[Pkg-mozext-commits] [automatic-save-folder] 109/133: Add: - Added a new option box for folder creation. - Added a new option to use nearest parent folder if the old save folder doesn't exist anymore. Changes: - Preferences window: Moved the Dynamic Folders tab under the Help tab. - Saving window: Improved path suggestion detection to prevent multiple entries with the same path. - filter rules: Replacing / by \ when capturing URLs to convert sub-domains in folders. (Windows only) Fixes: - Preferences window: Fixed filter's highlight detection with domain type 6 and 7. - Preferences window: Fixed "only if a filter is found" behavior when using "Save file to". (Thanks to V at no) - Preferences window: Fixed memorized sate of "Force the radio choice to..."
David Prévot
taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Apr 27 20:33:57 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
taffit pushed a commit to branch wip
in repository automatic-save-folder.
commit 5cd636d9dc37b17da0118b7c499dd5f24122c463
Author: Cyan <Cyan at d0063192-6b2e-11de-89a9-0b20f3e2dceb>
Date: Sun Jun 24 12:48:07 2012 +0000
- Added a new option box for folder creation.
- Added a new option to use nearest parent folder if the old save folder
doesn't exist anymore.
- Preferences window: Moved the Dynamic Folders tab under the Help tab.
- Saving window: Improved path suggestion detection to prevent multiple
entries with the same path.
- filter rules: Replacing / by \ when capturing URLs to convert sub-domains
in folders. (Windows only)
- Preferences window: Fixed filter's highlight detection with domain type
6 and 7.
- Preferences window: Fixed "only if a filter is found" behavior when using
"Save file to". (Thanks to V at no)
- Preferences window: Fixed memorized sate of "Force the radio choice to..."
git-svn-id: http://automatic-save-folder.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@118 d0063192-6b2e-11de-89a9-0b20f3e2dceb
content/asf.js | 17 ++++++++++--
content/asf_download.js | 32 ++++++++++++++++++-----
content/asf_right_click.js | 20 +++++++++++++-
content/common.dtd | 2 +-
content/help/variables.xhtml | 9 +++++--
content/options.xul | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
defaults/preferences/asf.js | 5 ++--
locale/cs/about.dtd | 9 ++++++-
locale/cs/asf.dtd | 19 ++++++++------
locale/cs/variables.dtd | 13 +++++++++-
locale/en-US/about.dtd | 9 ++++++-
locale/en-US/asf.dtd | 19 ++++++++------
locale/en-US/variables.dtd | 5 ++++
locale/fr/about.dtd | 9 ++++++-
locale/fr/asf.dtd | 19 ++++++++------
locale/fr/variables.dtd | 5 ++++
locale/it/about.dtd | 9 ++++++-
locale/it/asf.dtd | 19 ++++++++------
locale/it/variables.dtd | 5 ++++
locale/ru/about.dtd | 9 ++++++-
locale/ru/asf.dtd | 21 ++++++++-------
locale/ru/variables.dtd | 5 ++++
locale/sv-SE/about.dtd | 9 ++++++-
locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd | 19 ++++++++------
locale/sv-SE/variables.dtd | 5 ++++
25 files changed, 257 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)
diff --git a/content/asf.js b/content/asf.js
index f9766d5..7f651d8 100644
--- a/content/asf.js
+++ b/content/asf.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
Automatic Save Folder
-Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
+Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
"Automatic Save Folder" is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -246,6 +246,13 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
var currentDomain = document.getElementById("asf-currentDL-currentDomain").value;
var currentURL = document.getElementById("asf-currentDL-currentURL").value;
+ var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
+ .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
+ var mainWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
+ var tabURL = mainWindow.gURLBar.value;
+ var currentReferrer = mainWindow.gBrowser.mCurrentTab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.referrer;
var treename = "asf-filterList";
var tree = document.getElementById(treename);
var maxidx = tree.view.rowCount;
@@ -287,6 +294,12 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
case "5":
dom_regexp = this.test_regexp(dom, currentURL, idx, "domain");
+ break;
+ case "6":
+ dom_regexp = this.test_regexp(dom, currentReferrer, idx, "domain");
+ break;
+ case "7":
+ dom_regexp = this.test_regexp(dom, tabURL, idx, "domain");
@@ -622,7 +635,6 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
// Use this system for tab, because css for tab is not the same color as config window color, and I don't want to force any color by default so user can use new firefox theme's colors.
document.getElementById("asf-tab-filters").hidden = true;
document.getElementById("asf-tab-options").hidden = true;
- document.getElementById("asf-tab-dynamics").hidden = true;
document.getElementById("asf-tab-help").hidden = true;
document.getElementById("asf-tab-about").hidden = true;
@@ -1786,6 +1798,7 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
this.prefManager.setBoolPref("extensions.asf.viewpathselect", document.getElementById("asf-viewpathselect").checked);
this.prefManager.setBoolPref("extensions.asf.rightclicktimeout", document.getElementById("asf-rightclicktimeout").checked);
this.prefManager.setBoolPref("extensions.asf.dialogacceptFiltered", document.getElementById("asf-dialogacceptFiltered").checked);
+ this.prefManager.setBoolPref("extensions.asf.dialogForceRadio", document.getElementById("asf-dialogForceRadio_Start").checked);
this.prefManager.setBoolPref("extensions.asf.useSiteBySiteSavePath", document.getElementById("asf-useSiteBySiteSavePath").checked);
this.prefManager.setBoolPref("extensions.asf.useDownloadDirFiltered", document.getElementById("asf-useDownloadDirFiltered").checked);
diff --git a/content/asf_download.js b/content/asf_download.js
index bc70796..9497a91 100644
--- a/content/asf_download.js
+++ b/content/asf_download.js
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
currentDomain = tabLocation.protocol + "//" + tabLocation.host; // look for the current website URL in the DOM.
currentURL = tabLocation.href; // look for the current website URL in the DOM.
if (currentDomain == "about://") currentDomain = "";
if (this.firefoxversion >= 7.01)
this.current_uri = domain.replace(/^.*:\/\//g,'');
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
var dialogaccept = prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.dialogaccept");
var dialogacceptFiltered = prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.dialogacceptFiltered");
var suggestAllPossibleFolders = prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.suggestAllPossibleFolders");
+ var findNearestParent = prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.findNearestParent");
// If variable/Dynamic folders mode is ON, let's replace the variables to create the new defaultfolder
if (variable_mode == true)
@@ -283,6 +284,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
var file = gDownloadLastDir.getFile(this.current_uri);
if (file != null) lastpath = file.path;
+ if (findNearestParent) lastpath = this.find_nearestParent(lastpath);
@@ -299,7 +301,8 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
folder = this.createfolder(folder, idx);
- this.matching_folders[i] = folder;
+ // Check is the save path is already in the list, if present don't add it again.
+ if (this.indexInArray(this.matching_folders, folder) == -1) this.matching_folders[i] = folder;
this.set_savepath(this.matching_folders[0]); // set the default folder to the first matching filter
@@ -313,7 +316,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
// Set the FileExplorer display status here.
var useDownloadDirFiltered = this.prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.useDownloadDirFiltered");
- if (useDownloadDirFiltered && idx < 0) this.prefManager.setBoolPref("browser.download.useDownloadDir", true); // no filter matched, enable the File Explorer if chosen by the user.
+ if (useDownloadDirFiltered && idx < 0) this.prefManager.setBoolPref("browser.download.useDownloadDir", false); // no filter matched, enable the File Explorer if chosen by the user.
var useDownloadDir = this.prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.useDownloadDir");
@@ -477,6 +480,19 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
+ find_nearestParent: function(path) {
+ /* test if the path exists. If it doesn't exist then returns first existing parent. */
+ var directory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+ directory.initWithPath(path);
+ while (!directory.exists() && directory.parent != null)
+ {
+ directory = directory.parent;
+ }
+ return directory.path;
+ },
createfolder: function (path, idx) {
if (!path) return false;
@@ -705,18 +721,22 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
// remove special characters from filters :
// forbidden on windows \ / : * ? " < > |
if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win")!=-1) // = Windows
asf_domain = asf_domain.replace(/[\/\:\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g,'');
asf_filename = asf_filename.replace(/[\/\:\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g,'');
file_name = file_name.replace(/[\/\:\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g,'');
- path = path.replace(/[\/\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g,'');
+ path = path.replace(/\//g,'\\'); // if the user captured subdomains, then replace them with windows' sub-folders
+ path = path.replace(/[\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g,'');
else // MacOS and linux, replace only / :
asf_domain = asf_domain.replace(/[\/\:]/g,'');
asf_filename = asf_filename.replace(/[\/\:]/g,'');
file_name = file_name.replace(/[\/\:]/g,'');
+ // Do I need to replace subdomains "/" by sub-folders ":" for Mac?
// replace the string here // Year
@@ -846,13 +866,13 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
//set the text to be written on the Radio comment
- if (this.matching_filters.length >= 1 && folderList == 2)
+ if (this.matching_folders.length >= 1 && folderList == 2)
for (var i=asf_savefolder.childNodes.length-1 ; i>=0 ; i--)
- for (var i = 0; i < this.matching_filters.length; i++)
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.matching_folders.length; i++)
var new_radio = document.createElementNS('http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul', 'radio');
new_radio.setAttribute("id", "asf_savefolder_"+i);
diff --git a/content/asf_right_click.js b/content/asf_right_click.js
index 72b9918..459f0d6 100644
--- a/content/asf_right_click.js
+++ b/content/asf_right_click.js
@@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
var keeptemp = prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.keeptemp");
var tempdomain = this.loadUnicodeString("extensions.asf.tempdomain");
var variable_mode = prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.variablemode");
+ var findNearestParent = prefManager.getBoolPref("extensions.asf.findNearestParent");
// If variable/Dynamic folders mode is ON, let's check the variables and replace to create the new defaultfolder
if (variable_mode == true)
@@ -320,6 +321,7 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
var file = gDownloadLastDir.getFile(this.current_uri);
if (file != null) lastpath = file.path;
+ if (findNearestParent) lastpath = this.find_nearestParent(lastpath);
@@ -418,6 +420,19 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
+ find_nearestParent: function(path) {
+ /* test if the path exists. If it doesn't exist then returns first existing parent. */
+ var directory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/file/local;1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
+ directory.initWithPath(path);
+ while (!directory.exists() && directory.parent != null)
+ {
+ directory = directory.parent;
+ }
+ return directory.path;
+ },
createfolder: function (aFpP, path, idx) {
if (!path) return false;
@@ -657,13 +672,16 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
asf_domain = asf_domain.replace(/[\/\:\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g,'');
asf_filename = asf_filename.replace(/[\/\:\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g,'');
file_name = file_name.replace(/[\/\:\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g,'');
- path = path.replace(/[\/\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g,'');
+ path = path.replace(/\//g,'\\'); // if the user captured subdomains, then replace them with windows' sub-folders
+ path = path.replace(/[\*\?\"\<\>\|]/g,'');
else // MacOS and linux, replace only / :
asf_domain = asf_domain.replace(/[\/\:]/g,'');
asf_filename = asf_filename.replace(/[\/\:]/g,'');
file_name = file_name.replace(/[\/\:]/g,'');
+ // Do I need to replace subdomains "/" by sub-folders ":" for Mac?
// replace the string here // Year
diff --git a/content/common.dtd b/content/common.dtd
index 9dc3c96..fe12c2d 100644
--- a/content/common.dtd
+++ b/content/common.dtd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<!-- Current version -->
-<!ENTITY asf.version "1.0.5bRev117">
+<!ENTITY asf.version "1.0.5bRev118">
<!ENTITY about.translators "
- cs : Stanislav Horáček<br />
diff --git a/content/help/variables.xhtml b/content/help/variables.xhtml
index c658644..3fec43b 100644
--- a/content/help/variables.xhtml
+++ b/content/help/variables.xhtml
@@ -6,13 +6,18 @@
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Copyright 2007-2010 Éric Cassar (Cyan)
+ Copyright 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan)
This file is part of "Automatic Save Folder".
You may find the license in the LICENSE file
***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
+<body style="background-color:#FFFFFF;">
<table border="0" style="font-size:12px; margin-top:0px;">
<td align="left" valign="top">
diff --git a/content/options.xul b/content/options.xul
index 366fec1..63da988 100644
--- a/content/options.xul
+++ b/content/options.xul
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- Copyright 2007-2011 Éric Cassar (Cyan)
+ Copyright 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan)
This file is part of "Automatic Save Folder".
You may find the license in the LICENSE file
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
<preference id="asf_showExportButton" name="extensions.asf.showExportButton" type="bool"/>
<preference id="asf_suggestAllPossibleFolders" name="extensions.asf.suggestAllPossibleFolders" type="bool"/>
<preference id="asf_useSiteBySiteSavePath" name="extensions.asf.useSiteBySiteSavePath" type="bool"/>
+ <preference id="asf_findNearestParent" name="extensions.asf.findNearestParent" type="bool"/>
<menupopup id="contextpopup">
<menuitem label="&asf.top.popup;" oncommand="automatic_save_folder.move('top');"/>
@@ -101,12 +102,12 @@
<tooltip id="tooltip_suggestAllPossibleFolders" label="&asf.suggestAllPossibleFolders.tooltip;" noautohide="true" />
+ <tooltip id="tooltip_findNearestParent" label="&asf.findNearestParent.tooltip1;" noautohide="true" />
<tab id="asf-filterstab" style="-moz-appearance: none" orient="vertical" selected="true" label="&asf.filters.label;" oncommand="automatic_save_folder.asf_selecttab('asf-tab-filters');" />
<tab id="asf-optionstab" style="-moz-appearance: none" orient="vertical" label="&asf.options.label;" oncommand="automatic_save_folder.asf_selecttab('asf-tab-options');" />
- <tab id="asf-dynamicstab" style="-moz-appearance: none" orient="vertical" label="&asf.dynamics.label;" oncommand="automatic_save_folder.asf_selecttab('asf-tab-dynamics');" />
<tab id="asf-helptab" style="-moz-appearance: none" orient="vertical" label="&asf.help.label;" oncommand="automatic_save_folder.asf_selecttab('asf-tab-help');" />
<tab id="asf-abouttab" style="-moz-appearance: none" orient="vertical" label="&asf.about.label;" oncommand="automatic_save_folder.asf_selecttab('asf-tab-about');" />
@@ -115,7 +116,6 @@
<tabpanel />
<tabpanel />
<tabpanel />
- <tabpanel />
@@ -263,6 +263,11 @@
<checkbox id="asf-regexp_caseinsensitive" preference="asf_regexp_caseinsensitive" label="&asf.regexp_caseinsensitive.bool;"/>
+ <groupbox><caption label="&asf.options.folderscreation.label;" />
+ <separator class="thin"/>
+ <checkbox id="asf-variablemode" preference="asf_variablemode" label="&asf.variablemode.bool;" tooltip="tooltip_variablemode" oncommand="automatic_save_folder.asf_variablemode()"/>
+ <checkbox id="asf-findNearestParent" preference="asf_findNearestParent" label="&asf.findNearestParent.bool;" tooltip="tooltip_findNearestParent" />
+ </groupbox>
<groupbox><caption label="&asf.options.groupbox5.label;" />
<checkbox id="asf-pathlist_defaultforceontop" preference="asf_pathlist_defaultforceontop" label="&asf.pathlist_defaultforceontop.bool;"/>
<checkbox id="asf-pathlist_alphasort" preference="asf_pathlist_alphasort" label="&asf.pathlist_alphasort.bool;"/>
@@ -330,36 +335,37 @@
- <vbox id="asf-tab-dynamics" hidden="true" flex="1000">
- <groupbox id="asf-dynamics" flex="1">
- <caption label="&asf.dynamics.label;"/>
- <separator class="thin"/>
- <checkbox id="asf-variablemode" preference="asf_variablemode" label="&asf.variablemode.bool;" tooltip="tooltip_variablemode" oncommand="automatic_save_folder.asf_variablemode()"/>
- <description id="asf-variablemodedesc" style="vertical-align:top;margin-left:25px;white-space:pre-wrap" >&asf.variablemode.label;</description>
- <separator class="thin"/>
- <hbox flex="1">
- <groupbox flex="1" style="padding:0px !important;">
- <caption label="&asf.variables.label;"/>
- <iframe flex="1" id="iframe_tab" class="plain" style="padding:0px !important; background-color:transparent; min-height:120px;"
- src="chrome://asf/content/help/variables.xhtml"
- />
- </groupbox>
- </hbox>
- </groupbox>
- </vbox>
<vbox id="asf-tab-help" hidden="true" flex="1000" >
- <groupbox id="asf-help" flex="1" >
- <caption label="&asf.help.title;"/>
- <iframe flex="1" id="iframe_info" class="plain" style="background-color:#FFFFFF; min-height:305px;"
- width="580"
- src="chrome://asf/content/help/help.xhtml"
- />
- </groupbox>
+ <separator class="thin"/>
+ <tabbox>
+ <tabs>
+ <tab id="asf-helpsubtab-page1" label="&asf.help.label;" />
+ <tab id="asf-helpsubtab-page2" label="&asf.dynamics.label;" />
+ </tabs>
+ <tabpanels>
+ <tabpanel>
+ <iframe flex="1" id="iframe_help" class="plain" style="background-color:#FFFFFF; min-height:305px;"
+ width="580"
+ src="chrome://asf/content/help/help.xhtml"
+ />
+ </tabpanel>
+ <tabpanel>
+ <iframe flex="1" id="iframe_dynamic" class="plain" style="background-color:#FFFFFF; min-height:305px;"
+ width="580"
+ src="chrome://asf/content/help/variables.xhtml"
+ />
+ </tabpanel>
+ </tabpanels>
+ </tabbox>
<vbox id="asf-tab-about" hidden="true" flex="1000" >
<groupbox id="asf-about" flex="1" >
<caption label="&asf.about.title;"/>
- <iframe flex="1" id="iframe_info" class="plain" style="background-color:#FFFFFF; min-height:305px;"
+ <iframe flex="1" id="iframe_about" class="plain" style="background-color:#FFFFFF; min-height:305px;"
diff --git a/defaults/preferences/asf.js b/defaults/preferences/asf.js
index 568be78..b839348 100644
--- a/defaults/preferences/asf.js
+++ b/defaults/preferences/asf.js
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ pref("extensions.asf at mangaheart.org.description", "chrome://asf/locale/asf.prope
pref("extensions.asf.userightclick", true);
pref("extensions.asf.rightclicktimeout", true);
pref("browser.download.saveLinkAsFilenameTimeout", 0); // set the default value to userpref.js to prevent main pref.js modification and restore default value on ASF uninstall.
- pref("extensions.asf.domainTestOrder", "1");
+ pref("extensions.asf.domainTestOrder", "1,5");
pref("extensions.asf.regexp_caseinsensitive", true);
pref("extensions.asf.pathlist_defaultforceontop", false);
pref("extensions.asf.pathlist_alphasort", true);
@@ -35,4 +35,5 @@ pref("extensions.asf at mangaheart.org.description", "chrome://asf/locale/asf.prope
pref("extensions.asf.suggestAllPossibleFolders", false);
pref("extensions.asf.useSiteBySiteSavePath", false); // new feature since Firefox 7.0.1
pref("extensions.asf.useDownloadDir", false);
- pref("extensions.asf.useDownloadDirFiltered", false);
\ No newline at end of file
+ pref("extensions.asf.useDownloadDirFiltered", false);
+ pref("extensions.asf.findNearestParent", true);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/cs/about.dtd b/locale/cs/about.dtd
index 63b3fc5..5dec96c 100644
--- a/locale/cs/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/cs/about.dtd
@@ -26,9 +26,16 @@
<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added two new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL and URL bar content.
+ Added an alert if a filter creation error is detected when downloading.
+ The file explorer is now activated on a case-by-case basis when downloading.
++ Added a new option menu for folder creation.
++ Added a new option to choose whether to create a new folder or use the first working parent folder.
* For better clarity, the option to select whether the file explorer should be displayed is now written like in Firefox's options.
+* Improve path suggestion detection to prevent multiple entries with the same path.
+* The dynamic tag list is now located in the Help tab.
+* The default value for the domain filtering is now 1,5 on a new installation to reflect the default value when the input field is empty. (Thanks to V at no)
+* When capturing an URL, the slashes are now replaced by anti-slashes to convert sub-domains in folders. (Windows only)
! Fixed the suggested folder's display if the saved folder is forced to Desktop or Download.
-! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
+! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.
+! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.">
<!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Prevent duplicated suggested folders on the save window.
! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
diff --git a/locale/cs/asf.dtd b/locale/cs/asf.dtd
index 07b7b96..39eba56 100644
--- a/locale/cs/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/cs/asf.dtd
@@ -114,6 +114,13 @@
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "Vlastnosti pro pravé tlačítko nejsou dostupné ve Firefoxu 2. Chcete-li používat filtry pro stahování pomocí „Uložit odkaz jako“ v nabídce vyvolané pravým tlačítkem, je nutné aktualizovat Firefox alespoň na verzi 3.0 (doporučena je verze 3.5 a novější).">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Bylo zjištěno rozšíření Download Sort.&NL;Vlastnosti pro pravé tlačítko rozšíření Automaticky uložit do složky nebudou fungovat, dokud nebude rozšíření Download Sort ve Správci rozšíření vypnuto.">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.folderscreation.label "Folder's creation">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Enable dynamic folder creation (See "Help - Dynamic folders" tab)">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Umožní upravovat filtry pro ukládání cest ručně s pomocí dynamických proměnných jako datum nebo název souboru.">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Upozornění: Používá-li se režim Anonymního prohlížení, Firefox nevytváří složky, pokud neexistují. Navržena bude proto složka naposledy použitá v neanonymním prohlížení.">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.bool "If no filter is found, use the parent folder if the last saved folder doesn't exist anymore.">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.tooltip1 "Prevents the creation of empty folders. This option is used only if no filter is found, if a filter is found then the save folder is created based on the filter's data.">
<!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox5.label "Grafické rozhraní">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_defaultforceontop.bool "V rozbalovacích nabídkách zobrazovat nejdříve výchozí cestu pro uložení.">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_alphasort.bool "Řadit seznam cest pro uložení abecedně.">
@@ -146,18 +153,14 @@
<!ENTITY asf.export.defaultfolder.label "Výchozí složka pro exportovaná data (volitelné):">
<!ENTITY asf.export.showbutton.bool "Přidat tlačítko pro správu dat na panel s filtry.">
-<!-- Dynamics tab-->
-<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dynamické složky">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Povolit">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Umožní upravovat filtry pro ukládání cest ručně s pomocí dynamických proměnných jako datum nebo název souboru.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Upozornění: Používá-li se režim Anonymního prohlížení, Firefox nevytváří složky, pokud neexistují. Navržena bude proto složka naposledy použitá v neanonymním prohlížení.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.label "Upozornění: U značek se rozlišuje velikost písmen.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Seznam značek:">
<!-- help tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.help.label "Nápověda">
<!ENTITY asf.help.title "Nápověda">
+<!-- Dynamics tab-->
+<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dynamické složky">
+<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Seznam značek:">
<!-- About tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.about.label "O rozšíření…">
<!ENTITY asf.about.title "O rozšíření Automaticky uložit do složky">
diff --git a/locale/cs/variables.dtd b/locale/cs/variables.dtd
index f5ab45d..bb79459 100644
--- a/locale/cs/variables.dtd
+++ b/locale/cs/variables.dtd
@@ -1,18 +1,27 @@
<!-- browser and save dialog-->
+<!ENTITY presentation1 "You can insert dynamic variables in your filter's save path, such as the date of the day, the website name, etc.">
+<!ENTITY presentation2 "You need to enable dynamic folder creation in the option's tab to allow manual edition of the save paths.">
+<!ENTITY casesensitivity "Attention : Uppercase and lowercase are different tags.">
<!ENTITY Year "rok">
<!ENTITY Month "měsíc">
<!ENTITY Month.wleadingzero "01 až 12">
<!ENTITY Month.woleadingzero "1 až 12">
<!ENTITY Month.fullname "leden">
<!ENTITY Month.abbr "led">
<!ENTITY Week "týden">
<!ENTITY Week.wleadingzero "01 až 52">
<!ENTITY DayOfTheWeek "0 (neděle) až 6">
<!ENTITY DayOfTheWeek.fullname "pondělí">
<!ENTITY DayOfTheWeek.abbr "po">
<!ENTITY Day "den">
<!ENTITY Day.wleadingzero "01 až 31">
<!ENTITY Day.woleadingzero "1 až 31">
<!ENTITY Special.tags "Zvláštní štítky">
<!ENTITY asf_D "Název domény. (Bez http://)">
<!ENTITY asf_F "Název souboru včetně přípony.">
@@ -20,6 +29,7 @@
<!ENTITY asf_d "Pole „Doména“ z použitého filtru. (Zakázané znaky budou smazány. Nebude-li nalezen žádný filtr, bude použita stávající doména)">
<!ENTITY asf_f "Pole „Název souboru“ z použitého filtru. (Zakázané znaky budou smazány. Nebude-li nalezen žádný filtr, použije se stávající název souboru.)">
<!ENTITY asf_x "Přípona souboru. (Bez tečky)">
<!ENTITY Capture.tags "Značky pro ukládání do složek dle názvu">
<!ENTITY number "číslo">
<!ENTITY Capture.d "Pro vrácení řetězce z filtru pro domény použije závorky. [číslo] označuje pořadové číslo závorky, od 1 do 9.">
@@ -28,5 +38,6 @@
<!ENTITY Regexp "regulární výraz">
<!ENTITY Capture.rd "Vrátí řetězec z domény vybraný pomocí regulárního výrazu obsaženého mezi značkami <b>%asf_rd%</b>.">
<!ENTITY Capture.rf "Vrátí řetězec z názvu souboru vybraný pomocí regulárního výrazu obsaženého mezi značkami <b>%asf_rd%</b>.">
-<!ENTITY Attention.text "Pokud bude výsledná cesta pro uložení obsahovat zakázané znaky (: nebo ?"*/<>|: ve Windows), rozšíření přestane fungovat. V tom případě zkontrolujte filtry.">
+<!ENTITY Attention.text "Pokud bude výsledná cesta pro uložení obsahovat zakázané znaky (: nebo ?"*/<>|: ve Windows), rozšíření přestane fungovat. V tom případě zkontrolujte filtry.">
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/locale/en-US/about.dtd b/locale/en-US/about.dtd
index e4cc8ff..33b011d 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/about.dtd
@@ -26,9 +26,16 @@
<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added two new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL and URL bar content.
+ Added an alert if a filter creation error is detected when downloading.
+ The file explorer is now activated on a case-by-case basis when downloading.
++ Added a new option menu for folder creation.
++ Added a new option to choose whether to create a new folder or use the first working parent folder.
* For better clarity, the option to select whether the file explorer should be displayed is now written like in Firefox's options.
+* Improve path suggestion detection to prevent multiple entries with the same path.
+* The dynamic tag list is now located in the Help tab.
+* The default value for the domain filtering is now 1,5 on a new installation to reflect the default value when the input field is empty. (Thanks to V at no)
+* When capturing an URL, the slashes are now replaced by anti-slashes to convert sub-domains in folders. (Windows only)
! Fixed the suggested folder's display if the saved folder is forced to Desktop or Download.
-! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
+! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.
+! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.">
<!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Prevent duplicated suggested folders on the save window.
! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
diff --git a/locale/en-US/asf.dtd b/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
index 74793c0..1ef41fd 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
@@ -114,6 +114,13 @@
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "The Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature is not available on Firefox 2. If you want to use the filters on your downloads using the right-click menu "Save link as", you should update your Firefox version to 3.0 minimum (recommended version 3.5 or more).">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Download sort extension has been detected. &NL;Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature will not work until you disable Download Sort in your Extension manager.">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.folderscreation.label "Folder's creation">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Enable dynamic folder creation (See "Help - Dynamic folders" tab)">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Allows you to edit the filter's saving path manually and add dynamic variables, like the date of the day or the file's name.">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Attention: If you are in private browsing mode, Firefox will not create the folder if it doesn't exist yet. The suggested folder will be the last used in non private browsing.">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.bool "If no filter is found, use the parent folder if the last saved folder doesn't exist anymore.">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.tooltip1 "Prevents the creation of empty folders. This option is used only if no filter is found, if a filter is found then the save folder is created based on the filter's data.">
<!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox5.label "Graphical interface">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_defaultforceontop.bool "On drop-down menus, shows the default save path first.">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_alphasort.bool "Sort save paths list alphabetically.">
@@ -146,18 +153,14 @@
<!ENTITY asf.export.defaultfolder.label "Default folder for exported data (optional):">
<!ENTITY asf.export.showbutton.bool "Add a data management button on the filter's tab.">
-<!-- Dynamics tab-->
-<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dynamic folders">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Enable">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Allow you to edit the filters saving path manually and add dynamic variables, like the date of the day or the file name.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Attention: If you are in private browsing mode, Firefox will not create the folder if it doesn't exist yet. The suggested folder will be the last used in non private browsing.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.label "Attention : Uppercase and lowercase tags are different.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Tags list :">
<!-- help tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.help.label " Help ">
<!ENTITY asf.help.title "Help">
+<!-- Dynamics tab-->
+<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dynamic folders">
+<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Tags list :">
<!-- About tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.about.label "About...">
<!ENTITY asf.about.title "About Automatic Save Folder">
diff --git a/locale/en-US/variables.dtd b/locale/en-US/variables.dtd
index c3bffc0..5d59dcc 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/variables.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/variables.dtd
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
<!-- browser and save dialog-->
+<!ENTITY presentation1 "You can insert dynamic variables in your filter's save path, such as the date of the day, the website name, etc.">
+<!ENTITY presentation2 "You need to enable dynamic folder creation in the option's tab to allow manual edition of the save paths.">
+<!ENTITY casesensitivity "Attention : Uppercase and lowercase are different tags.">
<!ENTITY Year "Year">
<!ENTITY Month "Month">
diff --git a/locale/fr/about.dtd b/locale/fr/about.dtd
index 273e03b..8d32e52 100644
--- a/locale/fr/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr/about.dtd
@@ -26,9 +26,16 @@
<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Ajout de deux nouveaux types de domaine lors du filtrage : URL du referrer et contenu de la barre d'URL.
+ Ajout d'une alerte si une erreur de filtre est détectée lors de l'enregistrement.
+ L'explorateur de fichier est désormais activé au cas par cas lors de l'enregistrement.
++ Ajout d'un menu d'option pour la création des dossiers.
++ Ajout d'une option permettant de choisir entre la création d'un nouveau dossier ou la sélection du premier dossier parent existant.
* Pour plus de clarté, l'option permettant de choisir si l'explorateur de fichier doit s'afficher est maintenant rédigé de la même façon que dans les options de Firefox.
+* Amélioration de la détection des propositions de dossier afin d'éviter les doublons.
+* La liste des tags dynamiques est désormais située dans l'onglet Aide.
+* L'option de filtrage des domaines est désormais 1,5 lors de la première installation afin de refléter l'option par défaut si la case est vide. (Merci à V at no)
+* Lors d'une capture d'URL, les slashs sont désormais remplacés par des anti-slashs afin de transformer les sous-domaines en dossiers. (Windows seulement)
! Correction de l'affichage des propositions de dossiers lorsque le dossier de sauvegarde est forcé sur l'option Bureau ou Téléchargement.
-! Correction de l'enregistrement d'un fichier avec simple-clic pour Firefox 7.0.1+ si l'URI du site n'est pas présent dans la base de donnée.">
+! Correction de l'enregistrement d'un fichier avec simple-clic pour Firefox 7.0.1+ si l'URI du site n'est pas présent dans la base de donnée.
+! Correction de la mémorisation de l'option "Forcer le choix sur..."".>
<!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Vérification des dossiers proposés sur la fenêtre d'enregistrement afin d'éviter les doublons.
! Correction de l'enregistrement d'un fichier avec simple-clic pour Firefox 7.0.1+ si l'URI du site n'est pas présent dans la base de donnée.">
diff --git a/locale/fr/asf.dtd b/locale/fr/asf.dtd
index 07a377d..15f5bec 100644
--- a/locale/fr/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr/asf.dtd
@@ -114,6 +114,13 @@
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "La fonction clic-droit d'automatic save folder n'est pas compatible avec Firefox 2. Si vous souhaitez utiliser les filtres sur les téléchargements en utilisant le menu clic-droit "Enregistrer la cible du lien sous...", vous devrez utiliser au minimum Firefox version 3.0 (Version 3.5 ou plus conseillée).">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "L'extension Download Sort à été détectée. &NL;La fonction clic-droit d'Automatic Save Folder est temporairement indisponible. Désactivez l'extension Download Sort dans le menu "Outils/Modules complémentaires..." afin de pouvoir utiliser le clic-droit avec Automatic Save Folder.">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.folderscreation.label "Création des dossiers">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Activer la création dynamique des chemin d'enregistrement (Voir l'onglet "Aide - Dossiers dynamiques")">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Permet d'éditer manuellement le chemin d'enregistrement des filtres et d'ajouter des variables dynamiques, comme la date du jour ou le domaine d'hébergement.">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Attention : Lorsque vous utilisez la navigation privée, Firefox ne vous proposera pas les dossiers inexistant. Le dernier dossier utilisé en mode non privé sera proposé à la place.">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.bool "Lorsqu'aucun filtre n'est trouvé, utiliser le dossier parent si le dossier précédent n'existe plus.">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.tooltip1 "Empêche la création d'un nouveau dossier vide. Cette option est utilisée uniquement si aucun filtre n'est trouvé, dans le cas contraire le dossier d'enregistrement est créé en ce basant sur les données du filtre.">
<!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox5.label "Interface graphique">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_defaultforceontop.bool "Dans les menus déroulants, afficher en premier le chemin d'enregistrement par défaut.">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_alphasort.bool "Trier la liste des chemins d'enregistrement par ordre alphabétique.">
@@ -146,18 +153,14 @@
<!ENTITY asf.export.defaultfolder.label "Dossier par défaut pour les données exportées (facultatif) :">
<!ENTITY asf.export.showbutton.bool "Ajouter un boutton de gestion des données sur l'onglet des filtres.">
-<!-- Dynamics tab-->
-<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dossiers dynamiques">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Activer">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Permet d'éditer manuellement le chemin d'enregistrement des filtres et d'ajouter des variables dynamiques, comme la date du jour ou le domaine d'hébergement.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Attention : Lorsque vous utilisez la navigation privée, Firefox ne vous proposera pas les dossiers inexistant. Le dernier dossier utilisé en mode non privé sera proposé à la place.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.label "Attention : Les majuscules et les minuscules correspondent à des balises différentes.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Liste des balises :">
<!-- Help tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.help.label " Aide ">
<!ENTITY asf.help.title "Aide">
+<!-- Dynamics tab-->
+<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dossiers dynamiques">
+<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Liste des balises :">
<!-- About tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.about.label "À propos...">
<!ENTITY asf.about.title "À propos d'Automatic Save Folder">
diff --git a/locale/fr/variables.dtd b/locale/fr/variables.dtd
index 72f3628..00dd02d 100644
--- a/locale/fr/variables.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr/variables.dtd
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
<!-- browser and save dialog-->
+<!ENTITY presentation1 "Vous pouvez insérer des variables dynamiques dans le chemin d'enregistrement de vos filtres, tel que la date du jour, le nom du site, etc.">
+<!ENTITY presentation2 "Vous devez activer l'option de création dynamique dans l'onglet des options afin de pouvoir éditer les chemins d'enregistrement manuellement.">
+<!ENTITY casesensitivity "Attention : Les majuscules et les minuscules correspondent à des balises différentes.">
<!ENTITY Year "Année">
<!ENTITY Month "Mois">
diff --git a/locale/it/about.dtd b/locale/it/about.dtd
index 933adc2..f84d8f9 100644
--- a/locale/it/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/it/about.dtd
@@ -26,9 +26,16 @@
<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added two new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL and URL bar content.
+ Added an alert if a filter creation error is detected when downloading.
+ The file explorer is now activated on a case-by-case basis when downloading.
++ Added a new option menu for folder creation.
++ Added a new option to choose whether to create a new folder or use the first working parent folder.
* For better clarity, the option to select whether the file explorer should be displayed is now written like in Firefox's options.
+* Improve path suggestion detection to prevent multiple entries with the same path.
+* The dynamic tag list is now located in the Help tab.
+* The default value for the domain filtering is now 1,5 on a new installation to reflect the default value when the input field is empty. (Thanks to V at no)
+* When capturing an URL, the slashes are now replaced by anti-slashes to convert sub-domains in folders. (Windows only)
! Fixed the suggested folder's display if the saved folder is forced to Desktop or Download.
-! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
+! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.
+! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.">
<!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Prevent duplicated suggested folders on the save window.
! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
diff --git a/locale/it/asf.dtd b/locale/it/asf.dtd
index 44e3b58..6f8f277 100644
--- a/locale/it/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/it/asf.dtd
@@ -114,6 +114,13 @@
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "The Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature is not available on Firefox 2. If you want to use the filters on your downloads using the right-click menu "Save link as", you should update your Firefox version to 3.0 minimum (recommended version 3.5 or more).">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Download sort extension has been detected. &NL;Automatic Save Folder's right-click feature will not work until you disable Download Sort in your Extension manager.">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.folderscreation.label "Folder's creation">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Enable dynamic folder creation (See "Help - Dynamic folders" tab)">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Permette di editare i percorsi di salvataggi manualmente e aggiungere variabili dinamiche, come la data del giorno o il nome del file.">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Attention: If you are in private browsing mode, Firefox will not create the folder if it doesn't exist yet. The suggested folder will be the last used in non private browsing.">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.bool "If no filter is found, use the parent folder if the last saved folder doesn't exist anymore.">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.tooltip1 "Prevents the creation of empty folders. This option is used only if no filter is found, if a filter is found then the save folder is created based on the filter's data.">
<!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox5.label "Graphical inerface">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_defaultforceontop.bool "On drop-down menus, shows the default save path first.">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_alphasort.bool "Sort save paths list alphabetically.">
@@ -146,18 +153,14 @@
<!ENTITY asf.export.defaultfolder.label "Default folder for exported data (optional):">
<!ENTITY asf.export.showbutton.bool "Add a data management button on the filter's tab.">
-<!-- Dynamics tab-->
-<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dynamic folders">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Enable">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Permette di editare i percorsi di salvataggi manualmente e aggiungere variabili dinamiche, come la data del giorno o il nome del file.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Attention: If you are in private browsing mode, Firefox will not create the folder if it doesn't exist yet. The suggested folder will be the last used in non private browsing.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.label "Nota : Attenziona ai caratteri maiuscoli e minuscoli.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Lista dei tag :">
<!-- help tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.help.label " Aiuto ">
<!ENTITY asf.help.title "Aiuto">
+<!-- Dynamics tab-->
+<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dynamic folders">
+<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Lista dei tag :">
<!-- About tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.about.label "Informazioni...">
<!ENTITY asf.about.title "Automatic Save Folder">
diff --git a/locale/it/variables.dtd b/locale/it/variables.dtd
index f459220..aaf8915 100644
--- a/locale/it/variables.dtd
+++ b/locale/it/variables.dtd
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
<!-- browser and save dialog-->
+<!ENTITY presentation1 "You can insert dynamic variables in your filter's save path, such as the date of the day, the website name, etc.">
+<!ENTITY presentation2 "You need to enable dynamic folder creation in the option's tab to allow manual edition of the save paths.">
+<!ENTITY casesensitivity "Attention : Uppercase and lowercase are different tags.">
<!ENTITY Year "Anno">
<!ENTITY Month "Mese">
diff --git a/locale/ru/about.dtd b/locale/ru/about.dtd
index 428cff0..e0f8770 100644
--- a/locale/ru/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/ru/about.dtd
@@ -26,9 +26,16 @@
<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added two new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL and URL bar content.
+ Added an alert if a filter creation error is detected when downloading.
+ The file explorer is now activated on a case-by-case basis when downloading.
++ Added a new option menu for folder creation.
++ Added a new option to choose whether to create a new folder or use the first working parent folder.
* For better clarity, the option to select whether the file explorer should be displayed is now written like in Firefox's options.
+* Improve path suggestion detection to prevent multiple entries with the same path.
+* The dynamic tag list is now located in the Help tab.
+* The default value for the domain filtering is now 1,5 on a new installation to reflect the default value when the input field is empty. (Thanks to V at no)
+* When capturing an URL, the slashes are now replaced by anti-slashes to convert sub-domains in folders. (Windows only)
! Fixed the suggested folder's display if the saved folder is forced to Desktop or Download.
-! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
+! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.
+! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.">
<!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Prevent duplicated suggested folders on the save window.
! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
diff --git a/locale/ru/asf.dtd b/locale/ru/asf.dtd
index 0d246e5..cc666ea 100644
--- a/locale/ru/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/ru/asf.dtd
@@ -114,6 +114,13 @@
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "Меню Automatic Save Folder по правой кнопке мыши не доступно для Firefox 2. Если вы хотите иметь возможность использовать фильтры для меню правой кнопки мыши "Сохранить ссылку как...", вы должны обновить Firefox до версии 3.0 (рекомендуемая версия 3.5 или выше).">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Обнаружено дополнение "Download sort". &NL;Меню Automatic Save Folder по правой кнопке мыши не будет доступно пока вы не отключите "Download Sort" в списке дополнений.">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.folderscreation.label "Folder's creation">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Enable dynamic folder creation (See "Help - Dynamic folders" tab)">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Позволяет вам редактировать вручную пути сохранения и добавлять динамические переменные, такие как дата и имя файла.">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Внимание: Если вы находитесь в режиме приватного просмотра, Firefox не сможет создать папку если она не существует. Будет предложена последняя папка использованная до включения режима приватного просмотра.">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.bool "If no filter is found, use the parent folder if the last saved folder doesn't exist anymore.">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.tooltip1 "Prevents the creation of empty folders. This option is used only if no filter is found, if a filter is found then the save folder is created based on the filter's data.">
<!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox5.label "Графический интерфейс">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_defaultforceontop.bool "Первым показывать путь для сохранения по умолчанию.">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_alphasort.bool "Алфавитная сортировка списков.">
@@ -146,18 +153,14 @@
<!ENTITY asf.export.defaultfolder.label "Default folder for exported data (optional):">
<!ENTITY asf.export.showbutton.bool "Add a data management button on the filter's tab.">
-<!-- Dynamics tab-->
-<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Динамические папки">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Включить">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Позволяет вам редактировать вручную пути сохранения и добавлять динамические переменные, такие как дата и имя файла.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Внимание: Если вы находитесь в режиме приватного просмотра, Firefox не сможет создать папку если она не существует. Будет предложена последняя папка использованная до включения режима приватного просмотра.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.label "Внимание: Теги с большими и маленькими буквами различаются.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Список тегов:">
<!-- help tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.help.label " Помощь ">
<!ENTITY asf.help.title "Помощь">
+<!-- Dynamics tab-->
+<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Динамические папки">
+<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Список тегов:">
<!-- About tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.about.label "О дополнении...">
<!ENTITY asf.about.title "О Automatic Save Folder">
@@ -183,4 +186,4 @@
<!-- Regular expression Help dialog -->
<!ENTITY asf.regexp.title "Регулярные выражения">
-<!ENTITY asf.regexp.label "Помощь и примеры">
\ No newline at end of file
+<!ENTITY asf.regexp.label "Помощь и примеры">
diff --git a/locale/ru/variables.dtd b/locale/ru/variables.dtd
index c3cc91f..b7f2066 100644
--- a/locale/ru/variables.dtd
+++ b/locale/ru/variables.dtd
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
<!-- browser and save dialog-->
+<!ENTITY presentation1 "You can insert dynamic variables in your filter's save path, such as the date of the day, the website name, etc.">
+<!ENTITY presentation2 "You need to enable dynamic folder creation in the option's tab to allow manual edition of the save paths.">
+<!ENTITY casesensitivity "Attention : Uppercase and lowercase are different tags.">
<!ENTITY Year "Год">
<!ENTITY Month "Месяц">
diff --git a/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd b/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd
index 4eb701c..3e7f148 100644
--- a/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd
@@ -26,9 +26,16 @@
<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added two new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL and URL bar content.
+ Added an alert if a filter creation error is detected when downloading.
+ The file explorer is now activated on a case-by-case basis when downloading.
++ Added a new option menu for folder creation.
++ Added a new option to choose whether to create a new folder or use the first working parent folder.
* For better clarity, the option to select whether the file explorer should be displayed is now written like in Firefox's options.
+* Improve path suggestion detection to prevent multiple entries with the same path.
+* The dynamic tag list is now located in the Help tab.
+* The default value for the domain filtering is now 1,5 on a new installation to reflect the default value when the input field is empty. (Thanks to V at no)
+* When capturing an URL, the slashes are now replaced by anti-slashes to convert sub-domains in folders. (Windows only)
! Fixed the suggested folder's display if the saved folder is forced to Desktop or Download.
-! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
+! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.
+! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.">
<!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Prevent duplicated suggested folders on the save window.
! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
diff --git a/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd b/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd
index c36fff9..770a06b 100644
--- a/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd
@@ -114,6 +114,13 @@
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.ff2.label "Automatic Save Folders högerklicksfunktion är inte tillgänglig i Firefox 2. Om du vill använda filtren vid nerladdningar via snabbmenyobjektet "Spara länk som", måste du uppdatera Firefox till version 3.0 eller högre (version 3.5 eller högre rekommenderas).">
<!ENTITY asf.rightclick.DSort.label "Tillägget Download Sort har upptäckts. &NL;Automatic Save Folders högerklicksfunktion kommer inte att fungera förrän du inaktiverar Download Sort i Tilläggshanteraren.">
+<!ENTITY asf.options.folderscreation.label "Folder's creation">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Enable dynamic folder creation (See "Help - Dynamic folders" tab)">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Låter dig redigera filtrens sparsökvägar manuellt och lägga till dynamiska variabler, t.ex. dagens datum eller filnamnet.">
+<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Obs: Om du är i privat surfning-läget kommer Firefox inte att skapa mappen om den inte redan finns. Den föreslagna mappen blir istället den senast använda i normalläget (icke-privat surfning).">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.bool "If no filter is found, use the parent folder if the last saved folder doesn't exist anymore.">
+<!ENTITY asf.findNearestParent.tooltip1 "Prevents the creation of empty folders. This option is used only if no filter is found, if a filter is found then the save folder is created based on the filter's data.">
<!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox5.label "Grafiskt gränssnitt">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_defaultforceontop.bool "I rullgardinsmenyer, visa standardsparsökvägen först.">
<!ENTITY asf.pathlist_alphasort.bool "Sortera sparsökvägslistan alfabetiskt.">
@@ -146,18 +153,14 @@
<!ENTITY asf.export.defaultfolder.label "Standardmapp för exporterad data (valfritt):">
<!ENTITY asf.export.showbutton.bool "Lägg till en datahanteringsknapp i filterfliken.">
-<!-- Dynamics tab-->
-<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dynamiska mappar">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.bool "Aktivera">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip1 "Låter dig redigera filtrens sparsökvägar manuellt och lägga till dynamiska variabler, t.ex. dagens datum eller filnamnet.">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.tooltip2 "Obs: Om du är i privat surfning-läget kommer Firefox inte att skapa mappen om den inte redan finns. Den föreslagna mappen blir istället den senast använda i normalläget (icke-privat surfning).">
-<!ENTITY asf.variablemode.label "Obs: Taggar är skiftlägeskänsliga (skiljer på versaler och gemener).">
-<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Tagglista :">
<!-- help tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.help.label " Hjälp ">
<!ENTITY asf.help.title "Hjälp">
+<!-- Dynamics tab-->
+<!ENTITY asf.dynamics.label "Dynamiska mappar">
+<!ENTITY asf.variables.label "Tagglista :">
<!-- About tab-->
<!ENTITY asf.about.label "Om...">
<!ENTITY asf.about.title "Om Automatic Save Folder">
diff --git a/locale/sv-SE/variables.dtd b/locale/sv-SE/variables.dtd
index a372c8c..527718a 100644
--- a/locale/sv-SE/variables.dtd
+++ b/locale/sv-SE/variables.dtd
@@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
<!-- browser and save dialog-->
+<!ENTITY presentation1 "You can insert dynamic variables in your filter's save path, such as the date of the day, the website name, etc.">
+<!ENTITY presentation2 "You need to enable dynamic folder creation in the option's tab to allow manual edition of the save paths.">
+<!ENTITY casesensitivity "Attention : Uppercase and lowercase are different tags.">
<!ENTITY Year "År">
<!ENTITY Month "Månad">
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/automatic-save-folder.git
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