September 2014 Archives by thread
Starting: Mon Sep 1 02:41:07 UTC 2014
Ending: Mon Sep 29 23:04:21 UTC 2014
Messages: 719
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch master updated (4e4810e -> b51b4bd)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch pristine-tar updated (d1b9c01 -> 2d8f5e5)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch upstream updated (923938b -> 5f3c643)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag upstream/ created (now 5f30802)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag debian/ created (now d8487dc)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch master updated (b51b4bd -> f655f58)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch pristine-tar updated (2d8f5e5 -> f7c31a5)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch upstream updated (5f3c643 -> 3f8c1b4)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag upstream/ created (now fe3bb9d)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag debian/ created (now 86c4c4c)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [perspectives-extension] branch debian updated (8c879bd -> 55ef63b)
Vagrant Cascadian
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [perspectives-extension] 01/01: debian/control: Remove myself from Uploaders.
Vagrant Cascadian
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch master updated (f655f58 -> 62e45d2)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch pristine-tar updated (f7c31a5 -> 5a7c44d)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch upstream updated (3f8c1b4 -> fd25a14)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag upstream/ created (now 80bc655)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch master updated (62e45d2 -> a40d29f)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch pristine-tar updated (5a7c44d -> 85ae52b)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch upstream updated (fd25a14 -> 32a931e)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag upstream/ created (now eb33db4)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag debian/ created (now 5a1026b)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag debian/ created (now bef94a7)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firetray] branch master updated (195371e -> b4baeb1)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firetray] branch pristine-tar updated (519885c -> 183e374)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firetray] branch upstream updated (288c023 -> 603b317)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firetray] annotated tag upstream/0.5.1_rc1+dfsg created (now 9ee3c75)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firetray] annotated tag v0.5.0rc1 created (now 385778f)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firetray] annotated tag v0.5.1rc1 created (now d0e3fb8)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firetray] annotated tag debian/0.5.1_rc1+dfsg-1 created (now 4c1e81f)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firetray] tag v0.5.0b1 created (now e51be81)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firetray] tag v0.5.0b2 created (now 4e087b8)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [scrapbook] branch master updated (0923368 -> 678a3fb)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [compactheader] branch master updated (752b788 -> 72b444e)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [dom-inspector] branch master updated (d657052 -> caeb6e2)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] branch master updated (b0c7f25 -> e1fd15a)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [flashblock] branch master updated (8ef347d -> 2ac6cb6)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [nosquint] branch master updated (267c504 -> 7981940)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [adblock-plus-element-hiding-helper] branch master updated (5935cd0 -> 2048d36)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [adblock-plus] branch master updated (ac249d2 -> 81af317)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [wot] branch master updated (e6ff6cf -> 971ffc9)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firegestures] branch master updated (473b778 -> 2148e29)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [personasplus] branch master updated (63b259f -> 337b1f3)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] branch master updated (fcd470c -> e2c2555)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [cookie-monster] branch master updated (757d607 -> fdf9976)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [itsalltext] branch master updated (7995cc9 -> ebc0573)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [searchload-options] branch master updated (2027b08 -> c2e5bb0)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firebug] branch master updated (6caf12f -> 633747c)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] branch master updated (644c125 -> 017b88d)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] branch master updated (4bc4b32 -> 2eacfd7)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] branch master updated (2eacfd7 -> 034958f)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] branch pristine-tar updated (f0160b8 -> 3a2074e)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] branch upstream updated (83718c2 -> 0cd83cf)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] annotated tag upstream/2.2 created (now 5777825)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] tag 2.2 created (now dccd743)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] branch master updated (017b88d -> 59a7e14)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 01/123: Added tag for changeset c010910934ed
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 02/123: Update changeset effec5df8b84
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 03/123: Prevent onclick function that start with 'window.location=' when we force new tab from link
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 04/123: Follow up bug 997570 - Onsyncfrompreference sensitive to order of preference elements
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 05/123: Fix changeset 2791fcb44152
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 06/123: MozMouseHittest event don't set key modifiers since Firefox 25
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 07/123: Split the options 'Prevent clicking on Tab-bar from dragging the window.' and 'Prevent double click on Tab-bar from changing window size.'
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 08/123: Remove call to TMP_TBP_Startup function from main-window onload Fix incompatibility with Cyberfox. Cyberfox call gCyberfoxCustom.customPrefSettings() from main-window onload
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 09/123: Prevent button on TabsToolbar from move down when there are more than one row. changeset 881da7f37d45. Follow up bug 990387 - Toolbar buttons on the TabsToolbar appear below the nav-bar border with a theme
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 10/123: Follow up bug 369778 - Fix CommonDialog.jsm RegExp usage expecting an unmatched capture group to match as "" and not |undefined|
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 11/123: Update for debug mode
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 12/123: Show global notification when debug mode is on
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 13/123: [e10s] Middle-click on links not working in e10s windows. ContentClick.jsm call whereToOpenLink with json object that is set up in a way to look like an Event.
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 14/123: [e10s] remove obsolete textZoom data (can use aBrowser.docShell in remote browser)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 15/123: [e10s] Update AutoReload.jsm to work with remote tabs
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 16/123: In tabbrowser-tabs binding the selected tab is selectedItem not mCurrentTab
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 17/123: Handle promise rejection
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 18/123: Listener to TabAttrModified in order to catch tab width changed when label attribute changed or when busy attribute changed hide/show image
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 19/123: [e10s] Use frame script for accessing docShell capabilities
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 20/123: [e10s] Add maps from a <browser> element to a CPOW that gives synchronous access to docShell capabilities
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 21/123: Don't overwrite tabs with 'inrestore' attribute when useer join multiple windows into one
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 22/123: [e10s] Make Tabmix Session Manager e10s compatible
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 23/123: Update TGM compatibility after changeset 1553cb0a2702
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 24/123: Select last selected tab after closing current tab doesn't work when opening new tab from the first tab
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 25/123: Add TabmixSvc.debugMode function
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 26/123: [e10s] Handle content area click on remote tabs - part 1 - add modules/ContentClick.jsm and TabmixClickEventHandler to content.js
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 27/123: Add unique id to where string return by whereToOpen. use it for debugging the return value
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 28/123: [e10s] Handle content area click on remote tabs - part 2 - use modules/ContentClick.jsm for non-remote browsers
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 29/123: [e10s] Add multiprocessCompatible to install.rdf
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 30/123: [e10s] Follow up bug 1051017 - window.content -> window.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindowAsCPOW
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 31/123: [e10s] Follow up bug 1051017 - browser.contentDocument -> browser.contentDocumentAsCPOW
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 32/123: [e10s] Follow up bug 1051017 - browser.contentWindow -> browser.contentWindowAsCPOW
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 33/123: Fix compatibility issues with TreeStyleTab extension
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 34/123: Update locals from
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 35/123: Added tag for changeset 355eea56e27e
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 36/123: When no error is pass to assert call trace
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 37/123: [e10s] Collecting scroll position from history on remote tabs break TabmixSessionManager.saveTabHistory
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 38/123: Multi row tab bar issue on Max - top rows hidden on resize.
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 39/123: Remove background clip-path when hovered on tab with background color on mac
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 40/123: Follow up Bug 1050447 - use newTab instead of calling getTabForLastPanel
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 41/123: Make sure external links in open new tab when user set its preferences to do so.
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 42/123: Don't check call isUrlForDownload for url when 'extensions.tabmix.enablefiletype' preference is off. remove download.asp from 'extensions.tabmix.filetype' preference
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 43/123: Follow up bug 1024496 and changeset bb1f71e71f15 - update notoverflowing and call _updateScrollButtonsDisabledState from our overflow/underflow listeners and hide both indicators permanently when in multirow.
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 44/123: When restoring session with the preference 'Don’t load tabs until selected' set unloaded tab-styling updates slowly
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 45/123: No need to hide new tabs on Tab Mix Session Manager
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 46/123: Fix Error - redeclaration of var Cc
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 47/123: Middle-clicking forward/backward history menu open new tab next to the current tab according to "Open duplicated tabs next to original" preference instead of "Open other tabs next to current one"
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 48/123: When user show new tab button after last tab, we show it on the side only on multi-row place it immediately after gBrowser.tabContainer
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 49/123: Use Firefox's built-in CustomizableUI.jsm to move 'new-tab-button' within TabsToolbar
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 50/123: Call Tabmix.getAfterTabsButtonsWidth after delay and clean adjustNewtabButtonvisibility. this should fix - 'Sometimes the newtab button gets placed into a new row on its own'
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 51/123: Typo this need to be self
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 52/123: Catch tabs width in a weakMap to reduce calls to TabmixTabbar.updateScrollStatus
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 53/123: Use browser getters instead of contentWindow Update changeset 7b3a13891a21 - [e10s] Follow up bug 1051017 - browser.contentDocument -> browser.contentDocumentAsCPOW
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 54/123: Don't change anything when link clicked with modifiers to save link or to open it in new window
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 55/123: Add makeURI function, use decodeURI directly
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 56/123: Use lazy getter to call href from onclick function that change location.href. use stopImmediatePropagation to stop the onclick instead of changing the page content
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 57/123: Handle non-link element with onclick that change location.href
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 58/123: Added tag for changeset fc82dea49309
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 59/123: Changeset 77e3810f7efc, revels hidden bug. setting 'tabmix-show-newtabbutton' attribute with empty string instead of null, to remove the attribute, make the 2 new-tab-button visible
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 60/123: When all tabs are pinned _getScrollableElements return empty array and tabs[0] is undefined
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 61/123: Fix changeset a462cea7f60f - Update for debug mode
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 62/123: Fix changeset - bug 935377 - Firefox should fix common scheme typos - LOAD_FLAGS_FIXUP_SCHEME_TYPOS exist from Firefox 29
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 63/123: Follow up changeset 1553cb0a2702. 1. holds reference to SessionStore.jsm only since Firefox 25. 2. SessionStore.restoreTabs function name was SessionStore.restoreHistoryPrecursor until Firefox 27.
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 64/123: Add lazy getter to SessionStoreInternal
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 65/123: Remove leftover blank tab if last session contained only pinned tab(s).
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 66/123: Update changeset fb438528ba0b and set window.arguments[0] to null in the case that our session manager will override homepage
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 67/123: Set SessionStore._loadState to running on first window in session to prevent it from restoring pinned tabs.
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 68/123: Remove clip-path add by Firefox to not selected tabs with background, when tabs in title bar, window is not maximized and menu bar is hidden. (Bug 987067, changeset 68d149276487)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 69/123: Add overlay to about:preferences#general for linux
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 70/123: Add isMultiRow property to gBrowser.tabContainer.mTabstrip
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 71/123: Make sure 'notoverflowing' attribute is up-to-date even when our code change tabstrip height before overflow/underflow events fired
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 72/123: When theme or extension add negative margin-bottom to the tab or tab content the scrollHeight can be larger than the actual scrollbox inner-box height
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 73/123: Replace visibility: collapse with display: none; to hide 'new-tab-button' after tabs. Some themes or extensions add width or height css rules with important, this can mess our multi-row height when we hide 'new-tab-button' after tabs.
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 74/123: Update maxVersion to 35.0a1
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 75/123: Added tag for changeset 15073de3d80c
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 76/123: Move call to text_link.css from overlay files and add it as style to chrome.manifest
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 77/123: Clean our overlay to Firefox preferences, fix some compatibility issues, when ghostery extensions and noia theme install main pane is blank
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 78/123: Update SingleWindowModeUtils.jsm
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 80/123: Send "sessionstore-windows-restored" notification as soon as _init function finished
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 81/123: Add new options "Restore my pinned tabs from last time" when user preference is not to restore when Firefox starts
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 82/123: Remove leftover from debugging
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 83/123: Add column number to our _formatStack function
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 79/123: Follow up changeset 0fa25a4ecab0
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 84/123: [Australis] Wrong margin for pinned tabs in when multi-row overflows
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 85/123: Added tag for changeset 38a271822070
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 86/123: Make sure to clear TMP_Places.currentTab when setTabTitle finished without changing the title
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 87/123: Selected tab sometimes not scroll to view when there are many rows and pinned tab
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 88/123: [Australis] Add our 'fullscr-bottom-toggler' directly to 'browser-bottombox'. 'addon-bar' move out of the bottombox since Firefox 28
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 89/123: Remove initial disabled attribute from broadcasters, it prevent the broadcaster from working properly when the buttons moved from palette to toolbar or when the buttons are the menu panel
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 90/123: Remove disabled state from our buttons when entring customizing tab, and sync broadcasters again when exiting customizing tab
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 91/123: Follow up changeset 178995038b3b, make sure 'new-tab-button' is in the right place.
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 92/123: Exit dragOver when in customizing
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 93/123: Move appmenu-sessionmanager to its position when Classic Theme Restorer installed
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 94/123: Adjust css rules for tabs-closebutton on the tab strip by adding toolbarbutton-1 call to the button to make its padding and margin match other buttons
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 95/123: When scrollButtonsMode is in one row and there are pinned tabs we don't need to change radius for selected or hovered tab when it is last pinned or first non-pinned tab
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 96/123: With Firefox 17.0-20.0 modules/ContentClick.jsm can't pass aEvent.__where to handleLinkClick
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 97/123: Changeset 62283f8e2a6a prevents us from sending any notification when first call to _sendRestoreCompletedNotifications is with waitForCallBack true and there is no callback
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 98/123: Add TabmixTabbar.flowing setter to change flowing attribute in one place
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 99/123: Add tabmixScrollBox to TabsToolbar in tabmix.xul overlay, split TabmixTabbar.setScrollButtonBox and move the code to setting the scroll buttons to tabStrip's binding and the code to set the box position to Tabmix.navToolbox
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 100/123: Add tabs-closebutton to TabsToolbar in tabmix.xul overlay. move the function to restore its position to Tabmix.navToolbox
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 101/123: Update changeNewTabButtonSide
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 102/123: Added tag for changeset a296ee808605
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 103/123: Don't change default behavior for links that poins to the current page
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 104/123: Remove unnecessary check, tabStripAreaChanged supposed to run for each change to the tabStrip area. We call tabStripAreaChanged form onWindowOpen and again from delayedStartup
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 105/123: Don't set unloaded tab-styling on current tab
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 106/123: Set our 'Auto Reload' context menu on all button with command to reload or stop, this patch will add our context menu to button added by Classic Theme Restorer
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 107/123: Add listener to changes in CustomizableUI for cases user or extensions changed the UI without entering customize mode
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 108/123: Call updateScrollButtons when tabmixScrollBox move for FireFox 17-28
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 109/123: Improve compatibility with Vertical Tabs extension. Vertical Tabs override our gBrowser.tabContainer binding.
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 110/123: Use non-disabled image for our buttons in customizing tab. Backed out changeset 899b1590df60
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 111/123: Update changeset cb7f56a0b9a4, turning button broadcaster off before CustomizableUI started prevents the broadcaster from working properly when the buttons moved from palette to toolbar or when the buttons are in the menu panel
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 112/123: Update locals from
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 113/123: Load the frame script after registering listeners (regression from changeset b5bf1b1ccc63)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 114/123: [e10s] Update openMultipleLinks function to work with remote tabs. move the TreeWalker to modules and call it from our frame script
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 115/123: Fix re-declaration of variables
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 116/123: Clean our weakmaps
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 117/123: Update upstream changelog
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 118/123: Update watch file
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 119/123: Imported Upstream version
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 120/123: Merge tag 'upstream/'
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 121/123: Refresh patch
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 122/123: Update changelog for release
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] 123/123: Bump standards version to 3.9.6
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] branch pristine-tar updated (7fd74aa -> c3fdcce)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] branch upstream updated (70540a8 -> 927d6ce)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] annotated tag upstream/ created (now 29834ad)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now 66a85d6)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now d278a48)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now b17d64e)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now 0943483)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now 5a03d19)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now f77e684)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] annotated tag debian/2.2-1 created (now 7c1d5d9)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] annotated tag debian/ created (now c884e34)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firebug] branch master updated (633747c -> fdd0b2f)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firebug] branch pristine-tar updated (714eca6 -> 3e6f2eb)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firebug] branch upstream updated (1d58636 -> 68cc91b)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firebug] annotated tag upstream/2.0.4 created (now 4d20c81)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firebug] annotated tag debian/2.0.4-1 created (now b6cba13)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firebug] branch master updated (fdd0b2f -> d055c82)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] branch master updated (803ad4f -> ce2538c)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] branch pristine-tar updated (592dac3 -> 7f3c17e)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] branch upstream updated (9f46a1b -> 56fca6d)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] annotated tag upstream/1.0.0 created (now 4d1a994)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] tag v1.0.0 created (now 0fcbf04)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] annotated tag debian/1.0.0-1 created (now ddf31a7)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] tag v0.4.0b4 created (now 2527372)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] tag v0.4.0rc2 created (now e85034d)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] tag v0.4.0rc4 created (now 73ab82b)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] tag v0.4.0rc5 created (now 7a93e08)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] tag v0.4.0rc6 created (now 16300f2)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] tag v0.4.0rc7 created (now 9a0eddd)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] tag v0.4.0rc8 created (now 8409f10)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [gcontactsync] tag v1.0.0rc2 created (now d9b436c)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch master updated (a40d29f -> 607adcb)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch pristine-tar updated (85ae52b -> c232f78)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch upstream updated (32a931e -> 2218a38)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag upstream/ created (now cdbe348)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag debian/ created (now d99d523)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch master updated (607adcb -> 25d40e9)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [flashgot] branch master updated (d7a3179 -> 2b8ce6e)
Michael Meskes
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [flashgot] branch pristine-tar updated (6b68320 -> 70fdf31)
Michael Meskes
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [flashgot] branch upstream updated (17c4031 -> 43fcfa7)
Michael Meskes
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [flashgot] annotated tag upstream/ created (now efb7b10)
Michael Meskes
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [flashgot] tag debian/ created (now 2b8ce6e)
Michael Meskes
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] branch master updated (e1fd15a -> dae8dca)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] branch pristine-tar updated (edf9038 -> 6fd2dd6)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] branch upstream updated (0cf5a05 -> eeb7a83)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] annotated tag upstream/0.7.24 created (now 3e35f10)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] tag v0.7.24 created (now 3cd0c3f)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] annotated tag debian/0.7.24-1 created (now f5b9730)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] tag v0.7.19 created (now c891898)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] tag v0.7.20 created (now 178621b)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] tag v0.7.21 created (now 6ad7ddc)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] tag v0.7.22 created (now 0574903)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] tag v0.7.23 created (now 0eb6c65)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] branch master updated (e2c2555 -> 14659f3)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] annotated tag debian/1.0.0_b7+dfsg-1 created (now 42f52f2)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] annotated tag release-0.5.24 created (now 08a4651)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] annotated tag release-0.5.25 created (now 7311513)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] annotated tag release-0.5.26 created (now e965363)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] annotated tag release-0.5.27 created (now 00c888b)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] annotated tag release-0.5.28 created (now 1569509)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.1.0 created (now d93e8cc)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.1.1 created (now d489c6a)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.1.11 created (now ddaca91)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.1.12 created (now 2ee5d4b)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.1.2 created (now b1e585e)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.1.3 created (now ae5571c)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.1.5 created (now 3f13008)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.1.7 created (now 323f7f0)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.2.0 created (now 520217b)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.2.3 created (now 266a518)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.3.0 created (now f070fdf)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.3.4 created (now f24d762)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.3.5 created (now 5a5bbbd)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.4.0 created (now 0662c43)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.4.1 created (now 8bec399)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.4.2 created (now 05705a5)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.4.3 created (now 686c1f4)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.4.4 created (now eaa4b29)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.4.5 created (now 6c8634e)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.4.6 created (now f633db8)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.0 created (now e0d4325)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.1 created (now 27a479b)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.10 created (now 8fdf951)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.11 created (now 0999e2f)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.12 created (now f2b1cdd)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.13 created (now 62e4f88)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.14 created (now c73fe0b)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.15 created (now 8f8c87d)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.16 created (now 0d6c823)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.17 created (now 347b2ba)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.18 created (now c40b166)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.19 created (now 3145ba9)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.2 created (now e4a8fc7)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.20 created (now 4685ca9)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.21 created (now be2c273)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.22 created (now e1c6795)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.23 created (now 075c32d)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.3 created (now c068c42)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.4 created (now c719a5d)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.5 created (now 1591b70)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.6 created (now f8afd78)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.7 created (now 3dd2b74)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.8 created (now 624a168)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] tag release-0.5.9 created (now c1ec59d)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [scrapbook] branch master updated (678a3fb -> ffe3302)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [scrapbook] branch pristine-tar updated (91dbbf0 -> 4ba3aeb)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [scrapbook] branch upstream updated (298d967 -> ec5ba22)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [scrapbook] annotated tag upstream/1.5.10 created (now 49a905f)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [scrapbook] annotated tag debian/1.5.10-1 created (now 9faefbf)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [mozilla-password-editor] branch master updated (d68fbc4 -> b2e787c)
Ximin Luo
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [mozilla-password-editor] branch pristine-tar updated (9e78a6d -> 0d4267c)
Ximin Luo
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [mozilla-password-editor] branch upstream updated (4fea1d1 -> 661244a)
Ximin Luo
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [mozilla-password-editor] annotated tag debian/2.7.3-1 created (now 6f87946)
Ximin Luo
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [mozilla-password-editor] annotated tag upstream/2.7.3 created (now c0e2e83)
Ximin Luo
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [status-4-evar] branch master updated (66b8351 -> 24266f6)
Ximin Luo
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [status-4-evar] branch pristine-tar updated (d35a802 -> 13b6f02)
Ximin Luo
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [status-4-evar] branch upstream updated (7df6167 -> 084439d)
Ximin Luo
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [status-4-evar] annotated tag debian/2014.07.06.05-1 created (now 46e4f85)
Ximin Luo
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [status-4-evar] annotated tag upstream/2014.07.06.05 created (now c51b4e3)
Ximin Luo
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch pristine-tar updated (c232f78 -> f835b30)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch upstream updated (2218a38 -> 16dfea0)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag upstream/ created (now 2da6414)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch master updated (25d40e9 -> 299db83)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag debian/ created (now 36d4e40)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [requestpolicy] branch master updated (14659f3 -> 2757629)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [firebug] branch master updated (d055c82 -> b9c5254)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [greasemonkey] branch master updated (034958f -> 897c562)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] branch pristine-tar updated (c3fdcce -> 2f6b5c2)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] branch upstream updated (927d6ce -> 67a396d)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] annotated tag upstream/ created (now c61d45e)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] annotated tag upstream/ created (now 524fde1)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] branch master updated (59a7e14 -> d555f12)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] annotated tag debian/ created (now a53d12b)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] annotated tag debian/ created (now 996b261)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now 1dabadb)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now f81afab)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now 652b394)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now 87f06b9)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [tabmixplus] tag created (now 79b8315)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch pristine-tar updated (f835b30 -> 549b55c)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch upstream updated (16dfea0 -> 1693178)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag upstream/ created (now ff3a326)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] branch master updated (299db83 -> 3a9b05c)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [noscript] annotated tag debian/ created (now dbc6b71)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [scrapbook] branch master updated (ffe3302 -> 726f878)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [scrapbook] branch pristine-tar updated (4ba3aeb -> 26afa21)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [scrapbook] branch upstream updated (ec5ba22 -> bf1d49a)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [scrapbook] annotated tag upstream/1.5.11 created (now 0fcbf60)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [scrapbook] annotated tag debian/1.5.11-1 created (now 334f754)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] branch pristine-tar updated (6fd2dd6 -> 41960d3)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] branch upstream updated (eeb7a83 -> 769e69d)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] annotated tag upstream/0.7.25 created (now 4c8dac5)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] branch master updated (dae8dca -> ef2f1ab)
David Prévot
- [Pkg-mozext-commits] [all-in-one-sidebar] annotated tag debian/0.7.25-1 created (now 84c36ae)
David Prévot
Last message date:
Mon Sep 29 23:04:21 UTC 2014
Archived on: Mon Sep 29 23:04:23 UTC 2014
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).