[Pkg-mozext-commits] [automatic-save-folder] 110/133: Add: Added a new domain type: TabGroup's name. Note: It works only if the tab is not pinned. When pinned, it's displayed in all groups at the same time so there's no returned value.

David Prévot taffit at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Apr 27 20:33:57 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

taffit pushed a commit to branch wip
in repository automatic-save-folder.

commit a5bfad6f507589663e2a0f3dbcd0a04de7c2cbf1
Author: Cyan <Cyan at d0063192-6b2e-11de-89a9-0b20f3e2dceb>
Date:   Tue Aug 21 12:47:15 2012 +0000

    Add: Added a new domain type: TabGroup's name.
         Note: It works only if the tab is not pinned.
         When pinned, it's displayed in all groups at
         the same time so there's no returned value.
    Fix: Fixed the suggested save path when using right-click downloads
         with Firefox 7.0.1+ new site-by-site feature.
         It seems Firefox use the current tab's URL with right-click download,
         while it's using File's URL on single click.
    git-svn-id: http://automatic-save-folder.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@119 d0063192-6b2e-11de-89a9-0b20f3e2dceb
 content/asf.js             | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 content/asf_download.js    | 62 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 content/asf_right_click.js | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 content/common.dtd         |  2 +-
 content/options.xul        |  1 +
 locale/cs/about.dtd        |  5 ++--
 locale/cs/asf.dtd          |  1 +
 locale/en-US/about.dtd     |  5 ++--
 locale/en-US/asf.dtd       |  1 +
 locale/fr/about.dtd        |  5 ++--
 locale/fr/asf.dtd          |  1 +
 locale/it/about.dtd        |  5 ++--
 locale/it/asf.dtd          |  1 +
 locale/ru/about.dtd        |  5 ++--
 locale/ru/asf.dtd          |  1 +
 locale/sv-SE/about.dtd     |  5 ++--
 locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd       |  1 +
 17 files changed, 159 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/content/asf.js b/content/asf.js
index 7f651d8..1b95e9e 100644
--- a/content/asf.js
+++ b/content/asf.js
@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 			var mainWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
 			var tabURL = mainWindow.gURLBar.value;
+			var tabGroupName = this.getActiveGroupName();
 			var currentReferrer = mainWindow.gBrowser.mCurrentTab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.referrer;
@@ -300,6 +301,8 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 						case "7":
 							dom_regexp = this.test_regexp(dom, tabURL, idx, "domain");
+						case "8":
+							dom_regexp = this.test_regexp(dom, tabGroupName, idx, "domain");
@@ -1656,6 +1659,36 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
+	// get TabGroup name, from https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/b284e10652d3
+	getActiveGroupName: function () {
+		var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
+						   .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
+		var mainWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
+		// We get the active group this way, instead of querying
+		// GroupItems.getActiveGroupItem() because the tabSelect event
+		// will not have happened by the time the browser tries to
+		// update the title.
+		let groupItem = null;
+		let activeTab = mainWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab;
+		let activeTabItem = activeTab._tabViewTabItem;
+		if (activeTab.pinned)
+		{
+			// It's an app tab, so it won't have a .tabItem.
+			groupItem = null; // I didn't find how to get the Active Group's Name.
+		}
+		else if (activeTabItem)
+		{
+			groupItem = activeTabItem.parent;
+		}
+		// groupItem may still be null, if the active tab is an orphan.
+		return groupItem ? groupItem.getTitle() : "";
+	},
 	DownloadSort_isEnabled: function() {
 		// Check for Download sort add-on, if enabled return true. 
diff --git a/content/asf_download.js b/content/asf_download.js
index 9497a91..12f61ef 100644
--- a/content/asf_download.js
+++ b/content/asf_download.js
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
 		systemslash: "",
 		logtoconsole: true,
 		inPrivateBrowsing: false,
+		result: "", // print_r result
 		matching_filters: new Array(),
 		matching_folders: new Array(),
 		current_uri: "", // FF7.0.1 use a new per uri saved folder.
@@ -77,8 +78,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
 		// var tabLocation = currentTab.currentURI.spec;
 		var tabLocation = mainWindow.gBrowser.mCurrentTab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.location;
 		var tabURL = mainWindow.gURLBar.value;
+		var tabGroupName = this.getActiveGroupName();
 		var currentReferrer = mainWindow.gBrowser.mCurrentTab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.referrer;
 		var filename = 			document.getElementById("location").value ;
 		var domain = 			document.getElementById("source").value ;
@@ -111,7 +113,8 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
 							"4 - Page's domain:\t"+currentDomain+"\n"+
 							"5 - Page's URL:\t\t"+currentURL+"\n"+
 							"6 - Page's referrer:\t"+currentReferrer+"\n"+
-							"7 - Tab's URL content:\t"+tabURL;
+							"7 - Tab's URL content:\t"+tabURL+"\n"+
+							"8 - Tab's group name:\t"+tabGroupName;
 		if (!this.inPrivateBrowsing) this.console_print(message);
 		// debug : show the full downloaded link  http://abc.xyz/def/file.ext
 		// Can use this new function to get free from the need of the download window.
@@ -215,6 +218,9 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
 						case "7":
 							dom_regexp = this.test_regexp(filters[i][0], tabURL, i, "domain");
 							if (dom_regexp && this.logtoconsole && !this.inPrivateBrowsing) this.console_print("Filter "+i+" matched domain type : 7");
+						case "8":
+							dom_regexp = this.test_regexp(filters[i][0], tabGroupName, i, "domain");
+							if (dom_regexp && this.logtoconsole && !this.inPrivateBrowsing) this.console_print("Filter "+i+" matched domain type : 8");
@@ -1230,6 +1236,36 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
+	// get TabGroup name, from https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/b284e10652d3
+	getActiveGroupName: function () {
+		var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
+						   .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
+		var mainWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
+		// We get the active group this way, instead of querying
+		// GroupItems.getActiveGroupItem() because the tabSelect event
+		// will not have happened by the time the browser tries to
+		// update the title.
+		let groupItem = null;
+		let activeTab = mainWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab;
+		let activeTabItem = activeTab._tabViewTabItem;
+		if (activeTab.pinned)
+		{
+			// It's an app tab, so it won't have a .tabItem.
+			groupItem = null;
+		} 
+		else if (activeTabItem)
+		{
+			groupItem = activeTabItem.parent;
+		}
+		// groupItem may still be null, if the active tab is an orphan.
+		return groupItem ? groupItem.getTitle() : "";
+	},
 	DownThemAll_isEnabled: function() {
 		// Check for DTA add-on, if enabled return true. 
@@ -1407,6 +1443,28 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Éric Cassar (Cyan).
+	print_r: function (Obj) {
+		if(Obj.constructor == Array || Obj.constructor == Object)
+		{
+			for(var p in Obj)
+			{
+				if(Obj[p].constructor == Array|| Obj[p].constructor == Object)
+				{
+					this.result = this.result + "<li>["+p+"] =>"+typeof(Obj)+"</li>";
+					this.result = this.result + "<ul>";
+					this.print_r(Obj[p]);
+					this.result = this.result + "</ul>";
+				}
+				else 
+				{
+					this.result = this.result + "<li>["+p+"] =>"+Obj[p]+"</li>";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return this.result;
+	},
 	console_print : function (aMessage) {
 		var consoleService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/consoleservice;1"]
diff --git a/content/asf_right_click.js b/content/asf_right_click.js
index 459f0d6..25e3d68 100644
--- a/content/asf_right_click.js
+++ b/content/asf_right_click.js
@@ -121,10 +121,11 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 			var mainWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
 			var tabURL = mainWindow.gURLBar.value;
+			var tabGroupName = this.getActiveGroupName();
 			var currentReferrer = mainWindow.gBrowser.mCurrentTab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.referrer;
 			var tabLocation = 	mainWindow.gBrowser.mCurrentTab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument.location;
-			var currentDomain = tabLocation.protocol + "//" + tabLocation.host; // look for the current website URL in the DOM.
+			var currentDomain = tabLocation.protocol + "//" + tabLocation.host; // look for the current website domain in the DOM.
 			var currentURL = 	tabLocation.href; // look for the current website URL in the DOM.
 			var filename = aFpP.fileInfo.fileName; // filename or tab's name if no filename specified.
 			if (typeof(aFpP.fileInfo.uri.fileName) != "undefined") // if the download is from an URL
@@ -142,7 +143,9 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 				var fileURLAndFilename = domain+"/"+filename;
-			if (this.firefoxversion >= 7.01) this.current_uri = domain.replace(/^.*:\/\//g,'');
+			//if (this.firefoxversion >= 7.01) this.current_uri = domain.replace(/^.*:\/\//g,'');
+			// Firefox's Right-click function seems to use the current website's domain and not current file URL's domain
+			if (this.firefoxversion >= 7.01) this.current_uri = currentDomain.replace(/^.*:\/\//g,''); 
 			var domain_testOrder = prefManager.getCharPref("extensions.asf.domainTestOrder");
 			if (this.trim(domain_testOrder) == "") domain_testOrder = "1,5";
@@ -154,7 +157,8 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 							"4 - Page's domain:\t"+currentDomain+"\n"+
 							"5 - Page's URL:\t\t"+currentURL+"\n"+
 							"6 - Page's referrer:\t"+currentReferrer+"\n"+
-							"7 - Tab's URL content:\t"+tabURL;
+							"7 - Tab's URL content:\t"+tabURL+"\n"+
+							"8 - Tab's group name:\t"+tabGroupName;
 			if (!this.inPrivateBrowsing) this.console_print(message);
@@ -253,6 +257,9 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
 						case "7":
 							dom_regexp = this.test_regexp(filters[i][0], tabURL, i, "domain");
 							if (dom_regexp && this.logtoconsole && !this.inPrivateBrowsing) this.console_print("Filter "+i+" matched domain type : 7");
+						case "8":
+							dom_regexp = this.test_regexp(filters[i][0], tabGroupName, i, "domain");
+							if (dom_regexp && this.logtoconsole && !this.inPrivateBrowsing) this.console_print("Filter "+i+" matched domain type : 8");
@@ -830,6 +837,36 @@ var automatic_save_folder = {
+	// get TabGroup name, from https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/b284e10652d3
+	getActiveGroupName: function () {
+		var wm = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"]
+						   .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator);
+		var mainWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
+		// We get the active group this way, instead of querying
+		// GroupItems.getActiveGroupItem() because the tabSelect event
+		// will not have happened by the time the browser tries to
+		// update the title.
+		let groupItem = null;
+		let activeTab = mainWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab;
+		let activeTabItem = activeTab._tabViewTabItem;
+		if (activeTab.pinned)
+		{
+			// It's an app tab, so it won't have a .tabItem.
+			groupItem = null; // I didn't find how to get the Active Group's Name.
+		}
+		else if (activeTabItem)
+		{
+			groupItem = activeTabItem.parent;
+		}
+		// groupItem may still be null, if the active tab is an orphan.
+		return groupItem ? groupItem.getTitle() : "";
+	},
 	DownloadSort_isEnabled: function() {
 		// Check for Download sort add-on, if enabled return true. 
diff --git a/content/common.dtd b/content/common.dtd
index fe12c2d..853f996 100644
--- a/content/common.dtd
+++ b/content/common.dtd
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <!-- Current version -->
-<!ENTITY asf.version "1.0.5bRev118">
+<!ENTITY asf.version "1.0.5bRev119">
 <!ENTITY about.translators "
 - cs : Stanislav Horáček<br />
diff --git a/content/options.xul b/content/options.xul
index 63da988..11569f1 100644
--- a/content/options.xul
+++ b/content/options.xul
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@
 		<hbox><description value="5 :"/><label>&asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip6;</label></hbox>
 		<hbox><description value="6 :"/><label>&asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip8;</label></hbox>
 		<hbox><description value="7 :"/><label>&asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip9;</label></hbox>
+		<hbox><description value="8 :"/><label>&asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip10;</label></hbox>
 	<tooltip id="tooltip_suggestAllPossibleFolders" label="&asf.suggestAllPossibleFolders.tooltip;" noautohide="true" />
diff --git a/locale/cs/about.dtd b/locale/cs/about.dtd
index 5dec96c..00ff771 100644
--- a/locale/cs/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/cs/about.dtd
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <!ENTITY about.version.title "Verze">
 <!-- Keep the newline intact as it uses the < pre > tag, keep the 2 beginning spaces to create indentation -->
-<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added two new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL and URL bar content.
+<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added three new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL, URL bar content, and TabGroup's name (It doesn't work with pinned App Tabs).
 + Added an alert if a filter creation error is detected when downloading.
 + The file explorer is now activated on a case-by-case basis when downloading.
 + Added a new option menu for folder creation.
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 * When capturing an URL, the slashes are now replaced by anti-slashes to convert sub-domains in folders. (Windows only)
 ! Fixed the suggested folder's display if the saved folder is forced to Desktop or Download.
 ! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.
-! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.">
+! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.
+! Fixed suggested save path when using right-click downloads with Firefox 7.0.1+">
 <!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Prevent duplicated suggested folders on the save window.
 ! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
diff --git a/locale/cs/asf.dtd b/locale/cs/asf.dtd
index 39eba56..061c8bd 100644
--- a/locale/cs/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/cs/asf.dtd
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip7 "Více informací o tom, které hodnoty odpovídají jednotlivým položkám, zjistíte v Chybové konzoli při stahování souboru.">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip8 "Active page's referrer URL">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip9 "Content of the active tab's URL">
+<!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip10 "TabGroup's name">
 <!ENTITY asf.regexp_caseinsensitive.bool "Filtry nerozlišují velikost písmen.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox4.label "Klepnutí pravým tlačítkem">
diff --git a/locale/en-US/about.dtd b/locale/en-US/about.dtd
index 33b011d..fe422e8 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/about.dtd
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <!ENTITY about.version.title "Version">
 <!-- Keep the newline intact as it uses the < pre > tag, keep the 2 beginning spaces to create indentation -->
-<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added two new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL and URL bar content.
+<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added three new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL, URL bar content, and TabGroup's name (It doesn't work with pinned App Tabs).
 + Added an alert if a filter creation error is detected when downloading.
 + The file explorer is now activated on a case-by-case basis when downloading.
 + Added a new option menu for folder creation.
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 * When capturing an URL, the slashes are now replaced by anti-slashes to convert sub-domains in folders. (Windows only)
 ! Fixed the suggested folder's display if the saved folder is forced to Desktop or Download.
 ! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.
-! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.">
+! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.
+! Fixed suggested save path when using right-click downloads with Firefox 7.0.1+">
 <!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Prevent duplicated suggested folders on the save window.
 ! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
diff --git a/locale/en-US/asf.dtd b/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
index 1ef41fd..2bfc7ad 100644
--- a/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/en-US/asf.dtd
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip7 "For more informations, you can see to which values correspond each entry in the Error console when downloading a file.">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip8 "Active page's referrer URL">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip9 "Content of the active tab's URL">
+<!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip10 "TabGroup's name">
 <!ENTITY asf.regexp_caseinsensitive.bool "Filters are case insensitive.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox4.label "Right-click">
diff --git a/locale/fr/about.dtd b/locale/fr/about.dtd
index 8d32e52..0fcc224 100644
--- a/locale/fr/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr/about.dtd
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <!ENTITY about.version.title "Version">
 <!-- Conserver les retours à la ligne car le tag < pre > est utilisé, gardez les deux espaces en début de ligne pour l'indentation -->
-<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Ajout de deux nouveaux types de domaine lors du filtrage : URL du referrer et contenu de la barre d'URL.
+<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Ajout de trois nouveaux types de domaine lors du filtrage : URL du referrer, contenu de la barre d'URL, et nom du groupe d'onglet (Ne fonctionne pas avec les onglets épinglés).
 + Ajout d'une alerte si une erreur de filtre est détectée lors de l'enregistrement.
 + L'explorateur de fichier est désormais activé au cas par cas lors de l'enregistrement.
 + Ajout d'un menu d'option pour la création des dossiers.
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 * Lors d'une capture d'URL, les slashs sont désormais remplacés par des anti-slashs afin de transformer les sous-domaines en dossiers. (Windows seulement)
 ! Correction de l'affichage des propositions de dossiers lorsque le dossier de sauvegarde est forcé sur l'option Bureau ou Téléchargement.
 ! Correction de l'enregistrement d'un fichier avec simple-clic pour Firefox 7.0.1+ si l'URI du site n'est pas présent dans la base de donnée.
-! Correction de la mémorisation de l'option "Forcer le choix sur..."".>
+! Correction de la mémorisation de l'option "Forcer le choix sur..."
+! Correction de la suggestion du dossier d'enregistrement lors d'un téléchargement utilisant clic-droit avec Firefox 7.0.1+".>
 <!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Vérification des dossiers proposés sur la fenêtre d'enregistrement afin d'éviter les doublons.
 ! Correction de l'enregistrement d'un fichier avec simple-clic pour Firefox 7.0.1+ si l'URI du site n'est pas présent dans la base de donnée.">
diff --git a/locale/fr/asf.dtd b/locale/fr/asf.dtd
index 15f5bec..1231c50 100644
--- a/locale/fr/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/fr/asf.dtd
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip7 "Pour plus de précisions, vous pouvez voir à quoi correspondent ces informations dans la Console d'erreurs lorsque vous téléchargez un fichier.">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip8 "URL du referrer de la page active">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip9 "Contenu du champs URL de l'onglet actif">
+<!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip10 "Nom du groupe d'onglets">
 <!ENTITY asf.regexp_caseinsensitive.bool "Les filtres sont insensibles à la casse.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox4.label "Clic droit">
diff --git a/locale/it/about.dtd b/locale/it/about.dtd
index f84d8f9..4e0541a 100644
--- a/locale/it/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/it/about.dtd
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <!ENTITY about.version.title "Versione">
 <!-- Keep the newline intact as it uses the < pre > tag, keep the 2 beginning spaces to create indentation -->
-<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added two new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL and URL bar content.
+<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added three new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL, URL bar content, and TabGroup's name (It doesn't work with pinned App Tabs).
 + Added an alert if a filter creation error is detected when downloading.
 + The file explorer is now activated on a case-by-case basis when downloading.
 + Added a new option menu for folder creation.
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 * When capturing an URL, the slashes are now replaced by anti-slashes to convert sub-domains in folders. (Windows only)
 ! Fixed the suggested folder's display if the saved folder is forced to Desktop or Download.
 ! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.
-! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.">
+! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.
+! Fixed suggested save path when using right-click downloads with Firefox 7.0.1+">
 <!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Prevent duplicated suggested folders on the save window.
 ! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
diff --git a/locale/it/asf.dtd b/locale/it/asf.dtd
index 6f8f277..5cb9c7e 100644
--- a/locale/it/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/it/asf.dtd
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip7 "For more informations, you can see to which values correspond each entry in the Error console when downloading a file.">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip8 "Active page's referrer URL">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip9 "Content of the active tab's URL">
+<!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip10 "TabGroup's name">
 <!ENTITY asf.regexp_caseinsensitive.bool "Filters are case insensitive.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox4.label "Right-click">
diff --git a/locale/ru/about.dtd b/locale/ru/about.dtd
index e0f8770..118fd0c 100644
--- a/locale/ru/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/ru/about.dtd
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <!ENTITY about.version.title "Версия">
 <!-- Keep the newline intact as it uses the < pre > tag, keep the 2 beginning spaces to create indentation -->
-<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added two new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL and URL bar content.
+<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added three new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL, URL bar content, and TabGroup's name (It doesn't work with pinned App Tabs).
 + Added an alert if a filter creation error is detected when downloading.
 + The file explorer is now activated on a case-by-case basis when downloading.
 + Added a new option menu for folder creation.
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 * When capturing an URL, the slashes are now replaced by anti-slashes to convert sub-domains in folders. (Windows only)
 ! Fixed the suggested folder's display if the saved folder is forced to Desktop or Download.
 ! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.
-! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.">
+! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.
+! Fixed suggested save path when using right-click downloads with Firefox 7.0.1+">
 <!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Prevent duplicated suggested folders on the save window.
 ! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
diff --git a/locale/ru/asf.dtd b/locale/ru/asf.dtd
index cc666ea..2642af1 100644
--- a/locale/ru/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/ru/asf.dtd
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip7 "For more informations, you can see to which values correspond each entry in the Error console when downloading a file.">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip8 "Active page's referrer URL">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip9 "Content of the active tab's URL">
+<!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip10 "TabGroup's name">
 <!ENTITY asf.regexp_caseinsensitive.bool "Учитывать регистр при обработке фильтров.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox4.label "Правая кнопка мыши">
diff --git a/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd b/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd
index 3e7f148..e6b40fb 100644
--- a/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd
+++ b/locale/sv-SE/about.dtd
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 <!ENTITY about.version.title "Version">
 <!-- Keep the newline intact as it uses the < pre > tag, keep the 2 beginning spaces to create indentation -->
-<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added two new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL and URL bar content.
+<!ENTITY about.version.105 "+ Added three new Domain Type while filtering: Referrer URL, URL bar content, and TabGroup's name (It doesn't work with pinned App Tabs).
 + Added an alert if a filter creation error is detected when downloading.
 + The file explorer is now activated on a case-by-case basis when downloading.
 + Added a new option menu for folder creation.
@@ -35,7 +35,8 @@
 * When capturing an URL, the slashes are now replaced by anti-slashes to convert sub-domains in folders. (Windows only)
 ! Fixed the suggested folder's display if the saved folder is forced to Desktop or Download.
 ! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.
-! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.">
+! Fixed memorized state of "Force the radio choice to..." option.
+! Fixed suggested save path when using right-click downloads with Firefox 7.0.1+">
 <!ENTITY about.version.104 "* Prevent duplicated suggested folders on the save window.
 ! Fixed single-click saving on Firefox 7.0.1+ if the current website URI is not in the database.">
diff --git a/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd b/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd
index 770a06b..27ac517 100644
--- a/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd
+++ b/locale/sv-SE/asf.dtd
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip7 "För mer information kan du se vilka värden som hör ihop med vilka poster i Felkonsolen när du laddar ner en fil.">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip8 "Active page's referrer URL">
 <!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip9 "Content of the active tab's URL">
+<!ENTITY asf.domainTestOrder.tooltip10 "TabGroup's name">
 <!ENTITY asf.regexp_caseinsensitive.bool "Filtren är inte skiftlägeskänsliga.">
 <!ENTITY asf.options.groupbox4.label "Högerklick">

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-mozext/automatic-save-folder.git

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