedAddressBooks(aMakeArray) {$/;" f lineno:100 type:<Object | Array[Object]> function(any)
-HttpRequest_addContentOverride HttpRequest.js /^ addContentOverride: function HttpRequest_addContentOverride(aType) {$/;" f lineno:100 type:void function(any)
-Options_cleanOldPrefs options.js /^ cleanOldPrefs: function Options_cleanOldPrefs() {$/;" f lineno:100 type:void function()
-specialGetStr SyncSummaryData.js /^ var getStr = function specialGetStr(aName) {$/;" f lineno:100 type:any function(string)
-Overlay_writeTimeToStatusBar Overlay.js /^ writeTimeToStatusBar: function Overlay_writeTimeToStatusBar() {$/;" f lineno:102 type:void function()
-AbManager_getCardValue AbManager.js /^ getCardValue: function AbManager_getCardValue(aCard, aAttrName) {$/;" f lineno:102 type:null function(any, any)
-gCS_serialize synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.serialize = function gCS_serialize(aXML) {$/;" f lineno:103 type:string function(any)
-CardDialogOverlay_init CardDialogOverlay.js /^ init: function CardDialogOverlay_init() {$/;" f lineno:104 type:void function()
-Sync_begin Sync.js /^ begin: function Sync_begin(aManualSync, aAddressBooks) {$/;" f lineno:106 type:void function(boolean, undefined)
-MailList_hasContact MailList.js /^ hasContact: function MailList_hasContact(aContact, aAttrs) {$/;" f lineno:107 type:<boolean | null> function(any, any)
-AbListener_getURI AbListener.js /^ getURI: function AbListener_getURI(aDirectory) {$/;" f lineno:109 type:string function(any)
-TBContact_getID TBContact.js /^ getID: function TBContact_getID() {$/;" f lineno:111 type:any function()
-FileIO_checkDirectory FileIO.js /^ checkDirectory: function FileIO_checkDirectory(aDirectory) {$/;" f lineno:112 type:void function(any)
-observe Preferences.js /^ observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData) {$/;" f lineno:113 type:void function(any, any, any)
-Group_getTitle Group.js /^ getTitle: function Group_getTitle() {$/;" f lineno:114 type:<undefined | null> function()
-MessengerOverlay_SetBusyCursor MessengerOverlay.js /^ SetBusyCursor: function MessengerOverlay_SetBusyCursor() {$/;" f lineno:117 type:void function()
-HttpRequest_addHeaderItem HttpRequest.js /^ addHeaderItem: function HttpRequest_addHeaderItem(aLabel, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:119 type:void function(any, any)
-newUsernameSuccess Accounts.js /^ httpReq.mOnSuccess = function newUsernameSuccess(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:123 type:void function(any)
-GAddressBook_savePref GAddressBook.js /^com.gContactSync.GAddressBook.prototype.savePref = function GAddressBook_savePref(aName, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:124 type:void function(any, any)
-TBContact_setValue TBContact.js /^ setValue: function TBContact_setValue(aAttribute, aValue, aUpdate) {$/;" f lineno:126 type:boolean function(any, any, any)
-AbManager_getCardEmailAddresses AbManager.js /^ getCardEmailAddresses: function AbManager_getCardEmailAddresses(aCard) {$/;" f lineno:129 type:Array function(any)
-AbListener_add AbListener.js /^ add: function AbListener_add() {$/;" f lineno:129 type:void function()
-newUsernameError Accounts.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function newUsernameError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:130 type:void function(any)
-gCS_serializeFromText synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.serializeFromText = function gCS_serializeFromText(aString, aForce) {$/;" f lineno:131 type:any function(any, any)
-GContact_getElementValue GContact.js /^ getElementValue: function GContact_getElementValue(aElement, aIndex, aType) {$/;" f lineno:132 type:null function(any, any, any)
-HttpRequest_send HttpRequest.js /^ send: function HttpRequest_send() {$/;" f lineno:133 type:void function()
-LoginManager_getAuthToken LoginManager.js /^ getAuthToken: function LoginManager_getAuthToken(aUsername) {$/;" f lineno:134 type:null function(any)
-AddressBook_getAllLists AddressBook.js /^ getAllLists: function AddressBook_getAllLists(skipGetCards) {$/;" f lineno:136 type:Object function(any)
-ABOverlay_addTreeCols ABOverlay.js /^ addTreeCols: function ABOverlay_addTreeCols() {$/;" f lineno:137 type:void function()
-GAddressBook_setLastSyncDate GAddressBook.js /^com.gContactSync.GAddressBook.prototype.setLastSyncDate = function GAddressBook_setLastSyncDate(aLastSync) {$/;" f lineno:138 type:void function(any)
-newUsernameOffline Accounts.js /^ httpReq.mOnOffline = function newUsernameOffline(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:138 type:void function(any)
-MessengerOverlay_getCardForEmail MessengerOverlay.js /^ getCardForEmail: function MessengerOverlay_getCardForEmail(aEmail) {$/;" f lineno:139 type:Object function(any)
-Sync_syncNextUser Sync.js /^ syncNextUser: function Sync_syncNextUser() {$/;" f lineno:142 type:void function()
-FileIO_getFileInExtDir FileIO.js /^ getFileInExtDir: function FileIO_getFileInExtDir(aName) {$/;" f lineno:143 type:any function(any)
-LoginManager_removeAuthToken LoginManager.js /^ removeAuthToken: function LoginManager_removeAuthToken(aUsername) {$/;" f lineno:144 type:void function(any)
-Group_getEditURL Group.js /^ getEditURL: function Group_getEditURL() {$/;" f lineno:145 type:null function()
-MailList_setNickName MailList.js /^ setNickName: function MailList_setNickName(aNickName) {$/;" f lineno:146 type:void function(any)
-AbListener_remove AbListener.js /^ remove: function AbListener_remove() {$/;" f lineno:147 type:void function()
-Accounts_getSelectedAb Accounts.js /^ getSelectedAb: function Accounts_getSelectedAb() {$/;" f lineno:150 type:<boolean | null> function()
-MailList_getNickName MailList.js /^ getNickName: function MailList_getNickName() {$/;" f lineno:153 type:any function()
-FileIO_getProfileDirectory FileIO.js /^ getProfileDirectory: function FileIO_getProfileDirectory() {$/;" f lineno:153 type:any function()
-TBContact_update TBContact.js /^ update: function TBContact_update() {$/;" f lineno:154 type:boolean function()
-AbManager_cardHasEmailAddress AbManager.js /^ cardHasEmailAddress: function AbManager_cardHasEmailAddress(aCard, aAddresses) {$/;" f lineno:156 type:boolean function(any, any)
-GAddressBook_reset GAddressBook.js /^com.gContactSync.GAddressBook.prototype.reset = function GAddressBook_reset() {$/;" f lineno:158 type:boolean function()
-MailList_setDescription MailList.js /^ setDescription: function MailList_setDescription(aDescription) {$/;" f lineno:161 type:void function(any)
-Group_getID Group.js /^ getID: function Group_getID() {$/;" f lineno:161 type:null function()
-GAbManager_backupAB GAbManager.js /^com.gContactSync.GAbManager.backupAB = function GAbManager_backupAB(aAB, aPrefix, aSuffix) {$/;" f lineno:161 type:boolean function(any, any, any)
-AddressBook_getListByNickName AddressBook.js /^ getListByNickName: function AddressBook_getListByNickName(aNickName) {$/;" f lineno:162 type:null function(any)
-httpReq_readyState HttpRequest.js /^ httpReq.onreadystatechange = function httpReq_readyState() {$/;" f lineno:163 type:void function()
-FileIO_readFile FileIO.js /^ readFile: function FileIO_readFile(aFile) {$/;" f lineno:164 type:<Array | Array[undefined]> function(any)
-gCS_makeDummyEmail synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.makeDummyEmail = function gCS_makeDummyEmail(aContact, ignorePref) {$/;" f lineno:164 type:string function(any, any)
-TBContact_remove TBContact.js /^ remove: function TBContact_remove() {$/;" f lineno:165 type:boolean function()
-MailList_getDescription MailList.js /^ getDescription: function MailList_getDescription() {$/;" f lineno:168 type:any function()
-Accounts_newAddressBook Accounts.js /^ newAddressBook: function Accounts_newAddressBook() {$/;" f lineno:170 type:boolean function()
-Group_removeExtendedProperties Group.js /^ removeExtendedProperties: function Group_removeExtendedProperties() {$/;" f lineno:172 type:void function()
-ContactConverter_getExtraSyncAttributes ContactConverter.js /^ getExtraSyncAttributes: function ContactConverter_getExtraSyncAttributes(aIncludeURLs) {$/;" f lineno:173 type:any function(any)
-gCS_handle401 GHttpRequest.js /^com.gContactSync.handle401 = function gCS_handle401(httpRequest) {$/;" f lineno:174 type:boolean function(undefined)
-AbManager_setCardValue AbManager.js /^ setCardValue: function AbManager_setCardValue(aCard, aAttrName, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:174 type:void function(any, any, any)
-Options_deleteOldPhotos options.js /^ deleteOldPhotos: function Options_deleteOldPhotos() {$/;" f lineno:177 type:void function()
-MailList_addContact MailList.js /^ addContact: function MailList_addContact(aContact) {$/;" f lineno:178 type:null function(any)
-TBContact_getName TBContact.js /^ getName: function TBContact_getName() {$/;" f lineno:180 type:any function()
-Accounts_saveSelectedAccount Accounts.js /^ saveSelectedAccount: function Accounts_saveSelectedAccount() {$/;" f lineno:182 type:<boolean | null> function()
-gdata_contacts_init gdata.js /^ init: function gdata_contacts_init() {$/;" f lineno:182 type:void function()
-AddressBook_addList AddressBook.js /^ addList: function AddressBook_addList(aName, aNickName) {$/;" f lineno:185 type:any function(any, any)
-Group_getExtendedProperty Group.js /^ getExtendedProperty: function Group_getExtendedProperty(aName) {$/;" f lineno:185 type:null function(any)
-MessengerOverlay_checkAuthentication MessengerOverlay.js /^ checkAuthentication: function MessengerOverlay_checkAuthentication() {$/;" f lineno:186 type:void function()
-ContactConverter_cardToAtomXML ContactConverter.js /^ cardToAtomXML: function ContactConverter_cardToAtomXML(aTBContact, aGContact) {$/;" f lineno:191 type:any function(any, any)
-LoginManager_getAllEmailAccts LoginManager.js /^ getAllEmailAccts: function LoginManager_getAllEmailAccts(aPattern) {$/;" f lineno:192 type:Array function(any)
-GAbManager_getGAbByURI GAbManager.js /^com.gContactSync.GAbManager.getGAbByURI = function GAbManager_getGAbByURI(aURI) {$/;" f lineno:194 type:any function(any)
-GAddressBook_replaceToServer GAddressBook.js /^com.gContactSync.GAddressBook.prototype.replaceToServer = function GAddressBook_replaceToServer() {$/;" f lineno:196 type:void function()
-FileIO_writeToFile FileIO.js /^ writeToFile: function FileIO_writeToFile(aFile, aData) {$/;" f lineno:196 type:boolean function(any, any)
-ABOverlay_mySetAbView ABOverlay.js /^ mySetAbView: function ABOverlay_mySetAbView(aURI, aSearchView, aSortCol, aSortDir) {$/;" f lineno:200 type:void function(any, any, any, any)
-Group_getLastModifiedDate Group.js /^ getLastModifiedDate: function Group_getLastModifiedDate() {$/;" f lineno:202 type:number function()
-MailList_getURI MailList.js /^ getURI: function MailList_getURI() {$/;" f lineno:204 type:any function()
-MessengerOverlay_promptLogin MessengerOverlay.js /^ promptLogin: function MessengerOverlay_promptLogin() {$/;" f lineno:206 type:boolean function()
-AddressBook_deleteContacts AddressBook.js /^ deleteContacts: function AddressBook_deleteContacts(aContacts) {$/;" f lineno:206 type:void function(any)
-GAbManager_getGAb GAbManager.js /^com.gContactSync.GAbManager.getGAb = function GAbManager_getGAb(aDirectory, aNoPrefs) {$/;" f lineno:211 type:any function(any, any)
-gCS_isDummyEmail synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.isDummyEmail = function gCS_isDummyEmail(aEmail) {$/;" f lineno:211 type:boolean function(any)
-GContact_setOrg GContact.js /^ setOrg: function GContact_setOrg(aElement, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:212 type:<boolean | null> function(any, any)
-MailList_getAllContacts MailList.js /^ getAllContacts: function MailList_getAllContacts() {$/;" f lineno:213 type:Array function()
-fix401Success GHttpRequest.js /^ httpReq.mOnSuccess = function fix401Success(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:217 type:void function(any)
-FileIO_appendToFile FileIO.js /^ appendToFile: function FileIO_appendToFile(aFile, aData) {$/;" f lineno:219 type:boolean function(any, any)
-Preferences_getPref Preferences.js /^ getPref: function Preferences_getPref(aBranch, aName, aType) {$/;" f lineno:220 type:any function(any, string, string)
-GAddressBook_newListObj GAddressBook.js /^com.gContactSync.GAddressBook.prototype.newListObj = function GAddressBook_newListObj(aList, aParentDirectory, aNew) {$/;" f lineno:223 type:any function(any, any, any)
-fix401Error GHttpRequest.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function fix401Error(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:224 type:void function(any)
-reauth_onSuccess Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnSuccess = function reauth_onSuccess(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:225 type:void function(any)
-Group_setExtendedProperty Group.js /^ setExtendedProperty: function Group_setExtendedProperty(aName, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:226 type:void function(any, any)
-ABOverlay_myDisplayCardViewPane ABOverlay.js /^ myDisplayCardViewPane: function ABOverlay_myDisplayCardViewPane(aCard) {$/;" f lineno:230 type:void function(any)
-reauth_onError Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function reauth_onError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:232 type:void function(any)
-gCS_selectMenuItem synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.selectMenuItem = function gCS_selectMenuItem(aMenuList, aValue, aCreate) {$/;" f lineno:232 type:boolean function(any, any, any)
-fix401Offline GHttpRequest.js /^ httpReq.mOnOffline = function fix401Offline(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:232 type:void function(any)
-GAddressBook_getAllLists GAddressBook.js /^com.gContactSync.GAddressBook.prototype.getAllLists = function GAddressBook_getAllLists(skipGetCards) {$/;" f lineno:233 type:Object function(any)
-authSuccess MessengerOverlay.js /^ httpReq.mOnSuccess = function authSuccess(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:234 type:void function(any)
-GAbManager_getAllAddressBooks GAbManager.js /^com.gContactSync.GAbManager.getAllAddressBooks = function GAbManager_getAllAddressBooks(aDirType, aSkipPrefs) {$/;" f lineno:234 type:Object function(any, any)
-Accounts_enablePreferences Accounts.js /^ enablePreferences: function Accounts_enablePreferences(aEnable) {$/;" f lineno:236 type:void function(boolean)
-authError MessengerOverlay.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function authError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:239 type:void function(any)
-gdata_setRelOrLabel gdata.js /^ setRelOrLabel: function gdata_setRelOrLabel(aElement, aType) {$/;" f lineno:241 type:void function(any, any)
-Preferences_setPref Preferences.js /^ setPref: function Preferences_setPref(aBranch, aName, aType, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:244 type:any function(any, any, any, any)
-gCS_finish401 GHttpRequest.js /^com.gContactSync.finish401 = function gCS_finish401(aUsername, aAuthToken) {$/;" f lineno:245 type:void function(any, any)
-gCS_deleteCard onDrop.js /^com.gContactSync.deleteCard = function gCS_deleteCard(aDirectory, aCard) {$/;" f lineno:248 type:void function(any, any)
-Import_offlineFunc Import.js /^ mOfflineFunction: function Import_offlineFunc(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:248 type:void function(any)
-Group_isSystemGroup Group.js /^ isSystemGroup: function Group_isSystemGroup() {$/;" f lineno:249 type:boolean function()
-AddressBook_updateContact AddressBook.js /^ updateContact: function AddressBook_updateContact(aContact) {$/;" f lineno:251 type:void function(any)
-FileIO_copyFile FileIO.js /^ copyFile: function FileIO_copyFile(aSrc, aDest) {$/;" f lineno:251 type:boolean function(any, any)
-AbManager_setMDBCardValue AbManager.js /^ setMDBCardValue: function AbManager_setMDBCardValue(aCard, aAttrName, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:252 type:boolean function(any, any, any)
-Accounts_showAdvanceDsettings Accounts.js /^ showAdvancedSettings: function Accounts_showAdvanceDsettings(aShow) {$/;" f lineno:253 type:boolean function(Global Object)
-MessengerOverlay_login MessengerOverlay.js /^ login: function MessengerOverlay_login(aUsername, aAuthToken) {$/;" f lineno:256 type:void function(any, any)
-GContact_setName GContact.js /^ setName: function GContact_setName(aElement, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:258 type:<boolean | null> function(any, any)
-Group_getSystemId Group.js /^ getSystemId: function Group_getSystemId() {$/;" f lineno:258 type:null function()
-onloadListener MessengerOverlay.js /^ setup.onload = function onloadListener() {$/;" f lineno:264 type:void function()
-Accounts_selectedAbChange Accounts.js /^ selectedAbChange: function Accounts_selectedAbChange() {$/;" f lineno:264 type:boolean function()
-onunloadListener MessengerOverlay.js /^ setup.onunload = function onunloadListener() {$/;" f lineno:265 type:void function()
-FileIO_checkFile FileIO.js /^ checkFile: function FileIO_checkFile(aFile) {$/;" f lineno:266 type:void function(any)
-Preferences_setSyncPref Preferences.js /^ setSyncPref: function Preferences_setSyncPref(aPrefName, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:266 type:any function(any, any)
-AddressBook_checkList AddressBook.js /^ checkList: function AddressBook_checkList(aList, aMethodName) {$/;" f lineno:267 type:void function(any, any)
-gCS_fixUsername synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.fixUsername = function gCS_fixUsername(aUsername) {$/;" f lineno:268 type:<string | null> function(any)
-AbManager_getMDBCardValue AbManager.js /^ getMDBCardValue: function AbManager_getMDBCardValue(aCard, aAttrName) {$/;" f lineno:270 type:null function(any, any)
-Sync_getGroups Sync.js /^ getGroups: function Sync_getGroups() {$/;" f lineno:277 type:void function()
-MailList_deleteContacts MailList.js /^ deleteContacts: function MailList_deleteContacts(aContacts) {$/;" f lineno:278 type:void function(any)
-Import_step1 Import.js /^ step1: function Import_step1(aSource) {$/;" f lineno:278 type:void function(any)
-Preferences_getSyncPrefs Preferences.js /^ getSyncPrefs: function Preferences_getSyncPrefs() {$/;" f lineno:278 type:void function()
-AddressBook_checkDirectory AddressBook.js /^ checkDirectory: function AddressBook_checkDirectory(aDirectory, aMethodName) {$/;" f lineno:281 type:void function(any, any)
-AbManager_getAbByURI AbManager.js /^ getAbByURI: function AbManager_getAbByURI(aURI) {$/;" f lineno:284 type:null function(any)
-getGroupsSuccess Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnSuccess = function getGroupsSuccess(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:284 type:void function(any)
-GAbManager_compareContacts GAbManager.js /^com.gContactSync.GAbManager.compareContacts = function GAbManager_compareContacts(aContact0, aContact1, aAttributeList0, aAttributeList1, aThreshold) {$/;" f lineno:287 type:<number | boolean> function(any, any, any, any, any)
-gCS_alert synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.alert = function gCS_alert(aText, aTitle, aParent) {$/;" f lineno:287 type:void function(any, any, Global Object)
-getGroupsError Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function getGroupsError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:288 type:void function(any)
-AddressBook_isDirectoryValid AddressBook.js /^ isDirectoryValid: function AddressBook_isDirectoryValid(aDirectory) {$/;" f lineno:291 type:boolean function(any)
-gCS_alertError synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.alertError = function gCS_alertError(aText) {$/;" f lineno:301 type:void function(any)
-Sync_getContacts Sync.js /^ getContacts: function Sync_getContacts() {$/;" f lineno:301 type:void function()
-AddressBook_newContact AddressBook.js /^ newContact: function AddressBook_newContact() {$/;" f lineno:302 type:any function()
-GContact_setAddress GContact.js /^ setAddress: function GContact_setAddress(aElement, aValue, aType, aIndex) {$/;" f lineno:304 type:<boolean | null> function(any, any, any, any)
-Accounts_fillUsernames Accounts.js /^ fillUsernames: function Accounts_fillUsernames(aDefault) {$/;" f lineno:305 type:boolean function(undefined)
-gCS_alertWarning synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.alertWarning = function gCS_alertWarning(aText) {$/;" f lineno:311 type:void function(any)
-Import_step2a Import.js /^ step2a: function Import_step2a(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:316 type:void function(any)
-AddressBook_equals AddressBook.js /^ equals: function AddressBook_equals(aOtherDir) {$/;" f lineno:316 type:boolean function(any)
-AbManager_getAbByName AbManager.js /^ getAbByName: function AbManager_getAbByName(aDirName, aDontMakeAb) {$/;" f lineno:318 type:null function(any, any)
-getContactsSuccess Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnSuccess = function getContactsSuccess(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:318 type:void function(any)
-MailList_delete MailList.js /^ remove: function MailList_delete() {$/;" f lineno:323 type:void function()
-gCS_confirm synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.confirm = function gCS_confirm(aText, aTitle, aParent) {$/;" f lineno:324 type:any function(any, any, any)
-i MailList.js /^ i = function () {};$/;" f lineno:329 type:void function()
-getContactsError Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function getContactsError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:334 type:void function(any)
-AddressBook_hasContact AddressBook.js /^ hasContact: function AddressBook_hasContact(aContact) {$/;" f lineno:335 type:null function(any)
-MailList_update MailList.js /^ update: function MailList_update() {$/;" f lineno:336 type:void function()
-gdata_contacts_isOrgTag gdata.js /^ isOrgTag: function gdata_contacts_isOrgTag(aTagName) {$/;" f lineno:340 type:boolean function(any)
-Import_step2b Import.js /^ step2b: function Import_step2b(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:341 type:void function(any)
-gCS_prompt synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.prompt = function gCS_prompt(aText, aTitle, aParent, aDefault) {$/;" f lineno:342 type:boolean function(any, any, any, any)
-Accounts_fillAbTree Accounts.js /^ fillAbTree: function Accounts_fillAbTree() {$/;" f lineno:347 type:boolean function()
-Sync_finish Sync.js /^ finish: function Sync_finish(aError, aStartOver) {$/;" f lineno:351 type:void function(string, boolean)
-MailList_setIgnoreIfBroken MailList.js /^ setIgnoreIfBroken: function MailList_setIgnoreIfBroken(aIgnore) {$/;" f lineno:353 type:void function(any)
-gCS_openAccounts synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.openAccounts = function gCS_openAccounts() {$/;" f lineno:356 type:void function()
-gdata_contacts_isNameTag gdata.js /^ isNameTag: function gdata_contacts_isNameTag(aTagName) {$/;" f lineno:356 type:boolean function(any)
-Import_logStep2b Import.js /^ logStep2b: function Import_logStep2b() {$/;" f lineno:359 type:void function()
-ContactConverter_makeCard ContactConverter.js /^ makeCard: function ContactConverter_makeCard(aGContact, aTBContact) {$/;" f lineno:359 type:void function(any, any)
-gCS_openPreferences synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.openPreferences = function gCS_openPreferences() {$/;" f lineno:365 type:void function()
-AddressBook_setPrefId AddressBook.js /^ setPrefId: function AddressBook_setPrefId(aPrefId) {$/;" f lineno:366 type:void function(any)
-Import_step3 Import.js /^ step3: function Import_step3() {$/;" f lineno:369 type:void function()
-ABOverlay_hideNodes ABOverlay.js /^ hideNodes: function ABOverlay_hideNodes(aArray) {$/;" f lineno:371 type:void function(any)
-AddressBook_getPrefId AddressBook.js /^ getPrefId: function AddressBook_getPrefId() {$/;" f lineno:374 type:string function()
-gCS_openURL synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.openURL = function gCS_openURL(aURL) {$/;" f lineno:377 type:void function(any)
-gdata_contacts_isAddressTag gdata.js /^ isAddressTag: function gdata_contacts_isAddressTag(aTagName) {$/;" f lineno:377 type:boolean function(any)
-Accounts_addToTree Accounts.js /^ addToTree: function Accounts_addToTree(aTreeChildren, aAB) {$/;" f lineno:378 type:boolean function(Global Object, any)
-GContact_setElementValue GContact.js /^ setElementValue: function GContact_setElementValue(aElement, aIndex, aType, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:379 type:<boolean | null> function(any, any, any, any)
-AddressBook_getStringPref AddressBook.js /^ getStringPref: function AddressBook_getStringPref(aName, aDefaultValue) {$/;" f lineno:388 type:null function(any, any)
-AbManager_deleteAB AbManager.js /^ deleteAB: function AbManager_deleteAB(aURI) {$/;" f lineno:390 type:boolean function(any)
-ABOverlay_showNodes ABOverlay.js /^ showNodes: function ABOverlay_showNodes(aArray) {$/;" f lineno:390 type:void function(any)
-CardDialogOverlay_getBox CardDialogOverlay.js /^ getBox: function CardDialogOverlay_getBox(aID) {$/;" f lineno:398 type:<null | Global Object> function(string)
-Import_step4 Import.js /^ step4: function Import_step4(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:403 type:void function(any)
-Sync_sync2 Sync.js /^ sync2: function Sync_sync2(aAtom) {$/;" f lineno:403 type:void function(any)
-Accounts_directionPopup Accounts.js /^ directionPopup: function Accounts_directionPopup() {$/;" f lineno:404 type:void function()
-Accounts_restoreGroups Accounts.js /^ restoreGroups: function Accounts_restoreGroups() {$/;" f lineno:410 type:void function()
-CardDialogOverlay_addPBEmailType CardDialogOverlay.js /^ addPostboxEmailType: function CardDialogOverlay_addPBEmailType(aElem) {$/;" f lineno:413 type:boolean function(Global Object)
-ABOverlay_getVisible ABOverlay.js /^ getVisible: function ABOverlay_getVisible(aCard, aArray, aVisible, aUseTypeLabel) {$/;" f lineno:416 type:boolean function(any, Array[string], boolean, boolean)
-gdata_contacts_getNumberOfContacts gdata.js /^ getNumberOfContacts: function gdata_contacts_getNumberOfContacts(aAtom) {$/;" f lineno:417 type:any function(any)
-Accounts_getAllGroups Accounts.js /^ getAllGroups: function Accounts_getAllGroups() {$/;" f lineno:421 type:boolean function()
-gdata_isAuthValid gdata.js /^ isAuthValid: function gdata_isAuthValid() {$/;" f lineno:426 type:boolean function()
-AddressBook_setStringPref AddressBook.js /^ setStringPref: function AddressBook_setStringPref(aName, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:432 type:void function(any, any)
-Import_finish Import.js /^ finish: function Import_finish(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:434 type:void function(any)
-getAllGroupsSuccess Accounts.js /^ httpReq.mOnSuccess = function getAllGroupsSuccess(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:434 type:void function(any)
-gCS_showLog synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.showLog = function gCS_showLog() {$/;" f lineno:437 type:void function()
-getAllGroupsError Accounts.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function getAllGroupsError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:439 type:void function(any)
-gdata_backupFeed gdata.js /^ backupFeed: function gdata_backupFeed(aFeed, aAccount, aPrefix, aSuffix) {$/;" f lineno:439 type:any function(any, any, any, any)
-CardDialogOverlay_CheckAndSetCardValues CardDialogOverlay.js /^ CheckAndSetCardValues: function CardDialogOverlay_CheckAndSetCardValues(aCard, aDoc, aCheck) {$/;" f lineno:442 type:boolean function(any, any, any)
-ABOverlay_myOnLoadCardView ABOverlay.js /^ myOnLoadCardView: function ABOverlay_myOnLoadCardView() {$/;" f lineno:449 type:void function()
-Accounts_addGroups Accounts.js /^ addGroups: function Accounts_addGroups(aAtom, aUsername) {$/;" f lineno:451 type:boolean function(any, Global Object)
-Import_storeResponse Import.js /^ storeResponse: function Import_storeResponse(aResponse) {$/;" f lineno:455 type:void function(any)
-AddressBook_getName AddressBook.js /^ getName: function AddressBook_getName() {$/;" f lineno:457 type:any function()
-gCS_fixURL synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.fixURL = function gCS_fixURL(aURL) {$/;" f lineno:459 type:any function(any)
-AddressBook_setName AddressBook.js /^ setName: function AddressBook_setName(aName) {$/;" f lineno:465 type:void function(any)
-Import_openBrowserWindow Import.js /^ openBrowserWindow: function Import_openBrowserWindow(aUrl, aBeforeUnload) {$/;" f lineno:476 type:void function(string, void function())
-gCS_writePhoto synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.writePhoto = function gCS_writePhoto(aURL, aFilename, aRedirect) {$/;" f lineno:478 type:null function(any, any, any)
-GContact_getLastModifiedDate GContact.js /^ getLastModifiedDate: function GContact_getLastModifiedDate() {$/;" f lineno:489 type:number function()
-Import_showImportDialog Import.js /^ showImportDialog: function Import_showImportDialog(aFeed) {$/;" f lineno:494 type:void function(any)
-onloadListener Import.js /^ dialog.onload = function onloadListener() {$/;" f lineno:499 type:void function()
-AddressBook_getDirType AddressBook.js /^ getDirType: function AddressBook_getDirType() {$/;" f lineno:508 type:number function()
-onunloadListener Import.js /^ dialog.onunload = function onunloadListener() {$/;" f lineno:510 type:void function()
-ContactConverter_checkValue ContactConverter.js /^ checkValue: function ContactConverter_checkValue(aValue) {$/;" f lineno:510 type:null function(any)
-Accounts_needsReset Accounts.js /^ needsReset: function Accounts_needsReset(aAB, aUsername, aSyncGroups, aMyContacts, aMyContactsName) {$/;" f lineno:514 type:boolean function(any, any, any, any, any)
-GContact_removeExtendedProperties GContact.js /^ removeExtendedProperties: function GContact_removeExtendedProperties() {$/;" f lineno:514 type:void function()
-AddressBook_newListObj AddressBook.js /^ newListObj: function AddressBook_newListObj(aList, aParentDirectory, aNew) {$/;" f lineno:524 type:any function(any, any, any)
-GContact_getExtendedProperty GContact.js /^ getExtendedProperty: function GContact_getExtendedProperty(aName) {$/;" f lineno:526 type:null function(any)
-CardDialogOverlay_GetCardValues CardDialogOverlay.js /^ GetCardValues: function CardDialogOverlay_GetCardValues(aCard, aDoc) {$/;" f lineno:527 type:void function(any, Global Object)
-Import_beginImport Import.js /^ beginImport: function Import_beginImport(aFeed, aAB, aMerge) {$/;" f lineno:533 type:void function(any, any, any)
-AddressBook_delete AddressBook.js /^ deleteAB: function AddressBook_delete() {$/;" f lineno:533 type:any function()
-GContact_setExtendedProperty GContact.js /^ setExtendedProperty: function GContact_setExtendedProperty(aName, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:539 type:<boolean | null> function(any, any)
-Accounts_close Accounts.js /^ close: function Accounts_close() {$/;" f lineno:551 type:boolean function()
-gCS_copyPhotoToPhotosDir synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.copyPhotoToPhotosDir = function gCS_copyPhotoToPhotosDir(aPhotoFile) {$/;" f lineno:566 type:any function(any)
-ABOverlay_makeDescElement ABOverlay.js /^ makeDescElement: function ABOverlay_makeDescElement(aName, aClass) {$/;" f lineno:566 type:Global Object function(string, string)
-GContact_getValue GContact.js /^ getValue: function GContact_getValue(aName, aIndex, aType) {$/;" f lineno:568 type:null function(any, any, any)
-ABOverlay_addResetContext ABOverlay.js /^ addResetContext: function ABOverlay_addResetContext() {$/;" f lineno:576 type:void function()
-gCS_findPhotoExt synonyms.js /^com.gContactSync.findPhotoExt = function gCS_findPhotoExt(aChannel) {$/;" f lineno:595 type:string function(any)
-GContact_setValue GContact.js /^ setValue: function GContact_setValue(aName, aIndex, aType, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:601 type:null function(any, any, any, any)
-ABOverlay_getSelectedAB ABOverlay.js /^ getSelectedAB: function ABOverlay_getSelectedAB() {$/;" f lineno:603 type:number function()
-CardDialogOverlay_addMenuItems CardDialogOverlay.js /^ addMenuItems: function CardDialogOverlay_addMenuItems(aBox, aArray, aID, aValue, aWidth) {$/;" f lineno:611 type:<boolean | Global Object> function(<null | Global Object>, Array, string, string, undefined)
-ABOverlay_resetSelectedAB ABOverlay.js /^ resetSelectedAB: function ABOverlay_resetSelectedAB() {$/;" f lineno:619 type:void function()
-GContact_getGroups GContact.js /^ getGroups: function GContact_getGroups() {$/;" f lineno:625 type:Object function()
-ABOverlay_replaceToSelectedAB ABOverlay.js /^ replaceToSelectedAB: function ABOverlay_replaceToSelectedAB() {$/;" f lineno:639 type:void function()
-ABOverlay_syncSelectedAB ABOverlay.js /^ syncSelectedAB: function ABOverlay_syncSelectedAB() {$/;" f lineno:648 type:void function()
-Sync_requestDeletePermission Sync.js /^ requestDeletePermission: function Sync_requestDeletePermission(aNumTB, aNumGoogle) {$/;" f lineno:650 type:boolean function(number, number)
-GContact_clearGroups GContact.js /^ clearGroups: function GContact_clearGroups() {$/;" f lineno:650 type:void function()
-CardDialogOverlay_setupNumBox CardDialogOverlay.js /^ setupNumBox: function CardDialogOverlay_setupNumBox(aID, aLabel) {$/;" f lineno:663 type:Global Object function(string, any)
-ABOverlay_fixDescriptionStyle ABOverlay.js /^ fixDescriptionStyle: function ABOverlay_fixDescriptionStyle() {$/;" f lineno:667 type:boolean function()
-GContact_setGroups GContact.js /^ setGroups: function GContact_setGroups(aGroups) {$/;" f lineno:672 type:<boolean | null> function(any)
-Sync_delayedProcessQueue Sync.js /^ delayedProcessQueue: function Sync_delayedProcessQueue(func) {$/;" f lineno:675 type:void function(void function())
-Sync_processDeleteQueue Sync.js /^ processDeleteQueue: function Sync_processDeleteQueue() {$/;" f lineno:688 type:void function()
-GContact_removeFromGroup GContact.js /^ removeFromGroup: function GContact_removeFromGroup(aGroup) {$/;" f lineno:692 type:<boolean | null> function(any)
-GContact_addToGroup GContact.js /^ addToGroup: function GContact_addToGroup(aGroupURL) {$/;" f lineno:711 type:<boolean | null> function(any)
-processDeleteSuccess Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnSuccess = function processDeleteSuccess(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:711 type:void function(any)
-processDeleteError Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function processDeleteError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:714 type:void function(any)
-Import_decode Import.js /^ decode: function Import_decode(aString) {$/;" f lineno:716 type:string function(any)
-Sync_processAddQueue Sync.js /^ processAddQueue: function Sync_processAddQueue() {$/;" f lineno:728 type:void function()
-Import_httpReqWrapper Import.js /^ httpReqWrapper: function Import_httpReqWrapper(aURL, aCallback) {$/;" f lineno:729 type:void function(string, void function(any))
-import_onError Import.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function import_onError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:735 type:void function(any)
-GContact_isMatch GContact.js /^ isMatch: function GContact_isMatch(aElement, aXmlElem, aType, aDontSkip) {$/;" f lineno:737 type:boolean function(any, any, any, any)
-Import_mozLabsImporter Import.js /^ mozillaLabsContactsImporter: function Import_mozLabsImporter() {$/;" f lineno:746 type:any function()
-contactCreated Sync.js /^ var onCreated = function contactCreated(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:765 type:void function(any)
-GContact_getID GContact.js /^ getID: function GContact_getID(aFull) {$/;" f lineno:778 type:any function(any)
-contactCreatedError Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function contactCreatedError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:788 type:void function(any)
-GContact_setPhoto GContact.js /^ setPhoto: function GContact_setPhoto(aURI) {$/;" f lineno:793 type:void function(any)
-Import_searchForContact Import.js /^ searchForContact: function Import_searchForContact(aData, aAB, aABContacts) {$/;" f lineno:801 type:any function(any, any, Object)
-Sync_processUpdateQueue Sync.js /^ processUpdateQueue: function Sync_processUpdateQueue() {$/;" f lineno:802 type:void function()
-setPhotoSuccess GContact.js /^ httpReq.mOnSuccess = function setPhotoSuccess() {$/;" f lineno:811 type:void function()
-setPhotoError GContact.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function setPhotoError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:814 type:void function(any)
-processUpdateSuccess Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnSuccess = function processUpdateSuccess(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:844 type:void function(any)
-processUpdateError Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function processUpdateError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:847 type:void function(any)
-Sync_syncGroups Sync.js /^ syncGroups: function Sync_syncGroups(aAtom) {$/;" f lineno:860 type:void function(any)
-GContact_hasPhoto GContact.js /^ getPhotoInfo: function GContact_hasPhoto() {$/;" f lineno:881 type:<null | Object> function()
-GContact_writePhoto GContact.js /^ writePhoto: function GContact_writePhoto(aAuthToken) {$/;" f lineno:909 type:null function(any)
-GContact_setAttribute GContact.js /^ setAttribute: function GContact_setAttribute(aTagName, aNamespace, aIndex, aAttributeName, aValue) {$/;" f lineno:994 type:boolean function(any, any, any, any, any)
-GContact_getAttribute GContact.js /^ getAttribute: function GContact_getAttribute(aTagName, aNamespace, aIndex, aAttributeName) {$/;" f lineno:1014 type:null function(any, any, any, any)
-Sync_deleteGroups Sync.js /^ deleteGroups: function Sync_deleteGroups() {$/;" f lineno:1083 type:void function()
-deleteGroupsError Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function deleteGroupsError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:1099 type:void function(any)
-Sync_addGroups Sync.js /^ addGroups: function Sync_addGroups() {$/;" f lineno:1113 type:void function()
-addGroupError Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function addGroupError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:1133 type:void function(any)
-Sync_addGroups2 Sync.js /^ addGroups2: function Sync_addGroups2(aResponse) {$/;" f lineno:1147 type:void function(any)
-Sync_updateGroups Sync.js /^ updateGroups: function Sync_updateGroups() {$/;" f lineno:1165 type:void function()
-updateGroupError Sync.js /^ httpReq.mOnError = function updateGroupError(httpReq) {$/;" f lineno:1183 type:void function(any)
-Sync_schedule Sync.js /^ schedule: function Sync_schedule(aDelay) {$/;" f lineno:1199 type:void function(number)
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